Command and Control Modeling for Synthetic Battlespaces: Flexible Group Behavior Randall W. Hill, Jr. Jonathan Gratch USC Information Sciences Institute ASTT Interim Progress Review May 24, 1999 Agenda Synthetic Forces Problem Program Hypotheses Technologies and R&D Significant Results & Expected Results Technology Transition Products & Efforts Problem Areas Programmatic Issues Synthetic Forces Problem Problem Need cost-effective C2 modeling Replace / augment human controllers with automated C2 Represent a wide range of organizations and situations Need realistic C2 behavior C2 models must make believable decisions The outcomes of C2 operations need to be credible Project Goals Develop autonomous command forces Act autonomously for days at a time Reduce load on human operators Behave in human-like manner Produce realistic training environment Perform C3I functions Reduce the number of human operators Create realistic organizational interactions Program Hypotheses Hypotheses Flexible behavior requires the ability to handle situation interrupts Flexible group behavior requires: Understanding behavior of groups of entities Planning a mission for groups against groups Executing a mission in a coordinated manner Hypotheses Flexible group behavior interleaves the processes of situation assessment, planning, execution, and plan repair Coordinated group behavior requires a theory of multi-agent interaction Technologies and R&D Technologies Continuous Planning Depends on understanding evolving situations Implements planning as a dynamic process Achieve goals despite unplanned events Collaborative Planning Coordinate group behavior Requires understanding behavior of other groups Reason about organizational constraints Technologies Situation Awareness Current situation Need a consolidated picture Requires situation assessment at multiple echelons Future situation Integrate planning with future sensing requirements Formulate Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) Mission Capabilities Army Aviation Deep Attack Battalion command agent Company command agents CSS command agent AH64 Apache Rotary Wing Aircraft Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) by indirect fire (partially implemented) Intelligence assets (partially implemented) Battalion Deep Attack MLRS SLAR SEAD HA HA CSS FARP FLOT C2 Architecture Situation Report (understanding) Operations Order (plan) Situation Report (understanding) Battalion Commander Operations Order (plan) …. Company A Commander Company X Commander Operations Order (plan) Situation Report (understanding) Company A Company X Pilot Pilot Pilot Helicopter Helicopter Helicopter Actions Percepts …. Pilot Pilot Pilot Helicopter Helicopter Helicopter ModSAF Actions Percepts Architecture Planner Implements continuous planning capabilities Plan manager Augments collaborative planning with organizational reasoning and Military Decision Making Process Time Manager Manages temporal constraints Domain Theory Maintains plan management and tactical knowledge Situation Assessment Fuses sensors, reports, and expectations Generates and updates current world view C2 Entity Architecture Plan Manager Management Theory (domain independent) Tactical Domain Theory Planner (General Purpose Reasoner) Management Plans Tactical Plans World Model Facts, inferences Situation Assessment Situation Reports, Sensing Synthetic Battlespace Expectations OPORDER Other Communications Technologies and R&D: Continuous Planning Continuous Planning Plan generation Sketch basic structure via decomposition Fill in details with causal-link planning Plan execution Explicitly initiate and terminate tasks Initiate tasks whose preconditions unify with the current world Terminate tasks whose effects unify with the current world Plan Repair Recognize situation interrupt Repair plan by adding, retracting tasks What are Plans? Hierarchically ordered sequences of tasks Plans capture assumptions Column movement assumes enemy contact unlikely Plans capture task dependencies Move_to_Holding_Area results in unit being at the HA, (precondition to moving to the Battle_Position) OPFOR and Co must be at the Engage_area simultaneously Plan Generation Example World Model Attack(A, Enemy) at(A,FARP) at(Enemy,EA) Destroyed(Enemy) Destroyed(Enemy) ... init Move(A,BP) at(A,FARP) at(Enemy,EA) at(A,BP) Engage(A,Enemy) at(A,BP) Destroyed(Enemy) Battalion Tactical Plans Co Deep Attack Move Move Engage Co Deep Attack Return Move Move Engage Return Company B plan Move Move Move Move Company A plan Move Move OPFOR Plan Move FARP Operations CSS plan Situation Interrupts Happen! Current World Attack(A, Enemy) at(A,FARP) at(Enemy,EA) destroyed(Enemy) destroyed(Enemy) active(A) Engage(A,Enemy) Start of OP Move(A,BP) at(A,FARP) at(A,BP) active(A) at(A,BP) active(A) ADA Attack destroyed(Enemy) Reacting to Situation Interrupt Situations evolve unexpectedly Goals change, actions fail, intelligence incorrect Determine whether plan affected Invalidate assumptions? Violate dependency constraints? Repair plan as needed Retract tasks invalidated by change Add new tasks Re-compute dependencies Technologies and R&D: Collaborative Planning Collaborative Planning Represent plans of others Extend plan network to include others’ plans Detect interactions among plans Same as with “normal” plan monitoring Apply planning modulators: Organizational roles What others need to know Phase of the planning Stance of the planner wrt phase and role Plan Interaction Example Move(A,BP) at(A,BP) at(A,FAA) Engage(A,Y) at(A,BP) Dead(Y) at(gas,FAA) Attack Helicopter Company Plan Move(CSS,HQ) at(gas,FAA) at(gas,HQ) at(CSS,FAA) at(CSS,HQ) resupplied(HQ) Combat Service Support Plan Planning Stances Authoritative Order subordinate to alter his plans Deferential Change my plans to de-conflict with superior Helpful Help peer to resolve conflicts in plan Self-serving Adversarial Try to introduce conflict in other agent’s plan Elaboration: Being Helpful Planning issues Propose doing activities that facilitate others’ plans Avoid introducing threats into others’ plans Communication Issues Collaboration protocols: propose, accept, counter Relevance reasoning Which of my tasks would others want to know • e.g. “Honey, I’m going to the market” Elaboration: Self-serving Planning issues Notice things that others might do for me Ignore threats I introduce into other’s plans Unless that keeps them from doing things for me Communication Issues Deception e.g. Someone might not help me if the knew what I was really planning Plan Management Must model when to use different stances Involves organizational issues Where do I fit in the organization Stances may need to change over time During COA Analysis, adopt an adversarial stance towards ones own plans Must model how stances influence planning How do we alter COA generation C2 Entity Architecture Plan Manager Management Theory (domain independent) Tactical Domain Theory Planner (General Purpose Reasoner) Management Plans Tactical Plans World Model Facts, inferences Situation Assessment Situation Reports, Sensing Synthetic Battlespace Expectations OPORDER Other Communications When to Use a Stance Model the collaborative planning process Includes management tasks that modulate the generation of tactical plans Tasks refer to specific tactical plans Specify preconditions on changing stance Includes knowledge of one’s organizational role Planner constructs management plans Use same mechanisms as tactical planning Management Plan Example Explicitly model the Military Decision Making Process Tasks COA Development COA Analysis Stances Authoritative towards subordinates Deferential towards superiors Adversarial towards OPFOR Authoritative towards OPFOR Adversarial towards self (war gaming) Implementing Stances Implemented as search control on planner Plan manager Takes executing management tasks Generates search control recommendations Example: Deferential Stance When giving orders to subordinates Indicate subset of plan is fixed (defer to this) Indicate rest of plan is flexible Plan manager enforces these restrictions Interaction Example Deferential towards Move(A,BP) at(A,FAA) Make CSS Planner defer to Company A’s Plan at(A,BP) at(gas,FAA) Move(CSS,HQ) at(gas,FAA) at(gas,HQ) at(CSS,FAA) at(CSS,HQ) Combat Service Support Plan C2 Entity Architecture Plan Manager Management Theory (domain independent) Tactical Domain Theory Planner (General Purpose Reasoner) Management Plans Tactical Plans World Model Facts, inferences Situation Assessment Situation Reports, Sensing Synthetic Battlespace Expectations OPORDER Other Communications Technologies and R&D: Situation Awareness Situation Awareness Planner needs a consolidated picture of the current situation in the battlespace Determines which goals and tasks are achievable Influences the choice of strategies and actions Allows the detection of imminent plan failure Enables re-planning Situation assessment produces a current World Model Monitor plans with respect to world model Situation awareness = world model + plans/tasks Situation Assessment Performed at multiple echelons Scouts performing reconnaissance of battlespace C2 staff assimilates scouting and sensor reports General process: Identify entities Classify groups of entities as units Determine units’ functionality, capabilities, plans, intent Technical Issues Pilot awareness and information overload Situation assessment techniques Pilot Situation Awareness Synthetic worlds are information rich 100’s of other entities Vehicle instruments Terrain, weather, buildings, etc. Communications (messages) Amount of information will continue to increase …. Perceive, understand, decide and act Comprehend dynamic, complex situations Decide what to do next Do it! Information Overload Roots of the Problem Naïve vision model Entity-level resolution only Unrealistic field of view (360o, 7 km radius) Perceptual-Cognitive imbalance Too much perceptual processing Cognitive system needs inputs, but … It also needs time to respond to world events Approach Create a focus of attention Apply attention mechanisms to entity perception initially Incorporate filters Implement a zoom lens model (covert attention) Stages of perceptual processing Attention in different stages: preattentive & attentive Control the focus of attention Goal-driven Stimulus-driven Zoom Lens Model of Attention (Eriksen & Yeh, 1985) Attention limited in scope Multi-resolution focus Magnification inversely proportional to field of view Low resolution Large region, encompassing more objects, fewer details Perceive groups of entities as a coherent whole High resolution Small region, fewer objects, more details Perceive individual entities (e.g., tank, truck, soldier) Low Resolution Perceptual Grouping K Preattentive Gestalt grouping Involuntary Proximity-based Other features Dynamic Voluntary grouping K K Group Features Quantity and composition Activity Moving Shooting Location Center-of-mass Bounding-box Geometric relationships wrt pilot Slant-range, azimuth, etc. High Resolution Entity Features Location (GCS) Speed Velocity Orientation Slant Range Force Object, Object Type Vehicle Class Function Sense Name Altitude Angle Off Target Aspect Magnetic bearing Heading Status Lateral Range Lateral Separation Closing Velocity Vertical Separation Control of Attention Goal-driven control Agent controls the focus / resolution of attention Low resolution: Scouting groups of enemy; escorting group High resolution: Search for air-defense entities; engage target Sets filters that select entities for WM Stimulus-driven control Attention can be captured involuntarily by a visual event Muzzle flash (luminance contrast, abrupt onset) Sudden motion (abrupt onset) Goal-driven Attention Overwatch Position Land Sea Overwatch Position Transport Carrier Rendezvous Point Escort task • Orient on group • Voluntary grouping Escort Carrier Stimulus-driven Attention Low Resolution High Resolution Situation Awareness at Higher Echelons Command Entity Situation Reports Command Entity Situation Reports Command Entity Situation Reports Situation Assessment Identify entities Fuse scouting reports Classify groups of entities as units Cluster entities into unit-sized groups Classify units into functional types Determine capabilities, plans, intent Clustering and Classification Bottom-up and top-down approach Bottom-up clustering based on proximity Identify a group of entities close to each other Other useful features: color, orientation, speed Top-down classification based on doctrine Threat templates Issues: which template, partial matching Bottom-up Clustering Hierarchical Clustering Partitioning starting at the top until a satisfactory level (e.g. individual units) Robust Clustering Nearest-neighbor using center of mass Works well for hierarchical clustering Requires a parameter of minimal distance Density-based clustering Works well on different shapes of patterns No parameter is required (or can be learned) Top-Down Classification Classification and prediction Classification based on threat templates Doctrine of situations, actions, formation and capacities Matching clustered units with templates for classification Partial matching to predict the location of missing units Encoding threat templates Encoding spatial information for symbolic processing kD-tree to encode spatial relationships Adding possible actions to nodes (units) Future Situation Awareness Model how tactical intelligence influences planning Future situation: knowledge goals What will I need to know for this plan to work? Establish Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) What commander needs to know about opposing force Drives the placement of sensors and observation posts Constrains the pace of plan execution Rarely addressed in current C2 models Intelligence Critical for Realistic C2 Close interplay between intelligence and COA Development Intelligence guides COA development COA development drives intelligence needs Intelligence availability constrains actions • Some COA must be abandoned if one can’t gather adequate intelligence Intelligence Critical for Realistic C2 Intelligence imposes temporal constraints When can a satellite observe? How long to insert surveillance (LRSU)? How long before I must commit to COA? Intelligence critical for realistic C2 Intelligence collection must be focused Commanders must: Prioritize their intelligence needs Understand higher-level intelligence priorities Provide intelligence guidance to subordinates e.g. Simulation Information Filtering Tool [Stone et. al] Brigade Planning (simplified) Attack 2nd echelon tank division (TD) AA Lincoln Identify Engagement Area (EA Pad) Should canalize OPFOR and restrict movement Identify launch time Require 2-hour notice EA Pad Brigade PIR AA Lincoln When will TD leave AA Lincoln? Verifies enemy intent When will TD reach PL Echo? Satisfies the need for 2-hour notice Further verifies enemy intent Location of PL Echo driven by PIR 2hrs EA Pad Intelligence Plan Assembly Area LRSU Trigger attack: TD 2hrs from EA Pad SLAR Monitor movement from assembly area EA Pad Final Brigade Plan Decision Point H H-10 H-8 H+2 H+3 SLAR monitor AA Insert LRSU LRSU monitor PL Echo Deep Attack Execute Arrive Mission at EA Break Contact Automating PIR Identify PIR in my own plans Find preconditions, assumptions, and triggering conditions that are dependent on OPFOR behavior Extract PIR from higher echelon orders Specialize as appropriate for my areas of operation Derive tasks for satisfying PIR Sensor placement Ensure consistency of augmented plans Identifying PIR Examine COA dependencies on OPFOR e.g. Precondition of engaging: OPFOR will-be-at EA Pad at time H+2 Look for dependencies that: Are not under my direct control Are uncertain Implemented with PIR recognition schema: Abstract rules that scan plans and assert PIR Some domain-independent, some domain-specific Interpreting Higher Level Guidance Need to convert into PIR at my echelon e.g. Brigade’s PIR: When will lead regiment reach forward defense becomes Battalion PIR When will lead battalion of lead regiment reach fwd def Implemented by specialization rules Encode doctrinal and terrain relationships Deriving Sensor Plans Implemented via tactical planning mechanism PIR represented as “knowledge goals” Domain theory augmented with sensing tasks Sensing tasks achieve knowledge goals Tasks encode maneuver / temporal dependencies Planning process fills in details Sensing tasks added to achieve knowledge goals • e.g. Observe TD activity near PL_ECHO Other tasks added to satisfy maneuver dependencies • e.g. Use UH-60 to insert LRSU near PL_ECHO Ensuring Consistency Implemented via tactical planning mechanism If PIR goals cannot be satisfied, COA is invalid or Use unsatisfied PIR to request external assets Sensing plans constrain timing of events If temporal constraints inconsistent, COA is invalid Significant Results Significant Results Continuous planning paradigm works well for modeling C2 behavior in the joint synthetic battlespaces Dynamic planning, monitoring, and execution Handles situation interrupts in test cases Collaborative planning is made possible by adding a few extensions to a general purpose planner A model of perceptual attention and situation awareness implemented in RWA-Soar pilot Developed a technique for deriving Priority Intelligence Requirements with planner Significant Results (2) Publications Continuous Planning and Collaboration for Command and Control in Joint Synthetic Battlespaces, CGF&BR ‘99 Deriving Priority Intelligence Requirements for Synthetic Command Entities, CGF&BR ‘99 Modeling Perceptual Attention in Virtual Humans, CGF&BR ‘99 Perceptual Grouping and Visual Attention in a Multi-agent World, Agents ‘99 Scope of Task Coverage ATKHB Attack Mission Achieve Tactical Disposition Reduce Enemy Posture Achieve Culminating Task 1-4-1305 (Section 6.1.2): Integrate fire support Attack (METL task) Consolidate 1-4-1206: Continuous Tasks Achieve Readiness 1-4-1101: Personnel (S1) planning (C2) 1-4-1201: Intelligence (S2) planning (C2) 1-4-1301: Operations (S3) planning (C2) 1-4-1401: Logistics (S4) planning (C2) 1-4-1302: Establish and maintain tactical operations center (C2) 1-4-1305: Coordinate maneuver with CSS and rear ops (C2) --------------------------------------------------1-2-0320: Provide supply support (CSS) 1-2-7723: Perform maintenance (CSS) 1-2-7728: Process ammo and fuel (CSS) 1-4-1103: Replacement operations (CSS) 1-4-1402: Coordinate supply/equip. (CSS) 1-4-1405: Plan and coordinate transport assets (CSS) Achieve Physical Posture 1-3:0001: Plan and organize move (Mnv) 1-2-0101: Move to and occupy assembly area (Mnv) 1-4-1306: Establish and maintain tactical command post (C2) 1-2-7726: Conduct FARP operations (CSS) Legend Implemented Partially implemented Desire to implement Less relevant 1-2-xxxx: Establish satellite comm. (C2) 1-2-xxx0: Establish ground comm (C2) 1-2-7509: Establish voice comm (C2) 11-5-0104: Establish FM radio (C2) 1-4-1001: Perform C2 operations (C2) 1-4-1303: Control tactical operations (C2) -----------------------------------------------------------1-4-1202: Implement security measures (Int) 1-4-1203: Process intelligence information (Int) 1-4-1311: Liaison operations (Int) -----------------------------------------------------------1-4-1105: Provide admin services (CSS) 1-2-7708: Provide food support (CSS) 1-2-7710: Operate field mess (CSS) 1-2-7720: Establish med support (CSS) 1-2-7721: Conduct med activities (CSS) 1-4-1102: Perform strength management (CSS) 1-4-1104: Conduct casualty reporting (CSS) 1-4-1308: Direct army airspace C2 (CSS) 1-4-1310: Civil-military operations (CSS) 1-4-1403: Monitor equipment readiness (CSS) 1-4-1406: Provide logistic services (CSS) Expected Results Detailed evaluation of planner Empirical Analytical Extended model of situation awareness at entity and C2 levels Attention, hierarchical clustering, classification, fusion Extended model of collaboration Abstract technical description of planner Journal articles and conference papers Measures of Success Collective Measure Ability of a group of entities (RWA Battalion) to achieve mission objectives in scenarios containing a wide range of situation interrupts Individual Measures Scalability: size of groups that can act autonomously Flexibility: classes of situation interrupts handled by group behavior Types of multi-agent reasoning integrated into framework i.e., collaborative, adversarial, temporal, ... Breadth and depth of domain knowledge e.g., # of tasks, echelon levels, functional categories (battlefield operating systems) Evaluation Empirical Developed scenario generator, logging function Will collect data from scenarios run in batch mode Encode additional domain knowledge (WARSIM?) Evaluate scalability Analytical Develop abstract description of planner Complexity measures for scalability Analyze properties of collaborative planner -- can it be decoupled from Soar-CFOR implementation? Technology Transition Efforts Formulated concept for C2 in NASM Demo at JPMR in February ‘99 Presented 3 papers at CGF&BR, May ‘99 Perceptual attention, C2 Modeling, PIR JSIMS/ASTT workshop, May ‘99 WARSIM commonality (POC’s: Milks & Karr) ONESAF? Problem Areas Focused Efforts Required Not yet addressing role of learning Need good evaluation Scalability, robustness, efficiency, … Programmatic Issues Schedule Milestone 4: 12/98 Design Review 2 Approach to learning improved group models Approach to temporal planning Schedule (2) Milestone 5: 9/99 (revise to 12/99?) Technology POP Demonstration 3 RWA Attack Battalion Demonstrate advanced group understanding Demonstrate more advanced group planning • Temporal planning • Group understanding: plan recognition Demonstrate advanced group execution • Commander utilizes teamwork model (scaled down) Demonstrate group learning • Improve group models through experience Deliver software and domain independent descriptions of new capabilities Demonstration Demonstration Scenario Attack Helicopter Battalion (AH-64) Battalion Commander 3 Helicopter Companies Company Commanders Apache Pilots 1 Combat Service Support Commander Deep Attack Mission Scenario Companies move from Assembly Area to Holding Area Situation interrupt: unexpected enemy forces in Holding Area Dynamically re-plan and execute mission