Vocab 15 - britishlitcourse

By: Kurtis Thrush & Matt Williams
Firm in purpose or
opinion, unyielding
(n.) An extremely hard
(n.) A confused
hodgepodge of
sounds, hubbub; an uproar or
commotion that goes far
beyond what is justified
court trial went into a loud
brouhaha after the final
verdict was announced.
Strong defense or
protection, a solid wall-like
structure for defense
(v.) To provide such defense or
point in the defense
Offensively selfassertive, excessively and
arrogantly self-confident
Easily made angry, badtempered
To spoil or destroy an
appetite by too much
indulgence, especially in sweet
or rich things
can cloy your appetite by
eating too much junk food
before dinner.
To cut short, bring to a halt
or end sooner than expected, to
Courteous yielding to the
wishes and ideas of another
person, great respect marked
by submission, as to a superior
Conclusive, final,
representing the limit of what
can be done
The way a person behaves,
overall impression made by
comportment, manner, etc;
facial appearance, mien
happy demeanor changed
after he heard the bad news.
Puzzling, perplexing, not
easily understood, mysterious
Tolerance and self-control
(in the face of provocation),
patience, the act of refraining
from something, abstinence
adv.) Without
preparation, offhand, suddenly
or hastily done
(n.) An extemporaneous
composition or remark
of the moment
excessively and
objectionably sentimental;
having a mildly sickening
To soften, make gentle, to
calm, allay (as an emotion); to
reduce intensity
Something that is heavy or
burdensome (especially an
unwelcome reasonability); a
stigma; blame
executioner had the onus
of carrying out the death
sentence of the convicted felon.
(n.) A vague
sense of
approaching misfortune
man had a presentiment
that someone was following
Given over to dissipation
and self- indulgence, immoral,
recklessly extravagant
(n.) A person given to selfindulgent and wild spending
To spend or hand in (as
money), to cancel (as a
penalty), forgive, pardon,
diminish, to put off, postpone
Needed, necessary,
regarded as essential or
Of or pertaining to a
tailor or his work; having to do
with clothes or dress
(especially men’s)
sartorial design of the
tailor was greatly admired by
the clothing company.
To oppose successfully; to
present, frustrate, foil
Choose the word that means the same
Self- Confident or SelfAssertive
A: Demeanor
B: Mawkish
C: Onus
D: Bumptious
The enemy tried to
________ the army’s
A: Thwart
C: Profligate
B: Mollify
D: Brouhaha
(v.) To spoil or destroy an appetite
by too much indulgence,
especially in sweet or rich things,
to glut
A: Deference
B: Definitive
C: Cloy
D: Curtail
He is ______ in the
types of cars he buys.
A: Requisite
B: Profligate
C: Sartorial
D: Cloy
Choose the word that means the
opposite as:
Rehearsed, Planned,
Premeditated, Prepared
A: Adamant
B: Impromptu
C: Curtail
D: Bumptious
To ______ expenses the
company fired 10
A: Curtail
B: Demeanor
C: Forbearance
D: Bulwark
Choose the word that means the same
Uproar, a Furor,
A: Presentiment
B: Remit
C: Brouhaha
D: Cloy
The coast served to
______ the hurricane
before it hit a major town.
A: Thwart
B: Brouhaha
C: Enigmatic
D: Mollify
(n.) Something that is
heavy or burdensome, a
stigma, blame
A: Requisite
B: Impromptu
C: Profligate
D: Onus
Choose the word that means the same as:
Needed, Necessary,
Essential, Indispensable
A: Cloy
B: Deference
C: Requisite
D: Remit
Choose the word that means the opposite
A weak point in the
A: Bulwark
B: Mawkish
C: Adamant
D: Forbearance
Choose the word that means the same
Conduct, Behavior,
Bearing, Carriage
A: Enigmatic
C: Choleric
B: Demeanor
D: Sartorial
Choose the word that means the
opposite as:
Yielding, Pliable,
A: Adamant
B: Choleric
C: Mollify
D: Deference
The governor would later
______ the man when he
found out he had been falsely
A: Onus
B: Deference
C: Profligate
D: Remit
(adj.) Easily made angry,
A: Curtail
C: Choleric
B: Presentiment
D: Thwart
(n.) A vague sense of
approaching misfortune
A: Presentiment
C: Requisite
B: Impromptu
D: Bulwark
Choose the word that means the
opposite as:
Lack of restraint,
A: Curtail
B: Forbearance
C: Remit
D: Adamant
Choose the word that means the same
Of or pertaining to men’s
A: Sartorial
C: Brouhaha
B: Clot
D: Definitive
The story he told was
very long and ______.
A: Cloy
C: Demeanor
B: Mollify
D: Enigmatic
(n.) Courteous yielding to the
wishes and ideas of another
person; great respect marked by
submission, as to a superior
A: Enigmatic
B: Onus
C: Deference
D: Thwart
Choose the word that means the same
Sentimentalized, Maudlin,
Mushy, Nauseating
A: Profligate
B: Mawkish
C: Impromptu
D: Sartorial
Choose the word that means the
opposite as:
A: Adamant
B: Definitive
C: Mollify
D: Demeanor
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. D
16. A
17. B
18. A
19. D
20. C
21. B