Chapter 5: MELODY Melody - A series of single tones that add up to a recognizable whole Melodic line/melodic curve Steps and leaps Pg. 49-53 Legato/Staccato Phrase, Cadence Sequence Theme LISTENING TO MELODY “Over the Rainbow” from The Wizard of Oz Harold Arlen Judy Garland singing Chapter 6: HARMONY Harmony – 2 or more tones sounding simultaneously Chord – combination of three or more tones sounded simultaneously Chord progression – series of chords Triad Tonic/Dominant Arpeggio Consonance vs. Dissonance Consonance – a tone combination that is stable Dissonance – a tone combination that is unstable Resolution – when a dissonance moves to consonance LISTENING FOR CHORDS Look in books on pg. 56 “Prelude in E Minor for Piano” Frederic Chopin Chapter 7: Key Melodies built around a central note; all other notes gravitate toward it. Example: sing My Country ‘Tis of Thee but don’t sing the last note. How is it that it makes you uneasy? Tonic – The central tone of a melody. When a piece is in the key of C major, for example, C is the tonic. Key (tonality) involves a scale, a range of notes. Melodies typically end on the tonic. Scale – the basic pitches of a song arranged in order from low to high or from high to low. 2 common types: Major and minor Scales are just combinations of different-sized intervals, or steps. Half Step – smallest interval used in Western music Whole Step – twice as big Formula for a Major scale: WWHWWWH Major Scale Sounds like “Do re mi fa so la ti do” 7 pitches, arriving at high “do” an octave away Formula for a Major scale: WWHWWWH C D E F G A B C W W H W W W H Minor scale WHWWHWW Chromatic Scale Still has range of octave Uses all half steps, all 12 black and white keys within an octave Key Signatures Songs based on major scales are “major” or “in a major key” Songs based on minor scales are “minor” or “in a minor key” Key Signature – sharp or flat signs immediately following the clef sign at the beginning of a piece of music, indicating the key in which the music is played (the scale on which it is based) E Flat Major Eb F G Ab Bb C D Eb Modulation – shifting between different keys, or tonalities, within one song. Tonic Key – “home base” tonality when modulating