Matakuliah Tahun : O0372 - Dasar-Dasar Produksi Siaran Radio : 2010 PRODUCTION, PROGRAMMING, and the MODERN FORMAT Books: “Modern Radio Production” by Hausman, Benoit, Messere, & O’Donnell: Chapter 16 Pertemuan 13 AUDIENCES AND THE FORMAT • THE AUDIENCE – – • Be able to capturing the right demographic of the audience A radio station “sells” the audiences to advertisers METHODS OF MEASURING AUDIENCES – – – – – – – – AUDIENCE RATING SERVICE TOTAL SURVEY AREA, METRO SURVEY AREA RATING SHARE AVERAGE QUARTER HOUR PERSONS CUMING TURN OVER TIMES SPENT LISTENING Bina Nusantara University 3 THE SPECIFICS OF THE RADIO FORMATS • DEFINING CURRENT FORMAT – ADULT CONTEMPORARY (AC); generally includes a few current popular hits, called currents, recent hits, known as recurent, and older songs, known a s oldies. – ADULTS STANDARDS (MOR – middle of the road); MOR is still an extant format, but adult standards is the term used by Billboard and Arbitron. – CLASSICAL; includes orchestral, opera, and occasional show music. THE SPECIFICS OF THE RADIO FORMATS • DEFINING CURRENT FORMAT – CLASSIC ROCK; selection from Cream and the Moody Blues. – CONTEMPORARY HITS RADIO; top 40 or current hit radio changing the listenership during the day. Its audience generally does not have much money. – COUNTRY; a format with rural roots, but not limited to rural listeners, typically have a “twangy” feel, and the lyrics often deal with the struggles of everyday life. THE SPECIFICS OF THE RADIO FORMATS • DEFINING CURRENT FORMAT – DANCE; primarily meant for dancing – MODERN ROCK; features very progressive music, tends to current with band have gained prominence within the last five years. – NEW AC/SMOOTH JAZZ; play easy going music designed to create a jazzy feel or mood. Medium tempo music, and referred to as New Adult Contemporary. THE SPECIFICS OF THE RADIO FORMATS • DEFINING CURRENT FORMAT – NEWS/TALK; its particularly strong among businesspeople. – OLDIES; cut released at least two or three years ago. Many oldies date much farther back than that. – RELIGIOUS; many of these are noncommercial. The songs are religious songs. THE SPECIFICS OF THE RADIO FORMATS • DEFINING CURRENT FORMAT – ROCK; (AOR – album oriented rock); features longer, heavy rock cuts and is primarily aimed toward a fairly young male audience. – SPANISH; has become increasingly popular because of the growing number of Latinos in the country. – URBAN; feature rap, hip-hop, hard rock, and other formats particulars designed to appeal to young, urban audiences, often blacks and latinos. It’s a popular format in large cities. ON AIR AND OFF AIR PRODUCTION IN THE MODERN FORMAT • PRODUCTION AND TUNE-OUT; get the listeners, and avoid doing anything to make them tune out. – AVOIDING DEATH SPOT • Lively production music that fits the format is an absolute necessity. – AVOIDING JARRING TRANSITIONS • A soft cut back-to-back with a bold, loud song may keep your listeners awake, but it may also wake them up enough to change station . – KEEPING THE LISTENERS TUNE IN THROUGH QUARTER HOURS • Try not to have the stop sets during this. ON AIR AND OFF AIR PRODUCTION IN THE MODERN FORMAT • PRODUCTION FOR ADULT CONTEMPORARY(AC) – ON AIR AC PRODUCTION • Lack of song identification is increasingly irritating to the AC audience. – OFF AIR AC PRODUCTION • Your selection of music beds for commercials must reflect the programming strategy of the station. In general, it is hardly ever a good idea to use a current as a music bed. ON AIR AND OFF AIR PRODUCTION IN THE MODERN FORMAT PRODUCTION FOR ALBUM ORIENTED ROCK (AOR) – ON AIR; long sweeps are the rule, frequent stops are audience killers. – OFF AIR; don’t let your spots veer too close to top 40 PRODUCTION FOR EASY LISTENING (EZs) – ON AIR; your goal as programmer or producer is to make the program seem as live as possible. If the station is automated, get a familiar voice to do inserts during the day. – OFF AIR; remember your demographic, a youthful sounding voice won’t work. ON AIR AND OFF AIR PRODUCTION IN THE MODERN FORMAT PRODUCTION FOR NEWS/TALK – ON AIR; the audience will be coming and going, seduce those listeners into hanging on for 5’ and you’ve got some very high cume numbers. – OFF AIR; hard rock beds are a no-no. CSAs, PSAs, should sound like the news/talk product itself. PRODUCTION FOR TOP 40 – ON AIR; keep the production tight, keep on-air chatter to a minimum, and make sure your station has a distinct identity. – OFF AIR; hot music beds and heavy compression are a virtual must. ON AIR AND OFF AIR PRODUCTION IN THE MODERN FORMAT • PRODUCTION FOR URBAN/CHURBAN/RHYTHMIC TOP 40 – ON AIR; announcing what’s coming – new music helps reinforce their reputation as innovators. – OFF AIR; inject a personal touch into CSas or PSAs production, but don’t go overboard because losing the beat often means losing the audience.