12klemmj-gender timed writing

Jenna Klemm
AP Language and Composition
Gender: In-Class Writing Assignment
In society today, there are two problems relating to boys: their inability to mature at a fast
rate, and parents’ and teachers’ way of solving that issue. Not only do statistics show that boys
mature slower than girls, but that is effecting a boys’ education level overall. Many people are
unsure of how to respond to this issue, but something in the education system needs to be
There can be many causes of the “gender disparity,” and some researchers think they
have the answer. “Gender disparity” is the theory that girls do better than boys. In Ann Hulbert’s
Boy Problems, she states that boys may have a lack of interest in reading; reading is the primary
definition of school. Because the young men are uninterested in literature, they have no incentive
to do well. Also, in Johnny Won’t Read by Mark Bauerlein, he mentions that boys prefer more
free time than girls do; this is a large factor because if a boy cannot focus in school, than he will
not. Many of the researchers say that boys do worse on tests than girls as a whole; this is
evidence that the male education category is continuing proceed downhill. I agree with
researchers on this issue because their theories can be proven through research, but in my own
personal experiences, boys can outshine the girls many times, too. Also, I grade third grade tests,
and I recall seeing many high scores from the girls; the boys, on the contrary, simply cannot
focus, and they tend to score lower. The main problem is the unwillingness to make an effort
towards our education.
The world is changing, and so is education, but it all comes down to how we approach
different situations. David Brooks, in Mind Over Muscle says that society is not helping the
young boys achieve more. It is uncommon that boys are held back because of their maturity
level, but if that is a solution, then it needs to be done. Holding back a boy will surround him by
children that have similar maturity levels. Lastly, Mark Bauerlein in Johnny Won’t Read states
that the books that are assigned to boys are an issue. According to Bauerlein, the books are not
masculine enough, and this is one cause of researchers’ depiction of the male maturity level. In
English classes, I recall reading books that I found amusing, but boys would not; it is important
to choose an enjoyable book for both sexes. Although it seems as if these problems are illogical,
education is the primary issue of young boys today.
From all of the hard work people dedicate towards education, the effect is not impressive.
Brooks, Hulbert, and Bauerlein all notice the harm that our educational system is causing, but
does the rest of society? Educators, politicians, parents, even students may not see the detriment
of young men, but I see it clearly now. If we want the men in our country to succeed in life, then
something needs to be done now, and quickly.