Humanities 1020 -

HUM 1020
Professor Anthony D’Ascoli
Please place your name, class and time in the
subject line so the system does not place your
email into spam/junk file
OFFICE HOURS: Make arrangements with me
directly. However, I will always be available after
class for any pressing questions or concerns
and I am usually here at least 30 minutes prior
as well. And usually in the library Tuesdays
Syllabus and Important papers for class work
can all be found at
REQUIRED TEXT: Experience the Humanities, Complete th Edition.
Matthews & Platt. Other readings will be required and available
online for free.
CREDITS: 3 Credit Hours
TIMES: Vary per semester and campus
PREREQUISITES: ENG 1101 or similar 1st year English writing
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course offers a chronological survey
of guiding ideas and trends within culture, as reflected in the
philosophy, literature, and fine arts of the ancient, medieval and
modern times. The instructor will select a succession of periods that
can be covered meaningfully within the term. The student will
acquire knowledge of the cultural achievements falling within
selected periods in the development of Civilization, along with an
understanding of how these achievements contribute to the making
our present cultural inheritance.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: (What you need to do to succeed)
Attendance: Crucial part of your grade and performance in this class
and will impact your grade. Missing class effects your grade.
Class discussions and lectures will contain over 80% of what will be
covered on tests, quizzes, etc.
Discussion = Participation
Participation = 20 % of your overall grade – 200 points
Attendance will impact your participation grade
2 absences are free
3rd absence you will drop you an entire 10% for a maximum of 180
4th absence you will get you 20 % for your participation – for a
maximum of 160 points and each additional absence will decrease
proportionally, at the 8th you will receive 0 points
Individual emergencies, etc, will be determined on a 1 to 1 basis
(plan on bringing proof)
Tardies: Habitual lateness (3 or more) will also effect
your participation grade negatively. 10 point loss for
each tardy after the 3rd. Tardy = arriving between 11 – 15
minutes late. At 16 minutes or later, it will count as ½ an
absence so please take care to watch the time.
Again, individual emergencies, pre-arranged
appointments, etc. will be determined on a 1 to 1 basis.
If lateness becomes an issue with several students I will
change this policy to one of zero tolerance and will not
allow students to enter late at all and therefore miss an
entire class session
It is expected that you will complete any and all reading
assignments prior their discussion in class.
Questions on the readings and during discussions are
encouraged, there is no such thing as a stupid question
Journal: There will be one journal (bonus points/extra
credit only) due by next to last week of semester. The
journal is worth 50 points and can be in any form.
Exams: There will be approximately 4 quizzes (50 points
each) during the semester on the readings. There will be
an additional 4 examinations (50 points each) on the
material covered in class and in the text book. There will
be a midterm (150 points) on the ½ way point and a final
(200 points) on the last week. The quizzes, examinations
and most of the final will be on material covered in class,
yet another reason not to miss.
PAPERS: There will be 3 writing
assignments (100 points each) that will be
assigned early in the course so that you
can begin on them sooner rather than
Paper 1: An art analysis due week 3/5
Paper 2: A concert review due week 7/10
Paper 3: A film as art paper due week 11/15
Drops an entire grade each week its late
Helpful Hints
All papers must be 100% your own work!!
Paper 1 – Art Analysis (due Week 3/5)
Choose only a work of art that really effects you (i.e. that
you really like or really hate). It will make the writing
process significantly easier if you have strong feelings
one way or the other.
Make sure you include all parts to get full credit
Place your name somewhere on your paper, staple it
together. (I do not have a stapler)
Focus on parts 3 and 6 as that is where I will get 80% of
your grade
Paper 2 – Concert Review (due week 7/10 )
Do not wait until the last minute to do this paper – there
may be no events to attend or they may be all sold out
It must be from the following styles/genres only :
Broadway Musical; Jazz performance (even a live
performance a t a club); Classical concert; Opera, Ballet,
Flamenco show (not at a restaurant)
No pop, rap, hip hop, raggaeton, salsa, bachata,
merengue, rock or metal shows will count
Focus on part 2 as I will include that at 75% of the grade
for this paper
Van Dyke’s on Lincoln road has nightly jazz shows for
under 20.00 – 5.00 tickets for students
Paper 3: Film as Art (due week 11/15) –
Choose wisely
Do NOT write a movie review
Do NOT write a movie review
Do NOT write a movie review
Do write about the film as a work of art
You should be writing about the colors (or lack of) used in the
You should be writing about why certain camera angles and speeds
are being used
You should be writing about the scenery, setting and costumes
You should be writing about the use of music to aid in setting the
You should be writing about the special effects as art
You should be writing about the use of the language, speeches, etc.
Watch the film at least 2x – the first time just to enjoy – 2nd time to
take notes
You can watch them together with fellow classmates – just do not
turn in the same papers
MLA Format
12” font
Typed, Double Spaced
No title page – no fancy paper, no folders
Just stapled together on white 8 ½ x 11 regular paper
1” margins all around
All original – all your own work
Use proper citations
Unless you were born with the information you are writing about – it
should be cited
Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated – You will get caught and you will
get an F for the entire course – not just the assignment
I will not fail anyone for poor quality English, poor grammar or poor
sentence structure so write it yourself
You can decide keep, maintain and then turn in a music journal on
the week before the end of semester which will include your
reactions to selections of music on the accompanying CD
You will need to answer the following 4 questions for each musical
1) What do you think the mood of the musical piece is? (Happy,
frightened, intimidating, sad, angry, joyful – a combination of
2) How does it make you feel? (Be honest)
3) Have you heard this piece before? If so, where?
4) Did you enjoy it or dislike it? Why?
I will focus on question 4 for grading and on how seriously you take
this assignment
This is for extra credit or bonus points – it is not mandatory but it will
not be accepted after the deadline for any reason.
An example of what an entry should look like is this:
Piece name: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
1) I believe that the composer was trying to convey the
sadness of romance and love
2) The piece makes me remember the one that got away
and therefore makes me sad
3) Yes, I heard it in a movie and on a TV commercial
4) Yes, I think that this is one of my favorite pieces of
music that we have listened to so far, although it makes
me sad – I still appreciate the beauty of the piece
Do all reading assignments on time – be ready to
discuss, ask questions and cover them in class
Bring a notebook and writing utensils
A dictionary and a highlighter are good to have as new
terms and their usage will appear in your papers and on
Do not plagiarize – you run the risk of failing the entire
course and being expelled form school (cut & paste, etc)
Come to class ready to participate and ready to have fun
Do not speak over others – their ideas are as important
as yours even if you don’t agree with them
Class Policies:
Cell phones off or silent or vibrate only
If it is an important call – please leave the classroom and
answer it – if this is abused you will be asked to keep phones
off at all times
You do not need to ask to leave class for bathroom, drink,
emergency, etc. just leave as quietly as possible and re-enter
the same way – you will, of course, be responsible for what
you missed
Please remember to turn in all tests, quizzes, papers,
journals, etc with your name on them so you can get proper
Turn in assignments late rather than never – I will take all
assignments up to the next to last week of the semester – on
the final week I cannot accept anything as I will be grading
some 500 finals at that point and figuring out grades
I want everyone to get an A – I will do my best to make this as
fun as possible – so laugh at my terrible jokes
Discussion/class participation – 200 points
Music Journal – bonus (up to 50)
Midterm – 100 points
Comprehensive Final Exam – 100 points
Quizzes (4 at 50 points each) – 200 points
Exams (5 at 50 points each) -250 points
Papers (3 at 100 points each) – 300 points
Total possible points = 1150
1150 - 900
899 – 795
794 – 695
694 – 600
594 - 0
If you have over 925
points before the final
examination then you are
Some Definitions:
The creative contributions of mankind,
past and present, from all cultures
What each of us expresses or creates
The systematic study of the formal
disciplines: music, art, cinema, theater,
literature, dance, philosophy, religion and
Aesthetics – how we describe an
experience in the arts or in life, that we
value for no reason beyond itself
What is beautiful? In the Humanities – a
pleasing arrangement of parts that affects
us in a pleasing aesthetic manner.
What buildings?
What works of art?
What people?
Types of Art Works
Painting -is an aesthetic work created by
applying paint to a 2-D surface such as canvas,
panel, or a wall in a variety of media like oil,
water, glue, acrylic, fresco, etc.
Types of Art Works
Sculpture (also called sculpture in the round) – a
3 dimensional work of art formed by carving,
modeling, casting, or Assembly in which all sides
are supposed to be looked at
Types of Art Works
Relief sculpture - A sculpture which, intended to be
viewed from one side which is attached to a background
of which it is part of. There are 3 types of relief : (1) high;
(2) low and ; (3) sunken (also called hollow or intaglio)
High relief – a relief sculpture in which the image greatly
protrudes from the surrounding surface
Low relief - a relief sculpture in which the image protrudes
only slightly from the surrounding surface material
Sunken relief (aka hollow and intaglio) - A technique of
stylized engraving which is carved beneath the surface
layer of a hard material, often stone or metal
Types of Art Works
Architecture - is the art and science of designing
buildings and structures
Types of Art Works
Illuminated Manuscript - a manuscript which has
been decorated with colored paints and gold leaf
or gold paint, a common practice for luxury
books produced in the Middle Ages
Types of Art Works
Textiles - any material made with yarns, cloth or
Types of Art Works
Tapestry - a heavy hand-woven reversible textile
used for hangings, curtains, and upholstery and
characterized by complicated pictorial designs
Types of Art Works
Craft work - crafts comprise a whole host of
activities and hobbies that are related to making
things with one's own hands and skill – i.e
Types of Art Works
Pen and Ink – Use of pen with inkwell or
even ball point pens on paper, usually a
Types of Art Work
Mixed Media – use of more than one type
of media (paint, stone, paper, mosaic,
found art, etc) to create a unified art work.
Type of Art Works
Environmental Art – using nature or
natural artifacts to create art
Types of Art Works
Mosaic - art consisting of a design made of small
pieces of colored stone or glass
Types of Art Works
Pottery – pottery is known as the ‘alphabet of
archaeology’ because of its uniqueness to each culture
that produces it. Pottery includes : plates, cups, jars,
vases,e tc. That are made from earthenware (usually
baked clay).
Types of Art Work
Stained Glass – any work of art (usually
windows) that is made up of pieces of colored
glass to make a whole composite scene
Types of Art Works
Glassware - any work that is made up of glass.
Usually heavily decorated, but not always.
Types of Art Work
Photography – the use of film and camera, more
modernly digital imaging to create an artistic image
Photoshop – altering an image to create an artwork
Types of Art Works
Found Art – taking everyday ordinary
objects which are ‘found’ and turning them
into art
Types of Art Works
Installation Art - Art that is installed (sometimes
temporarily) in an exhibit space or room, or even
outdoors . Large in size and usually very ordinary.
Types of Art
Assembled Art – pieces of odds and ends
(even trash) assembled to create a whole
cohesive work
Offensive Art
Art which has as it main purpose to show or offend the
general public in order to get a reaction or make a
statement about an issue, sometimes even used in
advertising to increase sales.
Next class
Prehistory Lecture and Notes
Visit, read the following web site that includes
Hammurabi’s code of laws:
Questions found on your reading question sheet will
count as your first quiz - so please do not copy & paste
or plagiarize so soon… a bad answer is better than a
dishonest one
The document containing the links to Hammurabi and
other class readings as well as the syllabus and other
important papers can all be found at