T HE A RREST OF H UMAN D EVELOPMENT FROM BIRTH TO ADULTHOOD; AN UNCONVENTIONAL APPROACH CONCERNING AMANA, IMAN, AS’ S AKINNAH & ISLAMIC MATURITY INSANIAH UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LECTURE: First yr Medical Students COURSE: Islamic Revealed Knowledge OMAR ZAID, M.D. - - Dec 2012 – Mar 2013 Though we have a one-celled body at conception, it contains all the potential to develop our body parts and mature features, waiting only to be realized through a natural growth and development process. The physical development a fetus goes through in nine months parallels the changes our species has gone through in millions of years. The baby has no control over bodily functions. Its body actions are initially directed by impulses and instincts. In fact, most psychologists agree that initially the baby does not have a sense of differentiation of itself from the surrounding world. In the womb, the fetus is, in many ways, at one with its mother. It is inside of, connected to, and affected by its mother. Ontogenesis: The developmental course of an organism from the fertilized egg through to maturity. It has been suggested that “ontogeny recapitulates Phylogeny; i.e. the stages of development, especially of the embryo, reflect the evolutionary history of the organism. This idea was discredited but is now being resurrected. Phylogenesis: The evolutionary history of an organism or group of related organisms. AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE ? “Man is the Measure of all things …” - Protagoras The true implication is that ‘man’ -- being created as the vicegerent of Allah -- holds within himself (as a microcosm) a kind of template or pattern for all that are in the macrocosm. This is not a philosophical statement, but rather refers to man as the created example of excellence. e.g. Man’s lungs are the exact inverse of a tree, physically and functionally. Water is 71% of the earth’s surface. Man contains 75% water (newborn) and approx. 50% at death in old age. Liver cells are hexagonal as is the honeycomb The cochlea of the ear and a seashell The forms and processes of creation are all to be found within man. Honeycomb Hepatic Cells Even liver lobules are hexagonal Honeycomb & Water Molecules Inner Ear Hair Cells The developmental process can be seen as stages of increasing autonomy, differentiation and integration Result: more complex, higher order wholes, identities, articulations and unities in diversities. (integration = Natural expression of Tauhid = Fitrah at Work) We see these patterns as physical cells divide (differentiate) and combine into body parts (integration); Mental images form spiritual cells (mental framework of virtues, patterns/habit,) causing the formation of greater unity from diversity (building individual integrity) and capacity (autonomy = dignity) into more complex networks of unity. The identity of the human body experiences constant changes, as do the mind and soul. These are always active, though more or less so at different times (according to stages of development). Certain developments identify/mark different stages, but the process is continuous. The body reaches a stage of growth which is then maintained (maturity) until that body experiences a gradual decline in physical health and capacity until death; [We develop from a stage that is completely fluid (drops of sperm and ovum) to rigor mortis] Yet the mind and soul have the capacity to continue to grow and develop. despite physical decline. Comparing Ontogenetic and Phylogenetic Stages of Human Development ; Rodney H. Clarken, School of Education, Northern Michigan University Given the proper environment, the body capacities unfold or come into existence naturally. With proper diet, exercise and physical care, the body develops naturally to its full capacity and powers. After developing a healthy body and sense of feeling and mind self, we develop our interactions with others by differentiating and integrating their ways of being, feeling and knowing with our own. The skills and functions of the body can be consciously used by the mind and soul. Our focus gradually shifts from a largely individual ‘self focus’ to a ‘group focus’ [pathology occurs when self-centeredness is maintained = murder (Cain/Habil)] Consciousness grows to differentiate self from non-self and then differentiates-from and Integrates-with all other non-selves The first sense of self is identified with our body as we begin to exercise and develop some control over it [the infant grows down not up during the first year]. Then human consciousness begins to discriminate feelings and mind as being separate from the body and initiates a shift towards personal identity Pathology also occurs when development is hurried or rushed. {Give examples?] Eventually we consider and incorporate all these ‘created’ forces as our mind expands until we see outside cultural influences collectively and reflect and then act upon these while moving from a predominately ethnocentric world view to a more individually defined and personally chosen perspective. Group or collective pathology occurs ( bias and tribalism) when such reflective integration and individual choices to integrate do not happen division. [Rome’s Rule of War] Human Life (Growth and Development) Is a Gradual Process from stage to stage Surah 25, Furqaan or The Criterion, Ayaat 2: He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: no son has He begotten, nor has He a partner in His dominion: it is He who created all things, and ordered them in due proportions. Stages of Development every aspect is proportionately graduated. various phases that all humans must pass through for each stage . These proportionately designed phases are what makes human development a gradual process. Surah 71, Nuh (AS), Ayaat 13-14: What is the matter with you, that ye place not your hope for kindness and long-suffering in Allah [trust]; Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages? Surah 84, Inshiqāq, The Rending Asunder, Ayaat 19: Ye shall surely travel from stage to stage. Al’Quran describes creation as characterized by p e r f e c t p e a c e a n d h a r m o n y. I t i s t h e r e f o r e o n l y the hand of man that disturbs the divine order of development and thus brings about Pathological deveolment. Sura 39, Zumar, or the Crowds, Ayaat 6: He created you (all) from a single person: then created, of like nature, his mate; and he sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs: He makes you, in the wombs of your mothers, in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness. Surah 40: Mū-min, or The Believer, Ayaat 67: It is He Who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a leech-like clot; then does he get you out (into the light) as a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old though of you there are some who die before and lets you reach a Term appointed; in order that ye may learn wisdom. The Goal of Maturity Hence: Mature Muslim Physicians wish to practice M EDICINE not M EDI - SIN The first stage is the stage of continuous growth and development from birth to age 33 which marks the end of youth. The second stage is from 33 to 40: the stage of constancy . The age of 40 is usually considered the stage at which both physical and intellectual ability reach maturity. The third stage is the stage of mid- or proper adulthood (al-kuhulah) from 40 to 60 years when we begin to decline physically and for some even mentally, though so subtly and steadily that it can hardly be noticed. The fourth stage is from 60 to the end of life. This is old age and decline (senescence). In this stage, decline becomes more obvious and noticeable. Pattern of Human Growth and Development Every individual grows and develops from INITIAL WEAKNESS TO STRENGTH AND THEN TO WEAKNESS . In other words, growth and development follow a certain natural inevitable law of rise and fall. That is to say that when the individual gradually reaches the apex of his development, whether physical or cognitive, he then begins to decline gradually. The Qur'an is very precise about this: Surah 30, Rūm, or The Roman Empire, Ayaat 54: It is Allah Who created you in a state of (helpless) weakness, then gave (you) strength after weakness, then, after strength, gave (you weakness and a hoary head. Surah 46: Al Qaaf, or Winding Sand-tracts, Ayaat 15: We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents: In pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth. The carrying of the (child) to his weaning is (a period of) thirty months. At length, when he reaches the age of full strength and attains forty years, he says, 'O my Lord! Grant me that I may be grateful for Thy favour which Thou has bestowed upon me, and upon both my parents, and that I may work righteousness such as Thou mayest approve; and be gracious to me in my issue. Truly have I turned to Thee and truly do I bow (to Thee) in Islam.' This implies that both limits and patterns are components of The ‘vital force’ or ‘energy’ granted by Al’Mussawir to each Human, both generally and specifically. But … there are exceptions … such as Al’Kidir. A L’M USSAWWIR : the Bestower of Form . Human Development: Conventional Western Model(s) also describe four stages Prenatal period Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood From conception to birth. birth to 2 yrs. 2 to 11-12 yrs. 11-12 to 19-20 yrs. 20 years ? onward The child acquires initial motor, cognitive, and social skills The child acquires language and learns about the most important social skills. approximately 266 days in every ethnic, racial, or social group The child has reached sexual maturity but has not yet taken on adult rights and responsibilities. The individual has achieved adult status as prescribed by the norms and laws of a particular society Islam’s First Stage ends at age 33 Development is a universal principle seen as part of the natural order. Ordered systematic stages are beginning to be uncovered by evolutionary and developmental theorists. Comparison and commonalities of these patterns, use four general stages of individual development as general categories: 33 End of Youth Beginning of Adulthood With full Maturity at Age 40 INFANCY, CHILDHOOD, ADOLESCENCE AND ADULTHOOD B UT THERE IS A PARALLEL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS THAT SCIENCE IGNORES COMPLETELY AND WHICH A DVOCATES OF I SL AMIC M EDICINE MUST BEGIN TO RESTORE : Mineral NO LIFE atoms differentiate and form simple molecules that congeal or crystallize into inorganic units that comprise NON-LIVING building blocks of substance. Inanimate Passive Macroscopic Life Cycle Directly Related to Cosmic Cycles and Forces Plant MATTER ENLIVENED Animal Human VOLITIONAL VOLITIONAL , BUT LIMITED TO NOT LIMITED INSTINCT AND IS MOBILE seed sprouts grows flowers, bears fruit (food) and regenerates seed. Passive - Slow TO INSTINCT, IS MOBILE . development is similar to that of humans but animals are more specialized in their physical characteristics. Active - Quick Adamic version is the end. No further development till post-Judgement Day Active – Quick Passive - Slow Progression from lower to higher ordered systems __ The present developmental challenge is to restore the life of the sacred, to de-secularize knowledge by demonstrating the Knowledge of the Unseen = Revealed Knowledge. - Imran Hosein Mineral Plant Kingdom Life force Nafs Plant Kingdom Animal Kingdom Soul HUMAN KINGDOM: Sum of all Contains all Animal Kingdom Spirit (Intellect) Vicegerent of all Human Kingdom H UMAN M AN IS FAR MORE THAN A MOBILE MINERALIZED SYSTEM T HE Hence, goal of human development is VICEGERENCY P URPOSE OF M ATURIT Y W E ARE FAILING TO M AINTAIN THE D IVINELY I NTENDED P ERFECT O RDER In 1950, Erik Erikson described eight stages of the human life cycle, from infancy to old age, Each stage is marked by a crisis that must be resolved before continuing to the next stage. The seventh stage is middle adulthood (40-65), has as its conflict GENERATIVITY STAGNATION , referring to a person's ability to care for others. Physical & Meta-Physical Potency The most important event in this stage is parenting. Does the adult have the ability to care and guide the next generation? According to Erikson, "A person does best at this time to put aside thoughts of death and balance death’s certainty with the only happiness that is lasting: Which is this: to increase, by whatever is yours to give, the good will and higher order in your sector of the world." Generativity can also be seen at work; individuals are more likely to become mentors and leaders and begin to think about succession planning if the work calls for it. AND Brothers that's it ! – The true goal … HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Kutbah by Dr. Zakir Kapadia KEY CONCEPT IS ONE’S SENSE OF SELF WORTH OR VALUE = DIGNITY -- [INVIOLABLE IN ISLAM] INDEED: WE ALL MUST ALL ASK THE QUESTIONS: SELF-ESTEEM: WESTERN CONCEPT WHAT GOOD AM I , AND HOW DO I MEASURE THAT WORTH ? Comparative Characteristics GOAL Erikson’s Stages Stage Does the adult have the ability to care for and guide the next generation? Mohd (wslm) said last generations the worst so the implication is that present generations are failing. Ego Crisis Age Positive Outcome: Cognizant of A SK & A NSWER : W HO Am I … Where do I belong W HAT Can & Will I do … W HO do I belong to ?? GROWTH & W HY ? for all … 1 Trust vs. Mistrust 0-1 HOPE Trust (Amana) affirms pre-incarnate covenant w Allah swt… 2 Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt 2-3 WILL Will conforms to social role & initial identity … 3 Initiative vs. Guilt 3-5 PURPOSE Role/identity confirmed but within social limits = hierarchy 4 Industry vs. Inferiority 5-12 5 Identity vs. Role Confusion ADOLESCENCE Fidelity 6 Intimacy vs. Isolation Young Adult LOVE 7 Productivity vs. Stagnation Adulthood 8 Integrity vs. Despair Maturity COMPETENCE Appropriate skills for learning attained = strengthening … Appropriate skills for applying one’s will attained … “ Search for adult identity, role & position - initial provision CARE ----------------------------------------(Source: Based on E. H. Erikson, Childhood and Society, 1950.) M IDDLE A GE C RISIS (45 – 60) = Arrested Development (Pathological) WEAK W IS DOM STRONG Assertion of Skills , Position and Responsibility - provision STRONGER Guidance given to young providers (60 - ?) - provision WEAK AGAIN ? – Death = senescence, for some it is ‘second childhood’ Repeated cyclic trials for clarification & confirmation in each stage ISLAM: DEFINITE SOCIAL HIERARCHY BASED ON MORALITY & ETHICS __ goals are to attain and transmit guidance for success both here & hereafter. Islamic views on Human development are based on Revealed Knowledge and traditional wisdom (Adat) - - NB: Traditional Judeo-Christian Western values have been systematically overturned to exclude Revealed Knowledge in all Political and Educational forums (Humanism: Protocols of Iblis) Secular Humanism is Satanic & makes a Mockery of Scripture - Much the same may be said of Secular Muslims now as they follow the West down the Lizard’s Hole. Essentially the young adult is learning to be mature while acquiring knowledge, skill and excellence through practice. (habit) He/she is searching for competence and clarification of purpose through developing clarity of thought and perception with the ‘insight’ that comes only via Revelatory Knowledge. Dunya can be distraction = dajjal They are ‘Caregivers’ on the way to become ‘Wali’ or ‘Protectors’ of the Divine Kingdom. The World Health Organisation defines the end of adolescence as age 24 and the early twenties as its final phase. Adolescence is a metamorphosis and sexual maturation process that begins at puberty. Near the age of 21 we prepare to leave the home and identify the urge to propel ourselves out of the familial orbit into another world. This is a ideation imposed by Western hegemony and it undermines the divine order and role of the Islamic patriarchal family and community. This ‘leaving of the family’ is a MODERN, POST INDUSTRIAL, MONETIZED CONVENTION of the West and does not necessarily define either success or progress in moral or ethical terms. T RADITIONALLY, FAMILIES STAYED TOGETHER - - As Islam defines the ‘End of Youth’ @ age 33, and if one is still considered a ‘Youth’ until then, why have Muslims strayed so far from traditional knowledge & Parental reach to hold positions of political and/or professional responsibility. Answer: Often they do it in the cause of idealized liberty and monetary gain. Deviation Result: Increasing social chaos advancing the ‘Cause of Iblis’ [e.g. 25 yr old PhDs] The word ‘A DOLESCENCE ’ defines a period of intense physical growth, social awkwardness, and the sexually-charged, emotionally driven REDIRECTION OF HUMAN WILL AND INTELLECT TOWARDS THE JUDGMENT OF SELF & OTHERS = PEER PRESSURE . If the child is left to wonder un-restrained and un-guided, or if the child is hurried or marred by insult to their developing sense of integrity, ther deviation and/or the LOSS OF TRUST become integrated in a concrete worldview that inhibits further Islamic maturation = this is arrested development. I N THE PAST, THE MATURING YOUTH WOULD FEAR TO LEAVE HIS FATHER ’ S PROTECTION BECAUSE HE KNEW H E WAS NOT YET PREPARED TO FACE THE WORLD. Didn’t trust himself ? - Concept of Wali S EXUALITY & A MANA Eros Only Think of the Brain as a receiver transmitter for the soul: • its components are pre -programmed • these components may be fine -tuned by education and habit; • both the latter are determined by adult behavior and example = instruction; • The ‘fine-tuning’ is therefore dependent initially by parental caregivers; • Quality of Parental ‘care -giving’ is dependent on four factors: 1. 2. 3. 4. Quality Quality Quality Quality of of of of their education; self-ref lection (taffakur); their marriage; corrective actions. • These Quality factors all depend upon T RUST factors that are placed in a ‘Qualified Leadership’ that should provides as’ sakinnah’ (peace & security’ from cradle to grave, which is the Purpose of Islam. • Trust is the foundation of marriage, and Trust is first manifest and taught to infants through the sense of touch. ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT = EITHER INSECURITY OR PROUD IGNORANCE FEAR plus NEGATIVE EMOTIONS and JUDGMENT are autonomously switched off: Why? Marriage is meant to be a bed of trust wherein half-thedeen of Islam is completed. That’s how important love, marriage & trust are. But when trust is misplaced, all hell breaks loose and human development -- individually and corporately -- is arrested. (Harut & Marut?) AMANA: IMAN & THE SENSE OF TOUCH * “Say: Sufficient for me is Allah, in Him those who trust must put their trust.” What is trust but the human belief in what and who will be of benefit to them? But without touch we cannot bequeath the trust of As-Sakkinah (peace and security) to our descendents because in its absence there are no descendents. This is because sexual stimulation and response can be achieved without sight, sound, smell, taste and even pleasure — but not without touch. ** The gesture of touching hands affirms a mutual promise to preserve As-Sakkinah (peace and security) The real meaning and purpose of the affectionate gesture is to acknowledge the reaffirmation of our trust in God with the bi-lateral pleasures and joys of zawaj. The Byatt of touch begins with birth and leads to marriage which forms the sacred mosque or holy bed of the Islamic Community. The ongoing universal celebration of Al’Byatt Zawaj honors the dignity and essential importance of the obligations and rights that make house, home, bed--and by extension, community--a most pleasant refuge of peace and security in recognition of the couple’s submission to Allah. The Prophet said: "One cannot truly be a Muslim until he/she desires for their neighbor what they desire for themself.” It happens that your spouse is your nearest neighbor. The Chief Goal of all Human development is to actualize this love of one’s neighbor. •The Taqua Of Marriage: by Omar Zaid, M.D.; AS Noordeen, KL, Malaysia, 2011 •**Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology: Erwin J. Haeberle, Ph.D., Ed.D., The Atlas, 1983, The Continuum Publishing Company, 575 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022 “A human being is not a human being while his tendencies include self indulgence, covetousness, temper and attacking other people [gossip]... A child has no real knowledge of the attainments of an adult. An ordinary [common] adult cannot understand the attainments of a learned man. In the same way, an educated man cannot yet understand the experiences of enlightened saints or Sufis.” - Al’Ghazali When an infant emerges from the womb it immediately seeks to confirm the virtue of trust in its caregivers in order to instinctively affirm, validate and incorporate trust as its own quality of soul. The babe seeks this trust because it desires to confirm its inherent knowledge and faith in God -- “AM I not your Sustainer?” (Qur’an 7: 172-3) Essentially, when the developing human Encounters any dilemma that presents Without a qualified solution born of both reason and Revealed Knowledge, such persons cry out for an answer much as the infant cries for milk and the child for meat. No answers are found in injustice, since justice represent the ‘walls’ of Islam. Iman will deviate to the same extent the child’s He3nce, when injustice reigns, the cries continue and human development is cries go unanswered or poorly attended to arrested. throughout it’s journey to adult maturity. WITH TRUST ALL VIRTUE IS POSSIBLE WITHOUT TRUST, ALL DEVIATION AND EVIL IS INEVITABLE The infant is overwhelmed by helplessness and therefore seeks assurance it will come to no harm as it naturally fears separation from God. Not that the infant or child consciously fear hell, but more correctly speaking, the developing Human fears separation from what is good; which directly infers God and this can be summed up in one word: A BANDONMENT. Abandonment is also the greatest fear of married women = removal of peace & Security infant’s (DEVELOPING HUMAN) faith and trust is therefore primordially placed in Allah and not the parents. The parents are mere stewards of the ‘Trust Fund’ The initial mediator of trust is an intricate nerve system that also lies within the skin. No matter how well they are fed, babies will develop slowly or sicken and die without the mediation of skinto-skin contact. the entire body and has especially developed mechanisms within the folds of its several layers that hold the sexual organs; all of which are derived from the ectoderm of the developing leech-like embryo (seen at right). H ENCE : SUCCESSFUL M ARRIAGE ; THE PERSONAL SENSE & PL ACEMENT OF TRUST ; THE GROW TH & M AINTENANCE OF I MAN ; THE E STABLISHMENT & P ROTECTION OF P EACE & S ECURIT Y AS WELL AS M ATURE H UMAN D EVELOPMENT ARE I NTERDEPENDENT & INSEPARABLE Unfortunately, at the extreme negative end of this continuum that begins with conception, children subjected to prolonged and ongoing absence from the mother combined with critical uncaring attitudes are indelibly insecure and cannot learn to trust anyone, including themselves. Such pathologically arrested development causes deviations characterized by mistrust (fear) and include paranoia; sexual perversity; dysfunctional personalities and anti-social and/or pseudo-autistic predispositions with a lack of empathetic compassion for others. These and other social dysfunctions are now in evidence globally accompanied by pre-occupations with personal development for gain: the selfishness of Khabil = the Cain’s of Wall Street, Government House and even street gangs. This indicates that Present Human Development under the influences of Secular Humanist Materialism is successfully geared towards raising self-centered immature souls with unhealthy bodies and dysfunctional and/or perverted sexuality due to an endemic lack of Amana (trust-worthiness). Take Home Lesson: T HE LACK OF A MANA C AUSES A RRESTED D EVELOPMENT I NDIVIDUALLY AND COMMUNALLY W HY COMMUNALLY ? The lack of trust carries over to all realms of human relations and manifests in the withholding of truth and overt lying. Families and Communities breed and protect liars when mistrust (fear) maintains pretentious attitudes of politically-correct ‘politeness’ that forbids disclosure and prevents forthright confrontations of significant conflicts that when faced honestly would lead to justice (Walls of Islam): this is what traditional Islam called adab. Adab is the science of identifying people places and things according to their characteristics, functions and purpose. Adab IS FAR MORE THAN THE ART OF POLITICALLY CORRECT DIPLOMACY --it is labeling things as they are … which is what prophet’s did as they followed the sunnah of Adam. All politically correct liars (hypocrites) hated them. TAKE H OME L ESSON & S UMMARY When trust is absent lies and liars are kings, thus making injustice the norm and competition rather than cooperation the anti-social moral consensus. All of this causes arrested ‘human’ development so that both individuals, communities and nations fail to mature according to the Divine Scheme. Thank you kindly May Allah be Praised & Obeyed