Difference, Power, and Discrimination Course Requirements FOR PROPOSED BA 461: Organizational Behavior Criteria and Outcomes for DPD Courses: 1. DPD Courses engage students in the intellectual examination of the structures, systems, and ideologies that create and sustain discrimination and the unequal distribution of power and resources in society. Within the framework of particular disciplines and course content, students will be able to identify specific cases of unequal distribution of power and resources and to present a structural understanding of the sources and ideological bases of discrimination. 2. DPD Courses review the effects of unequal distribution of power and discrimination within the framework of particular disciplines and course content. Students will demonstrate an ability to analyze the effects of discrimination from the perspective of marginalized groups. 3. DPD Courses provide an opportunity to examine the contributions of underrepresented groups within the framework of particular disciplines. Students will be able to give examples of the contributions to society of underrepresented groups within the framework of particular disciplines (examples include: creative, cultural, literal, economic, historical, and political contributions). For DPD Course Approval: Syllabi must include DPD outcomes (see above), method of assessment, and approximately how much time is devoted to DPD concepts. Programs who are using multiple courses must submit their courses as a package so as to determine that the total coverage meets the DPD criteria and outcomes and is at least the equivalent to what a student would experience in a 5 credit course. Once a course is approved as a DPD course, it must be taught as such regardless of who is teaching it or what modality they are using (onsite, online, or on campus). Programs should commit to reviewing courses on a regular basis to ensure that the criteria and outcomes are being met. Program faculty and/or course instructors should engage in regular communication amongst themselves in order to ensure that the language and approach to teaching diversity is consistent across multiple courses so that students can transfer knowledge and achieve some depth of understanding of DPD issues in the discipline. This dialogue will create overt linkages to make it easier for students to recognize and grasp the common thread. Approved Faculty Senate 5.4.10 Discrimination, Power and Diversity (DPD) Course Evaluation Form Using the evaluation criteria for DPD course consideration, please provide the following information and justification for meeting each of the DPD outcomes using specific examples from your syllabus and course. Does this course primarily address DPD outcomes? X YES NO (That is, does the course spend a majority of time addressing these outcomes.) Describe how this course will engage students in the intellectual examination of the structures, systems, and ideologies that create and sustain discrimination and the unequal distribution of power and resources in society. The course includes the following course outcomes that meet these requirements. 1. Define organizational behavior and examine the multiple perspectives of a diverse workforce. 2. Analyze theories of corporate culture, organizational change, ethics, and social responsibility in today's organizations, incorporating the impact of social, economic, political, and cultural trends. 3. Define and apply the managerial implications of attitudes, values, power, and ethics in the workplace. 4. Analyze and apply a variety of employee motivational theories within multicultural organizations. 5. Examine how managers deploy decision-making actions and how organizations may identify potential problems and subsequent solutions. 6. Describe team methodology and the nature of conflict within organizations including the structures, systems, and ideologies that contribute to differing outcomes. 7. Analyze the use of power and politics within organizations and explain the relationship of individual and organizational power, identify the causes and effects of the unequal distribution of power that create conditions for potential discrimination. 8. Define leadership and shared leadership. Identify the main competencies of effective leaders. 9. Describe how the integration of strategy, structure, and the individual will lead an organization to higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency. Students of organizational behavior examine the impact that individuals, groups, and structures have on behavior within organizations and, as open systems, on society. This course engages students in an intellectual examination of difference, power, and discrimination as it looks at the integrative nature of various functional areas within organizations. A system of vertical and horizontal units results in struggles over power and politics. The resulting conflicts and clashes are studied using a variety of lenses including stakeholder, ethical, community, economic, and individual perspectives. These Approved Faculty Senate 5.4.10 discords are accentuated by organizational culture as well as individual and societal cultures. Students wrestle with these competing viewpoints as they attempt to balance employee and organizational rights. Describe how this course will review the effects of unequal distribution of power and discrimination within the framework of particular disciplines and course content. The course includes the following course outcomes that meet these requirements. 1. Define organizational behavior and examine the multiple perspectives of a diverse workforce. 2. Analyze theories of corporate culture, organizational change, ethics, and social responsibility in today's organizations, incorporating the impact of social, economic, political, and cultural trends. 3. Define and apply the managerial implications of attitudes, values, power, and ethics in the workplace. 4. Analyze and apply a variety of employee motivational theories within multicultural organizations. 5. Examine how managers deploy decision-making actions and how organizations may identify potential problems and subsequent solutions. 6. Describe team methodology and the nature of conflict within organizations including the structures, systems, and ideologies that contribute to differing outcomes. 7. Analyze the use of power and politics within organizations and explain the relationship of individual and organizational power, identify the causes and effects of the unequal distribution of power that create conditions for potential discrimination. 8. Define leadership and shared leadership. Identify the main competencies of effective leaders. 9. Describe how the integration of strategy, structure, and the individual will lead an organization to higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency. Students in BA 461 tackle issues such as both surface and deep-level diversity, work life balance, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder rights and influences, migration of labor, employee versus organizational rights and duties. The effects of these tensions are found in employee stress, issues of work life balance, cognitive dissonance, conflict, power struggles, discrimination, and lack of empowerment. These organizational strains affect individuals' well being but also can lead to negative employee attitudes and behaviors which are often correlated with decreased employee performance and productivity. During the length of this course, students will be asked to grapple with recognition and reconciliation of the needs of the individual, group, organization, and society. Approved Faculty Senate 5.4.10 Describe how this course will provide an opportunity to examine the contributions of underrepresented groups within the framework of particular disciplines. The course includes the following course outcomes that meet these requirements. 1. Define organizational behavior and examine the multiple perspectives of a diverse workforce. 2. Analyze theories of corporate culture, organizational change, ethics, and social responsibility in today's organizations, incorporating the impact of social, economic, political, and cultural trends. 3. Define and apply the managerial implications of attitudes, values, power, and ethics in the workplace. 4. Analyze and apply a variety of employee motivational theories within multicultural organizations. 5. Examine how managers deploy decision-making actions and how organizations may identify potential problems and subsequent solutions. 6. Describe team methodology and the nature of conflict within organizations including the structures, systems, and ideologies that contribute to differing outcomes. 7. Analyze the use of power and politics within organizations and explain the relationship of individual and organizational power, identify the causes and effects of the unequal distribution of power that create conditions for potential discrimination. 8. Define leadership and shared leadership. Identify the main competencies of effective leaders. 9. Describe how the integration of strategy, structure, and the individual will lead an organization to higher levels of effectiveness and efficiency. In organizational studies, students explore the impact of varied people and groups on each other, the organization, and society. In BA 461 this takes place through case studies, guest speakers, personal research, role playing, and facilitated discussion. These are enriched by students' own experiential stories and encounters. Approved Faculty Senate 5.4.10