ENGLISH 10 HONORS –THE SCARLET LETTER RESEARCH PAPER– HART Name(s) __________________________ Period ___ *If your paper meets criteria in multiple point categories, you will receive the points of the lowest category. For example: Your paper could have all pages in order (30 points) but also have some errors in MLA format of essay and/or works cited page (10 points). You would receive 20 points. 30 ORGANIZATION and MLA FORMAT CONTENT MECHANICS, GRAMMAR & USAGE, WORD CHOICE, SENTENCE FORMATION QUOTES PARENTHETICAL DOCUMENTATION POINTS EARNED 20 pages in order. errors in MLA format of essay and/or works cited page. 10 pages in order. errors in MLA format of essay and/or works cited page. 0 pages in order. errors in MLA format of essay and/or works cited page. NO MLA FORMAT All Most Some Few No Few Some Frequent Content presented in a logical and coherent manner. Clear thesis statement and restated thesis statement. Content presented with some logic and coherence. Contains thesis statement and restated thesis statement. Content presented with little logic and coherence. Unclear thesis statement or restated thesis statement. Content NO THESIS STATEMENT AND/OR NO RESTATED THESIS STATEMENT No errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. No errors in grammar and usage. Expressive, powerful, creative word choice. Varied/advanced sentence structure. Few errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Few errors in grammar and usage. Meaningful, precise word choice. Some varied/advanced sentence structure. Some errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Some errors in grammar and usage. Appropriate, basic, functional word choice. Little variety in sentence structure. Frequent EXTENSIVE ERRORS AFFECTING THE COMPREHENSION OF THE ESSAY 3 2 1 0 All Some Few No quotes in proper format. quotes in proper format. sources parenthetically documented correctly. _____ pages in order. errors in MLA format of essay and/or works cited page. 5 _____ errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Frequent errors in grammar and usage. Inappropriate, repetitive, or vague word choice. No variety in sentence structure. quote in proper format. sources parenthetically documented correctly. + presented with no logic and coherence. Missing thesis statement or restated thesis statement. quotes in proper format. sources parenthetically documented correctly. + _____ NO QUOTES sources parenthetically documented correctly. + _____ NO PARENTHETICAL DOCUMENTATION = ________/150