2012 Industrial Revolution Study Guide

2012 Industrial Revolution Study Guide:
You may answer the questions as detailed as you would like.
Do not just cut and paste from powerpoint presentations or copy from your notebook. You must
answer the questions.
It should be done in an organized format: outline, chart, using bullets, using color, underlining, bolding
to make it easier to use on the unit test.
Be sure to have the general characteristics and then specific examples with people, inventions, events,
statistics, primary source quotes, etc..
It is to be done individually.
To received 15 points extra credit, it must be complete.
You may use it on both parts of the unit test.
Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Great Britain over France or Germany? What are the seven
reasons with key characteristics and historical evidence.
What were the connections between the Agricultural Revolution and Industrial Revolution?
Why did factories develop? What were the positives and negatives to the factories?
Why did mines increase? Who were the workers? Dangers? Pay? Hours? Laws?
Why did they use child labor? What were the types of jobs they did? What were the effects?
What were the issues surrounding child labor? How were these addressed by reforms?
How were women perceived and treated during the Industrial Revolution and why?
How did women change their position through the Suffrage Movement?
How did the Industrial Revolution affect the social classes? How were each of the social classes
What was the Chartist Movement? Why did it develop? What were its major actions? What were its
Who were the Luddites? What role did they play in the Industrial Revolution?
What were Trade Unions? What obstacles did they have to overcome? How did they? Effects?
What were the advances made in transportation for roads, canals, and railroads? What role did the
British government play with this? What were the positive and negative effects of each?
What was urbanization? Why did it happen? What were the key characteristics of urbanization? What
were the effects?
What were the causes of the Irish Potato Famine? What were the key stages of the Irish Potato
Famine? What were the effects?
What were dominant economic theories of the Industrial Revolution? What people were associated
with each? What were the pros and cons to each?
Possible Essay Questions:
 The Industrial Revolution brought about positive benefits and major problems.
o Identify, explain, and provide historical evidence (specific facts, statistics, stories, people,
examples) for FOUR Benefits and FOUR Problems.
o Consider working conditions, labor force, treatment of women, urbanization, healthcare,
education, political changes, economic changes, social classes, social reform programs, unions,
 While the Industrial Revolution developed from economic, political, and social inequities, in the
end, the British government and society realized they had to make reforms to establish a truer
sense of equality.
o Identify, explain, and provide historical evidence (specific facts, statistics, stories, people, and
example) for FOUR Inequities.
o Consider child labor, social classes, treatment of women, factory owners versus Luddites and
Unions, treatment of Irish, voting rights for working class men and women….
Industrial Revolution Extra Credit Options:
Using the Political Cartoon Packet provided in the last unit, create a political cartoon on an aspect of the
Industrial Revolution exploring the negative effects: Factories, Mining, Child Labor, Urbanization,
Luddites, etc… If done completely as the criteria below, you can earn 30 points extra credit.
a) The political cartoon uses sarcasm to make a commentary on your chosen aspect of the Industrial
Revolution. It must focus on a specific aspect of the cause and address the hypocrisy of action, the
stupidity of the action, or abuses of power.
b) The political cartoon has specific historical information on the beliefs, actions, and effects of the issue
integrated into the cartoon itself using historical images from Ms. Barben’s Powerpoint or online.
c) You must use a minimum of THREE different political cartoon strategies in your political cartoon:
Required: Sarcasm
Required: Caption or Title that shows the irony of the idea---Powerful Commentary
o Symbols
o Exaggeration/Distortion
o Labeling
o Analogy
o Metaphor
o Caricature
o Satire
o Stereotypes
o Historical Images
o Humor
o Irony
d) On the back, the students provided TWO TYPED well-developed paragraphs explaining abuse of power
and wealth during the Industrial Revolution depicted in the political cartoon and then examines the
chosen political cartoon strategies and historical content addressed in the cartoon. DO NOT JUST LIST
The first paragraph explains your historical criticism by examining the
historical information.
The second paragraph examines your use of political cartoon strategies in the
political cartoon---how you used them and your reasoning behind them.
e) The political cartoon is done in color, neat, the paragraphs are typed, and reflects good effort and
evaluative thinking.
Create a Sensory Figure writing a minimum of three well-developed sentences for each cues for:
Factory Worker, Miner, Child Laborer, Urban Living, Suffragettes, Luddite, Union Member, or an
Irishmen during the Famine. If done completely, each one will be worth 15 Points.
a) The students wrote in complete sentences. Each cue is at least three well-developed sentences, and the
reasons or effects for each historical action.
b) The students addressed specific, detailed factual information on key characteristics:
 Who? Key People
 What? Key Events and Ideas
When? Time Period with Specific Dates
Where? Specific Places
Why? Motivations and Reasons
How? Methods and Strategies Used
How? Other Viewed Them: British Government, Upper Classes, etc…
Effects? Positives and Negaitves
c)The students did not repeat information.
All the cues made sense. The students did not skip any of the cues.
SAYS/EATS/DRINKS….You select the one that works best.
DOES…Any of the Does cues can be made into an action verb like controlled, suspended, censored, etc…
LOVES/HATES/FEARS…You select the one that works best.
Create an A-Z Review writing a minimum of two well-developed sentences for each letter and providing
a historical image for each.
Do all the letters.
You cannot repeat people or information.
Cover all the aspects of the Industrial Revolution
Use historically specific information
Use historical images from Ms. Barben’s Powerpoints
If done completely, worth 50 points.
For example:
A is for Absolute Monarchy, which developed in the sixteenth century due to the weakening of the powers of
the Catholic Church, spread of Protestantism, civil wars, and the economic decline of feudalism. These factors
created an atmosphere that left the people in need for law and order and willing to sacrifice individual liberties
to an Absolute Monarchy like King Louis XIV in France.