Checklist for Young Adult

Fusion of Faith and Career
Marriage (For Most)
#1 I am learning the
constructs of agency related
to free will and determinism
(Armenianism, Reformed
Theology, Open Views,
Universal Redemptionism )
and how they affect my view
of God.
#2 I sense God's presence in
the actions I am taking as I
make life decision about
career, spouse and timing.
#3 I seek out mentors and
spiritual guides regularly
both within my field of study
and work and without it.
#4 I am making margins for
my faith in my education &
career ambitions.
#5 I articulate a defense for
my faith in grace when
challenged in the
marketplace of ideas.
#6 I articulate and explain
the Trinity to others.
#7 I articulate the
incarnation of Jesus when
talking about why Jesus is
key for my forgiveness.
#8I articulate how water
baptism and communion are
testaments to both the
believing and unbelieving.
#9 I am either seeking Spirit
Baptism or keeping step
with the Spirit both within
and without the church
#10 I articulate ways Jesus
fulfills the hope bound up in
the OT and in the ANETs.
#11 I pray regularly for
people both in church and in
public settings for healing
and wholeness of others.
#12 I articulate the
interpretive dynamics of
spontaneous spiritual
movements of the Spirit and
the authority of the Bible.
#13 I am making bold moves
for biblical justice and social
transformation formed by
my gospel fluency.
#14 I am fusing my
professional aspirations with
God's call in my education
and career launches.
#15 I see the church as
partner as I endeavor to
embody Jesus through every
#16 I am regularly
consulting the Bible for
direction and self-feeding.
#17 I value the message and
the means of Jesus more
than my own life.
#18 Following Jesus is
costing me and I am now
paying the price.
#19 I am regularly spending
time listening to God.
#20 I am regularly meeting
believers to practice my
#21 I am regularly meeting
with unbelievers to share my
#22 I believe Jesus will
#23 My career and
education aspirations help
fuel the economics of gospel
(Based on Fowler’s Faith Stages)
Young Adulthood to 30s and 40s
Individuate-Reflective Faith This
stage takes place into young
adulthood although not all enter it.
Language: Religious language is
like any other language: to learn to
speak it, one needs first to listen to
native speakers using it a lot, and
then one needs plenty of practice
speaking it oneself.
Identity: This is now defined as a
frame conscious of itself and
sustained without others. Truly
one's worldview. It is nonacademic, its embodied.
Paradox: Stories, symbols, myths
and paradoxes from one's own or
other traditions may insist on
breaking in upon the neatness of
the previous stages of faith.
Truth: There is a sense to the levels
of truthiness in one's life and
Faith: A greater realization on faith
as foundational reality