Estates & Facilities Analysis 2009 The aim of the research was to investigate study, general and social facilities that are liked or disliked the most; this would help indicate the areas in need of further development or change. Safina Tai (Marketing & Communications) Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3 Aims and Objectives................................................................................................... 4 Profile of Participants ................................................................................................. 5 Staff ........................................................................................................................ 5 Existing Students .................................................................................................... 7 Education Liaison Students/Potential Students ...................................................... 8 Limitations of the study............................................................................................... 9 Methodology ............................................................................................................. 10 Results ..................................................................................................................... 11 Campus ................................................................................................................ 11 Sustainable workplace .......................................................................................... 19 Work-place Practices ............................................................................................ 22 Safety and Security............................................................................................... 24 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 28 Action Plan ............................................................................................................... 29 2 December 2009 Estates & Facilities Analysis 2009 Introduction Recent research conducted amongst applications to the university highlighted that ‘study facilities’ and ‘friendly campus feel’ are important factors in informing the application process 1 . Friendly Campus feel was the 5th most important factor considered by Acceptors when choosing to accept the University of Bradford’ offer and had increased from 22.5% in 2008 to 25.7% in 2009. Study Facilities although not rated as highly had increased from 14.5% to 15.5%. According to research carried out in early 20082, campus facilities are considered very important by more than a third of students who were interested in the university of Bradford and competitor universities. Good learning resources (e.g. computers and… Good sporting facilities Good student union Good social life Good quality accommodation 46% 37% 13% 10% 18% 10% 15% 26% 18% 29% Good learning resources (e.g. computers and… 43% 32% Good sporting facilities 18% 20% Good student union 15% 18% UofB students Good social life 13% 23% Our competitors' students Good quality accommodation 12% 27% Guaranteed accommodation in a hall of residence 30% 35% Guaranteed accommodation in a hall of residence Campus facilities overall 33% 37% Campus facilities overall 38% 51% 38% 38% Bases: Those with an opinion on importance – Bradford students (67), competitor students (112); those with an opinion on performance – Bradford students (60), competitor students (103). Question: How important were each of these factors in your decision about which university to choose? The importance of campus facilities in informing the application process highlighted the need to undertake further research, to understand and improve the Universities’ attractiveness to potential and actual applicants. 1 2 Accepters and Decliners Questionnaire Analysis, 2009 Higher Expectations 2007/08 3 December 2009 Aims and Objectives The aim of the research was to investigate study, general and social facilities that are liked or disliked the most; this would help indicate the areas in need of further development or change. In addition there was a need to clarify what campus facilities mean to potential and existing students. In order to fulfil the above aim, the following objectives were set: To identify areas on campus that potential and existing students/staff like the most To identify areas on campus that potential and existing students/staff dislike the most To identify the social facilities/areas that potential and existing students/staff like the most To identify the social facilities/areas that potential and existing students/staff dislike the most Investigation of what campus facilities mean to potential and existing students and staff Identification of any other estates issues that are important to students and staff To identify how potential students view their future university and what this is made up of 4 December 2009 Profile of Participants In total 651 participants took part in the research. Three groups were used within the research: staff, existing students and potential students (education liaison). The profile breakdown of each sample group is shown below. Staff Staff - Gender Profile Area/Academic School Learner Support Services: 80 School of Life Sciences: School of Engineering, Design and Technology: 70 School of Social and International Studies: 60 50 % 20.7% 17.1% 8.1% 8.1% Academic Administration: 8.1% School of Health Studies: 6.3% School of Management: 5.4% % 40 Estates and Facilities: 30 Financial and Commercial Services: 20 Offices of the VC: School of Computing, Informatics and Media: 10 Human Resources: 0 Female Male School of Lifelong Education and Development: Research and Knowledge Transfer Support: Strategic Programmes (Ecoversity & Escalate): 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 3.6% 2.7% 1.8% 0.9% 0.9% 5 December 2009 Employment Category 35 30 25 % 20 15 10 5 0 All ethnicities other than White (92.5%) are underrepresented within the staff sample. The group was made up of 17.5% part time and 82.5% full time staff. How long have you been with the University of Bradford? 25 20 % 15 10 5 0 Less than a year 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years More than 20 years 6 December 2009 Existing Students In total 354 Students took part in the research. undergraduate and 27% postgraduate. They were made up of 73% Existing Students - Academic School 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Life Sciences SSIS Health Management SCIM SLED SEDT Ethnic Origin of Existing Students 80 60 40 20 0 White Asian or Black or Other ethnic Asian British Black British background Mixed How long have you been with the University? 50 % 40 30 20 10 0 Less than a 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-10 years More than year 10 years Chinese Existing Students - Gender Profile 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Male Female 7 December 2009 Education Liaison Students/Potential Students A total of 176 Education Liaison took part in completing hard copy surveys. Of these 62.9% were male and 37.1% were female. Education Liaison - Ethnicity Profile 60 50 % 40 30 20 10 0 White Asian or Asian Black or Black Other ethnic British British background Mixed Chinese 75.7% of education liaison students were aged 16 years, 23.7% over 16 years and 0.6% was less than ten years old. 8 December 2009 Limitations of the study As the purpose of the research was to investigate and identify areas that staff and students consider important and suggest improvements, this kind of research is best achieved through the collection of quantitative and qualitative information which, by nature, is conducted with a large sample at quantitative stage and broken down to a limited sample number at the qualitative stage. Due to the limited sample generalisations to the whole student body and staff cannot be made. Instead this research provides a useful investigation into what opinions staff and students have of various facilities and areas on campus. The profile of participants is not wholly representative of the university student and staff profile, and again results cannot be generalised to the entire staff and student population. Low numbers of staff from some schools from the research may bias the identification of some areas for improvement to departments of the participants, which should be considered when reading the results; a key factor to also consider is the time a staff member or student has been on campus. Other limitations include: Due to last minute cancellations, the focus group for Junior University did not go ahead Education liaison students completed hard copy surveys and some of these respondents knew each other, and may have influenced each other’s choices when completing the survey. Potential students have been identified as those who were on campus as part of an education liaison activity. These students are restricted to the time they spend on campus and will not have the opportunity to experience campus facilities like existing students. 9 December 2009 Methodology This project planned was a combination of qualitative and quantitative research, although only the quantitative stage took place. Variations of the same survey were available online for staff, existing students and potential students. The survey took less than ten minutes to complete. All existing students and staff had the opportunity to provide details to opt-in for further research, which may be used at a later date if the research requires further depth. Compact Students were provided a hard copy of the survey as this was the only way they could take part. Approximately 400 Education Liaison students were on campus from 4th September, but due to other educational activities they didn’t have the opportunity to access a computer whilst onsite and undertake the survey. Students took study skills work and experienced study facilities before being taken on a Campus tour. The survey was completed once they returned from the tour. Children’s University - The proposed focus group did not take place: A focus group was designed for younger children. A 40minute focus group will be conducted with 510 students from students attending Children’s University, to discuss opinions of current areas and facilities, identify areas for improvement and how they imagine their future university. The group leader had been briefed on the value of the data from such a young age group, students who will not be considering university for at least another 8-10years. However this activity is not only being undertaken for the Estates & Facilities research but also to formulate an exciting activity for Children’s University. The data from this respondent group will be kept separate to the other groups, where comparisons will be possible these will be stated clearly in the report. The Photography exercise has been removed from this section as the same data is captured via a focus group and a tour round the campus. Asking students to take photos and to come back to them at a later date could result in very vague responses, as children from such a young age group may forget and therefore it is better to capture the data whilst they see the facility on campus. 10 December 2009 Results Campus Can you remember your initial opinion of the campus and of the buildings and the facilities when you first came here? 2.4 All 45 13.7 38.9 10.2 Potential students 32.4 3.4 Positive & Negative 2 Existing Students Negative 41.1 8.7 48.1 3.4 Staff 10 20 30 Positive 56.4 28.2 12 0 Don’t Know 54 40 50 60 As shown above, a large percentage of respondents had mixed views and chose the positive and negative option. Staff were much more negative (28.2%) about their initial opinions than any other respondent groups. Initial opinions from staff were negative whereas for students they were a mixture of positive and negative and for potential students they were positive. Key themes for initial opinions by staff, students and potential students are stated below: Old fashioned/dated Buildings appeared dated Dark and poor lighting A mix of modern and dated buildings Nice buildings Nice people Richmond is the only building that looks decent Some areas in need of improvement Atrium looks amazing 11 December 2009 Has your opinion changed since then to be more positive, negative, unchanged or don’t know? 6.8 All 46 11.4 35.7 15.1 Potential students 45.9 4.1 Unchanged 4.4 Existing Students 15 1.7 Staff 10 Negative 52.2 Positive 28.4 28.2 12 0 Don't know 34.9 58.1 20 30 40 50 60 70 Opinions for staff had changed the most to positive. All staff that had stated negative as their initial opinion of the university campus 73% had changed this to positive. 40% of students had changed their opinion from negative to positive and 50% of those students who had initially stated negative had changed their opinion to positive. Key reasons for opinion changes included: Demolition of residences More care over green space with open aspects (less hidden corners) so feels safer. Richmond Building improved Good internal refurbishments Many new works increasing aesthetic nature and lighting Teaching areas still require attention Renovations and new build has improved campus The new Gym and Modernized buildings look good Mish mash of styles but getting better Most of the negative opinions came from students and these included opinions such as not much has changed, and improvement is taking place but a lot more is to be done. It is important to note here that the majority of students who took part in the survey had been at the university less than a year and had not been involved in seeing the changes that have taken place over the years. 12 December 2009 Is there anything that excites you about coming to the campus? Green areas, peace garden and trees were very much appreciated by staff. They were also keen to know about new developments and excited about the changes over the next five years. Also mentioned was the sports centre being a great new facility in addition to the Atrium and Richmond building Similar responses were received by existing and potential students who felt friends, reputation, good teaching facilities, nice atmosphere, green space, good facilities, new sports centre, clean impressive and modern buildings would excite them to come to the campus. Is there anything that could be improved (e.g. corridors; areas between buildings; decoration; colours; technology? Respondents made suggestions for facilities/buildings they would like to improve. These have been categorised into the 15 categories below Chesham building requires refurbishment Décor requires updating, brighter and more colourful More greening of the campus Protective walkways between buildings Signage Lifts require upgrade as well as adding additional lifts Upgrading of toilet facilities Brighter, cleaner look Improved eating facilities More CCTV in car parks Improved car parking facilities Corridors require refurbishment More places to eat/drink on campus/ water fountains Improved ventilation/heating/Air conditioning More seating in the atrium 13 December 2009 Identify and rank your top 5 facilities for importance This question has not been combined for the whole sample, as staff and students all have individual needs. Table 1 below outlines top five important faculties for staff, the key ones being attractive campus area, Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment, Central areas to sit and chat where food/ drink can be bought, attractive green areas (e.g. Peace garden) and Workshop/lab areas with up to date technological equipment. The responses differed for students Table 2) and the key facilities which were ranked the most in the top five are: Attractive green areas (e.g. Peace garden), Central areas to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought, Access to computer facilities, Areas for quiet study/work, Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment. Attractive campus area did not feature as frequently for students as it did for staff. Table 1: Rankings by Staff on top five facilities Ranked 1 Ranked 3rd Ranked 2nd Attractive Campus Area 13.3% Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment 11.4% Central areas to sit and chat where food/ drink can be bought Workshop/lab areas with up to date technological equipment Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food and drink can be bought Ranked 4th Ranked 5th Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment Central areas to sit and chat where food/ drink can be bought 12.4% Attractive Campus Area 11.4% Attractive Campus Area 12.6% Attractive green areas (eg Peace garden) 20.2% 9.5% Central areas to sit and chat where food/ drink can be bought 11.4% 11.7% Attractive Campus Area 10.1% 8.6% Attractive campus area 9.5% Modern seminar rooms 9.5% Central areas to sit and chat where food/ drink can be bought Areas for group work 10.7% 9.1% 7.6% Workshop/lab areas with up to date technological equipment 7.6% Workshop/lab areas with up to date technological equipment 8.6% 10.7% 6.7% Modern seminar rooms 7.6% Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food and drink can be bought 7.6% Attractive green areas (eg Peace garden) Areas for group work Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food and drink can be bought Access to cash machines on campus Central areas to sit and chat where food/ drink can be bought 7.1% 10.7% 14 December 2009 8.1% Table 2: Rankings by students on top five facilities Ranked 1 Ranked 3rd Ranked 2nd Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment Areas for quiet study/work 14.9 Modern lecture rooms Central areas to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought 9.0 11.9 7.2 6.9 Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment Access to computer facilities 10.4 Areas for quiet study/work Modern lecture rooms Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought Ranked 4th Ranked 5th Central areas to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought Access to computer facilities 10.8 Access to computer facilities 10.5 Attractive green areas (eg Peace Garden) 11.8 9.9 Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought 7.8 Attractive Campus area 7.9 8.7 Areas for quiet study/work 9.0 7.8 Areas for group work 8.1 Areas for quiet study/work Access to cash machines on campus 7.6 8.7 Attractive Campus area Areas for quiet study/work 7.5 Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment 7.2 Central areas to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought 7.5 Access to computer facilities 6.3 9.0 7.8 6.9 Staff and students were then asked to state their satisfaction with each facility. A table of findings is presented in Table 3; however Figure 1 & 2 shows a clearer breakdown for staff and students, showing facilities with poor and average satisfaction. 15 December 2009 Table 3: Rate the University on your satisfaction with this facility: Staff Students Poor Average Good Very good Have not used facility 8.2 13.5 30.6 15.6 3.8 28.2 Areas in departments to sit and chat, but where no food/drink can be bought Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought Central areas to sit and chat, but where no food/drink can be bought Central areas to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought Large lecture rooms 17.0 25.0 24.1 9.8 0.9 Have not used facility 23.2 12.6 27.0 12.60 9.9 0.9 36.9 8.6 16.0 24.9 24.0 8.6 17.8 8.9 25.9 27.7 9.8 1.8 25.9 7.4 13.1 29.8 18.2 4.5 27.1 4.5 9.8 47.3 32.1 5.4 0.9 4.5 12.0 29.7 34.2 15.6 3.9 0.9 15.1 44.3 21.7 4.7 13.2 1.8 9.0 32.4 35.4 18.9 2.4 Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment Modern lecture rooms 3.7 9.2 39.4 27.5 6.4 13.8 2.4 11.6 21.7 39.2 22.0 3.3 0.9 23.1 36.1 20.4 5.6 13.9 2.7 10.5 27.8 35.3 18.0 5.7 Up to date sports facilities 0 2.8 9.3 31.5 37.0 19.4 1.5 3.0 10.8 30.0 27.6 27.0 Cheap to use sports facilities 5.5 7.3 21.8 30.9 14.5 20.0 6.8 7.4 15.7 27.0 16.3 26.7 Access to cash machines on campus 3.7 10.1 36.7 36.7 8.3 4.6 6.9 8.8 24.8 29.6 19.6 10.3 Workshop/lab areas with up to date technological equipment Modern seminar rooms 2.8 6.5 22.4 16.8 1.9 49.5 2.1 6.6 18.7 30.8 13.6 28.1 4.5 22.7 30.0 20.0 0.9 21.8 2.1 11.1 29.9 31.7 10.5 14.7 Large seminar rooms 5.6 25.0 27.8 17.6 1.9 22.2 2.4 10.5 29.1 33.3 10.8 14.1 Attractive campus area 8.2 20.9 40.9 28.2 0.9 0.9 5.4 14.8 29.5 35.2 13.3 1.8 Access to computer facilities 0.9 12.5 33.9 39.3 7.1 6.2 5.7 11.4 31.2 34.5 14.7 2.4 Areas for group work 7.4 28.7 34.3 12.0 0.9 16.7 8.8 18.4 25.7 23.6 7.9 15.7 Areas for quiet study/work 11.8 27.3 33.6 13.6 0.9 12.7 8.3 15.1 26.6 26.0 17.5 6.0 Areas for research 5.5 21.1 32.1 11.0 0.9 29.4 4.8 12.5 25.0 25.6 14.0 18.2 Areas for obtaining reference material 1.9 13.0 35.2 30.6 4.6 14.8 4.8 7.8 31.1 30.8 17.4 8.1 Attractive green areas (e.g. Peace Garden) 3.5 20.4 34.5 32.7 7.1 1.8 5.1 13.7 26.9 29.6 12.8 11.9 Facility Very poor Poor Average Good Very good Very poor 16 December 2009 The categories have then been combined for a clearer view of those facilities which have been rated with poor satisfaction or above average satisfaction: Figure 1: Staff Satisfaction on University Facilities Attractive green areas (e.g. Peace Garden) 23.9 Areas for obtaining reference material 74.3 14.9 Areas for research 70.4 26.6 Areas for quiet study/work 14.8 44 29.4 39.1 Areas for group work 48.1 36.1 Access to computer facilities 29.1 Large seminar rooms 30.6 6.2 70 0.9 47.3 27.2 22.2 50.9 9.3 21.8 41.1 Access to cash machines on campus 13.8 Cheap to use sports facilities 12.8 very poor + poor 49.5 81.7 4.6 67.2 Up to date sports facilities 2.8 19.4 24 Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment 12.9 Large lecture rooms 16 Central areas to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought 14.3 Central areas to sit and chat, but where no food/drink can be bought 62.1 13.8 70.7 13.2 84.8 Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be… 39.6 Areas in departments to sit and chat, but where no food/drink can… 42 10 13.9 73.3 34.8 20 0.9 39.3 25.9 23.4 36.9 34.8 30 40 average +good+ very good Have not used facility 20 77.8 Modern lecture rooms 0 16.7 80.3 Attractive campus area Workshop/lab areas with up to date technological equipment 12.7 47.2 13.4 Modern seminar rooms 1.8 50 60 23.2 70 80 90 100 17 December 2009 Figure 2: Student Satisfaction on University Facilities Attractive green areas (e.g. Peace Garden) 18.8 Areas for obtaining reference material 69.3 12.6 Areas for research 79.3 17.3 Areas for quiet study/work Areas for group work 18.2 70.1 27.2 6 57.2 17.1 Attractive campus area 8.1 64.6 23.4 Access to computer facilities 11.9 15.7 80.4 2.4 78 1.8 20.2 Large seminar rooms 12.9 73.2 14.1 Modern seminar rooms 13.2 72.1 14.7 Workshop/lab areas with up to date technological equipment 8.7 63.1 Access to cash machines on campus 15.7 Cheap to use sports facilities 14.2 74 13.2 Lecture rooms equipped with up to date technological equipment 14 Large lecture rooms 10.8 81.1 Areas in departments to sit and chat, and where food/drink can… 2.4 79.5 3.9 52.5 27.1 57.5 21.7 0 3.3 86.7 24.6 Areas in departments to sit and chat, but where no food/drink… 17.8 50 20 40 Have not used facility 5.7 82.9 20.5 average +good+ very good 27 16.5 Central areas to sit and chat, but where no food/drink can be… 26.7 68.4 Modern lecture rooms very poor + poor 10.3 59 Up to date sports facilities 4.5 Central areas to sit and chat, and where food/drink can be bought 28.1 28.2 60 80 100 18 December 2009 Sustainable workplace Of the specific campus facilities looked at, a focus on sustainable development was more likely to attract staff and students than state-of-the-art, well equipped buildings and advanced technology. Conversely, a focus on sustainable development was less Likely than the other facilities to be considered important. State of the Art, well equipped Buildings I didn’t know such facilities existed here 47.7 3.6 All 45.7 I don't consider this all that important Potential students 3.2 49.7 44.5 Existing Students 4.2 45.5 46.4 I would expect this of all universities 51.3 45.2 This would make me consider the University more positively 2.6 Staff 0 20 40 60 Advanced Technology, eg a wireless well-enabled campus, virtual lectures All 4.5 48.9 43.7 Potential studnets 3.9 44.5 51 Existing Students 4.5 46.1 45.2 Staff 5.3 20 40 I don't consider this all that important I would expect this of all universities 63.2 29.8 0 I didn’t know such facilities existed here 60 This would make me consider the University more positively 80 19 December 2009 A focus on sustainable development e.g minimising waste and carbon emissions, creating a green environment, constructing eco-friendly campus buildings 14.6 All 39.7 43.5 16.9 Potential students 37 14 Existing Students 37.7 13.4 Staff 43.5 45.6 40.2 46.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 I didn’t know such facilities existed here I don't consider this all that important I would expect this of all universities This would make me consider the University more positively How important are environmental issues and how ‘green’ a university is in your overall impressions of a university? How important are environmental issues and how 'green' a university is in your overall impressions of a university? 8.3 All 12.1 46.5 29.5 4.3 Potential students Not important at all 10.6 55.9 24.8 Neither 9.5 12.2 Existing Students Very important 10.3 13.8 44.8 25.9 0 10 20 30 Fairly important 42.6 33 Staff Not very important 40 50 60 Overall environmental issues and how green a university is were seen as fairly important (46.5%) and Very important (29.5%). Findings did not vary too much on separate respondent groups. 20 December 2009 Do you think the university is green? Do you think the University is green? 23 All 77 12.4 Potential students 87.6 No 22.6 Existing Students Yes 77.4 38.7 Staff 61.3 0 20 40 60 80 100 Over two-thirds of respondents felt the University of Bradford was green. On what have you based this decision on? Green areas, Ecoversity activities, estates work, recycling on campus and communication of eco-friendly options were very much appreciated, although it was also thought that the campus could benefit from more plants and the ability to control lighting, heating and ventilation. A mix of positive and negative opinions were provided, although a large number of respondents did feel that the message was getting across but there was still al long way to go. Majority of existing and potential students felt that having recycling bins contributed to their decision although some areas required more bins and comments were made on other how apart from recycling bins other areas should also be looked into. Generally it was felt that much improvement could be made to ensure ethical practices on campus. Suggestions included: Why do we still have water coolers Too much paper is used Heating and lighting could be greener Encourage use of public transport, not to allow students car parking facilities Insufficient understanding of what green means Lack of ability to control temperatures Lighting, Heating and Ventilation need to be addressed Poor insulation levels, single glazing 21 December 2009 Work-place Practices A high percentage of staff and existing students felt that the university had attempted to implement the following: Recycling (staff: 99.1% & students: 90.4%) Raising awareness (staff: 93.8% & students: 77.6%), Promoting environmental travel options (staff: 85% & students: 57.7%) Controlling paper use (staff: 50.4% & 60.7%) Areas which still require attention are: Systems for ensuring that heating and electrical equipment are only on at appropriate times Upgrading or replacing inefficient machines/equipment Energy efficient lighting and appliance Staff: Do you feel the university has attempted to implement the following workplace practices? Microgeneration (eg solar panels on buildings) 21.2 Promoting biodiversity 29.2 6.2 A carbon reduction plan, with targets for reduction 51.8 3.5 47.8 Assessing major purchases according to their environmental impact 17.7 22.1 Systems for ensuring that heating and electrical equipment are only on at appropriate times 58.4 15.9 Don't know Upgrading or replacing inefficient machines/equipment 45.1 14.2 Controlling paper use Yes 35.4 Raising awareness No 50.4 2.7 93.8 Energy efficient lighting and appliances 38.9 33.6 Promoting environmental travel options 9.7 Recycling 85 0 0 99.1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 22 December 2009 Existing students: Do you feel the university has attemoted to implement the following work-place practices? Microgeneration (eg solar panels on buildings) 20.5 22.9 Promoting biodiversity 8.2 A carbon reduction plan, with targets for reduction 8.2 Assessing major purchases according to their environmental impact 52 33.8 10.9 19.8 Systems for ensuring that heating and electrical equipment are only on at appropriate times 24.8 26.6 Don't know Upgrading or replacing inefficient machines/equipment 23.8 26.8 Controlling paper use No Yes 21 Raising awareness 60.7 10 Energy efficient lighting and appliances 77.6 16.5 Promoting environmental travel options 41.2 19.3 Recycling 57.7 3.6 0 10 90.4 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 23 December 2009 Safety and Security Nearly all respondents felt safe on campus during the day, mainly due to the number of people around, any fears of unsafety were during out-of-hours. Although there was a feeling of security being an issue amongst the participants, no student had experienced any security threat first hand, either to themselves or to someone they knew. Some staff and students also commented that they found the groups of youths standing alongside streets and along Great Horton Rd and in the hallways daunting. There were mixed views on security staff where some felt that more security staff would make one feel more reassured and some felt that the presence of security staff on campus was sufficient, again the availability of security staff out of hours was mentioned as an area that could be improved on. How safe do you feel on campus? 4.9 18.5 All 0.6 Potential students Unsafe 8 6.6 32.4 30.9 9.6 6.1 10 Very safe Extremely safe 6.1 Staff Somewhat safe Safe 20.4 Existing Students 46.6 29.4 15.3 0 38.1 28 10.5 27.8 42.6 17.4 20 30 40 50 What is it that makes you feel this way? A small percentage of respondents felt unsafe on campus, key reasons provided for this included: Lack of lighting More security staff would make one feel reassured Students lacking respect and groups of youths on campus Non- students on campus Reasons for feeling safe included: Barriered car parks Swipe card access to buildings Plenty of security and CCTV Always students around 24 December 2009 Are there any areas where you feel unsafe on campus? Are there any areas where you feel unsafe on campus? 68.9 All 31.1 81.9 Potential students 18.1 No 66.2 Existing Students Yes 33.8 58.7 Staff 41.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Please name the area and explain why you feel unsafe Area Reason Car parks Remoteness from buildings, dark, Sunken car park Dark and not enough security guards Side streets Have large groups of people around Campus at night Fewer people working Between buildings Dark Between School of Health and Main Campus Dark Phoenix Building Feels isolated Walkway from Library to Chesham Building Poor lighting Do you feel there are enough security staff on campus? Do you feel there are enough security staff on campus? 42.3 All 57.7 32.4 Potential students 67.6 44.5 Existing Students No Yes 55.5 49 51 Staff 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 25 December 2009 What could the University do to improve safety and security? Better lighting CCTV Encourage more people on campus after hours Have security based in various areas on campus rather than in one building only More visible security patrols What do you think of the departmental facilities (teaching; recreation; research; buildings) Has improved after the refurbishment Teaching areas need to be bigger and have PCs set in the rooms so that lap tops don’t have to be carried about. Number of teaching areas should be increased Some office need re-doing Require updated meeting rooms Students felt that the facilities were above average and to an acceptable standard. Comments were made on overcrowded lecture theatres and upgrading of existing equipment How could departmental facilities be improved? Improved and modern equipment Better insulation/heating facilities Decoration and more active involvement in department planning Larger offices Meeting rooms Upgraded toilet facilities Large lecture rooms To what extent do you think your views about the University of Bradford are influenced by the surrounding areas? Views of staff varied and there were a mix of responses. Although some suggested that the university was greatly making positive changes and at the same time the city was getting worse. 26 December 2009 Is there anything missing on campus that you would like to see? Places to eat and drink More social space Access to food and drink out of hours Vending machines across buildings More green space An area for worship/prayer rooms Cash machines (School of Health specifically mentioned) Larger car parks Quiet seating areas Water fountains Have you been to any other university campuses that had something you thought was good and should also be available at the University of Bradford? University Should be Available at the UofB Brunel (West London), Lancaster University; Shops for students Newcastle Leeds Met; York; St John; Oxford; University Green Space of Surrey; Leeds University ; UEA UEA Large new look buildings Queens; Manchester Oxfam shops; Cafes Leeds Met Small computer space University of Surrey; Hull Up-to-date visual facilities in lecture rooms University of Leeds; Leicester (De Montfort); Union Building Sheffield York Better car parking Oxford college Set up is safer and secure Leeds University Up to date signage Leeds University Disabled Access Routes Loughborough Security at entrance Huddersfield; Anglia Ruskin University Library entrance and library facilities Leeds Metropolitan University Second hand book shop Leeds University Areas to sit and eat own food Huddersfield State of the art children’s ward (Health) Nyenrode University Netherlands Canals; Scenery Leeds University Prayer room Individual findings for each respondent group can be found in Appendix 1 (Staff), Appendix 2 (Existing students) and Appendix 3 (potential students) 27 December 2009 Conclusion This research has highlighted some areas for improvement, and has provided valuable insight into staff and student priorities, in relation to estates issues. It is suggested that this research is carried out on a regular basis, in order to ensure that staff and student needs are continually met. It should also be considered to carry out research with specific projects in mind, in order to ensure that any new plans are discussed with those who will eventually use them. As the nature of the research was to investigate the reasons behind liking or disliking facilities on campus, some areas for improvement fall outside the scope of the estates office, and therefore this report will be circulated to all concerned. Due to the large percentage of improvements suggested by respondents falling into small facility change, or decoration categories, many of the suggestions that follow involve low investment changes. However, there are also some other changes that could be made that require a larger resource investment. 28 December 2009 Action Plan Survey Statistics Suggestion Responsibility Communicating Estates Plans Staff raised a number of communications issues as key priorities for them. The need to be informed and kept up to Estates date on departmental changes, and more importantly, on motivations for making changes was paramount, and there is evidence to suggest that estates could review the way in which they communicate changes to staff. One way that this could be tackled could be the inclusion of staff in some projects, to reduce the ‘them and us’ attitude. Controlling paper-use There is a need to investigate the possibility of making double-sided printing a standard option, and to ensure that All Staff all staff and students are aware that this should be used where appropriate. Ideally departments could ask for double-sided printing in assignments, which would create positive publicity for the university. In addition to this publications from staff ‘seed’ should be made available online. Upgrading areas of Increased space toilet Some areas are in need of upgrading toilet facilities, especially those based in Chesham Building green The importance that staff and students place on green initiatives such as the green areas, peace garden, all give the campus a unique character, which could also act as a pull to potential students when visiting the university. Estates Estates Catering A number of catering issues were mentioned during the research, specifically around the opportunity of having a Catering larger variety of catering outlets on the campus, catering to be available out of hours and vending machines to be placed in all buildings. Modern Buildings Both staff and students felt that although some areas of the university had made improvements on buildings there was still a long way to go, and investment should be made to have all buildings at the same standard, this would definitely attract potential students who were very impressed with the sports centre and the atrium Estates Areas to sit and chat Increase in the areas that staff and students can sit, currently this only includes the atrium and the eating outlets Estates where food can and within the campus. Students also felt a need to have an increased number of areas where they could sit and cannot be purchased purchase food. Ventilation (Heating, Both staff and students showed concern for variable temperatures within teaching facilities and offices across the Estates air conditioning) university. It is necessary to invest in individual heating control within rooms so that heating is only on at appropriate times of the year. Decoration Rooms, corridors and offices to have a brighter cleaner look. The Chesham building was specifically mentioned Estates Water Fountains These are to be placed within each building so that they can be used instead of purchasing plastic water bottles, or have the facility to have existing water bottles refilled. Estates / Catering Lighting in Car parks Increased lighting in cap parks, specifically for staff who work out of hours and need to walk to the sunken car park Estates 29 December 2009 30 December 2009