Movie Theater at Home

Movie Theater at Home
New Release-In Theater at Home Video Streaming
The end of “I will just wait for it come out on DVD.”
Kaila Svoboda
Situation Analysis
• Background Research
• Key Problems to be Solved
Background Research
• Since the introduction of on-demand and streaming devices like Netflix,
HBOGo, and Hulu, it’s becoming more appealing to stay in and watch
something in the comfort of one’s home than the other rather pricier
theater setting (2015)
• When you add in the price for gas, snacks and other options available in
theaters even if one still needs to pay to view the movie through our
device, it still is relatively cheaper.
• According to Noelia De La Cruz over at Business Insider, quoting results of a
study done by CouponCabin “Of 2,217 adults surveyed, 61% said they
rarely or never go to the movies anymore” (2012). Due to the price of a
movie ticket and the extras involved. Even though the article is a tad bit
outdated, prices have increased even more since this article was published
with the current average price of a single movie ticket for an adult in Ohio
is $9.50.
Comments from Individuals on Cinema Blend
about going to the theater:
• “Why should I pay $11 for myself, and another $11 for my wife, when we can buy
the blueray for $24, and watch it on our huge flat screen TV. I can have a
bourbon, go to the bathroom, pause it to answer my wife or the phone. Come on
folks, this is simple” - Anonymous
• “I hate going to the movies because people can't stop talking, texting, or
cramming food in their mouth long enough for me to enjoy a movie in relative
quiet” – Film Fan
• “Hardly surprising findings, who wants to go to a cinema with idiots sitting near
you, on their mobile phones, eating crisps and sweets like a hungry T Rex. No
thanks, download it or stream it and watch on the big plasma screen at home. I
think cinema's are living on borrowed time in a digital online age.”- Anonymous
Others agree, we need online streaming of
new release movies!
• Strengths
• Comfort of your own home.
• Soda, popcorn and snacks readily
available and relatively cheap
(much cheaper than the movie
• Watch when ever you want to,
down time.
• Quiet and clean environment
• Weaknesses
• Will be the same price as a movie
ticket per movie but viewers save
more by having snacks at home
and saving gas and time by staying
at home.
• Opportunities
• Pay-per-view
• Subscriptions
• People who own 3-D televisions can
also watch the same 3-D movies at
home that are airing in theaters
• If the movie theaters offered this
service, they still make the same
• People enjoy staying home.
• Popularity of Netflix proves that
streaming video is a better option
than going to rent from a brick and
mortar organization.
• Threats
• Due to the number of illegally
downloaded and streamed new
release movies on multiple sites,
many may not see this service as
reliable unless it is done by movie
theater companies and/or film
corporations e.g. 20th Century Fox,
Walt Disney, Sony etc.
• Also, due to the nature of the service
it would be difficult to prosecute
those who illegally copy the films if
the site is not regulated properly.
Advertising problems to be solved
• This service would be indistinguishable from any others on the
• Though viewers would still need to pay the same price as they would
at the theaters, the time and gas that it takes to get to the designated
theater and extra snack and food prices would be eliminated
• Remove the sigma that watching movies that are in theaters at home
is illegal and offer them this service that would be completely legal
since all parties will receive their monetary share they would receive
by going to the theater.
Key Strategic Campaign Decisions
• Objectives
• Target Audience
• Brand Position
• Campaign Strategy
Campaign Objectives
• Awareness
• Bring out an awareness to our
audience, make them desire our
• Persuasion: Make our audience
believe they need this product.
• Act
• Our audience and beyond is using
and interacting with our product.
• Perception: Remove the illegal
streaming stigma and provide
evidence that our product would
be legal with products directly
from film studios.
Target Audience
Those who rent DVDS*:
Household size 6+
Marital Status: Single Never Married
2-3 Children at Home
• Youngest and oldest being between the
ages of 6-11
• Homemaking Woman, Employed Fulltime men
• Income level between 70-100 Thousand
and also those who have an income level
of 50-60 thousand
• College Degree Holder
• High Perceived Tech Savviness
• Technical and related support education
and professional occupations
• Those who rent DVDs are more likely
to interact with this service.
• Other stakeholders are film studios,
and movie theaters.
• The only way our product will be
successful is if we gain rights to the new
theater releases. If our product would be
under the name and owned by one these
stakeholders, our product will be trusted
and reliable to our audience.
• Fandango, to give the audience an option
to watch the movie at home.
Brand Position
• To adults with children, our
product, is the streaming
product that offers the user to
enjoy new released in theater
movies in the comfort of one’s
own home.
• Our product is completely new
to the public! Watch your
favorite new releases right from
your couch!
• Same Price, Comfortable Space
• Unlike Netflix, and other movie
streaming devices, our product
allows the viewer to watch new
released movies that are still in
the theater!
• Imagine: Comfort, no
distractions, cleanliness, cheap
Campaign Strategy
• Reach our audience at the point
of interaction
• After a new release trailer airs
on television direct them to
fandango and instead of
purchasing a theater ticket
introduce at home option!
• Introduce product around the
same time as a hit blockbuster:
• Star Wars
• Avengers
Message Strategy
• Key consumer insights
• Message Objectives
• Selling Premise
• Big Idea
• Message Design and Execution
Key Consumer Insights
• People enjoy staying at home,
the price of the movie does not
matter if the consumer knows
they do not need to spend any
more money on the extras.
• Based on the proposed target
audience, those with younger
children are more hesitant to go
to the theater because it creates
a hassle where parents need to
get the children ready and into
the car and risk the attention of
others watching the film
because their children may
become antsy.
Message Objectives
• Place an importance on time,
and comfort.
• New definition of renting and
• The end of “I’ll wait for it to
come on DVD”
• No need to go to the theater, at home new release movie streaming.
• Enjoying time with the family, emphasis on time and comfort instead of price.
BIG idea!
• Allow people to legally watch and stream their favorite new theater
Message Design and
Don’t stop your life to watch a movie in
theater, watch movies straight from your
home, if you hate it, you won’t have to regret
wasting all the gas to get to the theater!
Pause, rewind, fast forward all from the
comfort of your home.
Media Strategy
• Media Objectives
• Media Selection
• Media Planning and Buying
• Vehicle Selection
• Budget Allocation
• Scheduling
Media Objectives
• We are going to reach our audience where it is about to make their
decision to purchase a movie ticket:
While they are watching a movie trailer
While they are searching for reviews on the movie
Right before they purchase a movie ticket
If we get a co-op with a theater organization or film studio, these would be
much easier.
Media Selection
• We will use television commercials, banner ads on sites such as
Fandango, AMC and Regal theaters. Sponsored ads on Twitter,
Instagram, and Facebook
• At the end of the movie trailers our audience is interested in, we will
have a tag at the end to bring awareness to our product
• Public Relations: Bring our product to the news station! Create Buzz!
• Sponsored Buzzfeed article, why going to the movies sucks and then
have them bring up our product.
Media Planning & Buying
• Release our promotions a month before around an anticipated, large,
blockbuster movie release.
Public Relations
Banner Ads
• $25,000 Advertising Budget