
• Ice Breaker
• Review
• HW Review
• Find your seat on the seating
• AP FR Practice
Chart, get out your HW, and work this problem:
At time t = 0, car X traveling with speed v0 passes car Y. which is just
starting to move. Both cars then travel on two parallel lanes of the
same straight road. The graphs of speed v versus time t for both
cars are shown above.
8/18 Do Now
4. Which of the following is true at time t = 20
(A) Car Y is behind car X.
(B) Car Y is passing car X.
(C) Car Y is in front of car X.
(D) Both cars have the same acceleration.
(E) Car X is accelerating faster than car Y.
Ice Breaker – think, pair, share
• Individually: on an index card, write:
– What you did this summer or something new
we should know about you
– One question for me
• Partner next to you: share the information
about each other and decide which question
to ask me
• Share: introduce your partner and ask your
Classroom Procedures
Entering the Classroom
Getting to work immediately
You are on time if you have your notebook, pencil, and
calculator and are working on the Do Now when the
bell rings
If you are tardy
This is your haven – come in whenever you need a
place to be
Put your tardy slip on the front table and quietly get to
work – no disruptions
My office hours
Mondays & Fridays, 3:10-4:10 pm
Wednesdays at lunch
7th period study hall
Suggested Notebook Organization
Section 1: Do Now/Closure
Section 2: Notes & In-class assignments
Section 3: Homework
Section 4: Labs
Date & Unit on all pages
Emergency Procedures
• Fire
– Unless it is blocked, go down the stairs, out the North Doors and to
the 50 yard line on the Mountain (West) side
– If during a passing period, find your previous teacher on the North
– If you are at the LMC or Health Room, stay with them
– If you are in the bathroom, meet at 50 yard line
• Tornado
– Go to Counselor’s Office
• Lockout (Yellow) – no on-campus hazard
– Close windows & shades, lock doors, continue class
• Lockdown (Red) – immediate hazard on campus
– Close windows & shades, lock doors, huddle quietly and out of a
Why are you here?
• Individually, write down the reason you are
taking this class. You will not have to share
this information with anyone.
• Discussion
• Feynman: The Pleasure of Finding Things
– 00:25 to 3:38 (Science & Art)
– 5:14 to 9:06 (Knowing the name of a thing)
What is the AP Physics Test like?
• Individually, write down two questions you
have about the AP Test.
• MC & FR
• Handout: Equation Sheet
• Handout: Unit 1 Objectives
Review of a, v, t, x
• Calculus relations
• Derivation of equations for constant
• Graphs –
– what do maxima and minima of velocity curve
• Your turn: derive an equation for velocity in
terms of vo, a, x, and xo (i.e. eliminate t).
AP FR Practice
• 1982M2
• 15 min to work the problem then we will
peer-grade according to the actual AP rubric
• I will check your HW while you are
• After grading, you will think-pair-share
about what you learned
• Reminder: KE = ½ mv2 and F=ma
The role of labs (skipped- not enough time)
• Feynman: The Best Mind Since Einstein
– Theory vs. Reality (3:13 to 6:31)
• 5 Groups:
Procedure & Setup
Format & Writing
• For your category, list at least 5 things that are
important to have in an excellent lab report
– Present to the class
Thursday’s Lab: Maximum Range
• Purpose: To determine angle of launch
for maximum range of a projectile
– You may use any or all of the following:
• Stop watch; measuring tape; protractor; air
rocket, launch pad, and bike pump; any three
masses; string
– I must approve your procedure before
– You must predict the angle of maximum
range before launching
8/18 Closure
• Start on your homework:
– Revise 1982M2
– Predict angle for optimum range and show
supporting calculations
– Write lab procedure for Thursday
8/20 Do Now
• Lab Report Rubric
• Lab
• Turn in your revised FR problem to the Period 3 bin
• Annotate the Lab Report Rubric
– Find the part about how your grade depends on the
accuracy of your prediction
• Reminder: the purpose of the lab is to
determine angle of launch for maximum range
of a projectile
– You may use any or all of the following:
• Stop watch; measuring tape; protractor; air rocket,
launch pad, and bike pump; any three masses; string
• On an index card with your name on it, write your
prediction and turn it in.
• Study hall period 7 is pretty open
• Unanswered questions
• Why this lab now?
Lab groups
• Safety & operation
• I will assign groups of 3
• Discuss your procedure and come to
agreement BEFORE starting
• I must approve your procedure
– I will review it for safety, not for accuracy
My expectations for lab report
5 pages max
4 hrs max
Use my template!
Show a graph
8/20 Closure
• HW Policy
– one point per problem turned in on time
– 50% credit for late
• Start HW:
– Due Monday, 8/24:
• P. 32: #45 & 47 (2-9: Free Fall Acceleration)
• P. 53: #23 (3-6: Adding Vectors by Components)
– Due Tuesday, 8/25:
• Draft of lab report; max time = 4 hrs; max pages = 5
• Vector visualization
• Lab Report concerns
• HW review
• Policies & Procedures
• Get out your HW for grading: 3 points
• On an index card with your name, rate yourself 1-4 on the
following then turn in to me when I check your HW:
8/24 Do Now
4 = I’m bored with Ch. 1-3; ready to move on
3 = I have a few questions on Ch. 1-3 but feeling confident
2 = I have many questions on Ch. 1-3 and am feeling behind
1 = I’m really lost
• In your notes, draw a graph of the position, velocity, and
acceleration of a ball from the time it is tossed from a
height xo off the ground straight up at a velocity vo until it
returns to the ground.
• If xo = 2 m and vo = 10 m/s, find the maximum height.
(Assume g = -10 m/s2.)
• Right hand coordinate system & right hand
• i, j, k notation
• Dot product
• Cross product
– Hard way
– Easy way
Vector Visualization
• I will assign groups
• Materials: tape & string
• Groups 1 & 2
– Construct a 2-D coordinate system (right handed) using the tape
provided; label each axis
– Construct two vectors in your coordinate system
– Resolve one vector onto the i, and j axes
– Calculate the magnitude of both vectors
– Group 1: Illustrate the addition of the two vectors
– Group 2: Illustrate the subtraction of the two vectors
• Groups 3 & 4:
– Construct a 3-D coordinate system (right handed) using the tape
provided; label each axis
– Construct two vectors in your coordinate system
– Group 3: Illustrate the dot product of the two vectors
– Group 4: Illustrate the cross product of the two vectors
Lab Report Questions & HW Review
• Which problems from Ch. 1 & 2 would you
like to see solved?
Policies & Procedures
Annotate the handout
What does an “A” mean?
HW expectations & grading
Notebook organization: as you like but I
need to check HW easily
8/24 Closure
• Start on the HW (due 8/25)
– P. 33: #46, 53 (2-9: Free-Fall Acceleration)
– P. 54: #12, 13, 15, 20, 21 (3-6: Adding Vectors
by Components)
– Lab Report
8/25 Do Now
• Lab Reports
• HW Review
• Revise Lab Reports
• Get out your HW for grading: 7 points
• Write on the board problems from Ch. 1 – 3
that you would like to see solved.
• Swap lab reports with someone NOT in
your lab group and start grading
HW Review – Ch. 1-3
• Which problems from Ch. 1 - 3 would you
like to see solved?
Lab Report Discussions
• What things need clarification?
• Start your revisions while I start individual
8/25 Closure/Homework
• HW due 8/26:
– P. 57: #75 & 77 (Additional Problems)
• HW due 8/31
– Final draft of lab
8/26 Do Now
• 3-D Motion
• Projectile Motion
• Labs
• Get out your HW for grading: 2 points
• The acceleration of a particle along an x axis is a =
5.0t, with t in seconds and a in m/s2. At t = 2.0 s,
its velocity is +17 m/s. What is its velocity at t =
4.0 s?
• A: +47 m/s
• Annotate Policies & Procedures and syllabus.
• HW: signed P&P and signed lab safety contract
(download from my web site)
Return FRQs
Math and physics were great
Improve logical flow & formatting
Improve detail
Improve explicit statements (e.g. KE = ½
mv2, a = dv/dt)
• Put a box around final answers
3D Motion in vector form
• v = dr/dt
= d/dt(x i + y j + z k)
= dx/dt i + dy/dt j + dz/dt k
= vx i + v y j + vz k
• a = dv/dt
= d/dt(vx i + vy j + vz k)
= dvx/dt i + dvy/dt j + dvz/dt k
= a x i + a y j + az k
Slide Adapted from Bertrand
2 D Motion or Projectile Motion
• 1 or 2-dimensional motion
• Something is fired, thrown, shot, or hurled near
the earth’s surface
• Horizontal velocity is constant
• Vertical velocity is accelerated
• Air resistance is ignored
Slide Adapted from Bertrand
Projectile Motion
• For the horizontal and vertical components, draw:
– Acceleration vs. time
– Velocity vs. time
– Position vs. time
• Assume up is positive and down is negative (i.e. g
= -9.8 m/s2)
• Derive y(x), given initial velocity vo and angle o.
• Derive R(o)
• Derivation using first principles
Projectile Motion
• Draw a graph of y vs. x.
• Label the direction of the acceleration
• Label the direction of the velocity vector.
• How does the magnitude of the horizontal
velocity change with time? The vertical?
• Where is there no vertical velocity?
• Where is the total speed maximum?
Labs & Data Analysis
• Feynman: The Best Mind Since Einstein
– Theory vs. Reality (3:13 to 6:31)
• Curve fitting your data
• The power of the curve fit
8/26 Closure/Homework
• HW due 8/28:
– P. 77 : #5, 7 (4-3 : Avg. & Inst. Velocity)
– P. 77 : #9, 11 (4-4 : Avg. & Inst. Acc)
– Signed P&P and signed lab safety contract
(download from my web site)
8/28 Do Now
• Parametric Equations
& Simple Harmonic
• Get out your HW for grading: 4 points
• Given: x(t) = Acos(t)i and y(t) = Asin(t)j:
A.Graph x(t) & y(t)
B.Graph |y(x)|
C.Write an equation for v(t) and graph it
D.On your |y(x)| graph, show v(t=0), v(t= /4), and v(t=/2)
E.Write an equation for v(x, y).
F. What is |v(t)| and |v(x,y)|?
G.On your graph, show a(t=0), a(t=/4), and a(t=/2)
H.Write an equation for a(t) & a(x, y).
I. What is |a(t)| and |a(x,y)|?
• Challenge: on the complex plane, graph v(t) and a(t)
given position r(t) = Aeit
8/28 Closure/Homework
• Start on your HW, Due 8/31, 9 points
• P. 79: #44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51 (4-7:
Uniform Circular Motion)
– 44: 4.0 m/s2
– 46: (a) 0; (b) 0
– 48: (a) 0.95 m; (b) 19 m/s; (c) 2.4 · 103 m/s2;
(d) 50 ms
• P. 80: #55 (4-8: Relative Motion in 1D)
• P. 80: #59 (4-9 Relative Motion in 2D)
8/31 Do Now
• Do-Over from Friday
• Pull out homework for grading: 9 points
– Write the numbers of any problems you had on the board
• Given: s(t) = x(t)i + y(t)j where x(t) = Acos(t) and y(t) =
A.Solve for v(t) and a(t)
B.Graph s(t) on an x-y axis
C.On your graph, show v(t=0), v(t= /4), and v(t=/2)
D.On your graph, show a(t=0), a(t= /4), and a(t=/2)
E.Write an equation for v(x, y) and a(x, y)
F. Show that |v(x, y)| = |v(t)| = A
G.Show that |a(x, y)| = |a(t)| = 2A
H.Solve for |a(t)| in terms of |v(t)|
HW Review & Extra Questions
• Which problems do you want to see worked?
If you don’t need help, do this:
• Now that you have a generalized y(x) equation for
projectile motion, write a complete sentence or
two describing how you would:
Find the maximum height
Find the time-of-flight
Find the position of the projectile at any given time t
Find the velocity of the projectile at any given time t
8/31 Closure/Homework
• Start on your HW, Due 9/1, 4 points
• P. 83: #76, 83, 99, 112 (Ch. 4 Additional
9/1 Do Now
• Test Prep
• Pull out homework for grading: 4 points
– Write the numbers of any problems you had on the board
• Annotate the AP Unit Objectives
– Add the following objective:
• Relate the radius of the circle and the speed or rate of
revolution of the particle to the magnitude of the centripetal
– Underline or highlight the important points
– Underline or highlight the equations for this unit
– Write down any questions you have
• Rate each Objective from 1 (worst) to 4 (best) based on
your level of comfort
• TPS: pick 2 problems from the textbook
that represent your weaknesses; pair with
someone with same weakness and work
problems together
• If no weaknesses, pick a 3-dot problem and
solve it.
9/1 Closure/Homework
• Due Wednesday, 9/2:
– For two of your strongest Objectives, write two
MC problems with correct answer and 4
incorrect but easily mistaken answers. Write
the objective # on the upper left and your name
on upper right. These questions should be on
separate index cards.
• Test on Ch. 1 - 4: Tuesday, September 8th;
10 multiple choice and 1 free response
question; equation sheet & calculator
9/2 Do Now
• Mini-Lab
• Practice FR Problem
An object slides off a roof 10 meters above the
ground with an initial horizontal speed of 5 meters
per second as shown above. The time between the
object's leaving the roof and hitting the ground is
most nearly
(A) s
(B) s
(C) s
(D) 2 s
(E) s
A: C; 75% correct.
Lab: Measuring Mass
• Materials: pulley, string, stopwatch, ring
stands, rings, meter stick, 2 known masses
of your choosing, mass hangar
• Find: the mass of a set of keys
• Rule: Cannot use a simple lever
• Goal: Less than 10% error
Lab Discussion
• What worked best and what didn’t?
Practice FRQ
• Review of what is expected for a FRQ
• Group assignments (8 groups)
Practice FRQ
An object is shot out of a
cannon at ground level at an
angle  with an initial
velocity of 100 m/s. The
cannon is a distance h above
the ground.
• Group A: How long is the object in the air if  = 90°?
• Group B: How far does the object go if  = 60° and
• Group C: How far does the object go if  = 60° and h=
• Group D: Derive a generalized equation for y(x) and use
it to verify Group C’s solution.
Swap peer-created MC Problems
• Swap with someone who has created
problems for your weakness.
9/2-3 Closure/HW
• Due Tuesday, 9/8:
– Lab report: Conclusions ONLY (also turn in
notes & data);
• Due Friday, 9/4:
– Work two peer-created MC problems
– Review notes and problems from Chapters 1-4
and be prepared with clarifying questions for
9/4 Do Now
• Test prep
• Practice test
• How can you change your velocity without
changing your speed? Give two examples.
• What will be your displacement between
right now and 24 hours from now? Your
HW problems?
What to expect?
9/4 Closure
• Practice Test
• Index card:
– 3 things you are comfortable with
– 2 you will study more
– 1 thing you are doing this weekend for fun
9/8 Do Now
• Test prep
• Practice test
 Get out equation sheet, calculator, pencil;
 Hand in Lab Report Conclusions &
Extra Slides
8/18 Do Now
At time t = 0, car X traveling with speed v0 passes
car Y. which is just starting to move. Both cars
then travel on two parallel lanes of the same
straight road. The graphs of speed v versus time
t for both cars are shown above.
4. Which of the following is true at time t = 20
(A) Car Y is behind car X.
(B) Car Y is passing car X.
(C) Car Y is in front of car X.
(D) Both cars have the same acceleration.
(E) Car X is accelerating faster than car Y.
5. From time t = 0 to time t = 40 seconds, the
areas under both curves are equal.
Therefore, which of the following is true
at time t = 40 seconds?
(A) Car Y is behind car X.
(B) Car Y is passing car X.
(C) Car Y is in front of car X.
(D) Both cars have the same acceleration.
(E) Car X is accelerating faster than car Y.
• 1984 CM
– #4: A: Car Y is behind car X.
– #5: B: (B) Car Y is passing car X.
8/29 Do Now
• On the board, write the page and number of
any homework problems you would like to
see solved today
• Group yourselves accordingly and start
work on the handout:
Group A: Questions a.1 and a.2
Group B: Question a.3
Group C: Question b.1
Group D: Question b.2
Concept Maps (skip)
• Example: HyperPhysics
• In groups I assign, map these terms:
Dot product
Cross product
Understandings for this Unit (1)
1. Motion in one dimension
a) Students should understand the general relationships
among position, velocity, and acceleration for the motion of
a particle along a straight line, so that:
(1) Given a graph of one of the kinematic quantities,
position, velocity, or acceleration, as a function of time,
they can recognize in what time intervals the other two are
positive, negative, or zero, and can identify or sketch a
graph of each as a function of time.
(2) Given an expression for one of the kinematic
quantities, position, velocity, or acceleration, as a function
of time, they can determine the other two as a function of
time, and find when these quantities are zero or achieve
their maximum and minimum values.
Understandings for this Unit (2)
b) Students should understand the special case of
motion with constant acceleration, so they can:
(1) Write down expressions for velocity and
position as functions of time, and identify or
sketch graphs of these quantities.
(2) Use the equations
to solve problems involving one-dimensional
motion with constant acceleration.
Understandings for this Unit (3)
c) Students should know how to deal with
situations in which acceleration is a specified
function of velocity and time so they can write an
appropriate differential equation and solve it for
v(t) by separation of variables, incorporating
correctly a given initial value of v.
Understandings for this Unit (4)
2. Motion in two dimensions, including projectile motion
a) Students should be able to add, subtract, and
resolve displacement and velocity vectors, so they can:
(1) Determine components of a vector along
two specified, mutually perpendicular axes.
(2) Determine the net displacement of a particle
or the location of a particle relative to another.
(3) Determine the change in velocity of a
particle or the velocity of one particle relative to another.
Understandings for this Unit (5)
b) Students should understand the general motion
of a particle in two dimensions so that, given
functions x(t) and y(t) which describe this motion,
they can determine the components, magnitude,
and direction of the particle’s velocity and
acceleration as functions of time.
“If the Theory of making telescopes
could be fully brought into Practice, yet
there would be certain Bounds beyond
which Telescopes could not perform.
For the Air through which we look
upon the Stars is in perpetual Tremor;
as may be seen by the tremulous
Motion of Shadows cast from high
towers, and by the twinkling of the fix'd
stars…The only remedy is a most
serene and quiet Air, such as may
perhaps be found on the tops of the
highest Mountains above the grosser
clouds.” Isaac Newton, “Opticks”
What is Newton talking about?
Where are modern large
observatories located? Why? Are
there ways to remove the twinkle?
What advantages does this offer?
Write 3 sentences.
Gemini South
Cerro Pachon,
Gemini North Laser, Mauna Kea, Hawai’i
Feynman Index
• The Pleasure of Finding Things Out:
– 00:25 to 3:38 (Science & Art)
– 3:38 to 5:14 (Bedtime stories)
– 5:14 to 9:06 (Knowing the name of a thing)
• The Best Mind Since Einstein
– Theory vs. Reality (3:13 to 6:31)
– Nobel Prize (3:47 to 7:36)