Introduction to Public Speaking


How many individual speeches do you complete in this course? 3

How many unexcused absences are you permitted before I deduct points from your participation grade? 2

True or False: If you are more than 10 minutes late you are marked absent. TRUE

What is a recap? (Based on our class and syllabus; not a general definition) Mix between quiz and test. 25 questions, multiple choice .

How many scantrons are required? 3

Error listed for week 3. Assigned readings should be chapters 2 AND 3 (previously, only chapter 3 listed)

Office hours added:

◦ M: 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. (here in Henry County)

◦ TR: 1:45 p.m. to 4 p.m. (at Gordon)

◦ W: Noon to 2 p.m.; 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. (at Gordon)

Pushing speech 3 back a week

◦ April 1 st – Online Class Period (due to conference presentation)

Chapters 1 Lecture

A valuable skill

“means of civic engagement” (p. 5)

An ethical responsibility

A common fear (ranked higher than death by many)


Organize ideas

Tailor message

Tell story for max. impact

Adapt to listener



Formal vs. informal

Method of delivery

Short Clip: oU

◦ How did she handle her nervousness? Positives?


How to deal?

◦ Experience

◦ Prepare

◦ Think positively

◦ Visualize Success

◦ Remember, they can’t tell most nervousness

◦ Don’t aim for perfection; doesn’t exist

◦ Sleep, breath, and focus!

Public Speaking and Critical Thinking

◦ How do the two relate?

Evaluation of self as speaker

◦ What are my strengths/weaknesses?

◦ Learn from practice and presentations

◦ Effective vs. Ineffective speakers? Strengths?

Weaknesses? (pg. 27; #2 & #3)


Message (verbal and nonverbal)


Listener (frame of reference)

Feedback (verbal and nonverbal)

Interference (external vs. internal)

Situation (time and place)

What type of feedback would be helpful?

Any potential interference?

How does our class “situation” help? Hurt?

Chapter 4 Lecture/Recap

Wednesday, January 26 th

2-4 Minutes

Visual Aid - Object

Introduction Speech

◦ Interesting facts? Event? Most important things? General overview?

Worth 50 points

Speech materials: Topic/Audience handout (will discuss next week) and notecards

Start thinking of topic ideas; bring list on Wednesday

Not expecting perfection!

Speech sign ups: Wednesday, January 21 st

Must print critique sheets from faculty webpage

Speech Workshop 1

◦ Speeches in pairs

◦ Topic: Public Speaking

◦ What’s the Catch: Must use popular slogans

◦ Will have class time to prepare, present, and have peer critique sessions

◦ During critique sessions—will address “key areas” to work on; will set goals for first speech
