Hazing, Harassing, and Hurting

Counseling & Psychological Services Center (CAPS)
106 Lee Hall
(540) 654-1053
Tevya Zukor, Ph.D., CGP
Director & Licensed Clinical Psychologist
 Academic Difficulties
 Poor academic performance or declining performance
 Excessive absences or tardiness
 Chronic indecisiveness or procrastination
 Repeated requests for special considerations
 Increased worry about grades despite adequate
 Increased dependence or neediness by the student
 Change in Academic Status
 Academic Probation or Dismissal
 Unusual Behaviors
 Changes to classroom behavior
 Lack of concentration, Lack of energy, Appearing sad, Lack
of care of self including appearance and hygiene
 Changes in emotionality
 Increased irritability, sadness, or disruptiveness in class
 Changes in ability to be clear in speech, organizing
thoughts, or having bizarre content to thoughts
 Aggressive or threatening behavior
 Overt speech or behavior
 Covert signs - Clenched jaws, fists, glaring at others
 Smell of alcohol or evidence of substance abuse
 Traumatic Changes in Students Lives
 Loss or impending loss of a significant person through
illness or death
 Difficulties in personal relationships
 Separation, Divorce, Change in custody of children
 Loss of job or changes in financial circumstances
 Change in personal circumstances
 Loneliness, Coming out, Personal illness
 Positive events may also be stressful
 Marriage, Pregnancy, New job
 References to Suicide or Homicide
 References to Suicide or Homicide
 Indicators of prolonged suffering or unhappiness
 Covert references to suicide
 “My family would be better off without me.”
 Overt statements or references to suicide
 Written or stated references to hurting oneself or others
 Acquiring means to kill oneself and/or others
 Buying a gun
 Each employee has a wealth of knowledge about
students based on experience and intuition
 Trust your observations of overt behavior as well as your
reaction to the individual
 Talk to the student directly
 Early connection and intervention can only help
 Clarify your role as a concerned faculty/staff
 Listen carefully to what the student is saying or
may not be saying
 Denying problems while clearly upset
 Don’t be afraid to ask direct questions
 Asking about suicide does NOT increase risk
 Student discloses a situation that is beyond your
expertise or comfort level
 Admits to being suicidal
 Student wants a response from you that exceeds
your background, training, or availability
 Student is reluctant to respond to you because of
various concerns
 Not wanting to cross boundaries
 Gender issues
 General discomfort
 Meet at a time and place where there is privacy
 End of class can be a difficult time
 Avoid being isolated or alone with a student
 Consider leaving the door ajar
 Talk directly to the student about your concerns
 Be supportive
 Avoid criticizing or being judgmental
 Prepare to recommend a specific course of action
 Referral to counselor, clergy, advocacy group
 Student can sign a release allowing follow-up
conversation with a treatment professional
 Know how to reach campus security or police
 Have a clear emergency protocol in place
 Know where to report critical information
 Dean of Student Life – Cedric Rucker
 Develop “safety” word to be used if needed
 “Please call Dr. Armstrong for me.”
 Develop list of resources to be used in an emergency
 Health, Psychological, Natural disaster
 Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the
basis of sex in ANY education activity that receives federal
 Title IX is not just about athletics!
 Discrimination includes sexual harassment, rape, and
sexual assault
 Courts have found that even one instance of sexual assault or
rape meets this standard
 Faculty and Staff MUST report all allegations to Title IX
 Do NOT promise confidentiality
 Can discuss need to protect other members of community
 UMW Title IX Coordinator – Leah Cox (lcox@umw.edu)
 Required for all public universities
 UMW Sexual Misconduct Policy
 http://www.umw.edu/judicialaffairs/sexual_misconduct/default.php