Cell Structures and Function Concept 6.4-6.6

Cell Structures and Function
Concept 6.4-6.6
mini organs with a specific function
6.1 pg 110-114
All living organisms are made of cells.
Scientist contributions
Robert Hooke- observed cork – dead
Anton van Leeuwenhoek- pond water
Tiny room-cells
Animicules- simple microscopes
Schleiden and Schwann
Plant and Animals have cells
Cell Theory
1. All living things have cells
2. Cell is the basic unit of structure and
3. Cells come from other cells.
Cell division- mitosis- body cells
 Reduction division- meiosis- sex cells-egg
and sperm.
Importance of Microscopes
Light microscopes- magnifies up to
Can see bacteria- diameter of 1-2um.
 Cannot see smaller cell organelles
Electron Microscopes- use electron
beams- can magnify 1,000,000 x
SEM- Scanning Electron Microscope
Surface- 3D detail
TEM- Transmission Electron Microscope
Internal detail of cell structures
Two Main types of Cells
Prokaryote- bacteria and archaea
no membrane bound nucleus
Only ribosomes, lacks most organelles
Contains DNA in a center region.
Much smaller than eukaryotic cells
Earlier in fossil record.
Eukaryote- protists,fungi,plants, animals
Membrane bound nucleus
Membrane bound organelles
100 x larger than prokaryotic cells
Appeared later
Plant vs Animal Cells
Nucleus, cytoplasm, cell
Plants- cell wall, definite shape
chloroplasts, large central vacuole.
 Animals- no cells wall, smaller vacuoles.
Nuclear Structures
Control center of the cell
 Spherical
 DNA-Deoxyribonucleic Acid
 Chromatin- DNA attached to proteinsform long fibers.
Nuclear envelope (membrane)
Surrounds the nucleus
 Double layer membrane
 Pores –thousands for substances (RNA)
to move into the cytoplasm.
Inside the nucleus.
 Not visible when the cell is dividing.
 Site of ribosomal RNA production.
Cytoplasmic Structures
Between the nucleus and plasma(cell)
 Gel-like fluid.
 Consists of cytosol and organelles.
 Many organelles are enclosed by
 Cytosol is mainly water.
Found in animal cells
 Paired cylindrical organelles near the
 Involved in cellular division???
 Lie at right angles to each other.
Found in plant cells.
 Contain green pigment chlorophyll.
 Site of photosynthesis
 Disks- thylakoids – solar “power packs”
Fiber network in the cytoplasm.
 Changing structural pattern.
 Composed of:
 Microtubules Straight, hollow tubes.
 Shape, rigidity, organization
 Microfilaments Thinner, solid rods
 Allows cell to move and change
 Amoeba- pseudopodia.
Made of RNA and proteins.
 Thousands in every cell.
 Site of protein manufacture.
 Bound ribosomes:
 Bound to the endoplasmic reticulum
 Make proteins for membranes.
 Make proteins for export
 Free ribosomes:
 Suspended in the cytoplasm
 Make proteins that remain in
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Network of membranes connected to the
nuclear membrane
Transport system of the cell.
 Rough ER
 Bound ribosomes• produce proteins inserted into
membranes and exported out thru
 Found in salivary glands.
 Smooth ER No ribosomes
 Lipid building
 Found in ovaries/testes
 Produce sex hormones
Golgi apparatusProcessing and shipping center
 Flattened stacks
 One side-receiving dock- vesicles of
proteins from ER.
 Golgi apparatus refines and modifies.
 Shipping side- sends finished product via
vesicles to other parts of the cell.
 Some vesicles fuse with plasma
membrane to release products outside of
the cell.
Lysosome Digestive plant of animal cell.
 Digest proteins, lipids, and carbs.
 Membrane sacs with digestive enzymes.
 3 functions Fuse with food vacuoles to digest
 Destroy harmful bacteria.
 Recycle damaged organelles.
 If a lysosome explodes the cell breaks
Mitochodria Power house of the cell
 Site of cellular respiration; results in
 ATP= adenosine triphosphate- high
energy molecule.
 Plant and animal cells
 Structure- envelope with 2 membranes.
 Cristae- internal folds, provide more
sites for cellular respiration.
 Unique genetic structure; contains DNA
 Remnant genetic info, from bacteria
 Humans- mitochondria from Mom.
Vacuoles Membrane sacs for storage
 Undigested nutrients, digestion,
waste removal.
 Contractile vacuoles Pump out excess water in singlecelled organisms.
 Central vacuole- largest organelle in
 Stores salts, absorbs water to expand
 Pigments of flower petals.
 Poisons in leaf cells.
Surface Structures
Cell wall Plant cells; also algae, fungi and
 Outside of cell membrane.
 Protects.
 Maintains cell shape.
 Provides support.
 Cellulose in plant cell wall.
 cellulose- tough carbohydrate.
 Wood, paper.
Plasma (cell) membraneThin outer boundary of the cell.
 Regulates chemicals in/out of the cell.
 Semipermeable.
 Fluid-like.
 Proteins surrounded by a phospholipid
Movement Structures
FlagellaLong, thin whip-like structure
 Projects from the cell.
 Propels by “S” shaped motion.
CiliaShorter, more numerous than flagella.
 Composed of microtubules.
 Moves the cell in “back and forth”