ALL EYES ON US: Communications Plan

Revised per January 18 meeting
Retain current Union of Black Episcopalians H.
Belfield Hannibal Chapter membership (UBE)
Recruit new members to the chapter
Educate constituents within the Los Angeles
Diocese about issues of racism, slavery and
racial reconciliation
Influence ongoing Diocesan policies on issues
of race and inclusion
Support aims and objectives of the national
• Create chapter administrative infrastructure
that supports professional and efficient
organizational functions
• Increase visibility and enhance credibility of
UBE H. Belfield Hannibal Chapter within LA
• Distinguish from other LA UBE chapter
• Position UBE as resource for the creation and
execution of educational programs targeting
Blacks and communities of color inside, and
outside, the Diocese of Los Angeles
• Leverage alliances with diocesan leadership and
other communities/organizations of color
Development of a succinct and comprehensive mission
statement for the chapter is critical to establishing a
foundation for focused and effective chapter growth and
Mission statement should clearly state:
◦ Who we are
◦ What we stand for
◦ How we plan to make a difference (using action words)
Review the existing UBE national mission statement
Tier I Audiences
 LA Diocesan Leadership
◦ Clergy & Laity
LA Diocese Church Leadership
◦ Clergy & Vestry
Black Episcopal Parishioners within the
Diocese of Los Angeles
Youth & Emerging Leadership
◦ Youth
◦ Seminarians
Tier II Audiences
Parishioners of diverse ethnic backgrounds
Local Media (throughout the diocese)
◦ Print (professional trades, newspapers, newsletters)
 Ex: Provide content for Kaleidoscope Institute Monthly
◦ Radio/Television opportunities as appropriate
National Media*
◦ Coordinate with UBE national communications department
◦ (ethnic magazines, women’s magazine, Christian magazines)
◦ Online (TEC targeted; online outlets that focus on Christian,
racial/ethnic issues)
◦ Radio/Television opportunities as appropriate
*All media outreach should be coordinated with national UBE
Increase visibility and enhance credibility
Develop Chapter Brand Identity
◦ Capitalize on national UBE’s existing credibility and brand
◦ Write and approve official chapter mission statement to be
included in all correspondence and online outreach
 Mirror national UBE mission statement with goals specific to LA
◦ Create Chapter Marketing/Press Kit:
Introduction cover letter from President
fact sheet
leadership bios
contact sheet
“Join Today” Form
Develop Chapter Brand Identity (cont.)
◦ Incorporate consistent messages:
 Specific to the black community
 Inclusive messages that will resonate with groups outside of the
black community
◦ Branding Internal and External Correspondence
 UBE national logo on all correspondence (including emails)
 Chapter mission statement or “tagline” (one to two sentences that
clearly states the goals of the chapter)
◦ Leverage social networking tools to maintain communication with
members and to attract new members
 Facebook
 Myspace
 Tweeter
Create chapter administrative infrastructure
Conduct an internal “re-launch” of the chapter
Conduct efficient meetings
◦ Write mission statement and ensure that all chapter members are informed
◦ Provide annual strategic plan (in its latest form) to all members to provide “big
◦ All members are informed of the chapter’s overall purpose and are onboard with how
to achieve it
◦ Start and end on time
◦ Consider consistent meeting location (will help potential members to locate the
chapter easily)—Potential Location: Church of the Advent for initial meetings
◦ Provide accurate minutes and agenda prior to the meeting to allow proper review
time (lead time to be determined)
◦ Stick to the agenda
Agenda additions must be submitted at least one week prior to the meeting
Prioritize agenda items-Create realistic agendas with an appropriate amount of items that can
be adequately addressed within the meeting time frame (ex: 10 agenda items are unlikely to be
covered well during a one and a half/two-hour meeting
Inefficient meetings counter efforts to attract new members and retain current members
◦ Follow appropriate rules of meetings
◦ Maintain regular communications with members (i.e. electronic and mail distribution)
Increase visibility and enhance credibility (cont.)
Conduct Regular Outreach to Focused Audiences
◦ Obtain accurate focused audience contacts list (mailing, phone,
email) from diocese
◦ Write and mail a formal letter of chapter introduction to primary
and secondary audiences featuring chapter mission and call-toaction for support
◦ Executive Communication (President or VP)
 Monthly e-update message to primary audiences
 Quarterly update e-mailed to secondary audiences
Executive visibility at events throughout the diocese as
 Deputies of Color Orientation Conference--Saturday-Sunday, April 1819 (Anaheim)
 July 2009 General Convention
 December Diocesan Convention
Position UBE as resource for informational and active
outreach programs
All programs must support chapter’s mission
◦ Brainstorm new programs that feature proactive outreach
with goals of impacting specific focused groups
◦ Evaluate the relevance and viability of existing programs
that may no longer support the new mission—adapt
existing programs or discontinue them
◦ Establish a calendar of ongoing activities (contingent upon
manpower) that reflects an active chapter (quarterly events)
 Include regular meeting dates & location
 Independent UBE events
 UBE co-sponsored events (i.e., Program Group on Black
Ministries program support)
◦ The group will evaluate existing programs/events
 Annual Black History Eucharist, Father’s Day Brunch
◦ Each program will have a strategic plan to move it
from idea to reality. Individual program plans
(created by the committee) should include:
 Objectives, Strategies, Tactics
 Fundraising should be a key component to all public programs
(Will this event make money or require treasury funding?)
 Timeline for completion of milestones
 Responsibilities chart
 Program Evaluation
 Program planning should start no later than six weeks from event
The following slides were retained as resource
sheets for the existing events to be evaluated
Father’s Day Brunch
Saturday, June 14, 2009 (date tentative)
Review past brunches and evaluate existing format in terms of
chapter’s mission
Research other diocesan/city events that may conflict and hinder
Event should have “stamp” of diocesan support to encourage
March/April—Planning, secure event space and other logistics
April—Create invitations
May—Distribute printed and electronic invitations; post event on Web
site and include in monthly chapter communications vehicle (ex: html
June—Conduct reminder phone calls to invitees; confirm RSVPs
Father’s Day Brunch (cont.)
Saturday, June 14, 2009 (date may change)
Event Day—Onsite
◦ Photographer/videographer
◦ Quotes from lead participants and attendees
Post Event (December/January)—Capitalize on Captured
images and feedback
◦ Write a brief article about the event, supported by photos and
quotes from attendees
◦ Distribute the article as a stand-alone update to target audiences
via html email one week after the event
◦ Include article, pictures/video on Web site and in subsequent
communications outreach vehicle (summer update)
Build and Leverage Alliances
Recruit, cultivate and mentor new leaders; align with top
black diocesan leaders, black clergy and black laity
Enlist non-black clergy and lay leaders to enhance
credibility and garner support of other minority groups
within the diocese
Advocate for justice for all minority groups
◦ Proactively learn about issues in the church that adversely
affect ethnic groups within the diocese
◦ Become visible, consistent presence
◦ Establish and include chapter’s position on current issues in
communications vehicles (electronic newsletter, Web site, etc.)
Build and Leverage Alliances
Initiate outreach to Program Group on Black Ministries (PGBM)
chaired by Fr. Vincent Shamo
◦ Identify synergistic opportunities to support existing programs
(co-sponsorship) and create joint programs
◦ Support PGBM’s multi-year programming to support Reparations
Resolution A123
 There are plans to address this issue at the 2009 General Convention
and beyond
 This is a high-visibility/high-credibility opportunity for the chapter
Encourage active, mutual multi-cultural event/program
◦ Work with bishop in charge of multicultural ministries
Q’1 2009—January/February/March
◦ Review proposed strategic plan; take
recommendations/suggestions under advisement; Revise plan as
◦ Discuss existing and brainstorm new programs; create individual
plans for implementation
◦ Initiate chapter branding tactics
 Draft Mission Statement
 Initiate Web site development (if one doesn’t exist already); develop
 Draft and finalize chapter information/press kit completed by the end of
◦ Obtain focused audience contacts lists from diocese
◦ Outreach to PGBM re: Resolution A123 programming
◦ Research opportunities for visibility at General Convention
Q’2 2009 (Apr-June)
Implement visibility campaign (ongoing)
Initiate consistent communications with internal/external
focused audiences
Initiate efforts for alliance development
◦ Conduct conference calls or meetings with appropriate contacts
Pending Review—Father’s Day Brunch planning efforts
◦ Event day is tentatively set for June 14
Q’3 2009 (July-September)
Maintain consistent communications with focused audiences
Continue relationship development with ethnically-diverse
clergy and lay leaders (alliance building)
Q’4 2009 (October-December)
Opportunity for visibility at Diocesan Convention
◦ Research in August
Maintain consistent communications with focused audiences
Continue relationship development with ethnically-diverse
clergy and lay leaders (alliance building)