Brooke Kern Full ISTAR Aine Observed 2/14/2014-4/4/14 Personal Care ISTAR KR: Oral Motor Aine is at level 4. On March 24, 2014, Aine used her tongue to move and munch a graham cracker during snack time. She manipulates food laterally, and chews with her lips together. ISTAR KR: Self-Feeding Aine is at level 5. On March 24, 2014, Aine drank milk from an open cup and dipped her graham cracker sandwich in the milk. She poured milk from a pitcher into a cup. She used tongs to get her graham cracker sandwich. ISTAR KR: Dressing/Undressing Aine is at level 3. On March 31, 2014, Aine put her socks and shoes on the right feet, before going outside. Aine is able to unzip her coat herself. However, she needs help zipping up her coat. Aine is able to put on her hat and gloves herself. Aine also pulls up her pants herself after going to the bathroom. ISTAR KR: Care of hands, face, nose Aine is at level 3. Aine brushed her teeth after lunch on March 31, 2014. Aine always brushes her teeth after she eats lunch at school. She also washed her hands and dried them before lunch and snack on March 31, 2014. ISTAR KR: Toileting Aine is at level 3. Before rest time on March 31, 2014, Aine participated in toileting. She pulled down her pants and put them back on herself. She used toilet paper and flushed the toilet when she was finished. She also washes her hands every time after toileting. Physical ISTAR KR: Sensory Integration Aine is at level 3. Aine calms when she is taken to a different environment. Aine also calms when she is redirected. On March 31, 2014, Aine got upset with Maryn because she interrupted her play when she took a drum she wanted. I redirected Aine’s attention to playing with another instrument in the dramatic play area, and this helped calm her. ISTAR KR: Physical Stability Aine is at level 4. Aine sits independently. On March 19, 2014, Aine sat independently during music time. Aine was able to stand from her sitting position on March 19th. Aine stooped over and picked up a drum on March 31, 2014, and regained stand. She is able to transition to sit from her back or stomach and can transition to back or stomach from sit. ISTAR KR: Gross Motor Skills Aine is at level 4. Aine walks without support and moves in upright position. On March 28, 2014, Aine walked up the stairs to the loft. Outside, on March 21, 2014, Aine ran for a short distance. Aine jumped forward for me on March 28, 2014. Aine however cannot skip or gallop. She attempted to get the tricycle to move, because it was hard for her to peddle, on March 31, 2014. ISTAR KR: Object Control Aine is at level 4. She used both hands in the middle of her body to catch a ball on March 26, 2014. On March 26, 2014, she could throw a ball in any direction. Aine catches large balls close to her body. ISTAR KR: Precision Hand Skills Aine is at level 3. On February 14, 2014, Aine folded a piece of paper in half and drew a half of a heart to cut out, which would make a whole heart. On March 26, 2014, Aine used scissors to cut out a lily pad. She used markers to draw on her lily pad, while holding her paper. Aine writes her name herself on all of her papers. Social Emotional ISTAR KR: Sense of Self and Others Aine is at level 3. Aine demonstrates independence, specifically when doing art and playing outside. On March 31, 2014, she took turns swinging on the swing outside with Kathryn. She contributes to group tasks when prompted. During circle time on March 31, 2014, Aine listened to Luke while he shared a story about an alligator. Aine does not always recognize others’ feelings. However, on March 28, 2014, Miller was crying because he was upset that Saaket did not want to play with him, and Aine recognized that Miller was sad. Aine can state her full name. Aine also knows what her parents are going to name her baby brother. Aine also told me her birthday on March 31, 2014. ISTAR KR: Manages Emotions Aine is at level 3. She recognizes feelings when labeled by an adult. She modifies behavior in response to simple verbal direction. For example, Aine at times has tried to express her feelings physically, and teachers have encouraged Aine to express her feelings verbally. Aine using feeling words when prompted. On March 31, 2014, Aine was crying. I asked Aine why she was crying and she told me, “Because Maryn doesn’t want to play cats.” ISTAR KR: Interpersonal Skills Aine is at level 3, and very close to level 4. On March 31, 2014, Aine engaged in parallel play while building with the blocks, next to Aceline who was reading books. She maintains attention to and participates in adult coordinated activity with peers for at least 15 minutes. On March 31, 2014, Aine drew a monkey and painted on a banana on a piece of paper, during art with Kathryn and Maryn. Aine responds to adult guidance in turn taking. On April 2, 2014, Aine took turns swinging on the swing with Kathryn. She engages in simple pretend play with peers. On March 31, 2014, Aine played cats outside with her peers. She also engaged in pretend play in the rainforest dramatic play area, and pretended to be a child of Maryn (who played a mother role), with Aceline. Aine initiates interactions with peers. On April 2, 2014, she asked Maryn to play cats outside. Aine greets others. She always greets me when I walk in the preschool. Aine also shares when prompted, smiles to attention, and begins conversation. ISTAR KR: Responsibility Aine is at level 4. Aine cleans up an area when she is finished. On March 31, 2014, Aine cleaned up the dramatic play area before sitting down for circle time. She completes tasks independently. On March 28, 2014, Aine did an art project independently- she sprinkled glitter onto glue, on her paper. She uses materials in appropriate ways. She asks permission. For example, on March 31, 2014, she asked permission to start using the paintbrush to paint on a banana. ISTAR KR: Problem Solving Aine is at level 3. Aine uses trial and error to manipulate objects. Aine asks for help. For example, on March 28, 2014, the glue was not coming out of the bottle. Aine noticed that glue was dried up over the opening, and asked me for help. Aine attempts to make predictions. On March 21, 2014, she pointed to the holes in the mulch, outside, and said, “I think a squirrel was looking for a chipmunk!” On March 19, 2014, she looked out the window and said, “Oh no, it’s going to rain!” ISTAR KR: Approaches to Learning Aine is at level 3. She sustains attention to preferred activities. She sustains attention to art and dramatic play. She prepares her work neatly and carefully. On March 24, 2014, Aine carefully used stencils to draw and neatly colored in her outlines. She stays on task until completion. Aine works on her art until she is happy with it and complete. Aine maintains attention at large or small group activity for at least 15 minutes. On February 24, 2014, Aine did small group with Mrs. Stanley for at least 15 minutes. English/Language Arts ISTAR KR: Demonstrates awareness of sounds Aine is at level 4. Aine can identify words that rhyme. On February 21, 2014, Aine rhymed “house” with “mouse,” in the “Green Eggs and Ham” book. She matches sound that begins with own name with the sound that begins another word or name. She said Aine starts with an “a,” and when I sounded it out she told me that “always” sounds like it. Aine can also produce words that rhyme with oral prompts. On February 21, 2014, I asked Aine what rhymes with “green.” She told me, “mean.” ISTAR KR: Demonstrates awareness of symbols Aine is at level 4. Aine recognizes and names all capital and lower letters in random order. On February 17, 2014, Aine recognized the capital and lower case letters using letter magnets. ISTAR KR: Uses print for pleasure and information Aine is at level 3. She imitates proper handling of books. While reading “Green Eggs and Ham” on February 21, 2014, Aine held the book correctly. She talked about the pictures on the page using a mix of simple phrases and sentences. Aine followed the printed words while I pointed my finger to the words I was reading in the book. ISTAR KR: Comprehends details, events, and main ideas Aine is at level 3. Aine identifies details from a story or picture. We read “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” on April 4, 2014, and Aine identified and described the spider in the story. She told me “it climbed up the water spout!” She asked questions and made comments to a book called “bugs, bugs, bugs,” that we read on April 4, 2014. ISTAR KR: Writing for a specific purpose and audience Aine is at level 3. Aine associates writing with a purpose. She draws pictures and scribbles to generate and express ideas. She tells a story for someone else to write. On February 26, 2014, Aine told a story for Mrs. Stanley to write about what she does on a hot day to cool off. ISTAR KR: Uses writing implements Aine is at level 4. Aine spelled out her first name on March 17, 2014, with pretzels. She also writes her first name on all of her papers. She writes letters in strings. She wrote “mom” on her paper on April 4, 2014, from left to right. She can copy a circle and lines. She combines strokes and shapes to represent letters. ISTAR KR: Demonstrates Receptive Language Aine is at level 4. Aine follows unfamiliar directions involving out of sight objects. I asked Aine of March 31, 2014, to go grab me a pencil from the art center, and she did. Aine answers “if…what” questions. On March 19, 2014, I asked Aine, “If it rains, what will we do?” Aine told me we would have to stay inside. Aine asks clarifying questions. She also follows related two-step directions. On April 2, 2014, Aine followed my directions when I told her to clean up and then put her shoes and jacket on to go outside. ISTAR KR: Demonstrates Expressive Language Aine is at level 5. She uses simple phrases and sentences with simple grammatical rules. She repeats simple sentences as presented. She also uses 6-word sentences. On March 24, 2014, Aine told Miss Claire, “There’s not very much milk left,” during snack time. Aine uses possessive and objective pronouns. On February 17, 2014, Aine told Jackson, “That orange marker is mine!” Aine uses grammatical word order also. She speaks intelligibly 75% of the time. She uses plurals, pronouns, progressive verbs, and regular past tense verbs. On March 26, 2014, Aine told me, “I fell on the sidewalk today and scrapped my knee, and ripped my tights.” She then said, “We cleaned it up and put a Band-Aid on it.” Mathematics ISTAR KR: Counting and Quantity Aine is at level 4. She uses numbers to compare. On February 24, 2014, I asked Aine how many more buttons Etienne had on his cactus and she correctly stated “3 more buttons.” She identifies the next number in a series of numbers. She gives “the rest” when asked. On February 24, 2014, I asked Aine to give me the rest of her buttons, and she did. She can count a number of objects up to 10. She counted 10 buttons out on February 24, 2014. ISTAR KR: Computation Aine is at level 3. She makes a collection of items larger by adding when asked. On February 24, 2014, she added buttons to her cactus and too away buttons when asked to. She identified “one more” and “one less” button on her cactus. She describes addition and subtractions situations for number less than 3. ISTAR KR: Time Aine is at level 4. Aine sequences events. She told me that she is going to get a baby brother this summer. She uses concepts of morning, afternoon, night, today, and tomorrow. On March 26, 2014, Aine told me, “I fell on the sidewalk today and scrapped my knee, and ripped my tights.” ISTAR KR: Location Aine is at level 4. She follows directions involving location. On March 31, 2014, I asked Aine to put her artwork in her cubby, and she did. She uses the term “next to.” On April 2, 2014, Aine said, “I’m going to sit next to Aceline.” She answers “where is” and asks “where is” questions. On March 28, 2014, she asked me, “Where is Mrs. Stanley?” I asked Aine where her brother is, and she told me, “Inside mommy’s belly.” ISTAR KR: Length, Capacity, Weight, and Temperature Aine is at level 3. On April 4, 2014, Aine distinguished between big and little blocks correctly. She recognized that the larger block was heavier than the smaller block. She told me that coffee is warmer than juice. She identified which block was taller and shorter. ISTAR KR: Sorting and Classifying Objects Aine is at level 4. Aine names groups of objects according to the common attribute. She named the block area and book area in the loft, on March 31, 2014. Aine can identify at least 4 geometric shapes. On March 24, 2014, Aine named the circle, square, heart, and triangle shape on the stencil. Aine can also recognize 5 colors. She identified the blue, yellow, red, purple, and green colors correctly on the light table pieces, on March 24, 2014. She also grouped the light table pieces by color.