Welcome to the Choose Your own Adventure

Welcome to the Choose Your own
Adventure Story: “Black Craver”
May you survive…
Or die?
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The Story
In the present, a man named Gine (You) is walking down the newly opened
Volcano museum. He sees many incredible Volcanoes. Shapes, Color, Sizes,
they were all fascinating and all contains an interactive scaled module. At the
last section, Gine sees a peculiar Volcano, there is a writing saying "Beware". It
is a volcano to never touch. During nighttime, someone sneaks inside the
museum and summons the wrath of the peculiar volcano. The next day,
everything is medieval and the middle ages starts again…
You arise from your sleep one early morning and noticed the ceiling was made
out of stone! Your back feels painful as you get out of your transformed hard
wooden bed. You wondered 'What is going on?!?!' and went to your living room
in daze. You see your parents, and your best friend Noah who had a sleep over
with you. You asked them what happened to your room and your parents
instructed you to look outside. You saw everything full of Stone and looks
exactly Medieval-like from your History Homework. Noah had to go home but
you worry what will happen if you and Noah go outside. Your parents tell you
both to stay at home and your parents would call Noah's parents.
To go outside
Stay at home
To go outside
You agree to go outside with Noah and you tell your Mom and Dad "It's okay,
the buildings and layout are different but everyone else is still the same!" You
and Noah walk out the door but your parents don’t stop you. Suddenly, after
walking a few steps, a thick fog appears and you don’t remember which way to
go. Noah is still with you but you can't find your friend's home. You and your
friend see a fire along the distance but you wonder if you should go home.
Go Home
Go to Fire
Stay at Home
You worry your friend will die outside and you tell him to stay here. Before your
parents could call Noah's parents, Noah leaves the home and went to his
home by himself and suddenly the electricity was cut and a thick gray fog
fades into the city. Now you can't see anything outside and your house is pitch
Stay at home
Find Noah
Go to Fire
You convince Noah to go to the fire to check if there is anyone who knows
anything about the mystery of the fog and changes of the building designs. You
eventually find out it is a camp full of scientists and wise people. They tell you
the black volcano from the volcano museum has released the sealed black
plague by someone. That person infiltrated every science lab and destroyed all
the medicines which could prevent and cure any kind of disease. One scientist
gave you a deodorant spray which could exterminate 40% of the black plague
infected in your body. However, the deodorant is a prototype so it could only
exterminate for a short period of time. "The time it wears of varies" said the
scientist. Now, you have thoughts of going away from the campsite. You know if
you go outside, you will die. The Scientist is still creating the black plague
antidote and there is a supply of the prototypes prevents 40% of the black
plague infection.
1. Leave Campsite
2. Stay at Campsite
Stay at Campsite
After many days of faith and hope. Your footstock is now empty. No markets
are open and you will surely die trying to take food from the abandoned
markets. Now all you can do is wait for the Scientists to finish the antidote. 1
week later, one scientist scram “WE DID IT!” in joy. They injected the remaining
survivors with the antidote. You were the last person to get a shot. Before they
shot you in the arm, they looked at your head. They were stunned. You were
dead once the antidote was complete.
Your life is over…
Leave Campsite
You told Noah you were going to leave the Campsite. You told the risks which could
happen if you stayed at the Campsite. You saw Noah’s face and told him It is up to
you if you want to follow me, Noah did not say a word. With a shadowy face he told
the wise people you left. You walk through a desolated forest, you heard no noise,
all the trees were dead and you are the only thing there. After walking past many
dead obstacles and avoiding all the look-like symptoms of the Black Death you
unknowingly reached the center of the forest. There were many stone shrines
surrounding one living tree, there was a small plate full of pictures and words you
do not understand. As you walk closer to the plate, the pictures and words suddenly
transformed into English words, it said “This message is for any one who finds this
shrine. I have built it myself just in case if anything happens in the past. If the shrine
senses danger, 2 portals will come up. One will lead you to the bad future, the
future which could alter destiny, the other portal will lead you to the real future.
Where every problems can be resolved.” Suddenly, 2 portals showed up, 1 yellow
colored portal and 1 red colored portal.
1. To go into the yellow portal
2. To go into the red portal
3. To go back to the campsite
To go into the Yellow Portal
You closed your eyes as you go into the Yellow portal. No matter what
happens, you were ready for it. Everything went black for a moment, out of the
odds, you were going through a digitalized tunnel! At the end, you body looked
like a 18 bit game sprite you played. You see a 18 bit look-like person in front of
you. He said Hello! You must have come from the Black Volcano danger, he
filled you in on the future information telling you the campsite created a antidote
but the world wasn’t safe. The professors created a digital world where we
didn’t need food and we could start another life.
You adventure has come to an end.
Try Again?
To go into the Red Portal
You closed your eyes as you go into the Red portal. No matter what happens,
you were ready for it. Everything went black for a moment, out of the odds, you
were going through fire. You saw a devil and a blink later everything went pitch
Your life is over…
To go back to the Campsite
You know one thing. You can’t trust anybody around you. You walk back to the
Campsite hoping the antidote has been recreated. Along the way, you
accidently stumbled on a cute dog it was sleeping. After a few minutes, you
finally reached the Campsite. Before Noah could say welcome back to you, you
coughed out blood, your armpits swell and you saw darkness.
Your life is over…
Go Home
Noah tells you "We should go back home" and you agree with him. Both you
and your friend turn back and walk straight back to your home through the
thick fog. After a few arguments and misdirection. You and your friend finally
reach your home. The light inside you home wasn't on and you did not hear
the noise you usually hear in the back yard. You try ringing the doorbell but
there wasn't any sound. You thought to yourself "This is Strange! This has
never happened before!" and you try to open the door . Luckily the door isn’t
locked and you go inside the dark room. Everywhere was dark and you feel
some kind of danger lurking around you. Your friend is still outside your home
hoping you can try to find the backup generator. You find it but you realize one
thing. 2 bodies were lying on the floor next to the generator! Once turning it on.
You realize the 2 dead people were your parents! You cry in fear as you ran
away from your house Noah follows you.
1. Go to Fire
2. Go to Noah's home
Go to Noah’s home
As you cry, you managed to find Noah’s home. Noah’s parents weren’t there,
Noah wasn’t with you and you go into the house. You went to your friend’s
library section and you read the Black Plague. After a few topics one sentence
left you in shock. It was “If you have painful swellings on your armpits, you will
have the Black Plague sooner or later”. Before you came into the house you
remembered something appearing on your armpits, it started to swell and you
cry in pain. You hoped you could survive as you lay on the floor awaiting death.
Your life is over…
Stay at Home
You stay at home in the black out worrying Noah will die. But you know it could
be safe to stay at home than to go outside. Your parents turn on the backup
generator and tried calling Noah's parents. Nobody picked up. You have no
choice but to stay at home now. After a few days, your food stock has been
stolen. You parents and you starve and awaited death.
Your life is over…
Go find Noah
You realize one thing, Noah will die if you don’t help him. "But is it worth it?"
You thought as you walk past the door. After thinking too much, you trust your
guts. You went looking for Noah in the thick fog. Your guts senses trouble. You
look back and saw a shadowic figure. That person suddenly punch you in the
face. Before you black out, he said "You can't interfere with our plans". You
wake up with a strange vision. Some part of your body heard a voice saying
"He went that way" and a ghost figure of the shadowic figure went to the left
You see a mansion to your right too.
Chase after Shadowic figure
Go into Mansion
Chase after Shadowic Figure
You chase the guy who amnesia-ed you. You try to avoid the dead people and
as you quickly felt where he was going. After a few minutes later, you finally
caught up with him. He whisper welcome to your doom as he unleash a black
colored blast on you. Your body suddenly felt weak. Your skin starts to rot,
some black circles appears on your armpits and you cough out blood. He walks
away as you saw your horrifying last image….
Your life is over…
Go into Mansion
You realize it was too dangerous to follow him. You go into the mansion hoping
you could find out something about your vision. You go into the house hoping
nothing kills you. You crept in, but everything is perfect, the light is brightly lit,
no furniture were broken and there wasn't any smell of blood. Suddenly a hear
another voice, you shiver in fear thinking somebody will kill you. You turn in
every direction but you see nobody. You hear another voice, this time it spoke
in the language you understand, English. It said "Nice to meet you again". A
ghost figure appears and you realize it isn't evil. It tell you the story of what
happened. Suddenly your memory… It's back!. You realize one thing, with the
newly acquired facts you learnt, it is safe to stay in here. With an infinite food
and water supplies, you can survive here. 5 years later, you are the only person
who survives the Black Plague. But you are confined in the Mansion with
nobody but the Ghost.
Excellent job… You survived the Black Plague, but… are you happy you survived?
Try Again?