General policies Creation of a Federal Energy System General Policies For the proper implementation of any energy plan as well as for any specific policy measure a set of overarching strategies must be defined to form a framework for the change that is needed to reach our end goal of a more well established (and better working) energy sector. To this effect several policy measures will be discussed in the following section. Policy 1: Federal Energy System With the need for more clean, reliable, and more efficiently distributed energy, it makes sense to task an agency to help guide and push forward this movement towards a more diverse energy portfolio. To this extent, the Federal Energy System (or FES) will act as an agency dedicated to the advancement of all of the primary sources of energy including coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydropower, wind, solar, biofuels, hydrogen, and geothermal. The Federal Energy Collective and contributing energy reservoirs will look and act similarly to the Federal Reserve in that it is not funded through tax-payers and therefore partially divorced from any current political struggles (or agendas)1. Also, the FES will be structured very similarly to the Federal Reserve2 as follows: □ Federal Energy Collective (FEC): - Consisting of 5 Governors, each serving 10 year terms (staggered every two years); they are each appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate. - The Chairman of this Board of Governors is appointed by the president of the United States for a term of 4 years. - The Vice Chairman of this Board of Governors is appointed by the president of the United States for a term of 4 years. - Role 1: Maintain and/or adapt the short, medium, and long term plans (and policy measures). - Role 2: Adaptation of the Carbon Tax (increase or decrease) to meet the current and future energy plans and needs of the FES. - Role 3: Consider monetary distributions of the Collective Energy Fund. - Role 4: Consider comprehensive energy education program initiatives (in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education). - Obligation: Report to the Speaker of the House annually on the state of energy in the nation and justify measures undertaken to keep on plan. □ Energy Source Reservoir (ESR): - 10 separate reservoirs with one linked to each of the aforementioned primary energy sources. - Each reservoir consists of a President and a 12 person Board. - The President is nominated by the ESR board and approved by the FEC for a term of 4 years. - The Board consists of 12 members with 3 member groups representing each of the following areas: source of energy; technology for efficiency (Research and Development or R&D); environmental effects, impacts, and policies; and infrastructure. A director for each of each ESR board is elected every year. - The 3 member groups within each board are nominated by (1) Board of Governors, (2) Energy Source Members (to represent firm interests), and (3) Energy Source Members (to represent the people/consumers of energy) to serve 4 year terms. All of these members must be approved by the FEC. - Role 1: Determine state of affairs on specific energy source and consider policy measures needed to coincide with overall energy plan. 1 "Why we Hate the Oil Companies", John Hoffmeister. 2 - Role 2: Make recommendations (policy measures, funding, R&D needs, etc.) to the FEC based on each member group area. Role 3: Create a data repository for each bank’s specific energy source including up-to-date data, research articles, and other necessary information. Role 4: Develop an education plan for the specific ESR energy source. Obligation: Report to the Board of Governors (FEC) quarterly. □ Energy Source Member (ESM): - Consists of firms and companies that supply (produce, refine, etc.) or distribute energy. - Source Members must pay an annual fee to become members within this grouping and will therefore be able to have their voices heard. - Fees would be determined based on generation or distribution capacities and would allocate 1 vote to the company (or firm) to use when making decisions in regards to their ESR. - This fee cannot be passed down to the consumer and must be paid directly from the ESM. - Failure by any firm to join this group could result in potential closure of operations. - Role 1: Track emissions and energy expenditures to be collected and used by the ESRs. - Role 2: Make recommendations to ESRs in regards to subsidies, research and development funds, and any other necessary policy measures. - Obligation: Provide quarterly reports on emissions, energy usage, current R&D, and other vital information (requested by the FEC or ESR). □ Federal World Energy Market Committee (FWEMC): - Consists of 9 members including the 5 Governors and 4 of the Energy Source Bank Presidents. - The 4 members of the ESB will always include the Oil Source President with the remaining 3 positions taken by 3 out of the remaining 9 ESB Presidents. These 3 positions will be rotated every two years so as to allow for fair representation of all energy sources. - The FWEMC reserves the right to form a leadership structure as it sees fit to address the world energy picture. - Role 1: Assess the world energy market and consider world trends in use and costs of each energy source. - Role 2: Consider domestic (and non-domestic) policy measures that are needed to maintain the United States current and future energy plans. - Role 3: Advise the President of the United States on the state of affairs for energy around the world. - Obligation: Compile ESR reports to address energy source state of affairs to be discussed at least quarterly (if not more frequently). □ Collective Energy Fund (CEF): - Consists of Researchers, Economists, and Administrative Staff. - Provides the initial foundation for the Federal Energy System. - Role 1: Collection of Carbon Taxes. - Role 2: Collection of ESM fees. - Role 3: Distribution of R&D funds as determined by Board of Governors. - Role 4: Monitor current R&D expenditures. - Role 5: Distribution of subsidies as determined by Board of Governors. - Obligation: Monitor and report the financials quarterly to the Board of Governors (FEC). This policy measure does not hold much sway in the short term aspect of this energy plan, but still provides a good foundation for the development of the full system in the medium and long term. First, the Collective Energy Fund will be established and staffed with a set of economists, researchers, and other administrative staff. During this period of time, this group will be tasked with determining (and reporting) the sources of all energy taxes, subsidies, and initiatives. Second, the CEF will start absorbing these funds and implementing the initial stages of the Carbon Tax (mentioned in the later). Third, this group will bridge gaps and form relationships with current energy agencies including the United States Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, and other departments/organizations (on the federal, state, and local levels). The absorption of subsidy funds as well as the initial carbon taxes will help in filling out the staff in this department so as to adequately address the needs determined by the initial energy plan. Third, the carbon tax’s impact, environmental and economic, will be monitored over the short term and recommendations will be made as to what necessary changes will be required to meet the energy goals outlined for the medium term. Fourth, energy source members will be approached with rate schemes (and given time tables to comply) that take into account the medium and long term energy plan strategies. As mentioned above, these rates will be based on plant or firm capacities (refining, supplying, distributing, etc.). Finally, an unbiased review panel within the CEF will examine potential FEC and ESR candidates and provide a report to both the President of the United States and Energy Source Members on the qualifications of these experts within the energy field; recommendations will be made as to how to staff both the FEC or the ESR. Within the short term, these initial steps will ease us (as a country) towards the full implementation of the new energy system. The Federal Energy System starts to take charge of our energy future within the medium term; thus helping us to tackle many of the energy problems that we have experienced over the last several decades. First, the FEC will be established so as to match the definitions mentioned above. Initially, two candidates will be appointed by the President of the United States to represent this group with a new member added every two years until the 5 member board is filled. The FEC will be tasked with considering the current and future energy plans, determining the effects of each policy measure (or fund request) proposed through each ESR, and adapt the carbon tax so as to maintain the energy plan today and in the future. Second, the ESR will be established based on the strategy highlighted in the above bullets. The previously engaged Energy Source Members will have a role in selecting 8 members of the board with the 4 remaining positions selected by the Governors. Each ESR will be tasked with determining the needs for their energy source during this time and make an initial report to the Board of Governors (FEC) concerning policy, subsidy, and tax recommendations. Also, each ESR will be tasked to develop an educational program so as to inform the youth of our nation as to the benefits, trade-offs, and impacts of each energy source (unbiased). This task will be headed by a small group within each ESR as defined below (education). Third, each ESM will be required to continuously collect data and report this to their corresponding ESR. Fourth, the Federal World Energy Market Committee will begin operations as soon as the Board of Governors is filled. The FWEMC will be tasked with determining the state of affairs in the world energy market and making domestic (and non-domestic) policy adjustments so as to match the aims of the FEC. Finally, the CEF will take on more roles during this point in time. The CEF will be tasked with the collection of newly reallocated subsidies, newly formed taxes, and ESM fees. Also, this department will be in charge of distributing approved R&D funds, technological improvement funds, infrastructure funds, and approved subsidies to the appropriate parties. The medium term and long term strategies for the Federal Energy System are very similar and therefore will be similarly tasked. The Federal Energy System, in the long term, will act as a guiding light that leads the way towards an even more well developed energy portfolio for our nation. The tasks and aims of each department within the FES will follow what was mentioned in the medium term with a few slight exceptions. To keep this federal system in check, Congress and the President will hold the right to propose any changes in this federal agency that they deem as necessary for the advancement of the energy interests of the nation (similarly to what is currently done in the Federal Reserve Systems). Each department within the FES will be tasked so as to maintain the roles highlighted above and therefore maintain the energy plan as defined by the FEC. The aforementioned education program will have several components aimed at informing the nation as to the many sources (and forms) of energy currently available. The first measure proposed would include the development of 1-hour lesson plans for each energy source specifically designed for each grade level from Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade. Staff members within the ESR, specifically hired for their experience in the education arena, will design these lesson plans so as to inform without leading too much into the energy source biases. The lesson plans will be sent to first the FEC then the Department of Education for approval. A quid pro quo incentive policy will be offered to the nation’s school districts where a monetary compensation will be offered for districts willing to implement these ten 1-hour lessons into their curriculum. In addition to the lesson plans offered for students from K-12, a scholarship program will be created to motivate high school graduates (and bachelor level graduates) to pursue degrees in energy (i.e., nuclear engineering, petroleum engineering, energy education, and so on). Scholarship applications will be submitted to each of the ESRs based on the interest of the applicant. Each ESR will assess the application and make a series of recommendations to the Board of Governors. The FEC will then approve or dismiss any of the recommendations for scholarship recipients. The scholarship fund will be monitored and distributed by the CEF. The final education measure, which has been mentioned throughout this section, takes the form of the data repositories created through each ESR. Each repository will consist of unbiased data (collected in collaboration with the Energy Information Administration), research articles in the related field, and additional educational resources for people of all ages. This education program will start with the implementation of the FEC and ESR and will help to better inform our nation as to the importance of energy. SWOT: Strengths: Multiple Funding Sources (Carbon Taxes, Subsidies, Membership fees); Federal Agency that can adjust the energy plan without going through the current bureaucratic mess that is the energy system (numerous departments and agencies with different interests). Weaknesses: Initially will prove difficult to collect taxes, subsidies, and fees; Initially difficult to understand the limitations of the each individual and the agency as a whole (testing their muscles); Opportunity: Provide a more comprehensive energy plan for the nation with one agency working towards this end instead of many; Form relationships with current industries/agencies/departments; Form relationships with labor unions and create jobs for infrastructure projects. Threats: Other departments/organizations will not like their loss of power; Firms (or companies) will not like to be forced into a cohesive unit and charged a fee; Sensitivity Analysis: the increase of fees to the firms will increase their overall costs and reduce their profit margins (the actual value for the fee imposed by the Federal Energy System will consider this); Enablers and Derailers: Enablers: massive blackouts (in the nation), spiked prices in energy sources and limited availability of the resources; Possible War; Energy Prone President or congressional body. Derailers: Big business; federal, state, and local agencies/branches failing to cede power to the Federal Energy System. Carbon Tax As a measure to both provide a source of income for the agency named above and to ultimately reduce emissions, a carbon tax system will be considered in the short, medium, and long term. This system will charge varying rates based on a firm’s or resident’s emissions. These emissions are primarily created through power plants based on the energy required to meet the customers demand. These fees will most likely be absorbed by the consumers in the form of a slight increase in energy and product prices. Through the implementation of this tax, we should see a significant decrease in consumption of the “dirtier” sources of energy (coal and oil) due to the increased price handed down to the consumer. This reduction in consumption of fossil fuels will directly reduce the nation’s emissions rate. This tax will be able to help fund R&D projects through the Federal Energy System as defined earlier. Each ESR will determine the need for R&D funds and then provide their recommendations to the FEC. These R&D funds will be used so as to improve the efficiencies and reduce the environmental impact for each source of energy. Several of these technological advancements include the improvement of combustion engines, the improvement of power plants, the improvement in mining (or drilling) practices, and the improvement of energy capture technologies. These funds will also be used to help reinvest into certain forms of proven technology that are vital towards the improvement of current plants including Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) and coal gasification. The FEC will also have the right to change the Carbon Tax rate at any time if it deems it necessary to maintain the current or future energy plan; this change must be approved by Congress and justifiable to the ERCs and ESMs. The idea of a Carbon Tax is nothing new in this country and has been implemented in differing forms in several states around the country. The residents of Boulder, Colorado passed a carbon tax in 2006, called the Climate Action Plan Tax, that set a slight fee for residential, commercial, and industrial electricity customers based on their kilowatt hour usage; these rates currently range from $0.0049 /kWh (for residential customers) to $0.0003 /kWh and provided approximately $1.8 million in 20103. These funds were placed in an account that will be used by the city to improve its residents range of energy choices in the future. In 2010, Montgomery County within Maryland passed a direct carbon tax of $5/ton CO2 for any permanent structure producing over one million tons of CO2 a year or the single coal power plant in the county4. This plant was forced to pay the fee (without increasing the residents’ electricity costs) thus prompting the plant to file a suit against the county; the courts found this tax to be punitive in nature forcing the county to repeal the tax and pay back the previously collected taxes to coal plant that was wronged5. The decision to place the entire burden of the carbon tax on the plant was ill advised and is one of the pitfalls that will be avoided when considering the implementation of our energy plan. These two examples provide key points that will be addressed within this plan’s specific carbon tax. Within the short term (over the next 10 years), the Carbon Tax should be the lowest and least constraining for energy suppliers and in turn the consumers who will be stuck with increased electricity and oil costs. A study done through the Brookings Institute, in collaboration with the World Resources Institute, states the impact of a $15/ton CO2 tax based on the current cost of the fuel source, the increased cost of the fuel source, and the elasticity of consumer demand based on the implemented carbon tax6. Another study performed by the U.S. Climate Task Force looks at other Carbon Tax rates and claims that a fee of $22/ton CO2 in the short term and $41/ton CO2 in the medium term can reduce the nations energy demand (by as much as 7% in 2030) and reduce emissions rates (by as much as 30% in 2030); thus helping to stabilize the atmospheric CO2 concentration to around 450-550 ppm by 20507. By implementing a Carbon Tax of $15/ton CO2, assessed to energy producers (and suppliers) in the short term, we hope to control the demand for coal and thus reduce the consumption of traditional fossil fuels. Due to the variability of the market and the uncertainties of subsidies for differing fuel types, the Collective Energy Fund will closely monitor the economic and environmental effects of this carbon tax rate. Based on results determined by the Brookings Institute study, as seen in Table X6, we can make some assumptions as to the potential benefit of this proposed policy. Due to the relatively slight increase in prices since 2005 (approximately $3 per short ton of coal and $10 per bbl of oil) current results will not vary by that great of a margin. Table X Considering a more current CO2 emission rate (2009) of approximately 5.505 giga tons of CO2h in the combined sectors of industry, transportation, electricity generation, residential, and commercial will provide information as to the economic benefit of this tax; the breakdown of specific emissions can be seen in the below, Figure X8. Considering the fossil fuel emissions for these sectors along with the proposed $15/ton CO2 tax and its subsequent reduction in emissions (and consumption) to approximately 4.8 giga tons of CO2, we could acquire a fund of nearly $72 Billion that can be used to towards furthering the goals of the FEC. This Carbon Tax, as mentioned before, will also help to decrease our nations reliance on coal and other fossil fuels. By making the prices of the traditional 3 4 5 6 7 8 hydrocarbon based energy sources more comparable to those of the renewable energy sources, we could hope to see a better diversification of our energy portfolio in the near future. Figure X: CO2 Emissions by Sector and Fossil Fuel Source Looking into the medium term (2022-2037) for this carbon tax, we would hope to see a decrease in the use of the both coal and oil and therefore a more diversified energy portfolio. Within the medium term, the increase in costs of the traditional energy sources will cause renewable energy sources to become more affordable (and in most cases substitutable). However, the traditional energy source prices will also decrease from their short term states due to their incremental increases in efficiency and emission control systems. The short term tax system will provide much needed funds to improve R&D and cause many plants (and firms) to consider more environmentally friendly practices that reduce their CO2 emissions as well as consumption of a particular energy source. A subsequent increase in the Carbon Tax to $30/ton CO2 during this period will maintain the Collective Energy Fund’s budget and provide additional motivation for the continued strive towards more energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. The Federal Energy Collective reserves the right to modify this rate based on information obtained through studies performed in the short term through the Collective Energy Fund; thus allowing the Federal Energy System to follow the current (or modified) energy plan. In the long term (2038-2062), the Carbon Tax will be increased even further to a rate of $45/ton CO2; this will help to reduce the CO2 atmospheric concentration to a value within the range specified by the U.S. Climate Task Force6. The increased carbon tax rate will again help to maintain the Collective Energy Fund’s budget and provide additional motivation for the continued strive towards more energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. The Federal Energy Collective reserves the right to modify this rate based on information obtained through studies performed in the medium term through the Federal Energy Collective and Federal World Energy Market Committee. With the help of a carbon tax, we can see a reduction in emissions, reduction in consumption of traditional carbon based energy sources, and increase in revenue to the Federal Energy System that will be used to improve the state of energy within our nation currently and in the near future. SWOT: Strengths: Massive backing source for the Collective Energy Fund; Controlled and modified through the dedicated Federal Energy Agency without going through the current bureaucratic mess that is the energy system (numerous departments and agencies with different interests); reduces CO2 emissions and provides a framework for other emission taxes in the future. Weaknesses: Initially will prove difficult to collect these taxes; will be difficult to determine tax rates to match energy plan guidelines; initially difficult to understand the where this fund will best be utilized agency as a whole (testing their muscles) Opportunity: Provide an actual plan that is geared towards the reduction of CO2 emissions and the reduction in consumption of fossil fuels; Form relationships with current industries/agencies/departments; Provides a framework for other CO2 taxes and other emission taxes here and in the rest of the world. Threats: Firms (or companies) will not like to being forced into this tax (may lose customers; customers will not like the energy rate hike (of as much as double for coal). Sensitivity Analysis: the increase of costs to the consumers will reduce their demand (of fossil fuel sources) throughout all stages of this energy plan and therefore increase demand of other fuel sources Enablers and Derailers: Enablers: Implementation of stricter regulation on emissions; change in president or congress that sees the need for more environmental stewardship; breakthroughs in efficient and more environmentally friendly high carbon content fuel sources. Derailers: Big business (why should we have to do this when other countries have not forced this on their population); Unrest by the lower income bracket who have less to spend on additional energy costs (I don’t care about the environment, I care about not freezing tonight). “Smart Grid” energy infrastructure Our current national energy infrastructure is out dated and becoming a liability. The current infrastructure was implemented over 40 years ago and is deteriorating rapidly and more American citizens are experiencing blackouts, brown outs, and other power shortages. As power outages increase more deaths will occur due to “exposure” to the climate (i.e. heat waves, blizzards, etc). Also the current grid is inefficient, does not allow consumers the choice, and American currently pays its electricity bills passively (The Smart Grid: An Introduction). America is going to have to implement new infrastructure to satisfy the increasing demand over the next forty years (The Smart Grid: An Introduction). Also American is currently experiencing an economic recession put many out of a job and looking for work. This economic recession could be used to boost the nation’s economy, decrease unemployment, and also help secure energy for the U.S. by implementing a smart grid. The creation of a nationwide smart grid could potentially pull America out of its current economic struggles and meet its ever increasing energy demands well into the future. Implementing an infrastructure such as this would be a great investment for America and to pay for such an expenditure the Recovery Act passed to help pull this nation out of its economic crises could be used to employ workers needed to build the grid (Wired for Progress 2.0). With the use of the Recovery Act would offset a lot of the consumer’s costs to create such a grid (Recovery Act). The frame work would have to be implemented such as computer systems and metering systems required analyzing the data collected from the grid to determine the best course way to deliver and save energy. This process could begin in urban centers along the coasts of the U.S., where population is greatest (i.e. most energy consumption) and spread across the nation much like the continental railroad. The locations immediately receiving the implementation of the new grid would experience a slight increase amount on their energy bill. But, after their grid is operational they will pay a lower cost for energy then they currently do. As the smart grid concept begins to catch on around the nation, as well as begin to be implemented; further investors could be obtained to help pay the costs of the new infrastructure. Such an investor could be the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense (Wired 2.0). Energy is vital to any economies well being and every military needs production lines to create the supplies and weaponry needed to defend our nation. Energy security is vital for the protection of America to allow it to operate and also to create a more resilient defense that does not rely on foreign fossil fuels. Enablers - The U.S. government will be the greatest enabler during the short term period by providing loans and grants through the Recovery Act. - Consumers could potentially be enablers, once educated on the smart grid and the energy savings it would provide in the long term. Also, some of these consumers could potentially work on the grid, providing them a job. - The U.S. economy would be boost by the increased spending of the government (who is providing jobs). - U.S. Military realizes the necessity of energy security and invests in energy security through the implementation of the smart grid. Derailers - Utility companies might see the decentralization of energy harmful to their business. The grid could be seen as a threat to job security. - Consumers could be unwilling to pay for increased energy prices to implement the needed infrastructure. Also concerns over “big brother” monitoring consumption rates. Over all costs may derail the entire project. This could be on a consumer level or a governmental one. The government might invest in a different project that they feel is “better” for the nation. NIMBY, some individuals will not want transmission lines and other power producers around their homes. Embracing electric vehicles Since the increasing use of electric vehicles would affect the demand on multiple energy sources, the discussion of policies regarding electric vehicles must be done as an overall consideration of its impact on multiple energy sources. In addition, the use of electric vehicles has the potential to be a bridge into the adoption of a smart grid, as electricity demands will change dramatically while the country moves towards greater adoption of electric vehicles. Both of these considerations must be made outside of the discussion of individual energy sources. For this plan, the focus will be on smaller-sized, private cars for converting to battery power. Converting large size vehicles such as buses or semi-trucks is too expensive to consider for now. The smaller batteries needed for small cars is a much more reasonable and realistic possibility. In fact, the increasing adoption of electric cars is already in motion, the proposed policies will simply guide the process. As oil subsidies are gradually repealed, a substitute for oil will be increasingly necessary. By guiding the process of infrastructure change . Short term Oil Intro Virtually all projections of future energy demand forecast dramatic increases in the demand for oil products due to continually increasing demand in developed countries and compounded by rapidly growing demand by extremely populous developing countries, such as China and India. Oil consumption is also increasing more rapidly in most oil-exporting countries than it is for the rest of the globe as a whole (Hallock et al., 2004, pg. 1674), creating the possibility that these countries will substantially decrease their oil exports in the future. Continued political instability in high oil-producing countries with low oil demand—such as Suadi Arabia—may create further challenges in conventional oil output and export ability. Despite even the most radical conservation efforts and the development of more efficient technologies within the United States, demand will continue to grow enormously, which will cause the global price of oil to skyrocket. Source: EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011, page 23 Looking at oil supply, a grave picture is painted considering what a large percentage of American energy is produced from petroleum—37%, according to the U.S. EIA (Annual Energy Outlook 2011). Although 70,000 oil fields exist around the globe, roughly 500 of them represent two-thirds of cumulative oil supply. Most of these large fields are relatively old, with many past peak production and most expected to reach peak production within the next decade. New fields with similar capacity are not expected to exist (Sorrell, Speirs, Bentley, Brandt, & Miller, 2009, pg. vii). As field production declines, the oil industry must continually branch out to new sources just to keep production at current levels. The rate of decline for current oil fields past peak production is at least 4% per year, which a global average of at least 6.5% per year. These numbers suggest that an additional 3 mb/d of new oil production capacity much be added annually just to maintain current production levels! For a better understanding of how massive an undertaking this is, this is equivalent to a new Saudi Arabia (with the same production and export levels) coming into existence every three years (Sorrell, Speirs, Bentley, Brandt, & Miller, 2009, pg. viii). Oil field decline rates are trending upwards as we deplete the large, primary producing fields, shifting production towards smaller, newer, and offshore fields. According to the UK Energy Research Centre, “more than two-thirds of current crude oil production capacity may need to be replaced by 2030, simply to prevent production from falling. At best, this is likely to prove extremely challenging” (Sorrell, Speirs, Bentley, Brandt, & Miller, 2009, pg. viii). Beyond mere physical supply, four other factors are hugely important regarding oil futures: 1. Remaining resources are typically more expensive to locate, extract, transport, and/or refine than current supplies 2. Extraction of remaining resources will have increasingly severe environmental consequences 3. Compared with conventional oil, exploitation of non-conventional oil sources is typically more energy-intensive at all stages of production, leading to decreasing levels of net energy available for societal consumption 4. Remaining resource rates of production are estimated to be relatively low due to physical properties and location of the resource, as well as the high cost of investment This last point is crucial: although economists like to talk about supply versus demand, it is much more pertinent and realistic to instead consider rates of production versus demand, since the barriers listed above impact whether or not existing supplies can actually be harnessed into usable energy for America’s enormously consumptive habits (Sorrell, Speirs, Bentley, Brandt, & Miller, 2009, pg. viii). For these reasons, we propose gradually reducing oil subsidies, tax credits, and other fiscal measures which benefit oil producers until they have been completely eliminated in the long term. This is the smartest option because it will encourage development of other energy sectors and it will discourage unnecessary oil consumption. It would be wise to work towards adapting to these transitions before global oil markets force the United States to do so. Reducing subsidies and tax breaks for the oil industry will encourage Americans to make choices that will secure a better energy future, rather than waiting for unavoidable supply and demand issues in the global oil market to force such changes at an unknown future date, with little preparation. Furthermore, it makes little sense that the federal government subsidizes oil production because this encourages consumption and development in the field beyond that which is created by market forces. Subsidizing and providing other financial incentives to oil producers allows them to charge consumers less for the product than it is truly worth, which is completely unnecessary given high global demand and finite supplies of oil. By gradually eliminating these subsidies, the proposed policies will return American oil markets to a laissez-faire state. Along with the other G-20 countries, the United States already agreed to “phase out and rationalize” fossil fuel subsidies at the Pittsburgh Summit in September of 2009 in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Allaire & Brown, 2009, p. 1). According to a 2009 study by Resources For the Future, the monies spent on oil and gas tax preferences would equal $31.48 billion over a ten-year period (Allaire & Brown, 2009, p. 2). We propose to shift these funds away from expenditures favoring oil and gas and instead towards the Collective Energy Fund, where it will be used to fund R&D for technologies for efficiency within the transportation sector, R&D for more environmentally sustainable Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) projects, and public transportation projects in densely populated urban areas. Gaining future energy security will require work beyond our federal policy proposals. We highly recommend policies at the state level regarding sustainable urbanism, energy efficiency within built structures, increasing our human resources devoted to the energy sector, and increasing American educational focus upon energy as an important subject. Sustainable urbanism involves planning and designing a city’s layout in order to reduce automobile dependence and enable citizens to more readily access their daily needs. Beneficial measures would be to change zoning laws to allow mixed-used communities, increase urban population densities, and develop more and better forms of public transportation. These measures would hugely reduce dependence upon automobiles, causing an equally large reduction in oil demand. Specifically regarding public transportation, we recommend implementing rail-based systems because of the huge gains possible due to their increased energy efficiency. Source: Salter, Dhar, & Newman, 2011, p. 14 Salter, Dhar, and Newman’s results from a study of 84 different international cities (Table 2.8 above) shows that urban rail systems use about half of the amount of energy per passenger kilometer than that employed by buses and are, on average, 4.6 times more energy efficient than the average car. For a more concrete example, they compare 1995 Barcelona, Spain, to 1995 Atlanta, Georgia; two cities with similar levels of per capita wealth. Within Barcelona, public transit constituted 35% of the average citizen’s motorized transport and the average person used eight giga-joules (GJ) of fuel for transportation within 1995. In contrast, public transit made up a mere 1% of motorized transport for the average Atlanta resident, who used an average of 103 GJ of fuel for transportation within the same year (2011, pg. 14-15). That’s more than 12 times more energy that Atlanta residents put towards motorized transport, with the vast majority of this energy coming from gasoline. Even in the most public-transit-oriented city in America, New York, public transit only accounts for 9% of the average citizen’s motorized transportation (Salter, Dhar, & Newman, 2011, pg. 15). Increasing public transit, and specifically rail systems, has the potential to drastically reduce energy consumption within the transportation sector, offering increased energy security for the United States in the future. For more information regarding specific strategies to improve transport services, please see page 25 and beyond within Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation: Transportation sector from the TNA Guidebook series. We also encourage states to implement and regularly update aggressive energy efficiency building codes in further efforts towards reducing energy demand. By implementing and enforcing regulations regarding wall thickness, windows, insulation, and other physical features which increase structural tightness, actors on the state level can reduce energy demand greatly. Because these features go largely unchanged through a structure’s lifetime, the greatest benefits can be reaped by implementing and enforcing these changes sooner rather than later. While LEED certification is a step in the right direction, fine-tuning needs to be done to ensure that the energy efficiency of buildings is more correlated with the building level of certification. Studies have found 18%-39% reductions in energy usage by floor area compared to conventional buildings, but have also found that a similar proportion of LEED certified buildings use more energy by floor area than conventional buildings (Newsham, Mancini, & Birt, 2009, p. 1; Diamond, 2007). Although this report largely focuses on physical energy supply, technologies, and policy, the human resource aspect of the American energy sector is facing potential crisis as well. Within the next ten years, almost 50% of those working within U.S. energy industries will be eligible for retirement. This is troubling because of the drastically reduced amount of students who have been going into petrochemical fields. Within the last 25 years, college enrollment for petroleum engineering and geoscience majors has dropped by almost 75% (National Petroleum Council, 2007, p. 25). We suggest that states offer more energy-related field scholarships, increase student and immigration quotas for trained energy-field professionals, and increase their financial support of academic energy programs and initiatives. Because of the monumental importance of energy supply and infrastructure to our economy and our way of life, it is disgraceful how little the average American comprehends of United States energy demands, infrastructure, and how these relate to the global energy market. As suggested by Hallock et al. (2004), Energy, including especially its basic nature, sources and relation to economic and environmental issues has to re-enter our university curricula as a discipline as basic, widely taught and worthy of study as biology, economics or geology. We need to critically examine the appropriateness of using neoclassical models to make judgments about future oil supply and the role of markets. Economics was once, and should be again, as much a biophysical science as it is a social science; constructing a reasonable biophysical economic approach would be of great utility (pg. 1694). i) Short Term Policy Recommendations (1) Repeal the investment tax credit for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) projects (2) Levy an excise tax on oil and gas produced offshore and within the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) (3) Repeal credit for production from marginal wells (4) Repeal deduction for tertiary injectants9 (5) Shift the federal monies that would have otherwise been spent on the policies above to be dispersed within the Federal Energy Collective and spent on R&D for technologies for efficiency within personal transportation and on R&D for more environmentally sustainable EOR methods ii) Supply The U.S. received 49% of its crude oil and petroleum products from the Western Hemisphere in 2010, with 25% coming from Canada alone. About 18% of crude oil and petroleum product imports came from Persian Gulf countries. Top Sources of Net Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Imports: Canada (25%) Saudi Arabia (12%) Nigeria (11%) Venezuela (10%) Mexico (9%) (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2011a, “How dependent are we on foreign oil?”) 9 For a detailed explanation of these policies as they currently stand, please see Department of the Treasury, 2009, p. 59-64 The EIA’s 2011 Annual Energy Outlook report estimated that 69.3 billion barrels of undiscovered crude oil is technically recoverable offshore from the United States in the Reference case; this estimate jumps to 144 billion barrels in the High OCS Resource case (Conti, 2011, pg. 36). As market forces push oil producers to explore these options in the future, levying an excise tax on OCS and other offshore drilling will provide substantial R&D funds to explore further efficiency gains using technology as well as providing R&D towards more sustainable EOR projects. The EIA estimates that domestic offshore oil production will increase in the short term as the United States expands its domestic production capacity and harnesses newly available technologies that will make previously inaccessible wells technically recoverable. Source: EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011, page 37 According to the EIA’s Medium-term Oil & Gas Market report, global demand was 89.3 million barrels per day (mb/d) in 2011 and will increase by 7.2 mb/d to 95.26 million barrels per day in 2016, averaging an increase of 1.2 mb/d of additional global demand each year. China alone is estimated to constitute 41% of the total demand growth and non-OECD countries in Asia and the Middle East will constitute an estimated 53% of demand growth. Global OECD demand will decrease by 1.5 mb/d due to higher prices (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2011b, pg. 16). iii) Technologies for efficiency It can take over two decades for a newly commercialized technology to be broadly applied in the vehicle fleet market. This fact, coupled with under 8% annual fleet turnover on average (Borenstein, 2008, pg. 16) means that most technologies for efficiency would not have a serious effect on oil markets and demand until the medium term. As public transit—particularly via rail—increases due to our state-level recommendations, regenerative braking can increase energy efficiency by 15-17%, as well as reducing CO2 emissions (Ford, 2007). Conventional electric train braking systems dissipate the kinetic energy used to stop the train as heat. Regenerative braking, on the other hand, reverses the current in the electric motors, slowing down the train. The reversed engine motors act as generators, generating electricity to be returned to the power distribution system. A current drawback of this technology is that the electricity generated must be simultaneously drawn to another source. This issue would be combated by the increased frequency of rail travel, as recommended. Regenerative braking systems reduce wear and tear on mechanical brakes and offer energy savings and reductions in CO2 emissions. Freight trains have reported a 5% reduction in CO2 emissions, full stop service commuter trains have reported an 8-17% reduction in CO2 emissions, and dense suburban network rail lines have reported up to 30% CO2 emission reduction using this technology (“Regenerative braking in trains,” 2011). The Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) amended the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) by mandating that the model year (MY) 2011-2020 CAFE standards be set sufficiently high to ensure that the industry-wide average of all new passenger cars and light trucks, combined, is not less than 35 miles per gallon by MY 2020 (Department of Transportation, 2009, pg. 2). The Department of Transportation made the following projections on the industry-wide level of average fuel economy and average tailpipe emissions for passenger cars and for light trucks if automobile manufacturers meet the “optimized” CAFÉ standards set forth by this legislation: Source: Department of Transportation, 2009, pg. 23 iv) Environmental protection (1) Repealing the investment tax for EOR projects could potentially reduce the amount of EOR projects, decreasing the harmful production of brine at these sites. (2) From 2011 to 2015, the optimized CAFÉ standards of the Energy Independence and Security Act will: (a) Save an estimated 54.7 billion gallons of fuel (b) Reduce CO2 tailpipe emissions by 521 million metric tons over the lifetime of the vehicles10 v) Infrastructure 10 Compared to fuel consumption and CO2 emissions that would occur if the standards remained at the adjusted baseline, MY 2010 Source: U.S. Department of Energy, 2008 According to data gathered by the National Petroleum News Survey (above), the 164,292 gas stations within the U.S. in 2007 was a dramatic reduction from 1994, when there were over 200,000 in the country. Some believe that this reduction is due to the small profit margins available from gasoline retail, although this does not explain why the number of businesses was declining during the 1990s, a time of general economic prosperity. If this trend continues, it could serve to support our policy initiatives as reducing availability of gasoline suppliers will work to raise prices, shifting demand to other energy sectors. Coal Supply: Looking into the supply of coal currently and in the near future shows that we have an ample supply of this energy source. As of 2009, coal production was at a level of 1,072.8 million short tons with total U.S. coal consumption at 1,000.4 million short tons11. By looking at coal reserves, one can see how much of this energy supply is available currently and potentially in the future. Figure I, seen below, shows the amount of coal still recoverable in active mines and in recoverable mines12. Therefore, it can be seen that we have still have 17.5 billion short tons of reserves in active mines and an additional 243.1 billion short tons. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) claims “that U.S. coal consumption will increase at about 1.1% per year for the period 20092035. If that growth rate continues into the future, U.S. recoverable coal reserves would be exhausted in about 119 years if no new reserves are added” (Annual Energy Outlook, April 2011)13. Considering the steady decrease in coal (over the short, medium, and long terms), that we have proposed to set forth through the implementation of Carbon Taxes, we will should not see any major increases in coal consumption. Therefore, even assuming the growth rate as described by the EIA, we still will have ample stores of recoverable resources over next century; this still leaves the identified (but currently not mineable) and undiscovered coal reserves for future generations. The coal that is not being used due to the reduction in U.S. consumption may be able to be traded to other countries or used later in the future. 11 13 12 Figure I Technology for Efficiency: Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) In the immediate future, or short term, we can see a one major technology source able to be tapped for improved efficiency. In an electrical grid study performed by ABB, one of the largest engineering firms in the world and a leader in field of power, the group finds that “the efficiency of generation [for coal plants] varies widely with the technology used… only about 30-35% of the energy in the coal ends up as electricity on the other end of the generator… and the latest coal technology, known as integrated gasification combined cycle or IGCC, is capable of efficiency levels above 60%”14. As mentioned by this group, one way in which to improve the low 30-35% efficiency of a coal plant is by the use of a technology known as gasification (or IGCC). According to the Department of Energy, coal gasification is the process by which “coal is typically exposed to steam and carefully controlled amounts of air or oxygen under high temperatures and pressures… produc[ing] a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and other gaseous compounds”15; the entire process can be seen in the figure below (Figure II)16. Additionally, the use of an IGCC plant over a traditional coal plant provides an overall reduction the levels of sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrous oxides (NOx) emitted5. As many of the older factories are reaching the end of their lives, newer plants must be added to ensure the continued energy demand. With the implimentation of the Carbon Tax, as mentioned in the general policies section of the report, newer plants will need to take advantage of gasification technologies to remain competitive. Figure II 14$FIL E/Energy+efficiency+in+the+power+grid.pdf 15 16 Environmental Management of our Land, Air, and Water: Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) One form of technology stands to provide significant reductions in many of the one of the key contaminents emitted by a typical coal power plant. The inclusion of a carbon capture and sequestration system an existing or new coal plant can reduce CO2 emissions by over 85%17. The International Energy Agency (IEA) describes CCS as “a 3-step process including CO2 capture from power plants, industrial sources, and natural gas wells with high CO2 content; transportation (usually via pipelines) to the storage site; and geological storage in deep saline formations, depleted oil/gas fields, unmineable coal seams, and enhanced oil or gas recovery (EOR or EGR) sites”7; Figure III below shows an example of a power plant with CCS technologies7. CCS provides drastic reductions in CO2 emissions, but at a fairly steep price to the plant ranging from $30 to 90/ton of CO2 thus causing an increase of between 2 and 3 cents/kWh in electricity cost7. “Assuming reasonable technology advances, projected CCS cost by 2030 is around $25/tCO2, with [an] impact on electricity cost of 1-2 cents/kWh.”7 The following table (Table I) shows the initial investment cost required for current and future CCS technologies7. The Federal Energy System will be able to help move more coal plants, in the medium and long term, towards CCS technlogy and therefore provide a safer and cleaner coal for the future. Figure III Table I 17 Air Other Environmental effects include exposure to mercury, SOx emissions, NOx emissions, and other GHG emissions. By implementing both a CCS and an IGCC system into a power plant, we can help to reduce the effects of several of these other major contaminants. CHRIS GINO WILL ADD MORE INFORMATION IN HERE ON SPECIFIC EPA STANDARDS AND ANY POSSIBLE VALUES ON REDUCTIONS. Water Water is impacted through both the mining of the coal and the eventual combustion of this coal: Mercury from Coal Plants. Affect on Groundwater Acid Mine Drainage (Discuss Cause, Effect, and Treatment) Underground Coal Mining Techniques to Abate Water Pollution (EPA, 1970) CHRIS GINO WILL ADD MORE INFORMATION IN HERE ON SPECIFIC EPA STANDARDS AND ANY POSSIBLE REDUCTIONS. Land Destruction of wildlife and land is very prevalent in coal mining: Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (Discuss this further) Topsoil Erosion Coal Seem Fires Flyash Spills Acid Rain (SO2) CHRIS GINO WILL ADD MORE INFORMATION IN HERE ON SPECIFIC EPA STANDARDS AND ANY POSSIBLE REDUCTIONS. Infrastructure: - Newer and improved plants (aging infrastructure, Figure IV18) using CCS and IGCC. Discuss permits needed and legal framework needed for this. Improvement of the grid (transmission lines and other features of the smart grid). Education system set in place by the Federal Energy System to inform the nation on the benefits and impacts of coal. CHRIS GINO WILL ADD MORE INFORMATION IN HERE FOR SPECIFICS ON EACH PORTION OF INFRASTRUCTURE. 18 Figure IV Natural Gas Supply Natural gas is a fuel source that will be increasingly used in the future to help meet the needs for energy in the United States. At the current time (2011) natural gas fuel accounts for 24% of the electricity generation and 1% of the transportation fuel. Proven natural gas reserves have been increasing steadily for the past decade. These reserves amount to 272.5 quadrillion cubic feet total nationwide. Over the same period of time the Federal Offshore proven reserves have steadily decreased and as of 2009 the reserves equate to 12.6 quadrillion cubic feet. The Federal Reserves are located off the coast of California and the Gulf of Mexico. Throughout the nation there are 493,100 producing wells which have increase every year for the past decade. In addition to the conventional natural gas reserves the United States also has both Shale Gas and Coalbed Methane proven reserves which amount to 60.9 quadrillion cubic feet and 18.5 quadrillion cubic feet in 2009 respectively. The discovery of both of these sources is relatively resent Shale Gas reserves and coalbed methane has increased slightly since the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) began tracking withdrawals. When discussing the natural gas supply it is also important to understand how much is consumed. In 2010 total consumption in the United States equated to 24 quadrillion cubic feet. With the growing population and the general need for more energy the total consumption of this source has been on the steady incline since the mid-1980s. Of that total 7.3 quadrillion cubic feet was used to produce electricity in 2010. Natural gas used for electricity production is expected to increase into the future. Natural gas is also used as a transportation fuel in vehicles as well as in commercial trucks and public transportation vehicles. The amount of natural gas that is used in the transportation sector has increased every year since 1997 and as of 2010 vehicle consumption of natural gas was 32.9 trillion cubic feet. In order to meet the goals set by this Energy Plan the supply of natural gas must be increased to ensure a stable form of energy. With an increase in technology and innovation more natural gas reserves can be found and sources that have been found but not extracted because they were not economically feasible could be extracted. Through the discovery and extraction of new natural gas sources energy security could be closer to a reality. Currently congressional and presidential restrictions on drilling for oil and natural gas exist in 85% of the Outer Continental Shelf. Regulations have also been imposed inland limiting the amount of drilling that can occur. In the short term the natural gas supply is projected to increase 25 trillion cubic feet per year. This estimate includes net imports. The majority of the natural gas supply is expected to be generated from shale gas sources which are extracted with hydraulic fracturing. All natural gas sources are projected to decrease slightly into the future while shale gas will increase dramatically. By 2021 natural gas production is expected to increase to approximately 23 trillion cubic feet. This is an increase of 2.04 trillion cubic feet over the 2009 level. Consumption will increase to approximately 25 trillion cubic feet over the base year of 2009. By lifting some of these restrictions the natural gas supply can be increased significantly. Fracking should also contribute to natural gas supply because the supplies are expected to increase dramatically into the future according to the EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011. Fracking and shale gas has been deemed safe and has increased the amount of proven reserves in states like Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. A significant amount of shale gas exists in the Marcellus shale gas Formation in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Current estimates differ but all agree that the amount is significant. Hydraulic Fracturing is a proven technology process by which a fluid is injected (99% water, sand, and fracking fluid) into wells to free the oil and gas trapped in rock formations beneath the Earth’s surface. Fracking has been used in over 1 million wells within the United States for over 60 years. Through this process over 7 billion barrels of oil and over 600 trillion cubic feet of natural gas have been extracted. Fracking practices must adhere to both federal and state laws and there have been no instances of contamination of drinking water sources. Fracking is conducted thousands of feet below groundwater sources. To ensure that fracking can continue the removal of trade secrets for fracking fluids will allow regulators to know the exact contents to guarantee that it is safe. There have been instances where gas migration has occurred, which was the result of poor well construction or problems with the concrete and steel casings around the well bore. The National Petroleum Council estimates that 60 to 80 percent of all domestically drilled wells in the next 10 years will remain active due to hydraulic fracturing practices. Source: ProPublica, Tech for efficiency Combined Heat and Power (CHP) or Cogeneration is a technology that captures the excess waste heat and uses it to heat or cool surrounding buildings or structures. The excess heat can also drive additional steam turbine (low grade heat) producing additional electricity. The efficiency of the system is typically within the range of 60-75% efficient compared to the efficiency of conventional generation (coal) of 30-49% efficient. CHP in the United States accounts for 8 percent of power production, although the nation is the world leader in total installed capacity, with 84,707 MW operating in 2003. As in Germany, most of U.S. CHP capacity is in industry. More than 85 percent of U.S. capacity is large-scale-over 50 MW-and almost 65 percent is over 100 MW. The United States has the potential to produce between 110,000 and 150,000 MW of electricity with CHP systems. Source Encourage the permitting and construction of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plants. ITCs encourage the development of CHP through the reduction of initial costs which are capital intensive. There is currently a 10 percent ITC for CHP plants at the Federal level through the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008. ITCs would incentivize investors to fund CHP plants to increase the overall amount that are developed throughout the country. Providing greater incentive would encourage businesses and utility companies to invest in smaller distributed type CHP plants that could utilize the excess waste heat for heating and cooling of the surrounding buildings or towns. Currently federal regulations limit the system size of CHP plants up to 50 MW with an efficiency of over 60% in order to receive the ITC. By increasing the federal limit of 50 MW to be more compatible with larger scale electricity generation plants (typical coal power plant has an 800 MW generating capacity which is 1/16 of the CHP maximum) utility companies could utilize a technology that is dramatically more efficient than traditional sources. Increasing the ITC level over time will encourage utility companies to utilize CHP technology which provides greater efficiency as well as other heating and cooling opportunities. Increasing the Production Tax Credits (PTCs) will encourage the development of new CHP plants for electricity generation. PTCs are performance-based credits for electricity generation output. This would encourage sustained performance by providing utilities a KWh tax credit. The credit amount would depend on the size of the CHP system. At the federal level a 1.1 cents/kWh tax credit exists for CHP type electricity generation systems. By increasing the credit level utilities would be incentivized to increase the efficiency of the electricity generation as well as sustain the performance over the life of the system to gain a larger credit per kWh. In the short term it will be important to start to invest in technologies that can be used to generate electricity more efficiently. This Energy Plan suggests two different methods for encouraging the development of Combined Heat and Power which are the ITCs and PTCs. Both of these incentives would increase the amount of government support over time to meet the goals set by this plan. o ITCs should increase from 10% to 12% of expenditures in the short term. The maximum electrical output limit set by this policy should also be increased from 50 MW to 80 MW. Through this increase larger CHP electricity plants could be constructed which would meet more of the needs of many areas throughout the country. o PTCs should increase from 1.1 cents/kWh to 1.5 cents/kWh in the short term to make CHP more competitive with other forms of renewable energy. Compressed Natural Gas used for transportation. Natural gas vehicles represent a growing segment of the transportation sector. According to the Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition, the use of natural gas for vehicles doubled between 2003 and 2009. Over 110,000 natural gas vehicles are currently on US roads. A large portion of those vehicles are transit buses, which account for nearly 62 percent of all natural gas vehicles. The section of the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions (NATGAS) Act that addresses natural gas vehicles should be repealed. This act subsidizes the production, use, and purchase of natural gas vehicles (NGVs). It was designed to promote transportation fuel competition and reduce foreign oil dependence and greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of doing what it was designed to do the act transfers a portion of the actual costs of using and producing natural gas vehicles to taxpayers. This gives natural gas vehicles an unfair price advantage over other technologies and does not increase market competition. Competition in the market will be the best solution to increase the availability of NGVs by allowing consumers to choose the cheapest product or fuel. o Begin to repeal the NATGAS act to encourage increased market competition to allow consumers to choose the cheapest alternative. Environmental protection Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel which is mostly comprised of methane a greenhouse gas. It is cleaner because when it is burned it releases 30% less carbon dioxide than oil and 45% less than coal. Since natural gas is so clean burning it does not contribute to smog because it emits low levels of nitrogen oxides as well as virtually no particulate matter. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) vehicles that run on compressed natural gas could reduce the carbon monoxide emissions 90-97% when compared to traditional engines. Carbon dioxide emissions would be reduced by 25%, nitrogen oxide emissions by 35-60%, and other nonmethane hydrocarbon emissions by 50-75%. In the electricity generation industry natural gas is a good alternative to the other traditional fuels (coal and oil). Its use will dramatically reduce the amount of harmful emissions that are released into the atmosphere by the industry. The traditional coal-fired power plant need to use scrubbers to reduce the sulfur dioxide emissions that lead to the creation of thousands of tons of harmful sludge. Power plants that use natural gas as the fuel source have no need for scrubbers because low levels of sulfur dioxides are emitted that do not lead to the creation of sludge. Due to the cleanliness of natural gas emissions when compared to other traditional sources of energy it will become important to utilize this source over the others to reduce the amount of harmful emissions that are released into the atmosphere. Infrastructure Throughout the nation there are currently more than 210 natural gas pipeline systems which consist of a total of 305,000 miles of pipe both interstate and intrastate for the transmissions of the fuel. Within the pipeline system there are more than 11,000 delivery points, 5,000 receipt points, and 1,400 interconnection points that provide for the transfer of natural gas throughout the country. In various places throughout the U.S there are 49 locations where natural gas can be imported or exported through the pipeline system. Source EIA Natural Gas The pipeline system throughout the country is aging and it is becoming increasingly important update and modernize the infrastructure to ensure the safety of humans and the environment. Most pipeline systems in the United States are privately owned and are regulated by the Federal Government. It will be in the best interest of these companies and the government to require the modernization of the entire system at the cost of the each pipeline company. The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will oversee these system improvements. Begin to require the pipeline companies to update the system. The pipeline system throughout the country is aging and it is becoming increasingly important update and modernize the infrastructure to ensure the safety of humans and the environment. Most pipeline systems in the United States are privately owned and are regulated by the Federal Government. It will be in the best interest of these companies and the government to require the modernization of the entire system at the cost of the each pipeline company. The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will oversee these system improvements. This updating and modernization will take considerable time and investment but it is necessary. Nuclear Reopen dialogue in the federal government with regards to reprocessing nuclear waste. Reprocessing nuclear waste would simplify the need to find waste sites, however there are safety concerns involved with creating large quantities of plutonium. There are arguments for and against both sides, and this is something that needs to be discussed again in tandem with finding an acceptable storage facility. Continue research into possible geologic storage of nuclear waste. Assuming reprocessing of nuclear waste is not considered, one of the country’s foremost priorities must be finding geologic sites to safely store nuclear waste, since nuclear waste storage facilities are nearing capacity. Though the amount of nuclear waste is a small fraction compared to other energy sources’ waste, it is radioactive for such long term that it must be dealt with more effectively even than other waste. The NRC will continue relicensing plants that are still deemed safe to operate, while simultaneously continuing to approve uprating proposals (replacements of major reactor components). Rather than lose all the current nuclear power as plants come to the end of their initial life, the NRC will continue to relicense plants that are still safe to operate. Part of this process involves uprating the plants, which involves replacing major reactor components. Given major issues with public acceptance of constructing new plants, updating old plants with new components can extend the life of the plant while also making it more efficient. Incentivize the construction of new plants (generation IV) in the place of old plants and standardize these plants. Generation IV plants are more efficient and safe. As a result they would have less waste and be more likely to be accepted by the public. Incentivize the construction of these new plants in place of old plants by providing tax credits and a 20% investment to developers by the U.S.. In addition, these new plants should all be identical under management of the NRC. Making them identical would make them cheaper to build overall and it would mean that safety issues could be handled faster, because one fix could be applied to all the plants, rather than having to be adapted to each individual plant. 1. Supply The power behind nuclear power comes from uranium, which should not pose any issue in the time frame of this plan. It is known that, at present consumption, there is enough uranium to last for about 80 years. This is known uranium, but further exploration would undoubtedly yield more deposits as uranium is a fairly common mineral. In addition, reprocessing nuclear waste would provide an even greater supply. ( 2. Technology for Efficiency Replacing major components in reactors as they age will, in addition to making them safer, make them more efficient. Also, newer plants that are being developed are more efficient. Lastly, the reprocessing of waste would also generate more electricity per unit of uranium. 3. Environmental Protection There are relatively few environmental concerns in regards to nuclear power, however those that do exist are major roadblocks to the advancement of nuclear power. For one, the threat of some failure in the plant and the subsequent disaster that would ensue is hard to not be considered by the public. Whether it is a rational fear or not, in regards to every day risk, is inconsequential, because fear of such a disaster is really the only thing preventing nuclear power from expanding. These policies call for the NRC to continue critically monitoring nuclear plants, assuring their safety, and only relicensing those plants that are safe. The other major issue is dealing with nuclear waste. However, this waste has been dealt with and contained so effectively that, unlike other forms of energy, it has not impacted the environment at all. The issue is that there must be a place to safely store it for as long as it remains radioactive. With a concerted effort to locate more potential geologic storage sites that are less politically charged than Yucca Mountain, it is likely a solution will be found for containing the waste, within the time span of this plan. 4. Infrastructure In the short term, no major changes will occur in regards to infrastructure. Should new plants be constructed, necessary step will need to be taken, but they will be made within the existing infrastructure. Hydro power Continue modernizing existing hydropower. “One of the best opportunities we have to increase our supply of clean energy is by bringing our hydropower systems into the 21st Century. With this investment, we can create jobs, help our environment and give more renewable power to our economy without building a single dam.” -Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Nov. 4, 2009 Modernizing existing hydropower facilities could potentially double hydropower’s contribution to the U.S. energy portfolio. The Department of Energy began the process already in 2009 by awarding $30.6 million to modernizing seven existing hydropower facilities. These projects include upgrading turbines and other equipment and expanding the capacity and lifespan of existing facilities. The seven projects alone will increase electric generation by an estimated 187 GWh per year and considering that in 2009, the current hydropower facilities produced about 273 GWh, the potential to increase generation simply by modernizing is substantial. In addition, modernization projects quickly provide jobs to local communities. Make the tax credit policy for hydropower on par with other renewable energies. Currently, under the Federal Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit (PTC), hydropower only receives half the value compared to other renewable energies. In addition, hydropower pumped storage is not included in the Federal Renewable Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC). The ITC provides tax credit for equipment or property that is eligible to receive the PTC. Investors can currently choose either the PTC or the ITC. Amending the renewable energy tax credit policies to be more inclusive of hydropower technologies would undoubtedly increase interest in hydropower investments. Make the process of obtaining a license for minimal impact hydropower projects simpler and more efficient. For minimal impact hydropower projects, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission should create an expedited licensing process. Minimal impact hydropower projects would include small hydro, converting existing non-powered dams, and closed-loop pumped storage. The process of obtaining a license for all of these projects from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission can be long and complicated. However, FERC has begun to take some minor steps to easing the process. For instance, in regards to small hydro, such things as improving outreach to developers, as well as signing a memorandum of understanding with Colorado to simplify the procedures for small hydro projects in the state, have already spurred interest in small hydro. This can all be done at no cost to the government. 1. Supply The amount of electricity produced by hydropower varies substantially from year to year as it is dependent on water availability. This could be a major issue in the future if water scarcity is a problem. You can see from the table below that, while other renewables have been growing steadily over time, hydropower varies greatly from year to year. Without addressing policies regarding water consumption, supply of water cannot be altered. However, there are ways to obtain more electricity from less water, as discussed in the next section, and as mentioned in the policy recommendations above. 2. Technology for Efficiency Many of the existing hydropower facilities today are very old, some as old as 100 years. The technology exists to modernize existing facilities, such as replacing turbines, resulting in substantial increases in capacity. These short-term policies immediately address this and place modernizing existing facilities as one of the first and easiest things to do. 3. Environmental Protection Dams of any sort, though especially large ones, wreak havoc on existing ecosystems, with potentially far-reaching effects. These policies do not call for the construction of any more dams to prevent this ecosystem degradation from continuing, but there is no prohibition against building them should the need arise. Other than that, hydropower is one of the cleanest ways to get electricity. Besides equipment production and maintenance, there is no waste. In addition, nontraditional forms of hydropower, such as small hydro and pumped storage, are called “minimal impact” simply for the reason that they would not have nearly as large of an environmental impact as traditional hydro. 4. Infrastructure As stated earlier, the infrastructure for hydropower is extremely dated. These policies would modernize existing traditional facilities, while promoting the growth of minimal impact methods. This process would necessitate a change in infrastructure, especially for the minimal impact, to work. However, as these policies for the short-term most immediately address modernization, infrastructure changes would not be too substantial. Biofuels Supply: “According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), daily ethanol production in 2010 averaged nearly 863,000 barrels/day (b/d)… represent[ing] 13.23 billion gallons of production… 2009 ethanol production was 10.75 billion gallons.”19 This increasing trend compared with ethanol subsidies can be seen in Figure V below20. The Energy Independence and Security Act (December 2007) prompted this gradual increase with a target production value of 36 billion gallons of ethanol by the year 202221. This mandate sets forth a clear increase in ethanol production based on four categories defined as biomass-based diesel, cellulosic biofuels, advanced biofuels (non corn starch ethanol), and renewable biofuels.11 An abundant supply of biofuels in the short 19 21\ 20 term is readily available. This short-term increase in biofuel production will prompt the development of newer and more advanced technologies (and plants), thus benefiting the medium and long term ethanol energy supply. By the medium and long term, the Federal Energy System will be working to help the ethanol industry with R&D funding, plant technological improvements, and any other funds that are justified by both the ESRs and the FEC. Figure V Technology for Efficiency: Cellulosic Ethanol Discuss the potential and cost of this technology. Discuss plants that have started this process. CHRIS GINO WILL ADD MORE INFORMATION IN HERE ON SPECIFIC INITIATIVES GEARED TOWARDS THIS TECHNOLOGY. Ethanol from Algae (Types) Sargassum Glacilaria Prymnesium parvum Euglena gracilis Discuss the potential and cost of this technology. Discuss how this source is advancing. CHRIS GINO WILL ADD MORE INFORMATION IN HERE ON SPECIFIC INITIATIVES GEARED TOWARDS THIS TECHNOLOGY. Environmental Management of our Land, Air, and Water: Environmental problems are outlined (with some solutions) within a publication of Ethanol Across America (Environmental Impacts of Ethanol Production)22. This article is slightly biased, but addresses many of the common concerns with ethanol production. 22 CHRIS GINO WILL ADD MORE INFORMATION IN HERE ON SPECIFIC EPA STANDARDS AND ANY POSSIBLE REDUCTIONS ALSO CONSIDERING ALGAE AND CELLULOSIC ETHANOL. Infrastructure: - Newer and improved plants dealing in the production of ethanol from cellulosic materials. Discuss permits needed and legal framework needed for this. Improvement of the transportation sector (improved vehicle fleet efficiency). Education system set in place by the Federal Energy System to inform the nation on the benefits and impacts of ethanol. Ethanol Policy Measures: Policy 1: A reduction in Ethanol Subsidies from 45 cents (currently) to 30 cents (short term) to 15 cents (medium term) and finally to 0 cents (long term). This slight reduction of subsidies over this period of time will provide additional funds to the Federal Energy System and therefore will be able to help in the advancement of R&D, funding of plant improvements, and other infrastructure projects. Solar Maintain incentives already being provided at the state level. These include rebates, tax breaks, tax credits, etc. For more information visit: Maintain tax and rebate incentives associated with solar power implementation for homeowners. Also, creating incentives for multi family structures to implement 1) Supply: Currently there are ~ 36 commercial solar power plants in the U.S. ( The majority of these commercial sites are located in the South West region, which makes the most geographical sense. The majority of solar is localized production on private property. These include businesses, schools, and residential uses. Solar can only be harnessed while the sun is up and cannot be saved for use during peak hours (could be at night). 2) Tech for efficiency: There is a current study in HCPV (High concentration Photovoltaic) which is obtaining 32-40% effeminacy in controlled environments (Citation needed). But as of now, solar does not provide the same energy output as traditional fuels. Solar cannot be stored in its current applications, and is either used or redistributed back into the grid. Development and implementation of hydrogen fuel cell storage is currently being experimented with to provide a viable storage method to use solar energy during the night. This would increase solar power’s consistency. 3) Environmental protection: Solar is very water intensive. Ironically solar is most popular in the South West were water can be scarce and needed for other aspects of life for the population. This raises the question does fresh water have to be used to operate and maintain solar panels? Another environmental problem is the pollution created during manufacturing and installation of solar panels. These would include the minerals mined and transported CO2 emissions created during manufacturing, installation, and shipment 4) Infrastructure : The current infrastructure does not allow solar to be stored for later use, causing it to be inconsistent. Wind Supply Wind has great potential throughout the United States. In 2010 the United States had 38 GW of installed wind capacity, which consisted of 2.3% of the total electricity generation according to the EIA. The total electricity generation has increased from 1999 to present at an exponential rate to 34,296 MW. In the Great Plains, along the Colorado Rockies, other mountain ranges, and off-shore have the greatest wind potential. The supply of wind energy is intermittent; this means that it does not blow all the time making it an energy source that has to be used in combination with other sources. In the short term wind energy collection could dramatically increase. According to the EIA electricity generation from wind has increased every year since 1999. In the time between 2006 and 2007 wind generation increased 49.3%, between 2007 and 2008 it increased 29.6%, and between 2008 and 2009 it increased 60.7%. To increase the increased development to wind throughout the country this Energy Plan suggests making the Production Tax Credits easier to use as well as increase and use Feed-In Tariffs to encourage future wind development. The current state of the way that PTCs are issued is complex and it makes it difficult for projects of various sizes to obtain the credits. Developers wishing to construct wind turbines must owe federal taxes on the income from the wind project itself or from “passive income”. This means the income from a rental property, limited partnership or other business that is not actively involved. An example is “for a two MW project, an investor must owe $125,000 in federal taxes on income from the wind project itself”. To fix this problem tax credits could be taken against wages and business income or by providing direct producer payments for on-site electricity generation. The tax credit rate is currently 2.2 cents per kilowatt hour for the first 10 years of operation and accelerated depreciation which allows assets to be written off in 5 rather than 20 years. The Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC) states that the combination of both benefits if fully utilized could account for over 60% of the total financial return on a wind project. The ELPC also states that the PTC alone would be equal to $47,000$55,000 (after tax) per installed MW which is nearly 40% of the total cost of the project using a net present value calculation. Through making this system easier to use more individuals and wind developers will be able to take advantage of the tax credit ultimately resulting in increased wind electricity generation. Tax credits or other incentives are necessary for wind project developments increase the financial return and make them economically feasible. o PTCs should increase from 2.2 cents/kWh to 2.5 cents/kWh for a 10 year contract to make wind electricity generation more competitive with other sources. This incentive could be used at the localized scale for small wind developments. Feed-in tariffs have been used successfully in Germany, Denmark, Spain and 15 other European countries for the development of wind projects. A feed-in tariff is a policy that focused on energy supply to encourage the development of renewable power generation. Utilities would be required to purchase the electricity from renewable energy generation. A contract would be established for the utilities to purchase the full output of the renewable energy produced for an assured period of time which is typically 15-20 years. The contract also typically guarantees assured access to the electrical grid. These tariffs would allow utility companies and states to meet some of their Renewable Portfolio Standards goals where renewable electricity is generated. Investors would be encouraged to invest in wind electricity projects if they can be assured that the capital costs will be recovered. To maximize the potential for feed-in tariffs project size should not be restricted and the program should not be limited or capped at a certain predetermined level. Without size limitations distributed wind generation could be developed in the areas that have maximum wind potential which would dramatically increase the installed wind electricity generation throughout the country. o Feed-In Tariffs should increase in the short term. Start to increase the feed-in tariffs allowed in the nation to encourage large utility companies to develop large scale wind farms that need to meet Renewable Portfolio Standards. Tech for efficiency Wind turbine technology is improving at a dramatic rate which will lead to greater improvements in energy efficiency and cost reductions. This will allow for the increased development of wind turbines at all scales. Environmental protection Wildlife loss is an important issue that can be addressed through proper siting of wind turbines and large scale wind farms. The American Bird Conservancy suggests that the expected impact on terrestrial habitat will amount to nearly 20,000 square miles and almost 4,000 square miles of marine habitat by the year 2030 from large scale wind farms. Before any construction begins through research must be conducted to ensure that the proposed site is suitable for wind turbines. Information that should be considered in this research includes but is not limited to migratory patterns, key nesting areas, flight paths for endangered or declining species, and breeding areas. Wildlife loss will always occur at some level and cannot be eliminated completely. Infrastructure Through the standardization of interconnection methods costs will be reduced and connection to the grid will be made easier. 37 states have interconnection standards which differ slightly making it difficult and costly to connect to the electrical grid. Net metering will allow wind electricity generators to sell surplus power back to the grid for a retail rate determined by the utilities. This is in use in at least 40 states and the District of Colombia. Only 11 of these states allow power to be sold back from installations larger than 1 MW (smaller than most utility scale wind turbines). o Through the standardization of interconnection and net metering in the short term costs and connection will be made easier. This process will take time because throughout the nation there are at least 37 states that have slightly different interconnection standards which increases the costs. It will also be important to increase net metering throughout the electrical grid. This would allow surplus electricity generated from wind to be sold back into the grid. In the short term updates to the interconnection infrastructure and net metering should begin. Hydrogen Policies: - Change the public perception of hydrogen, as well as educate on the increased safety. Encourage big businesses to transition their supply trucks to hydrogen fuel cells. This could be implemented through the DOT (Department of Transportation) by providing tax credits for companies participating in the program. The program would require the businesses to gradually convert 10% of their fleet by 2050. To maintain the tax credits each company will have to meet each check point goal - such as by 2025 2% of the fleet must be running on hydrogen fuel cells and by 2035 they must reach 6% of the fleet. The ultimate goal will be to achieve hydrogen fuel cells for 10% of the fleet. DOT mission statement Locating fueling stations for hydrogen fuel cells for these tracker trailers would follow the same pattern as used currently. By implementing 1-2 hydrogen fueling stations at these truck stops. Also with a joint effort to set strict routes for hydrogen fuel cell will lower cost of infrastructure by reducing the amount needed to be implemented. 1) Supply Hydrogen is currently in low supply, most likely due to its high cost and preserved fear surrounding its safety. Hydrogen has great potential to become an alternative fuel source for vehicles, more specifically supply trucks. Hydrogen could be the perfect storage method of renewable energy. 2) Tech for efficiency -Currently personal vehicles get around 70 mpg, if technology. Majority of hydrogen is in the exploratory phase, both in transportation and storage of renewable energy. 3) Environmental Protection Hydrogen produces zero harmful emissions, and produces pure water after the energy is abstracted. Another byproduct of using hydrogen is the heat created. Development and manufacturing of fuel cell technology causes pollution as well as building and implementing the necessary infrastructure. 4) Infrastructure There is currently no infrastructure in place to accommodate hydrogen fuel cells. SWOT in the short term Oil Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions (from reduced consumption due to price increase) o Decrease the unnecessary subsidization of oil companies o Creation of jobs creating new smart grid infrastructure, public transit, and R&D for new energy efficiency technologies o Takes advantage of timing; many energy producing facilities are reaching the end of their lifespan, now that we must rebuild them we should do so as to make them environmentally friendly and more efficient Weaknesses: o Will anger oil companies, which in turn will have politicians backed by the oil companies against it as well (difficulty passing policies) o Changing city zoning and residential policies will be difficult politically o Will anger American people to experience raised gas prices o Will be targeted as part of the “hippie” or “green” fad and will thus be undermined politically and in the public eye o Will make American oil less competitive globally (3rd largest oil producer globally) Opportunities: o To lead the globe in “green” technology / reduction in emissions Savings when the carbon tax is put into place o To once again let the market rule our economy, returning to America’s laissez-faire roots o Reduce international trade deficit (strengthen US currency) Threats o Oil companies backing politicians will refuse to support politicians o American public anger over rising gas prices might cause politicians to back down Nuclear Strengths: The plan deals immediately with the most pressing issues concerning nuclear: relicensing plants and properly storing waste. Weaknesses: There is no method for dealing with public acceptance of nuclear power. In the short term, it is unlikely that any new plants will be built, but it will be hard to deal with public perception of nuclear power in the future. Opportunities: Threats: Natural Gas Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreased imports o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions o Creation of new jobs in the design and construction of CHP power plant and infrastructure improvements o Increase energy supply to lower the cost of the fuel source o Increased access to foreign markets to allow the United States to obtain energy from the cheapest source o Repeal of the NATGAS Act to allow more competition for NGVs Weaknesses: o Will increase taxation on the American people to fund the increases in PTCs and ITCs. Opportunities: o Will increase market competition which will allow consumers to choose the cheapest fuel for their needs. o With the increase of natural gas use it will decrease the need for other fuel sources which will ultimately reduce greenhouse gas emissions o The creation of jobs for the development of new electricity generating plants and through the modernization of the pipeline infrastructure Threats: Wind Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions because wind for electricity generation does not create any direct emissions. o Creation of jobs in the construction of the wind turbines at a large scale Weaknesses: o Wind is intermittent o Cannot be used for base load electricity generation o Individuals will still take issue with the construction of wind turbines because they feel that they are unsightly and noisy. This is the issue of Not In My Backyard (NIMBY) o Wind turbines are a threat to birds and bats Opportunities: o Can generate clean fossil fuel free electricity o PTCs and Feed-in Tariffs will encourage the development of wind in all areas of the country through incentives Threats: Hydro Strengths: The system is already in place for modernizing hydropower facilities. This is something that can continue to be done with minimal changes to the current system but with a major impact on hydro capacity. Simplifying the process for obtaining a license for minimal impact hydropower projects would be at no cost to the government. Weaknesses: Opportunities: Threats: When considering tax credits for hydro, some will argue that hydro is not considered a renewable energy and thus, does not need the same support in tax incentives that other renewables do. The funding may not exist to make good on these tax credits and modernizing projects. Sensitivity in the short term Enablers/derailers in the short term Solar Enablers - The Federal and local government will continue to be enablers of solar power through subsidizes and grants awarded to citizens who implement solar panels on to their structures. - Increasing incentives for individuals to install solar panels through tax credits or breaks. - Banks providing green loans. Universities and other businesses will continue creating a “greener” energy portfolio by increasing their energy production from solar power (i.e. ASU). - Energy consumers will continue to use the opportunities provided by the US government, and to lower their energy costs by installing solar panels. Derailers - The lack of energy production currently provided from solar panels will deter from increased implementation. - Government could remove the subsidies and tax breaks accompanying solar energy. This would increase the costs and make it uneconomical for anyone to switch from cheaper traditional fossil fuels. - If solar powers subsidizes are removed than the cost to implement solar power will become a derailer. - The water required to operate and maintain a solar panel. Hydrogen Enablers - The Federal government is going to be a key enabler to implement a hydrogen transportation and associated infrastructure. This is due to the high cost of fuel cells and other storage devises. - Education is important to convince and demonstrate the safety of hydrogen. Derailers - Hydrogen will be costly both in implementing fuel cell technology as well as the infrastructure needed to support a fleet of hydrogen vehicles. - NIMBY of hydrogen storage and fueling stations. Medium term Oil vi) Policy Recommendations (1) Repeal expensing of intangible drilling costs (2) Repeal passive loss exception for working interests in oil and gas properties (3) Repeal percentage depletion with respect to oil and gas properties23 (4) Shift the federal monies that would have otherwise been spent on the policies above to be dispersed within the Federal Energy Collective and spent on R&D for technologies for efficiency within personal transportation and on R&D for more environmentally sustainable EOR methods vii) Supply Source: EIA Annual Energy outlook 2011, page 60 Non-OCED nations account for 84% of growth in world energy use! As energy demand grows exponentially in developing countries, oil prices will rise substantially. This will cause increased efforts towards producing oil domestically, 23 For a detailed explanation of these policies as they currently stand, please see Department of the Treasury, 2009, p. 62-66 Source: EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011, page 37 The EIA estimates that 2021 domestic offshore oil production will be about 2 million barrels a day, but slowly declining to about 1.5 mb/d in 2027. Unless there are very large amounts of undiscovered oil reserves (High OCS Resource case), offshore oil production is estimated to remain near to or slightly below current levels in the medium term (Conti, 2011, pg. 37). Future offshore production may be further hindered by increased environmental regulation regarding offshore oil drilling. viii) Technologies for efficiency Within the medium term, it is reasonable to expect that new technologies for efficiency can begin to be broadly applied in the vehicle fleet market. The following are technologies which may increase personal transportation engine efficiency, reducing oil consumption and emissions. Variable Valve Timing, or, Variable Valve Actuation Describes any machination that alters the shape/timing of the valve lift within an internal combustion engine. Specifically, the lift, duration, or timing of the intake and/or exhaust valves can be altered in various combinations while the engine is operating. Altering these aspects of the valve event can significantly increase engine performance by allowing the engine to actively optimize the combustion process during engine operation. For variable valve timing to be effective, specialized software algorithms must be developed to optimize the process. 5% fuel efficiency improvement24 Can reroute exhaust back into cylinders, improving combustion efficiency Reduced emissions Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Within HCCI, the fuel-air mixture is homogeneous, meaning it is uniform. Adding the reinducted exhaust both dilutes and increases the temperature of this air-fuel mixture before compression. The process also allows for a uniform combustion without the need of a spark, at a lower compression than normally required for diesel engines, reducing engine wear and tear. Inside typical internal combustion engines, there is a large temperature difference between portions of the air-fuel mixture that have been ignited and portions that are still not burned. The homogeneous fuel-air mixture 24 Source: and reinducted exhaust work together to eliminate this temperature gradient during the auto-ignition, which decreases the overall combustion temperature. Decreasing the combustion temperature is a key step in dramatically reducing nitrogen oxides. Engines employing HCCI will use sensors to monitor an engine's performance using sensors, allowing the valve timing event to be continually monitored during engine operation to allow for efficiency optimization. 15%-20% fuel efficiency improvement Nearly eliminates nitrogen oxide emissions and particulate matter emissions Reduces emissions of CO2 and unburned hydrocarbons (Purdue University, 2007) Cylinder Deactivation Also called multiple displacement, displacement on demand (DOD), and variable cylinder management This technology deactivates some of the engine's cylinders when they are not needed. This temporarily turns a 8- or 6-cylinder engine into a 4- or 3-cylinder engine. This technology is not used on 4-cylinder engines since it would cause a noticeable decrease in engine smoothness. 7.5% fuel efficiency improvement25 ix) Environmental protection Dramatically decreasing oil consumption in the transportation sector and switching to other forms of energy will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. More efficient, cleaner-burning engines will produce substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from personal transportation vehicles, compared with current levels of emissions. After about a decade of R&D funds for more sustainable EOR projects, it is possible that reduced-emissions and cost effective methods of EOR may have been developed. Because of the carbon taxation policy, these projects will only be undertaken if they produce reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Decreasing oil consumption in the transportation sector, as well as more efficient, cleaner-burning engine technologies will produce marked reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from personal transportation vehicles. Coal Chris Gino will complete in the future Natural Gas Supply In order to meet the goals set by this Energy Plan the supply of natural gas must be increased to ensure a stable form of energy. With an increase in technology and innovation more natural gas reserves can be found and sources that have been found but not extracted because they were not economically feasible could be extracted. Through the discovery and extraction of new natural gas sources energy security could be closer to a reality. Currently congressional and presidential restrictions on drilling for oil and natural gas exist in 85% of the Outer Continental Shelf. In the medium term it will be important to continue to lift drilling regulations to ensure that the natural gas supply can continue to increase to help meet the energy needs of the country. Regulations have also been imposed inland limiting the amount of drilling that can occur. In the medium term the natural gas supply is projected to increase 28 trillion cubic feet per year. This estimate includes net imports but by this year net imports are expected to on be 1% of the total supply. The majority of the natural gas supply is expected to be generated from shale gas sources which will be 48% of the total supply extracted with hydraulic fracturing. All natural gas sources are projected to decrease slightly into the future while shale gas will increase dramatically. By 2037 natural gas production is expected to increase to approximately 28 trillion cubic feet. This is an increase of 7.04 trillion cubic 25 Source: feet over the 2009 level. Consumption will increase to approximately 27 trillion cubic feet over the base year of 2009. By lifting some of these restrictions the natural gas supply can be increased significantly. Fracking should also contribute to natural gas supply because the supplies are expected to increase dramatically into the future according to the EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011. Tech for efficiency In the medium term it will be important to continue to invest in technologies that can be used to generate electricity more efficiently. This Energy Plan suggests two different methods for encouraging the development of Combined Heat and Power which are the ITCs and PTCs. Both of these incentives would increase the amount of government support over time to meet the goals set by this plan. ITCs should increase from 12% to 16% of expenditures in the medium term. The maximum electrical output limit set by this policy should also be increased from 80 MW to 110 MW. Through this increase larger CHP electricity plants could be constructed which would meet more of the needs of many areas throughout the country. This incentive would also make CHP more competitive with other renewable energy sources. PTCs should increase from 1.5 cents/kWh to 2.0 cents/kWh in the medium term to make CHP more competitive with other forms of renewable energy. The repeal of the NATGAS act should continue which would encourage increased market competition to allow consumers to choose the cheapest alternative. Environmental protection Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel. Its use should be encouraged over other traditional sources which would reduce the harmful emissions. Infrastructure Continue to require the pipeline companies to update the system. The pipeline system throughout the country is aging and it is becoming increasingly important update and modernize the infrastructure to ensure the safety of humans and the environment. Most pipeline systems in the United States are privately owned and are regulated by the Federal Government. It will be in the best interest of these companies and the government to require the modernization of the entire system at the cost of the each pipeline company. The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will oversee these system improvements. This updating and modernization will take considerable time and investment but it is necessary. Nuclear Allocate more research and development funding into Small Nuclear Power Plants. Small nuclear is simpler than standard nuclear, and it could provide electricity to smaller, off-grid communities. Since it is simpler, it is also considered to be safer than larger plants. Many of the safety measures used for larger plants are not necessary for smaller plants. Begin planning for decommissioning of plants in 2030 that have already been relicensed. (Do not relicense again unless safe and absolutely necessary). This plan depends heavily on the transition from old plants to the construction of newer plants and small nuclear. That being said, for safety reasons, there will not be a “double” relicensing of plants. This means that around 2030, the country needs to be ready to transition to other, newer, nuclear plants, or other forms of energy. 1. Supply Supply issues are much the same in the medium term as in the short term. Uranium supply should not pose an issue so long as uranium mining is allowed. These policies directed at the medium term will have no effect on supply. 2. Technology for Efficiency Since it is the intent of these policies to shift nuclear power production to newer plants, these plants will be more efficient, creating less waste. 3. Environmental Protection Again, the same issues with regards to safety and disposal of nuclear waste will persist in the medium term, however, the gradual decrease of the use of older plants will make these issues less problematic. In addition, by this time, sites for geologic storage should already have been located and utilized. 4. Infrastructure Some infrastructure changes would be required to utilize small nuclear power, but it would not be anything unfamiliar as it would involve simply constructing the facility and connecting it to the grid. Decommissioning plants, however, may have substantial impacts on infrastructure. If sufficient power is not produced by new plants, electricity production will have to shift to some other form of energy. On the other hand, if new plants are able to provide at least the same amount of electricity as their predecessors, other than construction of new plants, infrastructure changes will not be too drastic. Hydro power Convert existing nonpowered dams to powered dams. The United States has 80,000 dams, yet only 3% of these dams are powered and producing electricity. Converting existing nonpowered dams to powered dams is a project that is necessary and beneficial to the nation. By 2025, converting existing dams could provide 1.4 million U.S. jobs (that cannot be outsourced) and provide an additional 10,000 MW of power. Increase pumped storage capacity. Pumped storage provides a way to even out the variable supply of other renewable energies. Currently, the U.S. has about 20 GW of pumped storage capacity. Already, developers today have proposed an additional 31 GW. Pumped storage is a minimal impact, closed-loop system that could potentially play a major role now and especially in the future as more and more variable renewable energies come on line. Construction of pumped storage facilities is very capital intensive and requires a long development timeline, disqualifying it from incentives that are designed for projects with a shorter lead time. In order to help spur additional construction of pumped storage facilities, the federal government should provide a 20% investment tax credit for all energy storage technologies, including pumped storage. 1. Supply As stated before, the supply of water year to year causes major variations in output of hydropower. However, these medium-term policies directly address this challenge by promoting methods that increase efficiency and decrease variability in electricity supply. 2. Technology for Efficiency The policies in this section are specifically aimed at technology for efficiency. There are tens of thousands of dams that could be made more efficient by being converted to powered dams. In addition, increasing pumped storage capacity, especially closed loop, would help greatly with issues regarding the variability of other renewables. 3. Environmental Protection As mentioned before, the methods promoted by these policies are considered to be minimal impact. Utilizing these resources would have little to no effect on the existing environment. Granted building the dams in the first place likely had a major impact on the environment, however that is in the past, and working with the existing infrastructure will not be nearly as damaging, if at all damaging. 4. Infrastructure Though converting dams and increasing pumped storage capacity would require some minor changes in infrastructure, these policies in particular are already working with existing infrastructure, rather than creating a whole new system or building new dams. Converting dams would require some work, installing the proper equipment and connecting the newly powered dam to the grid, but the dam is already in place, making this a simpler and more efficient change. In short, the implementation of these two methods would require only minor changes in infrastructure. Biofuels Chris Gino will complete in the future Solar 1) Supply: Will remain about the same as the short term, but with less commercial production and an increase in decentralized production of solar power. 2) Tech for efficiency: New tech of efficiency will be implemented as R/D to increase the amount of energy capture with solar power. Improvements in technology and cost of hydrogen storage to increase the consistency of solar energy. Reduced amount of water need for concentrated Photovoltaic. 3) Environmental protection: Water will still be a concern for solar energy production. As well as the manufacturing pollution associated with the production of solar panels. 4) Infrastructure: The infrastructure will remain largely the same. Portions of the south west region may begin to have access to a ‘smarter grid,’ increasing the amount of energy that can be sold back into the grid. Wind Supply In the medium term wind energy collection would continue to dramatically increase. According to the EIA electricity generation from wind has increased every year since 1999. In the time between 2006 and 2007 wind generation increased 49.3%, between 2007 and 2008 it increased 29.6%, and between 2008 and 2009 it increased 60.7%. To increase the increased development to wind throughout the country this Energy Plan suggests making the Production Tax Credits easier to use as well as increase and use Feed-In Tariffs to encourage future wind development. PTCs should increase from 2.5 cents/kWh to 2.8 cents/kWh for a 10 year contract to make wind electricity generation more competitive with other sources. This incentive could be used at the localized scale for small wind developments. Feed-In Tariffs should increase in the medium term. Continue to increase the feed-in tariffs allowed in the nation to encourage large utility companies to develop large scale wind farms that need to meet Renewable Portfolio Standards. Tech for efficiency Wind turbine technology is improving at a dramatic rate which will lead to greater improvements in energy efficiency and cost reductions. This will allow for the increased development of wind turbines at all scales. Environmental protection Wildlife loss is a major issue impacting wind turbines for electricity generation. Proper siting should be researched to ensure that the mitigation of wildlife loss can occur. In the medium term mitigation techniques should continue to ensure that the proposed sites for wind generation can be developed in locations that are outside major migratory areas and flight paths. Wildlife loss will always occur at some level and cannot be eliminated completely. Infrastructure Through the standardization of interconnection and net metering in the short term costs and connection will be made easier. This process will take time because throughout the nation there are at least 37 states that have slightly different interconnection standards which increases the costs. It will also be important to increase net metering throughout the electrical grid. This would allow surplus electricity generated from wind to be sold back into the grid. In the medium term updates to the interconnection infrastructure and net metering should continue. By the medium term net metering technology should allow surplus electricity from installations larger than 1 MW to be sold back to the grid and utility companies to help reduce the need for electricity to be generated from traditional fuel sources. Hydrogen 1) Supply There will be no significant increase in supply of hydrogen. A few fueling stations may be implemented along a designated route tailor made for hydrogen fuel cell tracker trailers. Increased use of hydrogen storage associated with renewable energies. 2) Tech for efficiency As production and improvement in technology will cause the cost of hydrogen fuel cells/storage. Small scale building applications (EERE), such as storing renewable energy. 3) Environmental Protection Remains the same as the short term time period. 4) Infrastructure A very slight increase in infrastructure located along designated truck routes to accommodate hydrogen tracker trailers. SWOT in the medium term Oil Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreasing imports from hostile political enemies o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions (from efficiency gains/reduced consumption) o Decrease the federal subsidization of oil, which has such high demand that it doesn’t rationally need such support o Creation of jobs creating new smart grid infrastructure, public transit, and R&D for new energy efficiency technologies o Takes advantage of timing; many energy producing facilities are reaching the end of their lifespan, now that we must rebuild them we should do so as to make them environmentally friendly and more efficient Weaknesses: o Will anger oil companies, which in turn will have politicians backed by the oil companies against it as well (difficulty passing policies) o Changing city zoning and residential policies will be difficult politically o Will anger American people to experience raised gas prices o Will be targeted as part of the “hippie” or “green” fad and will thus be undermined politically and in the public eye o Will make American oil less competitive globally (3rd largest oil producer globally) Opportunities: o To lead the globe in “green” technology / reduction in emissions Savings due to carbon taxation o To escape future political dealings with openly hostile nations o To once again let the market rule our economy, returning to America’s laissez-faire roots o Reduce international trade deficit (strengthen US currency) Threats o Oil companies backing politicians will refuse to support politicians o American public anger over rising gas prices might cause politicians to back down Natural Gas Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreased imports o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions o Creation of new jobs in the design and construction of CHP power plant and infrastructure improvements o Increase energy supply to lower the cost of the fuel source o Increased access to foreign markets to allow the United States to obtain energy from the cheapest source o Repeal of the NATGAS Act to allow more competition for NGVs Weaknesses: o Will increase taxation on the American people to fund the increases in PTCs and ITCs. Opportunities: o Will increase market competition which will allow consumers to choose the cheapest fuel for their needs. o With the increase of natural gas use it will decrease the need for other fuel sources which will ultimately reduce greenhouse gas emissions o The creation of jobs for the development of new electricity generating plants and through the modernization of the pipeline infrastructure Threats: Wind Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions because wind for electricity generation does not create any direct emissions. o Creation of jobs in the construction of the wind turbines at a large scale Weaknesses: o Wind is intermittent o Cannot be used for base load electricity generation o Individuals will still take issue with the construction of wind turbines because they feel that they are unsightly and noisy. This is the issue of Not In My Backyard (NIMBY) o Wind turbines are a threat to birds and bats Opportunities: o Can generate clean fossil fuel free electricity o PTCs and Feed-in Tariffs will encourage the development of wind in all areas of the country through incentives Threats: Hydro Strengths: The technology already exists for both converting nonpowered dams to powered dams and increasing pumped storage capacity. It is simply a matter of installation. In addition, infrastructure changes would be minimal, given that the dams that are being converted are already built. Weaknesses: Opportunities: Possible improvements in technology over time may serve to make this process more effective and potentially cheaper to install. Threats: Sensitivity in the medium term Enablers/derailers in the medium term Solar Enablers - The government offsetting costs of solar will still be required in making solar energy production economically competitive (i.e. subsidizes, tax breaks, tax credits). - Consumers will continue to implement solar power on their structures. - Banks providing green loans. Derailers - Cost is still potentially high without subsidizes. - The water required to operate and maintain a solar panel. Hydrogen Enablers - Increased incentives provided by the government are needed to make the cost of hydrogen economical. - Education will still play a major role in change public perception of hydrogen. Derailers - High cost will continue to deter increased implementation of hydrogen as an energy source/storage. - NIMBY Long term Oil x) Policy Recommendations (1) Repeal domestic manufacturing deduction for oil and gas production (2) Increase the amortization period for geological and geophysical costs to seven years for independent producers26 (3) Shift the federal monies that would have otherwise been spent on the policies above to be dispersed by the Collective Energy Fund and spent on R&D for technologies for efficiency within personal transportation and on R&D for more environmentally sustainable EOR methods xi) Supply The following charts show projections of possible long term oil demand and production based on differing levels of peak oil and with differing rates of annual growth. 26 For a detailed explanation of these policies as they currently stand, please see Department of the Treasury, 2009, p. 68-69 Promote Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) from existing domestic reservoirs using environmentally sustainable methods found due to R&D in that field. A 2007 report from the National Petroleum Council estimated that there is between 90 and 200 billion barrels of recoverable oil in the United States using EOR (National Petroleum Council, 2007, p. 19). Increasing domestic supply will be critical at this point, if not sooner, as global oil reserves quickly diminish. xii) Technologies for efficiency Within the long term, we can expect that technology changes will be more radical, switching to entirely different types of personal automobile engines. The following are two new types of engines which could potentially increase fuel efficiency by up to 50%: Opposed-Piston Opposed-Cylinder (OPOC) engines Ecomotors has developed a modular configuration with each module consisting of two cylinders. Within each cylinder are two pistons that are linked to a common crankshaft. The pairs of pistons oscillate back and forth with a common combustion chamber between them. The OPOC engine operates on a two-stroke cycle, with each piston exposing only the intake or exhaust ports, allowing better management of which ports are open by timing each piston. The use of two pistons per cylinder allows the pistons to move only half the distance for the same compression ratio so that the engine can run twice as fast. High power density Fuel efficiency improvements of 50% over current spark-ignition engines Can run on gasoline, diesel, or biofuels Electronically controlled clutches allow individual module shut down to reduce fuel consumption during light loads Wankel rotary design engine Very high power density o 1.3-liter two-rotor design used in the Mazda RX-8 generates up to 238hp Suited for use within extended range electric vehicles (ER-EV), like the Chevrolet Volt Compact dimensions of engine Vibration-free operation = easier charge-sustaining operation27 xiii) Environmental protection Dramatically decreasing oil consumption in the transportation sector and switching to other forms of energy will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. More efficient, cleaner-burning engines will produce huge reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from personal transportation vehicles, compared with current levels of emissions. In example, OPOC engine technologies currently project fuel efficiency improvements of 50%; after 30 years of development, these technologies will surely offer even more advances in fuel efficiency, reducing the harmful pollutants produced by fuel consumption. Coal Chris Gino will complete in the future Natural Gas 4 Mores Supply In order to meet the goals set by this Energy Plan the supply of natural gas must be increased to ensure a stable form of energy. With an increase in technology and innovation more natural gas reserves can be found and sources that have been found but not extracted because they were not economically feasible could be extracted. Through Technology information was pulled from Sam Abuelsamid’s Popular Mechanics article, 5 Ways to Redesign the Internal Combustion Engine 27 the discovery and extraction of new natural gas sources energy security could be closer to a reality. Currently congressional and presidential restrictions on drilling for oil and natural gas exist in 85% of the Outer Continental Shelf. In the long term it will be important to continue to lift drilling regulations to ensure that the natural gas supply can continue to increase to help meet the energy needs of the country. Regulations have also been imposed inland limiting the amount of drilling that can occur. By 2062 a large portion of the drilling regulations must be lifted both offshore and inland. Drilling and extraction technology should allow drilling companies to drill with minimal impacts on the environment. By lifting some of these restrictions the natural gas supply can be increased significantly. Drilling regulations should only be lifted if it can be assured that drilling and extracting practices are safe and only impose a small negative impact on the environment. Fracking should also contribute to natural gas supply because the supplies are expected to increase dramatically into the future according to the EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2011. Tech for efficiency In the long term it will be important to continue to invest in technologies that can be used to generate electricity more efficiently. This Energy Plan suggests two different methods for encouraging the development of Combined Heat and Power which are the ITCs and PTCs. Both of these incentives would increase the amount of government support over time to meet the goals set by this plan. ITCs should increase from 16% to 20% of expenditures in the long term. The maximum electrical output limit set by this policy should also be increased from 110 MW to 250 MW. Through this increase larger CHP electricity plants could be constructed which would meet more of the needs of many areas throughout the country. This incentive would also make CHP more competitive with other renewable energy sources. PTCs should increase from 2.0 cents/kWh to 2.5 cents/kWh in the long term to make CHP more competitive with other forms of renewable energy. The repeal of the NATGAS act should be completed which would encourage increased market competition to allow consumers to choose the cheapest alternative. This will be the best way for NGVs to compete in the market. Environmental protection Natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel. Its use should be encouraged over other traditional sources which would reduce the harmful emissions. Infrastructure Continue to require the pipeline companies to update the system. The pipeline system throughout the country is aging and it is becoming increasingly important update and modernize the infrastructure to ensure the safety of humans and the environment. Most pipeline systems in the United States are privately owned and are regulated by the Federal Government. It will be in the best interest of these companies and the government to require the modernization of the entire system at the cost of the each pipeline company. The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will oversee these system improvements. This updating and modernization will take considerable time and investment but it is necessary. The complete update of the system is unlikely to happen by the end of the scope of this Energy Plan. Companies will need to continue to make updates into the next 100 years. Nuclear All third generation and below plants are decommissioned. Nuclear power should primarily be sourced from fourth generation, or higher, plants and small nuclear plants. 1. Supply 2. Technology for Efficiency 3. Environmental Protection 4. Infrastructure Hydro power Continue research and development of marine/hydrokinetic power. Implement once technology is ready. Energy experts have estimated that the US has a wave potential of 90 GW. However, wave and tidal power technology development is still in its infancy and needs a lot more research and development. This research could be conducted by the National Laboratories and by public and private institutions. Since so much is still unknown about marine and hydrokinetic power, no plan can currently be made for implementation. However, it still represents a major potential for electricity supply for coastal cities and must be paid attention to. 1. Supply Unlike other forms of hydropower, marine and tidal power is not dependent on fresh water supply and movement. So long as humans exist, the ocean will likely exist as well. In addition, the sheer volume of water and movement of waves has the potential to make this a major supply of electricity in the future. 2. Technology for Efficiency Marine power is not necessarily technology for efficiency, but it does make use of a previously untapped source of power. 3. Environmental Protection There are inevitably some concerns regarding the impact on marine life that the construction of marine power facilities would have. However, as the implementation of this technology is likely still quite far off, so long as precautions and considerations are made for this issue, it should not be a major roadblock. 4. Infrastructure Implementing and constructing this technology would require some fairly substantial infrastructure changes. Once the facilities were built on the ocean, they would then have to be connected to the grid for them to be of any use. Both stages would take time and effort. In addition, there may potentially be effects on people who utilize the ocean, such as fishermen, where they may have to adapt to the presence of these facilities. It is hard to predict exactly what this may be so far into the future, but it is certainly something to be aware of. Biofuels Chris Gino will complete in the future Solar 1) Supply: Solar energy will be greatly increased in the South western region of the country providing a larger portion of its energy consumption. Increased in localized production of energy but at the cost of decentralizing solar energy production. The increase in supply is dependent on the increased technology created for efficiency as well as the implementation of a better grid (smart grid). 2) Tech for efficiency: Improvements in absorption rates making solar panels as efficient as fossil fuels. a. Increased Use of HCPV (decrease in both start up costs and water use) b. Increased improvements in storage 3) Environmental protection: Water consumption will continue to be a problem for solar energy production. a. CO2 emissions from transportation will be reduced greatly due to shift in fuels/transportation methods b. Pollution reduced during manufacturing and installation 4) Infrastructure: Solar is now implemented into a smarter grid allowing it to send extra energy down the grid. Also the improvements in hydrogen storage allow energy captured during the day to be used when the sun is not shining. Wind Supply In the Long term wind energy collection would continue to dramatically increase. According to the EIA electricity generation from wind has increased every year since 1999. In the time between 2006 and 2007 wind generation increased 49.3%, between 2007 and 2008 it increased 29.6%, and between 2008 and 2009 it increased 60.7%. To increase the increased development to wind throughout the country this Energy Plan suggests making the Production Tax Credits easier to use as well as increase and use Feed-In Tariffs to encourage future wind development. PTCs should increase from 2.8 cents/kWh to 3.0 cents/kWh for a 10 year contract to make wind electricity generation more competitive with other sources. This incentive could be used at the localized scale for small wind developments. Feed-In Tariffs should increase in the long term. Continue to increase the feed-in tariffs allowed in the nation to encourage large utility companies to develop large scale wind farms that need to meet Renewable Portfolio Standards. Tech for efficiency Wind turbine technology is improving at a dramatic rate which will lead to greater improvements in energy efficiency and cost reductions. This will allow for the increased development of wind turbines at all scales. Environmental protection Wildlife loss is a major issue impacting wind turbines for electricity generation. Proper siting should be researched to ensure that the mitigation of wildlife loss can occur. In the long term mitigation techniques should continue to ensure that the proposed sites for wind generation can be developed in locations that are outside major migratory areas and flight paths. Wildlife loss will always occur at some level and cannot be eliminated completely. Infrastructure Through the standardization of interconnection and net metering in the short term costs and connection will be made easier. This process will take time because throughout the nation there are at least 37 states that have slightly different interconnection standards which increases the costs. It will also be important to increase net metering throughout the electrical grid. This would allow surplus electricity generated from wind to be sold back into the grid. In the long term updates to the interconnection infrastructure and net metering should continue. By the long term net metering technology should allow surplus electricity from installations larger than 1 MW to be sold back to the grid and utility companies to help reduce the need for electricity to be generated from traditional fuel sources. Hydrogen 1) Supply Supply will see an increased implementation of infrastructure at truck stops, to accommodate the growing number of hydrogen tracker trailers. 2) Tech for efficiency Technology improvements as well as production methods will continue to drive the price of hydrogen down. 3) Environmental Protection Remains the same as the last two sections. 4) Infrastructure Hydrogen infrastructure will now begin exploring spreading from designated routes to other key highways to increase its availability. Geothermal i) Supply The United States is the world’s leading producer of geothermal energy, producing an average of 15 billion kilowatt hours of power annually. This is comparable to the energy produced by 25 million barrels of oil, or, 6 million short tons of coal, although this represents less than one percent of the American energy supply (Kagel, Bates, & Gawell, 2007, pg. i). U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimated that geothermal energy sources within 13 Western states have the potential to produce anywhere between 8,000 and 73,000 mega-watts (MW), with a mean estimate of 33,000 MW (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2009). The Geothermal Energy Association estimates that the 132 national projects in the U.S. could provide up to 6,400 MW (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2009). ii) Technologies for efficiency Geothermal energy is most commonly captured using naturally-occurring “hydrothermal convection” systems. In these systems, cool water enters Earth’s crust, becomes heated, and escapes as steam, which is used to power electric generators. Geothermal plants can more effectively capture this energy by drilling holes into underground rock formations. Three types of geothermal power plants: Dry steam power plant: steam goes directly through the turbine, then into a condenser (condensed into water) and injected back into the earth Flash steam power plant: very hot water is depressurized ("flashed") into steam which can then be used to drive the turbine Binary cycle power plant: hot water is passed through a heat exchanger, where it heats a second liquid—such as isobutane—in a closed loop. The isobutane boils at a lower temperature than water, so it is more easily converted into steam to run the turbine Enhanced Geothermal Systems. Although geothermal heat is produced under virtually every part of the planet, the conditions which force heated water to come to the surface are found in less than one-tenth of the globe’s land area. Enhanced geothermal systems, also called “hot dry rock,” are a technological feat which can allow humans to capture the heat produced by the earth in dry areas. First, high-pressure water is pumped through the dry rock deep below the earth’s surface, which breaks them up. More water is then pumped through the broken rocks. This water heats up from the geothermal heat, returns to the surface as steam, and powers one of the three geothermal power plants shown above. Afterwards, the water is pumped back down to the newly created reservoir so that the cycle can be repeated indefinitely to obtain geothermal energy from dry areas (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2009). iii) Environmental protection Geothermal energy production only produces about one-sixth of the typical carbon dioxide emissions as a natural gas power plant produces. A case study found that a coal plant employing scrubbers and other emissions control technologies emits 24 times more carbon dioxide, 10,837 times more sulfur dioxide, and 3,865 times more nitrous oxides per megawatt hour than a geothermal steam power plant (Kagel, Bates, & Gawell, 2007, pg. i)! Binary cycle plants produce virtually no emissions whatsoever. Geothermal energy does not depend on the burning of finite supplies of fossil fuels, and is available year-round, regardless of weather conditions (“Geothermal energy: Tapping the Earth’s heat,” 2011). Environmental concerns include hydrogen sulfide emissions and the disposal of some geothermal fluids, which may contain small amounts of toxic chemicals and materials (“Geothermal energy: Tapping the Earth’s heat,” 2011). Hydrogen sulfide pollution is typically abated by being converted into elemental sulfur. Over 99.9% of current hydrogen sulfide produced is typically converted, which can then be used as a non-hazardous soil amendment and for fertilizer. Since 1976, hydrogen sulfide emissions have declined from 1,900 lbs/hour to 200 lbs/hour or less, even though geothermal energy production has increased by over 400% in this time frame (Kagel, Bates, & Gawell, 2007, pg. ii). Mercury can be produced at some geothermal energy production sites, but current abatement technology reduces emissions by 90% or more. Two facilities at The Geysers in California are considered the highest mercury emitters in the U.S., but even these facilities release such small amounts that they pass the strict California regulations regarding emissions (Kagel, Bates, & Gawell, 2007, pg. ii). Although water consumption is often an environmental concern for many energy sources, geothermal plants use five gallons of freshwater per megawatt hour of power produced, while binary cycle power plants require no fresh water input. For comparison, natural gas facilities require 361 gallons of water per megawatt hour of power produced (Kagel, Bates, & Gawell, 2007, pg. ii). SWOT in the long term Oil Oil Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreasing imports from hostile political enemies o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions (from efficiency gains/reduced consumption) o Eliminate the irrational subsidization of oil o (increased transit) will allow a greater portion of Americans to have more job opportunities, increasing economic output o Creation of jobs creating new smart grid infrastructure, public transit, and R&D for new energy efficiency technologies Weaknesses: o Will anger oil companies, which in turn will have politicians backed by the oil companies against it as well (difficulty passing policies) o Changing city zoning and residential policies will be difficult politically o Will anger American people to experience raised gas prices o Will be targeted as part of the “hippie” or “green” fad and will thus be undermined politically and in the public eye o Will make American oil less competitive globally (3rd largest oil producer globally) Opportunities: o To lead the globe in “green” technology / reduction in emissions Huge savings within the carbon taxation system due to decreased consumption and increased efficiency o To escape future political dealings with openly hostile nations o To once again let the market rule our economy, returning to America’s laissez-faire roots o (city planning) To increase the economic output of cities o (city planning) To increase feelings of community and happiness o Reduce international trade deficit (strengthen US currency) Threats o Oil companies backing politicians will refuse to support politicians o American public anger over rising gas prices might cause politicians to back down Natural Gas Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreased imports o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions o Creation of new jobs in the design and construction of CHP power plant and infrastructure improvements o Increase energy supply to lower the cost of the fuel source o Increased access to foreign markets to allow the United States to obtain energy from the cheapest source o Repeal of the NATGAS Act to allow more competition for NGVs Weaknesses: o Will increase taxation on the American people to fund the increases in PTCs and ITCs. Opportunities: o Will increase market competition which will allow consumers to choose the cheapest fuel for their needs. o With the increase of natural gas use it will decrease the need for other fuel sources which will ultimately reduce greenhouse gas emissions The creation of jobs for the development of new electricity generating plants and through the modernization of the pipeline infrastructure Threats: o Wind Strengths: o Increased energy security o Decreased greenhouse gas emissions because wind for electricity generation does not create any direct emissions. o Creation of jobs in the construction of the wind turbines at a large scale Weaknesses: o Wind is intermittent o Cannot be used for base load electricity generation o Individuals will still take issue with the construction of wind turbines because they feel that they are unsightly and noisy. This is the issue of Not In My Backyard (NIMBY) o Wind turbines are a threat to birds and bats Opportunities: o Can generate clean fossil fuel free electricity o PTCs and Feed-in Tariffs will encourage the development of wind in all areas of the country through incentives Threats: Hydro Strengths: The potential energy to be gained from marine power is incredibly high. The plan allows for time and money to be taken for further research and development of possible technologies for capturing marine power. Weaknesses: The technology to capture marine energy effectively does not yet exist in a marketable form. Opportunities: Threats: Possible negative impacts on the marine ecosystem once marine power is implemented could be a major road block to the success and wide-scale usage of marine power. Sensitivity in the long term Enablers/derailers in the long term Solar Enablers - Reduced cost of solar panels. Derailers - Water consumption can deter increased implementation of solar energy. Hydrogen Enablers The government will continue to be an important enabler to allow growth of infrastructure needed to supply fuel demands to a growing hydrogen tracker trailer fleet. Derailers - The high cost of implementing infrastructure needed to supply hydrogen. - And possibly still NIMBY - Works Cited Allaire, M., & Brown, S. (2009). Eliminating subsidies for fossil fuel production: Implications for U.S. oil and natural gas markets. Resources For the Future. Retrieved from Borenstein, S. (2008). Cost, conflict and climate: U.S. challenges in the world oil market. Center for the Study of Energy Markets. Retrieved from Conti, J. J. (2011). Annual energy outlook 2011 [DOE/EIA-0383(2011)]. U.S. Energy Information Administration. Retrieved from Department of Transportation. (2009). Final ruling on 2009 memorandum on CAFE standards for model years 2011 and beyond (RIN 2127-AK29). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Retrieved from Files/CAFE_Updated_Final_Rule_MY2011.pdf Department of the Treasury (2009). General explanations of the administration’s fiscal year 2010 revenue proposals. Department of the Treasury. Retrieved from Diamond, R. (2007). Measuring the energy performance of LEED-certified federal buildings. [PowerPoint presentation]. Retrieved from Ford, R. (2007). Regenerative braking boosts green credentials. Railway Gazette. Retrieved from “Geothermal energy: Tapping the Earth’s heat.” (2011). National Geographic. Retrieved from Hallock, J. L., Tharakan, P. J., Hall, C. A., Jefferson, M., & Wu, W. (2004). Forecasting the limits to the availability and diversity of global conventional oil supply. Energy, 29(11), 1673-1696. doi: 10.1016/ Kagel, A., Bates, D., & Gawell, K. (2007). A guide to geothermal energy and the environment. Geothermal Energy Association. Retrieved from National Petroleum Council (2007). Hard truths: Facing the hard truths about energy. Retrieved from Newsham, G.R., Mancini, S., & Birt, B. (2009). Do LEED-certified buildings save energy? Yes, but… Energy and Buildings, 41(8), 897-905. doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2009.03.014. Retrieved from Purdue University (2007, May 10). Radical Engine Redesign Would Reduce Pollution, Oil Consumption. ScienceDaily. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from Regenerative braking in trains. (2011). ClimateTechWiki. Retrieved from Salter, R., Dhar, S., Newman, P. (2011). Technologies for climate change mitigation: Transportation sector. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Risø Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development. ISBN: 978-87-550-3901-8. Retrieved from Sorrell, S., Speirs, J., Bentley, R., Brandt, A., & Miller, R. (2009). Global oil depletion: An assessment of the evidence for a near-term peak in global oil production. UK Energy Research Centre [1-903144-0-35]. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Energy. (2008, Dec 08). Fact #548: December 8, 2008. Number of Gasoline Stations Continues to Decline in 2007. Retrieved from U.S. Energy Information Administration (2011a). How dependent are we on foreign oil? Energy In Brief, U.S. Energy Information Administration. Retrieved from U.S. Energy Information Administration (2011b). Medium-term oil & gas markets. U.S. Energy Information Administration. Retrieved from Union of Concerned Scientists (2009). How geothermal energy works. Retrieved from