LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González PERIOD III YOU FORM AND MEANS OF COMMUNICATION KINDNESS AND YOU SURRENDER YOU ARE. Not to faint, to continue fighting without to be discouraged neither to be allowed to conquer for the fatigue neither for the obstacles to continue attempting. 91 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González THE ANGER OF AGATE Esta historia ocurrió en Hungría, durante la ocupación de ese país por parte de las tropas soviéticas, al final de la segunda Guerra Mundial. El toque de queda regía en Budapest, la capital, a partir de las cinco de la tarde. Los soldados tenían orden de disparar sobre todo aquel que encontraran en la calle después de esa hora. Una tarde llegó a la plaza central un camón con mil seiscientos panes. El camión llegó después de las cinco, de modo que había que esperar al día siguiente para poder descargarlo. Los habitantes, que no habían comido nada en todo el día, miraron con dolor y con rabia el camión desde sus casas. Entre ellos estaba Ágata, una señora de casi 80 años. No había pasado mucho tiempo desde la llegada del camión cuando Ágata salió de pronto de su casa y bajó de él, dos grandes panes, que repartió entre las personas de su familia. Los soldados encargados de su custodia se quedaron asombrados y sin saber qué hacer. A los pocos minutos Ágata volvió a salir y cargó más panes, que dio a sus vecinos. A la tercera salida, un soldado disparó su arma al aire, en señal de advertencia pero Ágata siguió con su trabajo. Las balas le pasaban cada vez más cerca a medida que iba y venía del camión a las casas de su barrio, repartiendo lo panes entre la gente. El oficial que estaba al mando de los soldados le advirtió que si seguía desobedeciendo, el toque de queda, ordenaría que le dispararan a matar… Completa la anécdota de acuerdo a lo leído: 92 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González What message do you leave you this anecdote? 93 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González THEY EVALUATE THIS WAY ME CONTENT PRAGMATIC. Media ACHIEVEMENT EVEN OF ACTING 1 understand the media and other symbolic systems as informative vehicles to be upgraded and/or to give to know important facts, through the narration like a mean to express your thoughts in a creative way in the oral and written language; developing talkative dexterity that it allow you to manifest your emotions, ideas and thoughts. 1.1. You investigate on the forms and media and you apply them correctly in different exhibitions 94 1.2 transform messages according to the used mean of communication and, your thoughts, ideas and emotions. 1.3 give to know important facts through the narration, to express your thoughts in a creative way in the oral and written language LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González DIAGNOSIS EXPLORO MIS CONOCIMIENTOS You draw the media that you use to communicate or to receive information: 95 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González You observe the following drawings: Now he/she responds in an oral way, sharing with your group and educational: -What do they have all those sheets in common? -In what group can we classify all those sheets? -For what reason do you use all those elements in your daily life? -Are all good for oneself reason, Which are you? -Will you be that all are used of oneself form? -Which of all those means, do you use with more frequency? 96 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González SENSITIZATION YOU GUESS, FORTUNE-TELLER What are you? Although I bring near the distance and they announce me as good, sometimes, of anything I serve, because I begin myself and I don't sound. R//._________________ You observe the illustrations. -You comment with your partners. a. How characteristic common they have the illustrations? b. Do you believe that all communicate of oneself form? c. What do you form of communicating you observe in those drawings? d. Which of the four media it is used with more frequency? e. Which is the importance of the media? 97 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González La carta es un medio de comunicación escrito, usado por las personas que se encuentran distantes. I Work Singular Have they written you at some time a letter? Would you like to write a letter? You justify your answer. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ What would you happen if the man didn't communicate? ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________ How do people communicate when they are close? ________________________________________________ How do they communicate when they are far? __________________ __________________________________________________ 98 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González CONTEXTUALIZATE ACTIVITY IN CLASS 1. You classify the media, according to the form like they are used. For that it uses the following square: MEAN ORAL VISUAL AUDITORY 2. According to what you know of the radio, he/she carries out a writing, counting all that you know about him. In the notebook. The billboard is another written mean of communication very used by the educational community. The written message should be short and clear. A single topic should be developed. As much as possible your size should be 1m x 70 cm. You should be attractive and to please q who read it. The drawing should supplement the message. You elaborate a billboard about the value of the month. And present it to your group. 99 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González Activity at home You consult shortly who invented the radio and the television. Write it in your notebook. Praised you are, my Mr., for our sister mother earth, which sustain us and gobiernay produces diverse fruits with colorful flowers and grass. You write, in the following lines, your understanding of the underlined sentence, previously. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 100 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González LET US CONCEPTUALIZE Now write a letter to a relative that live outside of the city of Cali. For this you will request your dads that give you the person's complete name, the address, the city and to the equal your data to place the sender; that is to say, the address and the neighborhood. You write which the advantages and the disadvantages are of: RADIO TELEVISION TELEPHONE ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES I WORK SINGULAR You write a history invented by you, you have more than enough how you imagine that the use of television was given. 101 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González RECUERDA… -La buena ortografía. Si es necesario, pregúntale a tu profe. -Será una historia original, por que es inventada por ti. Activity At Home With the help of an adult it gets a current newspaper, and ask you you to explain to you all your different sections. You take the newspaper for the next class. I SECURE MY KNOWLEDGE Activity in Class: With the newspapers brought to class, the students worked in groups: 1. They observed the different newspapers very well. Sharing that explained at home. 2. They clipped different sections. For then to hit them in a poster. 3. Then some questions guided by the educational one will respond. 102 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González LET US LEARN SPELLING I use of g 1. You observe the letters stood out in the reading. The magician Lorgia was in Argentina, attending the magic congress that you you took place in the General school Gervasio. Lorgia chose a good repertoire, methodology and materials in general. In your presentation it picked up regal praises and generous applause. 2. You invent a rule for the use of g. Write it in your notebook. You remember. The words that contain the syllables ge, and gi are written with g. 3. You consult in the dictionary the meaning of the following words and copy them in your notebook: Eagle Needle Turn Geothermal Hole You edit a news about an important fact for you. Not forget to keep in mind the following queries: o Antetítulo 103 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González o Title o o o o o o What did you happen? To who did you happen you? How did you happen? Why did you happen? When did you happen? Where did you happen? You use the punctuation signs, appropriately. You revise the spelling. capitals and Wise that... The first men that took correspondence they made it on foot. Recuerda que toda narración, tiene un comienzo, una mitad o un nudo y un final o desenlace. Existen diferentes tipos de Narración. Algunas son: La noticia El cuento La fábula Situaciones de la vida diaria 104 lower-case LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González ESTABLISHMENT Lee the following fable: THE VIXEN AND THE GRAPES A very hot afternoon, the vixen went walking for a powdery path. The animal poor person took the language out because of the fatigue and of the heat. Suddenly, you saw a tree full with clusters of big and juicy grapes. - What luck! - you said the vixen -. With the thirst that I have, anything would fall better than a cluster of grapes. The vixen ran toward the tree and you were about reaching the clusters, but they were very high. Then it jumped to reach some but you didn't achieve it. You went back to take impulse and you gave a great jump. The grapes were higher of that than you thought the vixen, or the vixen was tired, or you were too hot that prevented to jump. Definitively the vixen didn't reach the grapes. The vixen was thinking how to reach the grapes. You jumped and you jumped and in an occasion it succeeded in touching a cluster with the muzzle. Then, very worthy, you said: -You., you be not worthwhile! Those grapes are still green. You gave the back to the tree and you followed your road. Many people make the same thing that the vixen: if they don't get something, they are consoled saying that you are not worthwhile. JEAN OF FONTAINE 105 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González The fables always leave us teachings. What teaching did you leave you the previous fable? You answer in your notebook. You organize and you complete the summary of the fable. The vixen ________________ to reach the grapes. The vixen _________________ a tree full with grapes. The vixen ___________________ your road. The vixen ___________________hacia the tree to reach a cluster. You mark with a x the correct answer: -When does the history happen? A hot afternoon A dry afternoon A calm afternoon -Where does the history happen? In a solitary path In a hot path In a powdery path You look for in the dictionary the following words and then make a sentence with each one. Hot - Path - to Impede - to touch - to Deign 106 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González WORK OF FIELD The dialogue in the narrations. Lee the following text: THE GIRAFFES THAT NOT KNEW THAT YOUR NECK WAS SO LONG I met four giraffes that didn't know that your neck was very long. One day, they traveled to the city, and I eat they had never left the forest, they said astonished: what so strange forest! In that moment a rabbit that told you arrived: - how big!, they resemble the plastic man; but the giraffes didn't listen no matter how much he screamed and you screamed. The rabbit hired a heliconejo - that are the helicopter of the rabbits -, you ascended, and when you were very near them, you asked you: -Are you made of plastic? One of the giraffes answered: -No, why do you say that? -Because they have the longest neck that a you building-said the rabbit. The giraffes looked then down, and alone in that moment they discovered, afraid, how discharges they were. They returned to the forest and they organized a party with all the animals, because there your neck was normal. 107 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González Do you remember the conversation between the giraffe and the rabbit? The character relates with what said: - They are you of Plastic? - No, why you say that? - Because they have the one longer neck that a building. You imagine an encounter between a rosy dolphin and a parrot. You narrate this history using dialogues. How to make your narration? 1. You can begin presenting to the characters (2) and saying where they are. 2. You describe the place of the scene. 3. You write that they make the characters. You invent a dialogue among them two. 4. You write what you/they thought when seeing the ghosts in the scene. 5. You invent the end. 108 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González The comma Nos sirve para separar palabras de la misma clase e indica una pausa breve. Ejemplo: La rosa, el clavel, el jazmín y la orquídea son flores muy hermosas. You locate the comma where you are necessary and then memorize the tongue twister. In the square you should carry out the drawing of the tongue twister. Érase an old one teak meca chiribingorda old and deaf. If the old one has not been teak meca chiribingorda old and deaf neither your children had been tecos mecos chiribingordos old and deaf. 109 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González I MODEL THEORETICAL NUESTRO TRABAJO To describe animals The penguin is a bird that cannot fly. You have the chest and the stomach covered with white feathers and the rest of the body covered with black feathers. Some have a yellow or red feather in the head. You live in the North pole and you feed of fish. 110 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González The bear panda is an animal big that live in Chinese. You have a long coat of color white and black. The bear panda lives in the forests of bamboo and you feed of those leaves of these plants. Lee and you complete the records of these animals. The platypus How you are - You have a flat pick as the one of a duck. - Your four paws are clapped with affiliated fingernails. - Your coat is brown in the loin and white in the chest. Where you live -In small burrows that it dig in the banks of the rivers. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 111 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González You elaborate a record of the whale: How you are ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Where you live ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Of what you feed ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 112 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González FACUNDO, AUSTRONAUTA Facundo lived in a great city. Every morning, when you went to the school and you got on the bus, you enjoyed imagining that one approached space ship. Sometimes, until you you confused and you told to the driver. -TX15, taking off. When you looked for the windows, he found streets the space; those cars, space ships; and those passengers of the bus, the manning of your space powerful ship TX15. When you walked to the school, you felt to float in the space and you believed that your cap and your scarf were the diving suit and astronaut's suit. Your partners had already gotten used to the greeting: -Here TX15 checking the intergalactic space. Change. Some children laughed; mainly, when Facundo spoke to you as if you were extraterrestrial. One morning, the teacher asked you them to invent a story on astronauts and what happened was wonderful. Of the pencil of Facundo they began to grow green small antennas. Maybe, what happened was not only product of your imagination. 113 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González YOU INTERPRET 1. You write the names of the characters. _________________ _______________ _______________ 2. You contain the place or the places where the characters will live your adventures. a. A planet d. A star b. The moon and. A charmed forest c. A cosmonave f. The city 3. You select some of the problems that the characters will live. a. They get lost. b. A mysterious being attacks them c. A hunter pursues them. d. They discover a plant that he/she speak. 4. You write a story with each part: You had once ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 114 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González One day ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ At the end ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Before organizing you work Lee your story as if you had not written it and you correct what you don't like. Lee the story to your parents and ask you them to make you some comment on him. If you want, make the corrections that they suggest you. 115 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González TO ASK You question your professor on the following sentence: Praised you are, my Mr., for those that forgive for your love, and they suffer illness and tribulación;bienaventurados those that suffer them in peace, because of you, Towering, crowned they will be. Did you know that in these pages of internet, can you find activities relating lúdicas to Castilian language that you/they will help you to fasten?: www.adivinancero.com www.adivinanzas.chiquipedia.com www.elhuevodechocolate.com http://es.wiquipedia.org 116 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González AUTOEVALUACIÓN AND COEVALUACIÓN IF YOU ARE GOOD. DRAWING IF YOU ARE TO REGULATE.DRAWING IF YOU ARE FAULTY (I SHOULD IMPROVE). DRAWING MI LEARNING IN THIS UNIT WAS: MI PROFESSOR (TO) SAYS THAT MY ACTING IN THIS UNIT WAS MI FAMILY THINKS THAT MY ACTING IN THIS UNIT WAS: 117 LENGUA CASTELLANA – GRADO 2 I Associate Franciscan of Brother Damián González VIVENCIE THE FRANCISCAN VALUES THAT WE WORK IN THIS UNIT IN WAY: 118