Sacrament Holy Orders - Sacred Heart Catholic Church

The Catholic Faith
In Plain English
Sacred Heart Parish
Rev Scott Joseph Garrett
Holy Orders
Scripture & Holy Orders
"Like Melchizedek you
are a priest forever"
(Psalm 110: 4).
Scripture and Holy Orders
Hebrews 5 contributes to a doctrine of
priesthood. It connects Christ’s priesthood with
his human nature.
“Every high priest is taken from among men and
made their representative before God, to offer
gifts and sacrifices” (Hebrews 5:1).
Melchizedek (Hebrews 7) is the most important
connection to Holy Orders in the bible. Christ’s
priesthood is compared to Melchizedek
“It is even more obvious if another priest is
raised up after the likeness of Melchizedek”
(Hebrews 7: 15).
What is Holy Orders?
Holy Orders is the sacrament through
which the mission entrusted by Christ
to his apostles continues to be
exercised in the Church until the end
of time: thus it is the sacrament of
apostolic ministry. It includes three
degrees: episcopate, presbyterate,
and diaconate (CCC 1536).
Didache (Did a Kay) 150-160
Holy Orders
The Didache: prophets and apostles have
privileged positions in the community.
Apostles should obey the gospel.
Every apostle should be revered as the Lord
True prophets are judged by moral conduct.
When prophets get old, people support
Grace and Holy Orders
The grace of the Holy Spirit proper to
this sacrament is configuration to
Christ as Priest, Teacher, and Pastor,
of whom the ordained is made a
minister (CCC 1585).
Bishop (Episcopal)
and Grace (CCC 1586)
For the bishop, this is first of all a grace of
strength. The grace to guide and defend
his Church with strength and prudence as a
father and pastor, with love for all and a
preferential love for the poor, the sick, and
the needy. This grace impels him to
proclaim the Gospel to all, to be the model
for his flock, to go before it on the way of
sanctification by identifying himself in the
Eucharist with Christ the priest and victim,
not fearing to give his life for his sheep:
Priest (Presbyteral)
and Grace (CCC 1587)
The spiritual gift conferred by
presbyteral ordination is expressed by
this prayer of the Byzantine Rite. The
bishop, while laying on his hand, says
among other things:
Deaconate (Diakonia)
and Grace (CCC 1588)
With regard to deacons, strengthened
by sacramental grace they are
dedicated to the People of God, in
conjunction with the bishop and his
body of priests, in the service
(diakonia) of the liturgy, of the Gospel,
and of works of charity (Lumen
Gentium 29).
Common Priesthood
The common priesthood of the
faithful is exercised by the
unfolding of baptismal grace…a
life of faith, hope, and charity, a
life according to the Spirit.
Ministerial Priesthood
The ministerial priesthood is at the
service of the common priesthood.
It is directed at the unfolding of the
baptismal grace of all Christians.
The ministerial priesthood is a means
by which Christ unceasingly builds up
and leads his Church. As a result we
have the sacrament of Holy Orders.
Synod of Elvira
305-306 (Early Canon 33)
This contains the most ancient
command of celibacy. There is also a
mistake in the wording. The mistake
says, “It is forbidden that the clergy
should abstain from their wives.”
Talks about bishops, priest, and
deacons who are married and the fact
they cannot have sex.
Synod of Ancyra
314 (Early Canon 10)
If deacons declare at the time of
ordination that they must marry and
cannot lead a celibate life, it is OK.
If they do not make this declaration
and have agreed to holy orders,
then they must remain celibate.
Synod Of Neocaesarea
If a priest marries, he will be removed
from the ranks of clergy. If he
commits fornication or adultery, he
shall be excommunicated.
No one is ordained priest before he is
thirty years old, Jesus was 30.
Council of Nicaea
325 (Early Canon 3, 9, 10)
Bishop or priests are forbidden to have in
their house a women living their, except
ones mother or immediate family.
Ordination of priests is invalid if the person
did not confess crimes before being
ordained and if he committed certain
serious crimes then his priesthood is invalid.
For example crimes such as blasphemy,
bigamy, heresy, idolatry, magic, etc.
Sacred Functions of Priest
Priest, Prophet, and King
Priesthood is Christ as Prophet
(the word of God) (Teaching)
Priesthood is Christ as Priest
(purification of sin) (Sanctifying)
Priesthood is Christ as King
(leadership) (Governing)
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Back in Time
Philosopher, theologian, doctor of the
Church, patron of Catholic universities,
colleges, and schools.
Born at Rocca Secca in the Kingdom of
Naples, 1225 or 1227; died at Fossa
Nuova, 7 March, 1274.
Much of this thought has evolved into
what Holy Orders is today.
Aquinas: Question 34
The Sacrament of Orders
Matter: the sacrament is
bestowed by the imposing
of the bishop’s hands.
Form: a prescribed prayer,
which constitutes it as a
Aquinas: Question 36
Qualities of the Ordained
The recipient of orders must lead others and
be a holy man of exemplary life.
The candidate should have knowledge of
sacred duties, i.e., scriptures, morality, etc.
A bishop who knowingly ordains a candidate
who is unworthy commits a grave sin
A man who exercises his office while in a
state of mortal sin is guilty of another
grievous sin every time he performs a sacred
Distinction of Orders
The distinction of orders is derived basically
from their varying reference to the Holy
Eucharist. There are seven distinctions:
There is Priest, who offers the Eucharistic
Sacrifice, deacon (assists priest), subdeacon (attends to the sacred vessels used
for eucharist), acolyte (who readies bread
and wine), the exorcist (expels evil spirits),
the lector (imparts sacred instruction), the
porter (welcomes and protects).
Holy Orders
Code of Canon Law 1983
By divine institution, the sacrament of
orders establishes some among the
Christian faithful as sacred ministers
through an indelible character which
marks them. They are consecrated and
designated to nourish the people of God,
fulfilling in the person of Christ the Head
the functions of teaching, sanctifying,
and governing (Canon 1008).
Celebration & Minister
Celebrated Sunday or holy day (C. 1010).
Celebrated in the cathedral; for pastoral
reasons it can be celebrated in another
church or oratory.
The faithful must be invited so that as
large an assembly as possible is present.
The minister is a bishop (Canon 1012).
Requirements For Ordination
Priesthood - Canons 1026-1032
Cannot be forced and have integral faith
Must be rightly motivated
Must have required knowledge
Must possess a good reputation
Must have integral morals, proven virtues
Must have physical and psychic qualities
Must have take part in pastoral care
Must be active six months as transitional deacon
Must have philosophy and theology degree.
Priesthood: 25 year old Male
Requirements for Ordination
Permanent Deacons
Unmarried Permanent Deacon: 25
years old
Married Permanent Deacon: 35
years old
Permanent deacon: Complete
formation process
Prerequisites for Permanent
or Transitional Deaconate
Sacrament of Confirmation
Enrolled in writing by own hand
Must be a Lector and Acolyte
Signed agreement: I freely want it.
Signed agreement: I am devoted
Public declaration of celibacy
Spiritual five day retreat
Impediments: Can never receive
(Canons 1040-1049)
Amentia, psychic illness, mental illness
Has committed apostasy, heresy, or schism
Has attempted marriage illegally
Has committed voluntary homicide
Has procured or cooperated in an abortion
Has gravely mutilated himself or another
Has attempted suicide
Is prohibited by some penalty of canon law
Temporarily Impeded
A man who has a wife: unless Permanent
a person having an office forbidden to
clerics, i.e. political office.
A neophyte (a recent convert)
Christian faithful aware of impediments to
sacred orders are obliged to reveal them to
the bishop before ordination.
Women Ordination
Why Not?
During the Sacraments, the priest acts
in the Person of Christ. Christ was a
Infallibility: Traditionally all popes
have been Men. The Pope couldn’t
change this even if he wanted to.
Father Justin