Tom Sawyer - TeacherWeb

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Literary Analysis
Assignment: You will choose one of the topics below, and write a two-three page, wellorganized, detailed essay answering the question. Your essay must include the author, title of
the novel and some background information (what the book is about in 1-2 sentences). You
should refer back to the text in your body paragraphs, but do NOT overload the reader with
quotations (1-2 quotes in the entire essay is enough). Check the Team 2 homework website
for a link to the online text.
These are some sample thesis statements for each of the topics – keep in mind that these are
just samples, and your position DOES NOT have to be the same as these samples. Feel free to
take the opposite side.
1. Tom’s changes throughout the novel.
Sample Thesis: Tom’s behavior and treatment of others change drastically from the
beginning of the novel to the end.
2. Aunt Polly character analysis
Sample Thesis: Aunt Polly clearly has no backbone or control over Tom, and is easily
influenced by others.
3. The Great Law of Human Action
Sample Thesis: Based on the actions of Tom and Becky and my own life experience, it is
clear that the best way to make someone want something is to make that thing difficult
to get.
4. Mark Twain’s views of the world - what would he think if he was alive today?
Sample Thesis: If Mark Twain did not seem happy with the way the world was run in the
1800s, he certainly would not approve of today’s society.
5. Huck’s view of money
Sample Thesis: People in today’s society seem to be completely consumed by wealth,
but money cannot buy happiness.
Introduction: You must include the title and author of the novel, background information and a
clear thesis statement. Your thesis statement is the focus (topic) of your essay—i.e. Tom’s
witness of Dr. Robinson’s murder forced him to change from an irresponsible kid into a mature
young adult. Your thesis is what your essay will prove through the use of examples.
Body Paragraphs: Paragraphs must be clearly focused around a topic sentence and provide
detailed support for your thesis through the use of textual evidence and specific examples, in
addition to your own insights and interpretations. Direct quotations may be used, but do not
overload the reader with quotes (1-2 are fine). You will need to explain and analyze these
quotes in relation to your topic, as well as provide your own commentary on the quote and why
you believe it is significant. You should determine the number of body paragraphs that you
believe is necessary in order to thoroughly prove your thesis. In other words – this DOES NOT
have to be a five paragraph essay. Your organizers allow you to plan for five paragraphs - make
adjustments as needed.
Conclusion: Restate your thesis and main points of the essay.
 No first or second person in this piece (you may use he, she, they, etc.)
 No contractions in formal writing (unless they are in quotes; don’t = do not)
 Do not forget to include the title, author and background information in the first few
lines (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; the title must be in italics or underlined)
 You should show depth of thinking in your essay (i.e. analysis of theme, text support,
change in character, etc.)
 Be sure to use MMS writing standards
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Essay Topics
You may choose from the following topics for your literary analysis. Each topic comes with
guiding questions. Your essay should NOT simply be a list of answers to the questions, but
use them to help formulate your ideas. You may also use text-to-text connections to help
your reader understand your views.
1. At several points during the novel, we have talked about Tom’s character and whether
or not he has changed as a person throughout the novel. This essay will ask you to
analyze Tom’s character and discuss whether or not he has truly changed as a result of
the events that occur in the novel.
What was he like before he witnesses the murder scene?
How does his treatment of other people change throughout the course of the
At the beginning of the novel, would you consider him mature for his age or
immature? Does that change by the end of the novel?
What other ways does Tom change? (Think about his relationship with friends,
girls, Aunt Polly etc.)
Your explanation must provide examples of these changes from the text and state the reasons
why or circumstances that caused him to undergo such changes.
2. One of the things that define Tom’s character is his relationship with Aunt Polly.
Analyze Aunt Polly’s character.
Is Aunt Polly wrongly stereotyped as a strict, unfair disciplinarian?
Do you consider Tom to be wiser than Aunt Polly?
Who do you think Aunt Polly really is? How does she feel about Tom and other
boys his age?
3. At several points throughout the novel, Mark Twain makes references to the Great Law
of Human Action, which states that, “in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is
only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain” ( 13). Analyze this phrase and the
way Twain uses it throughout the novel.
 Consider Tom’s relationships with his friends, and how he uses the law to
manipulate them.
 How does Tom/Becky/Amy use this law throughout the novel?
 Does this law still apply today?
 Do you agree or disagree with this law? Perhaps share some real examples of
when you used this law, had it used against you, or saw it used on someone else.
4. One of the reasons Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was to poke fun at
certain customs and traditions that occurred in his society. He used humor to convey
his feelings for the way people lived their lives. Analyze some of the ways Mark Twain
uses satire* to mock certain things throughout the story. Also - if Twain were alive
today, what would he be like? How do you think he'd feel about society today?
 How does Mark Twain portray figures of authority? (teachers, parents etc.)
Why do you think he portrays them in this way?
 If Mark Twain were alive today, how do you think he would feel about the
world? What are some things today he might choose to mock? In the 1800s,
he was a steamboat captain and a writer. What professions would he choose
today? (This is not meant to have any impact on your views or beliefs, just an
analysis of what Twain would think based on your knowledge of him).
 Is there someone alive today (celebrity, family member, friend etc.) who
reminds you of Mark Twain?
*Satire: The use of irony or sarcasm to ridicule or mock something.
5. Right at the end of the novel, Huck Finn makes the statement that “being rich ain’t all its
cracked up to be. It’s just worry and worry and sweat and sweat, and a-wishing you was
dead all the time” (210). You saw a similar view expressed by the Socs when you read
The Outsiders (Cherry compared it to a rat race). Analyze this view.
 Think about the phrase “money doesn’t always buy happiness.” Do you
agree/disagree with it?
 Why does Huck feel this way? How do you think you would feel after acquiring a
treasure such as Huck did?
 Do you think people in general are overly obsessed with money and
possessions? Why/why not?
Graphic Organizer
Points of
Elaboration/Specific Evidence (This should be the bulk
(Minimum of 2 per
of your paragraph)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer Organizer
Assignment -Write a 2-3 page paper on one of the topics from Tom Sawyer.
Do not use 1st person – “I” or “me”
Do not use contractions – don’t, won’t etc.
Include a heading and a title
Include 2 quotations
Typed – double spaced, 1 inch margins, size 12 characters, clear font, 1 inch margin
Handwritten – white lined paper, blue/black ink or pencil, skip a line, one side written on only,
Write neatly, clearly, in complete sentences with transitional words and phrases
Proofread and edit your work
Introduction (Paragraph One)
Title of the novel (underlined) __________________________________________________
Background information – what was the book
Thesis Statement - Write a thesis statement (The subject is) What is the topic of your essay?
You will prove your thesis using points of discussion, examples and quotes.
Paragraph Two (Body Paragraph One)
Topic Sentence – What is the 1st point of discussion to support your thesis statement?
Example 1– Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 1st point.
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Example 2 - Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 1st point.
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Example 3(optional)- Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 1st point.
_______________________________________________________________________ _____________
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Paragraph Three (Body Paragraph Two)
Topic Sentence – What is the 2nd point of discussion to support your thesis statement?
Example 1– Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 2nd point.
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Example 2 - Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 2nd point.
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Example 3(optional)- Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 2nd point.
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Paragraph Four (Body Paragraph Three)
Topic Sentence – What is the 3rd point of discussion to support your thesis statement?
Example 1– Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 3rd point.
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Example 2 - Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 3rd point.
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Example 3(optional)- Add examples or quotations from the book to support your 3rd point.
Elaboration – Provide details and rich vocabulary to explain your example.
Paragraph 5
Conclusion – Restate your thesis (the subject is) and two points using different words.
Thesis restatement_____________________________________________________________________
Point 1 restatement____________________________________________________________
Point 2 restatement____________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________ Per. _______ Date:
Rubric for Tom Sawyer Assessment – Teacher Completes
Word Choice
4 -Well Above
3-Proficient for
Grade Level
2- Below Proficient
Offers an extensive,
creative, well-thought out
analysis of the topic
chosen. Uses the text to
support ideas.
Offers a well-thoughtout analysis of the topic
chosen. Uses the text
to support ideas.
Although ideas are
present, they are unclear
or underdeveloped. The
support for these ideas
may be brief or repetitive
Either ideas are not
clearly given or little
attempt is made at
analysis. The support is
irrelevant or not well
Very disorganized and
not easy to follow. Most
paragraphs were not
well constructed and did
not contain related
information, topic, or
concluding sentences.
Strong transitions help
to link words and ideas.
All paragraphs include a
topic sentence,
supporting details with
explanation, and a
concluding sentence.
Clearly organized,
although an occasional
lapse may occur. Most
paragraphs include a
topic, supporting details
with explanation, and a
concluding sentence.
Paragraphs include
related information but
were typically not
constructed well. May
be missing a topic or
concluding sentence.
The voice expresses
interest and complete
understanding. It
engages the reader.
The voice expresses
interest but needs to
show more
The voice needs to
express an
The voice does not
express understanding.
Proper use of nouns,
verbs, and adverbs
create a clear message.
Strong vocabulary
makes the voice
Proper use of nouns,
verbs, and adverbs, but
more precise vocabulary
is needed.
Too many general words
are used. More clear,
concise vocabulary is
General, overused, or
inappropriate words
make this essay hard to
All sentences are
skillfully written allowing
ideas to flow smoothly.
There is little to no
repetition of phrases.
Some sentence
problems exist. May
contain some choppy or
rambling sentences.
Repetition occurs.
Inconsistent control of
sentence structure.
Little to no sentence
variety. Very difficult to
Ideas do not flow
smoothly. Multiple
instances of repetition
occur. Contains several
choppy or rambling
The essay has several
errors that may confuse
the reader.
The number of errors
confuses the reader and
makes the essay hard to
The essay has a few
minor errors.
1-Well Below
The essay has some
errors in punctuation,
spelling, or grammar.
Rubric for Tom Sawyer Assessment– Student Completes
Word Choice
4 -Well Above
3-Proficient for
Grade Level
2- Below Proficient
Offers an extensive,
creative, well-thought out
analysis of the topic
chosen. Uses the text to
support ideas.
Offers a well-thoughtout analysis of the topic
chosen. Uses the text
to support ideas.
Although ideas are
present, they are unclear
or underdeveloped. The
support for these ideas
may be brief or repetitive
Either ideas are not
clearly given or little
attempt is made at
analysis. The support is
irrelevant or not well
Paragraphs include
related information but
were typically not
constructed well. May
be missing a topic or
concluding sentence.
Very disorganized and
not easy to follow. Most
paragraphs were not
well constructed and did
not contain related
information, topic, or
concluding sentences.
The voice does not
express understanding.
Strong transitions help
to link words and ideas.
All paragraphs include a
topic sentence,
supporting details with
explanation, and a
concluding sentence.
Clearly organized,
although an occasional
lapse may occur. Most
paragraphs include a
topic, supporting details
with explanation, and a
concluding sentence.
The voice expresses
interest and complete
understanding. It
engages the reader.
The voice expresses
interest but needs to
show more
The voice needs to
express an
Proper use of nouns,
verbs, and adverbs
create a clear message.
Strong vocabulary
makes the voice
All sentences are
skillfully written allowing
ideas to flow smoothly.
There is little to no
repetition of phrases.
Proper use of nouns,
verbs, and adverbs, but
more precise vocabulary
is needed.
Too many general words
are used. More clear,
concise vocabulary is
General, overused, or
inappropriate words
make this essay hard to
Some sentence
problems exist. May
contain some choppy or
rambling sentences.
Repetition occurs.
Ideas do not flow
smoothly. Multiple
instances of repetition
occur. Contains several
choppy or rambling
Inconsistent control of
sentence structure.
Little to no sentence
variety. Very difficult to
The essay has a few
minor errors.
The essay has some
errors in punctuation,
spelling, or grammar.
The essay has several
errors that may confuse
the reader.
The number of errors
confuses the reader and
makes the essay hard to
1-Well Below