Assessment of Transfer Self-Reflection Criteria: Please note that this must be a new and unique assessment. No credit will be awarded for re-using something already in the curriculum, VERSO or online. Teacher Name: Anita Goodgrade Assessment: WRS #1, Positive Work Ethic Skit Applicable Course for the Activity: TCE Unit for which the assessment is most applicable: TCE Unit 1 Competencies assessed: Demonstrate Positive Work Ethic Unpacking: [Using the above competencies, please list the scaffolding assessments and data you gleaned from them to support the readiness of your students in taking the Assessment of Transfer above.] Competency Instructional Objective Type of Assessment Date See an example below… Data Gleaned Teacher Instructional Response Competency Instructional Objective Type of Assessment Date Data Gleaned Teacher Instructional Response Demonstrate Positive Work Ethic Students will understand what the term “positive work ethic” means Student will identify behaviors that create an appropriate work environment (attendance, active listening, on-task behaviors) Assessment of Acquisition… pre-assess for prior knowledge… direct teaching… Socrative quiz Assessment of Acquisition… Students will complete a walk-about to check for understanding of specific traits… this will enable teacher to re-teach/clarify Day One Number of students understanding the definition What areas of behavior have been omitted and by how many students Students will infer the outcomes when employees exhibit of examples of negative work ethic Acquisition/Meaning Making… Whole class instruction using movie clips… centers set-up with laptops that students will view and infer behaviors… table discussions on outcome… whole group recap Assessment of Meaning-making… Brain Trust… pre-assessment for ideas… story board creative session by group… Glogster activity Day Two If the material is known well enough to predict an outcome Students are ready for more depth of the topic… introduce next objective Make note of areas that are not mentioned… check to see if it is a case of omission or not understand… re-teach, as necessary Post on class website additional practice for those students who need more exposure Day Three If the students understand what behaviors are most desirable and why Students will use the information previously learned on positive work environments to create an evaluation tool with rubric to assess employees on this domain Assessment of Meaning-making Taking those criteria, students will create a rubric as part of an employee evaluation tool Day Four Students’ ability to list the behaviors and place a value on them… if the students are able to do a bit of perspective-taking Students will present an original skit that is accompanied by a short paragraph defending the importance of key ideas presented Assessment of Transfer… performance based assessment Day Five/Six Students will create motivational posters for the workplace that reinforce positive work ethic Day One Any student handout/directions for this assessment, as well as the rubric, will be submitted as part of the PLP requirement If the students own the concept of positive behaviors that create a healthy work environment Immediate descriptive feedback so that students may correct and re-submit… institute peer coaching as necessary Group feedback, revision, teacher feedback, selfevaluation… Teacher will evaluate the readiness of each student to take on the Performance-based Assessment..