Warm Up (9/30) What is turgor pressure? What do plants use it for? AP Biology Page # Unit 41-42 2 43-44 2 45-46 2 47-48 2 49-50 2 51-52 2 53-54 2 55-56 2 57-58 2 59-60 2 61-62 2 63-64 2 65-66 2 AP Biology Description Microscope Lab Science Daily Article – Endosymbiosis Insight Article Analysis Gut Bacteria Article Cyanide Murders Case Study Answers to Case Study Notes: Cellular Respiration Respiration: Glycolysis & Krebs Cycle Practice Essay Question – 2011 Q1 Respiration: e- transport chain (ETC) Information: Formal Lab 2 (Diffusion & Osmosis) Practice: Water Potential Practice: Cellular Respiration Notebook Check Tomorrow Water Potential Ψ = Water Potential Ψ of pure water = 0 Ψ = Pressure Potential p Open container = 0 Plant cell = + number Ψ = Solute Potential Water moves from s high to low water potential AP Biology Ψ of cell = Ψ of pure water = 0 AP Biology Dynamic Equilibrium – net water movement stops Calculating Ψs Ψ = -iCRT s i = ionization constant NaCl = 2 Sucrose = 1 C = Molar concentration or molarity R = 0.0831Lbars/moleK T = Temp in Kelvins AP Biology Water will move until water potential inside and outside the cell is equal. AP Biology Molarity of Sucrose in Beaker 0.0 M 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 AP Biology Percent Change in Mass 18.0 5.0 -8.0 -16.0 -23.5 -24.0 Respiration Lab Monday Osmosis and Diffusion Lab: Formal Lab 2 Design, Conduct, Write on your own We will go over water potential Thursday You will perform the laboratory next week (Wednesday?) AP Biology Anaerobic Respiration & Fermentation Anaerobic Respiration – done by certain bacteria adapted to oxygen lacking environments. Still utilizes ETC but has a different final electron acceptor Example: Some “sulfate-reducing” marine bacteria use the sulfate ion (SO -2) 4 AP Biology Fermentation Glycolysis plus reactions that regenerate NAD+ by transferring electrons from NADH to pyruvate or a derivative of pyruvate. AP Biology Nets 2 ATP AP Biology AP Biology Respiration Lab Monday Osmosis and Diffusion Lab: Formal Lab 2 Design, Conduct, Write on your own We will go over water potential Thursday You will perform the laboratory next week (Wednesday?) AP Biology