John Craig Present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades and David Jobson Writer their, Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds revenue from Martinmass 1779 to Martinmass 1780 Charge 1779 Decr 3 To Balance of last Accounts Cash from Francis Gibson Ballc of his & Deacon Young’s Bill given up in Arrear last Accots From him for @rent dues thereon Feu Duties & Stent of Blackscroft John Greig one years due at Marts 1779 John Lyon two years due at Marts 1780 John Smith two –doFor Rope Walk one –doN.B. The Rope Walk & Land on the South side thereof wee Feued out to Chas Drummond Shoemaker to be entered at Mar 1780 for which he was to pay £113 of price & 5etl of yearly Feu duty after that Term so that the rent of John Smith’s Land & the Rope Walk is his property after that Term. Cash from the said Chas Drummond as the price of the sd Feu Follows rents of the Shops below the Hall From Mr Strachan one years rent of the New Coffee House form Lambas 1779 to Las 1780 From Miss Greenhill one years rent for her Shop due Marts 1780 From Alexr Mclagan one years rent of his Shop due said Term Alexr Riddoch one years rent of his Shop due said Term From him for additional rent for repairs which he pays annually during the tack Cash from Convener Keith for the use of the Hall for a Concert of music From Convener Keith as new Convener From David Syme Glover & Francis Gibson Weave new Deacons Dues of Entrys among the Trades & Fund Meall brought from the other Book Decr 4 9 1780 Jany 12 13 28 Feby 3 Novr 30 Follows Cash received for two pence on the Boll of Meall from the respective Trades Deacon Turnbull for the Hammerman for Findlators, Mr Lyon & Panmures Meall crop 1777 Cordiners for 60 Bolls Thos Drummonds Hammerman for 15 –doWaukers for 175 B of Findlators Crop 1777 Glovers -doBakers from 44 Bolls of Thos Drummonds 1778 Waukers for 25 -doHammerman for 35 the last half of Thomas Drummonds Cropt 1778 Bonnetmakers for Meall Cropt 1777 Deacon Duff for Meal delivered the Taylor Trade Cropt 1777 From -do- for 87 T of Drummonds Cropt 1778 Bakers for 20 T of Davidson Cr due 12th July 1780 Glovers for 10 -doHammermen for 70 Bolls Waukers for 30 -doCordiners for 60 T –doTailors for 40 T –do1 49.10. 5½ 9. 0. 0 3. 3. 6 2.10. 6. 3. 3. 0. 1.10. 0 4 0 0 13. 3. 4 113. 0. 0 20. 0 .0 13. 5. 7 6.11. 0 14.15. 0 13. 3 55. 4.10 6. 6. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 32.16. 8½ 2. 4. 5½ 10. 0 5.10 1. 9. 2 1. 9. 2 7. 4 4. 2 5.10 2. 5. 2 2.19. 0 14. 6 3. 4 1. 8 11. 8 5. 0 10. 0 6. 8 Weavers for 188 T –do-do- for 137 T of Drummonds Cropt 1778 Surplus uplifted from the Trades over paying the Fraught &c of Stewarts Meal From Fleshers for Meal Cropt 1779 which was presently Compounded by the Found & which the Flesher Trade are to pay Annually during the remaining year of the agreement 1.11. 4 1. 2.10 8. 1 18. 2. 0½ 1.10. 0 19.12. 0½ 303.16.10½ Discharge of the preceeding Charges To Pnll sum due John Boyack Sailor One years @rent thereof paid to Whits 1780 at 4% Pnll sum due John Duncan One years @rent thereof pd to Whits 1780 Pnll sum due to James Rennet One years @rent thereof paid to 15th Octr 1780 Pnll sum due Peter Kidd Mercht One years @rent thereof paid to 26 Novr 1780 Pnll sum paid to Benjamin Nicoll One years @rent thereof paid 26th Novr 1780 Omitted in last years Accots upon one years @rent paid him 26th Novr 1779 Pnll sum due John Ferguson Soldier One years @rent thereof paid to 30 Mar 1780 Pnll sum due to Andw Sword in Hillton One years @rent thereof paid to Whit 1780 Pnll sum due to David Smart Baker One years @rent thereof paid to Marts 1780 Pnll sum due Alexr Watt Dyer 1¼ @rent paid him to 16 Augt 1780 Pnll sum due John Milln One years @rent thereof paid him to Whits 1780 Pnll sum due Agnes Nicoll on Hilltoun One years @rent thereof paid her to Whits 1780 Pnll sum due Kirk session of Auchterhouse One years @rent thereof paid them to Whits 1780 Pnll sum due Robert Hamilton Mason One years @rent thereof paid him to Whits 1780 Pnll sum due John Johnstone at Auchterhouse One years @rent thereof paid him to 10th June 1780 Pnll sum due Margt Lesslie One years @rent thereof paid her to Whits 1780 Pnll sum due Fraternity of Porters One years @rent thereof paid them to 25th Septr 1780 Pnll sum due Andw Ratrie at Drybrough One years @rent thereof paid him to 1st Octr 1780 Pnll sum due John Patullo in Craigie One years @rent to Mart 1780 paid him Pnll sum due Barbara Kydd in Kirkmylie One years @rent thereof paid her to 2nd Decemr 1779 Pnll sum due Margt Patrick One years @rent thereof paid her to 17th July 1780 Pnll sum due Isobel Tullo One years @rent thereof paid her to Marts 1780 Pnll sum pad Convener Bisset in part of the Ballance of his Accot of the Hall Ballce of that Sum due him by Bill Paid him @rent due Thereon to 3 Decr 1780 Rent sums due 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 60. 0. 0 2.14. 100. 0. 4.10. 2. 0. 0 0 0 0 27. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 10. 0. 0 9. 0 40. 0. 0 1.16. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 7. 6 32 .0. 0 1. 8. 9 26. 0. 0 1. 3. 4 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0.0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 27. 0. 0 1. 4. 0 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 30. 7. 6 55. 0. 0 1009. 0. 0 2 @rents pd 3. 4. 9 183. 8. 8 Follows the Disbursements for the General Fund 1779 Decr 3 1780 April 8 29 May 9 18 June 5 27 Septr 26 Octr 9 11 Novr 11 Spent at clearing last Accots By our Clerks Sellarie for uplifting the Trades Meall from Marts 1779 to – do- 1780 Paid for Advertising the Roup of the Rope Walking By Stamp paper, Drawing the Articles of Roup, attending the same & Servant for Writing –doSpent with the purchaser &c Paid King’s Duty on the price being £113 @3% By two sheets St paper & Drawing Disposition to Chas Drummond the Purchaser & Extracts of he Sederunt impowering the Conveener & Boxmaster to Sign the Disposition & Sert for writing –doSpent at signing these papers Paid James Nicoll Mason pr Accot Paid Doctor Small for Stipend payl out of Blackscroft Cropt 1779 N. B. The Fund pays Cropt 1780 & Chas Drummond Cropt 1781 & succeeding Cropts Paid From Treasurer two years feu or Tiend duty of Blackscroft to Whitsunday 1780 Spent at receiving the Leits -do at clearing Conveener Bissets Accots & Bookings Paid Premium of Insurance on the Hall & Carriage Paid George Innes one years Sellarie due Marts 1780 Paid Conveener Keith for Shoes to him Paid Robert Nicoll for this Book Given Conveeners Officer for the List of the Fund meall By our Clerks Sellarie as Cashier to the Fund from Marts 1779 to -do1780 By Ballce of the price of Rope Walk &c due by Conveener Keith & Chas Drummond pr Bill bearing @rent from Marts 1780 Paid Conveener Bisset pr Accot Given my Clerk for writing out the Accounts Cash given to the Severall Deacons to divide among their Poor No 184 at 4/- each 1.19. 6 3.15. 0 3. 6 15. 6½ 6. 0 1. 9. 8 1.12. 1 3. 0 19. 5 0. 9½ 3. 3. 2. 0. 1. 0. 5. 0. 10. 8. 1. 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 1. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 4. 5.11½ 2. 6 36.16. 0 306.18. 0½ Dundee 7th Decemr 1780. The proceeding Accounts were perused & Examined by the Managers of the General Found and approven of and found a balance due to the said David Jobson pf Three pounds one Shilling and Two pence Sterling which they appoint him to take Credit for in his next Accounts and therefore the said Accounts are discharged. Willm Keith: Wiliam Skirling: Wm Webster: Wm Corsar: Alexr Watt: David Syme James Ivory Present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades and David Jobson Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1780 to Martinmas 1781 Charge The principal sum in Conveener Keith & Chas Drummond To one years annual rent thereof to Marts 1780 Follows the Dues of Blackscroft From John Greig one year to Marts 1781 John Lyon one year due Marts 1781 Charles Drummond at –doFollows payments of the Rents of the Shops below the Hall Mr Strachan one years Rent of the Coffee House due Lambas 1781 Miss Greenhill –do- due Marts 1781 3 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 0 13. 5. 7 5.16. 8 Alexr McLagan -doAlexr Riddoch –do- 6.11. 0 15. 8. 3 55. 4.10 10. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 Follows Cash borrowed 1781 June 15 18 David Neave in Hilltoun at 4% James Clark Servant to Lord Airly Deacon Gray Cordiner, James Mullo Taylor John Thornton Waulker, New Deacons Dues of Entries & Fund Meall brought from another book 4.10. 0 57. 9.10½ Follows Cash received for two penyes the Boll of Meal from the respective Trades Bakers From them for 120 Bolls of Drummond’s Meal due 20th April 1781 -do- for 88 of Stewart & Coy due 9th Marc h 178111 -do- for 11 of Johnstones 6th May 1781 -do- for 40 of Drummonds 12th Decr 1780 -do- for 37 –do- 27th Septr 1781 -do- for 40 of Gilies 13th July 1780 -do- for 41 of Shinners 16th July -do- for 48 of Blacks 31 Octr 1781 -do- for 80 of Johnstones –do- 1781 -do- for 80 of Gilies 16 Novr 1781 1. 0. 0 14. 8 1.10 6. 8 6. 8 6. 8 6.10 8. 0 13. 4 18. 4 4.17. 6 Cordiners From them for 100 of Stewarts due 10th Jany 1781 -do- for 163 of Drummonds 20th April 81 -do- 52 of Stewarts 9th March 81 -do- 116 of Johnstones 6th May 81 -do- of 79 Drummonds 12th Decr 80 -do- for 60 of –do- 27th Septr 1781 -do- for 68 of Gillies 26th Octr 81 -do- for 129 of Shinners 13th July 81 -do- for 119 of Blacks 31st Octr 81 -do- for 120 of Johnstones 7th Octr 81 -do- for 107 of Gilles due 16th Novr 81 16. 8 1. 7. 2 8. 8 19. 4 13. 2 10. 0 11. 4 1. 1. 6 19.10 1. 0. 0 19.10 9. 5. 6 Glovers From them for 22 of Drummonds due 20th April 81 -do- 6 of Stewarts 9th March 81 -do- 12 of Drummonds 27th Septr 81 -do- 30 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 -do- 12 of Shinners 13th July 81 -do- 14 of Blacks 31 Octr 811 -do- 27 of Johnstones 7th –do-do- 21 of Gilles 16th Nor 811 3. 1. 2. 5. 2. 2. 4. 3. 8 0 0 0 0 4 6 6 1. 4. 0 16. 13. 16. 11. 1. 0. 16. 13. 10. 1. 5. 13. 14. 2 4 8 0 0 6 2 0 8 6 2 8.10. 2 Tailors From them 97 of Stewarts 10th Jany 81 -do- 80 of Drummonds 28th April 81 -do- 100 of Stewarts 9th March 81 -do- 66 of Johnstones 6th May 81 -do- 120 of Drummonds 12th Decr 80 -do- 199 of -do- 27th Septr 81 -do- 79 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 -do- 60 of Shinners 13th July 81 -do- 154 of Polacks 3331st Octr 81 -do- 81 of Johnstones 9th -do-do- 85 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 4 Bonnetmakers From them for 68 of Drummonds due 20th April 81 -do- 73 of Stewarts 9th March 811 -do- 22 of Johnstones 6th May 81 -do- 39 of Drummonds 27 Septr 81 -do- 40 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 -do- 7 of Shinners 13th July 81 -do- 55 of Blacks 31st Octr 81 -do- 57 of Johnstones 7th Decr 81 -do- 40 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 4 2 8 6 8 2 2 6 8 3. 6.10 10. 8 1. 3. 6 7.10 5. 4 16. 4 7. 8 9. 0 1. 0. 8 4.10 13. 0 5. 0 6. 3.10 1.12. 4 2. 7. 2 1.13.10 1.14.10 2. 0. 0 17. 8 12.10 1.13.10 1.14. 2 1.15. 4 16. 0. 0 Waulkers From them for of Stewarts due 10th Jany 1780 -do- 50 of Drummonds 20th April 81 -do- 21 of Stewarts 9th March 81 -do- 24 of Johnstones 6th May 81 -do- 55 of Drummonds 27th Septr -do- 29 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 -do- 15 of Polacks 31st –do-do- 36 of Johnstones 7th –do-do- 41 of Gilles 16th Decr 81 6. 8 8. 4 3. 6 4. 0 9. 2 4.10 2. 6 9. 4 6.10 2.15. 2 Conveener Keith From him for 108 Gilles due 26th Octr 17811 -do- 21 of Blacks 31st –do-do- 87 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 18. 0 3. 6 14. 6 1.16. 0 Hammermen From them for 64 of Stewarts due 10th Jany 81 -do- 141 of Drummonds 26th April 81 -do- 47 of Stewarts 9th Mar 81 -do- 32 of Johnstones 6th May 81 -do- 98 of Drummonds 12th Decr 8 -do- 46 -do- 27th September 81 -do- 54 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 -do- 124 of Shinners 13th July 81 -do- 29 of Blacks 31st Octr 81 -do- 78 of Johnstones 7th -do-do- 30 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 Weavers From them for 194 of Stewarts 10th Jany 80 -do- 283 of Drummonds 20th April 81 -do-205 of Stewarts 9th March 81 -do- 209 of Johnstones 6th May 81 -do- 240 of Drummonds 12th Decr 80 -do- 106 of Gilles 26th Octr 81 -do- 77 of Shinners 13th July 81 -do- 206 of Polacks 31st Octr 81 -do- 205 of Johnstones 7th –do-do- 200 of Gilles 16th Novr 81 From the Flesher Trade their Two pences pr Agreement 11. 12. 3. 6. 6. 1. 9. 9. 6. 4.10. 0 298.10. 4½ Discharge of the preceeding Charge 1780 Decr 7 By ballance of last Accot 3. 1. 2 5 Follows Principall Sum due by the General Fund & annual rents paid thereon Principall sum due John Boyack Sailor By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1780 Principall sum due John Duncan By one years @rent thereof to Whitsy 1780 Principall sum due James Rennet By one years @rent thereof to 15th Octr 1781 Prinll sum due Peter Kidd Mercht By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1781 Prnll sum due to John Ferguson Soldier By one years @rent thereof to 30th March 1781 Paid Andrew Sword his prnll sum By one years @rent thereof to Whits 17811 Prnll sum due to David Smart Baker By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1781 Prnll sum due Alexander Watt Dyer By one years @rent thereof to Lammas 1781 Prnll sum due to John Miln By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1781 Prnll sum due to Agnes Nicoll By one years @rent to 20th May 1781 Prnll sum due to Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1781 Prnll sum due to Robert Hamilton Mason By one years @rent thereof to Whity 17811 Prnll sum due to John Johnstone of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 10th June 1781 Paid Margaret Lesslies Heirs Prnll sum By one years @rent thereof to 15th June 1781 Prnl Sum due Fraternity of Porters By one years @rent thereof to 23rd Septr 1781 Principall Sum due Andw Peatrie at Dryburgh By one years @rent thereof to 1st October 1781 Principall sum due to John Patullo at Craigie By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1781 Prnll sum due to Barbara Kidd at Kirkmyllie By one years @rent thereof to 2nd Decr 1781 Prnll sum due to Margaret Patrick By one years @rent thereof to 17th December 1781 Prnll sum due to Isobel Tullo By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1781 Prnll sum due Conveener Bisset By one years @rent thereof to 3rd Decr 1781. This should only be £2. 9. 6 see last page Cash borrowed from David Neave Weaver 18th June 1781 -do- from Jas Clark Senr to Lend July 18th –doN. B. these sums were applied for paying Andrew Sword & Margt Lesslies Heirs their prnll sums as above 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 60. 0. 0 2.14. 0 27. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 10. 0. 0 9. 0 40. 0. 0 1.16. 0 60. 0. 0 2.14. 0 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 26. 0. 0 1. 3. 4 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 2. 1. 4 27. 0. 0 1. 4. 3 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 55. 0. 0 3. 4. 9 10. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 ________ 1007. 0. 0 109.19. 6 Follows the Debursements for the General Fund 1780 Decr 1781 Jany 7 March 8 Spent at clearing last Accots By our Clerks `Sallary for uplifting the Trades Meal from Marts 1780 to -do1781 1.17. 0 Paid Hammermen Trade for Accot Paid George Nilson for -doPaid Mr Smalls Stipend Cross 1780 N. B. Charles Drummond pays this stipend for the future 1.10. 0 5. 0 0.11½ 6 3.15. 0 July 20 Octr 3 Paid David Petrie Town Theasurer one years dues of Blackscroft due Whity 1781 Paid Premium of Insurance of the Hall to 29th Septr 1782 Paid George Innes `Sallary to Marts 1781 By Incidents with tenants &c Paid Convener Keith for Shoes to Geo James Principall Sum on Convr Keith & Chas Drummonds Charge By our Clerks `Sallary as Cashier to the Fund to Marts 1781 Allowed the Clerk for booking these Accots Paid Convener Keith Ballce of his last Accots pr cent 8. 4 1. 0. 6 5. 0. 0 8. 0 10. 0 60. 0. 0 1. 1. 0 2. 6 7.14. 7 195.13.10½ To be deduced overcharged on Convener Bissets @rent which should only have been £2. 9. 6 (see preceding page) 15. 3 194.18 7½ Cash given to the present Deacons to divide among their poor No 190 at 4sh each 38. 0. 0 237.18. 7½ 95.11. 9 298.10. 4½ Due by David Jobson Dundee 6th Decemr 1781. The preceding accounts were this day perused and examined by the Managers of the General Fund & approved of and a Balance found due by David Jobson of Sixty Five Pounds Eleven Shillings and Nine pence Sterling. Which Sum the Managers desire him to Charge himself with in his next Accounts and therefore these Accounts are hereby discharged. Willm Keith: Dav Smart: John Craig: Tho Scott: Wm Webster: Wm Bisset: William Skirling: Will Ewan: Andrew Gray: James Duff James Ivory Present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine trades and David Jobson Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1781 to Martinmas 1782 To Balance of last Accots From Convener Keith for annual rent of part of said Balance The Principal sum in Convener Keith & Chas Drummonds Ball By one years @rent thereof to Mars 1782 Follows Fews of Blackscroft From John Greig one year to Marts 1781 John Lyon –do- Mars 1782 Charles Drummond –doFollows payments of the Rents of the Shops below the Hall Mr Stirling one years Rent of the Coffee House due Lammas 1782 Miss Greenhill –do- due Marts 1782 Alexr McLagan -doBaillie Riddoch –do1782 June 15 65.11. 1.15. 60. 0. 3. 0. 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 13. 5. 6.11. 15. 8. 0 7 0 3 To Cash borrowed from David Cuthbert Indweller From William Gourlay Deacon of Glovers, John Paton –do- Weavers & John Langlands to Bonnetmakers New Deacons Dues of Entries & Fund Meal brought from another book Follows Cash received for Two pence’s on the Boll of Meal from the respective Trades Bakers From them for 89 Falls Meal Crops 1780 -do- 32 of Johnstones -do- 78 of Blacks -do- 31 of Lyons or Talls -do- 36 of Blairs -do- 8 of Shinners 7 9 5 0 0 5.16. 8 55.4.10 10. 0. 0 1.10. 0 34. 5.10 14.10 5. 4 13. 0 5. 2 6. 0 1. 4 -do- 28 of Johnstones 4. 8 2.10. 4 1. 7.10 14. 2 1. 1. 6 16.10 11. 4 13. 4 5. 5. 0 1. 0. 2 12.10 12. 8 1. 0. 0 13. 2 4. 8 1. 1. 8 5. 5. 2 8.10 6. 4 3. 4 9. 0 1. 7. 6 Cordiners From them for 167 Falls Meal -do- 85 of Johnstones -do- 129 of Blacks -do- 101 of Lyons or Falls -do-68 of Blairs -do- 80 of Johnstones Tailors From them for 120 of Falls or Lyons Meal -do- 77 of Johnstones -do- 76 of Blacks -do- 120 of Lyons or Falls -do- 79 of Blacks -do- 28 of Shinners -do- 130 of Johnstones Bonnetmakers From them for 53 of Falls or Lyons Meal -do- 38 of Falls or -do-do- 20 of Shinners -do- 54 of Johnstones Hammermen From them for 69 of Falls or Lyons Meal -do- 24 of Blacks -do- 30 of Falls or Lyons -do- 54 of Blairs -do- 55 of Shinners Weavers From them for 187 of Falls or Lyons -do- 99 of Johnstones -do- 174 of Blacks -do-200 of Falls or Lyons -do-91 of Blairs -do-210 of Johnstones Waulkers From them for 25 of Falls or Lyons Meall -do- 22 of Johnstones -do- 22 of Blacks -do- 40 of Lyons or Falls -do-31 of Blairs -do-20 of Shinners -do- of Johnstones Convener Keith From him for 52 of falls or Lyons Meal -do- 57 of Blacks -do-21 of Falls or Lyons -do-77 of Johnstones 11. 4. 5. 9. 9. 6 0 0 0 2 1.18. 8 1.11. 16. 1. 9. 1.13. 15. 1.15. 8 6 0 4 8 0 8. 0. 8 4. 2 3. 8 3. 8 6.10 5. 2 3. 4 11. 8 1.18. 6 8. 8 9. 6 3. 6 12.10 1.14. 6 Glovers From them for 34 of Blacks Meal -do-22 of Falls or Lyons -do-22 of Shinners -do-18 of Johnstones 5. 3. 3. 3. 8 8 8 8 0 16. 0 From the Flesher Trade for their Two pences pr agreement From Mr Blair Mercht for Discount upon a Bargain of Meal purchased from him 1.10. 0 1.19. 0 269. 9.10 5. 0 269.14.10 From Fleshers Trade Dues of James Smiths Booking as a Free Master’s Son Discharge of the preceding Charge Follows Principal Sums due by the General Fund & Annual Rents paid thereon Principal sum due John Boyack Sailor By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1782 Principal sum due John Duncan By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1782 Principal sum due to James Rennet By one years @rent to 15th October 1782 Paid Peter Kidd Mercht Principal sum By one years @rent to Marts 1782 Principal sum due John Ferguson By one years @rent to 30th March 1782 Paid David Smart Baker Principal sum By one years @rent to Marts 1782 Principal sum due Alexr Watt Dyer By one years @rent to Lams 1782 Paid John Milln Principal sum By one years @rent to 20th May 1782 Principal sum due James Nicol By one years @rent to 20th May 1782 Principal sum due Rot Hamilton Mason By one years @rent to Whity 1782 Principal sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent to 22d May 1782 Principal sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse By one years @rent to 10th June 1782 Principal sum due Fraternity of Porters By one years @rent to 23rd Septr 1782 Principal sum due Andw Petrie at Dryburgh By one years @rent to 1st October 1782 Principal sum due John Patullo Craigie By one years @rent to Marts 1782 Principal sum due Barbara Kidd Kirkmylie By one years @rent to 2d Decr 1782 Principal sum due Margaret Patrick By one years @rent to 17th Feby 1782 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo By one years @rent to Marts 1782 Principal sum due Convener Bisset By one years @rent to 3rd Decr 1782 Paid David Neave Principal sum By one years @rent to 15th June 1782 Principal sum due Jas Clark Servt to Lord Airly By one years @rent to 15th June 1782 Cash borrowed from David Cuthbert 12th June 1782 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 60. 0. 0 2.14. 0 27. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 40. 0. 0 1.16. 0 60. 0. 0 2.14. 0 32.0. 0 1. 8. 9 26. 0. 0 1. 3. 4 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 27. 0. 0 1. 4. 3 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 55. 0. 0 2. 9. 6 10. 0. 0 9. 0 50. 0. 0 ________ 865. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 875. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 187. 2. 5 General Fund 1781 Decr 7 Spent at clearing last Accot Bu our Clerks `Sallary for uplifting the Trades Meal from Marts 1781 to 9 1.19. 0 3.15. 0 1782 May 17 do- 1782 Paid John Thoms Treasurer one years Feu Duty of Blackscroft due Whity 1782 Paid Premium of Insurance of the Hall to Michael 1783 & Kings Duty thereon Spent at Booking new Deacons & Clearing Convrs Accots Paid George Innes his `Sallary to Marts 1782 Paid Convener Keith for Shoes to George Innes Paid –do- Balance of his last Accots Incidents with Tenants & Postage By our Clerks `Sallary as Cashier to the Fund to Marts 1782 per Sederunt dated 7th December 1781 Allowed his Clerk for Booking these Accots Lodged with Convener Bisset for giving out in accidental Charities thro’ the year 8. 4 1.18. 2. 2. 5. 0. 10. 8.14. 3. 9 8 0 0 8 6 3. 3. 0 2. 6 5. 0. 0 219.19.10 By cash given to he several Deacons to divide among their Poor Conform to Lists given in of No 190 at 4 shs each 38. 0. 0 257.19.10 11.15. 0 269.14.10 Ball due by David Jobson Dundee 3rd December 1782 The Accots contained on the five preceding pages were perused & examined by the Managers of the General Fund and approven of and found a Ballance in the said David Jobson hands of Eleven pound fifteen shillings Sterling which they appoint him to charge himself with in the next Accots & therefore the said Accots are hereby discharged. Wm Bisset: Dav Smart; Willm Keith: Willm Gourlay: James Duff: James Mullo: Andw Gray: George Mudie Matthew Buist Present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades and David Jobson Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Fund Revenue from Martinmass 1782 to Martinmass 1783 Charge To ballance of last Accot 11.15. 0 Follows the Fews of Blacks Croft John Greig one year to Marts 1782 John Lyon –do- 1783 Charles Drummond –doFollows Payment of the rents of the Shops below the Hall Mr Scott one years rent of the Coffee House due Lammas 1783 Miss Greenhill –do- due Marts 1783 Alexr McLagan –doBaillie Riddoch –doFrom John Rodger Deacon to Cordiners, William McDonald Taylors, David Small to Fleshers & Thomas Mawer to Waulkers new Deacons Deus of Entries & Fund Meall brought from anr Book From the following Trades for Two pences on Mr Balock’s Meall which fell due 18 th Jan 1783 Bakers for 77 Bolls Cordiners for 100 Glovers for 16 Tailors for 102 Bonnetmakers for 42 Hammermen for 45 Weavers for 202 Walkers for 26 Convr Keith for 10 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 13. 5. 6. 11. 15. 8. 0 7 0 3 5.16.8 55. 4.10 2. 0. 0 34. 4. 1 12.10 16. 8 2. 8 17. 0 7. 0 7. 6 1.13. 8 4. 4 64 10. 8 5.12. 4 114.12.11 5. 0 114.17.11 From Fleshers for James Lindsay Free Master who was free Masters son Discharge of the preceding Charge The Comptors shall first take credit for the @ rents paid on principall sums due by the General Fund For Principall Sum due to John Boyack Sailor By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1783 For Principall Sum due to John Duncan By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1783 For Principall Sum due to James Rennet By one years @rent thereof to 15th October 1783 For Principall Sum due to John Ferguson £23 whereof paid as below £3.19. 4 & Ballce on prnll resting By one years @rent of the £23 to 30th May 1783 Paid him in part of the £23 For Principall Sum due to Alexr Watt Dyer By one years @rent thereof to 16th Augt 1783 For Principall Sum due Agnes Nicoll By one years @rent thereof to 20th May 1783 For Principall Sum due to Robert Hamilton Mason By one years @rent thereof to 20th May 1783 For Principall Sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1783 For Principall Sum due to John Johnston Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof due 10th June 1783 For Principall Sum due to Fraternity of Porters By one years @rent thereof due 23rd September 1783 For Principall Sum due to Andrew Petrie at Dryburgh By one years @rent thereof to 1st October 1783 For Principall Sum due to John Pattullo Craigie By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1783 For Principall Sum due to Barbara Kidd Carmyllie By one years @rent thereof to 2d Decemr 1783 For Principall Sum due to Margaret Patrick By one years @rent thereof to 17th Fey 1783 For Principall Sum due to Isobell Tullo By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1783 Principall sum due Convener Bisset By one years @rent thereof to 3d December 1783 Principall sum due to James Clark By one years @rent thereof to 21st June 1783 Principall sum due to David Cuthbert By one years @rent thereof to 15th June 1783 100. 0. 0 4.11. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 19. 0. 8 1. 0. 8 3.19. 4 60. 0. 0 2.14. 0 26. 0. 0 1. 3. 4 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 27. 0. 0 1. 4. 3 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 33. 0. 0 2. 9. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 ________ 867. 0 8 9. 0 43. 3. 0 Follows other Disbursements B/fwd 1782 Septr 5 Decr 9 1783 June 16 Octr 6 9 43. 3. 0 Spent at Clearing last Acotts By our Clerks Sallary for uplifting the Trades Meall from Martinmass 1782 to Martinmass 1783 Paid Convener Jobson for Cloaths to George Innes furnished in September 1781 pr Accot Paid Baillie Riddoch one years Feu or Tiend duty of Blacks Croft due Whits 1783 Spent at Clearing the Conveners Accots & at Booking new Deacons Paid Dundee Insurance office premium on the Hall till Marts 1784 & Kings 11 2. 0. 0 3.15. 0 3.18. 4 8. 4 1.16. 2 1.19. 5 Duty N. B. The yearly premium is £1 besides the King’s Duty Paid George Innes for Cloaths & a Hat for Two years from Michael mass 1783 to 1785 Paid him his Sallary as Trades officer from Mrts 1782 to 1783 Paid Deacon Gray for shoos to George Innes Incidents with the Tenants & paid for stamp Bills &c By our Clerks Sallary as Cashier to the Fund to Marts 1783 per Sederunt dated 7th December 1781 Allowed his Clerk for Booking these Accotts By cash given several Deacons to divide among their poor Conform to Lists given in of No 191 at 4 ss each Balance due by David Jobson 3.16. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0 9. 0½ 3. 3. 0 2. 6 70. 2. 9½ 38. 4. 0 108. 6. 9½ 6.11. 1½ 114.17.11 Dundee 8 Decr 1783. The preceding Accots were perused & approven of by he Managers of the General Fund who found a ballance due by the said David Jobson of Six pound Eleven shilling & one penny half penny Sterling which they appoint him to Charge himself with in next Accots & therefore the said Accots are hereby discharges. Wm Bisset: Willm Keith: Willm Gourlay; David Smart Matthew Buist present Boxmaster to the General fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and David Jobson Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Fund Revenue from Martinmass 1783 to Marts 1784 Charge To ballance of last Accots 6.11. 1½ Follows the Fews of Blackscroft John Greig one year to Marts 1783 John Lyon –do- 1784 Charles Drummond –do- 1784 July 7 Follows payments of the rents of the Shops below the Hall Patrick Stirling one years rent of the Coffee House due Lambas 1784 Miss Greenhill due Marts 1784 Alexander McLagan -doBaillie Riddoch –doFrom John Craig now Convener £1 William Langlands Deacon to Bonnetmakers, Alexander McLagan to Hammerman, and Henry Jack to Weavers at 10/- each From Convener Bisset of the money in his hand Dues of Entry and Fund meall brought from another Book Cash borrowed from Convener Bisset for paying David Cuthbert and John Ferguson see next page Cash from Mr Jackson for the use of the Hall for 31 night for Acting Plays 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 13. 5. 6.11. 15. 8. 0 7 0 3 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 2.10 .0 8. 0. 0 33. 7. 5½ 39. 0. 0 43. 8. 0 183.18. 1 Discharge of the preceding Charge The Comptors shall first take credit for the @ rents paid on principall sums due by the General Fund For Principall Sum due to John Boyack Sailor By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1784 For Principall Sum due to John Duncan By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1784 For Principall Sum due to James Rennet By one years @rent thereof to 15th October 1783 to Marts 1784 Balance of Principal Sum due John Ferguson 12 100. 0. 0 4.11. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 6.11½ 19. 0. 8 By one years @rent thereof from 30th March 1783 to 7 July 1784 For Principall Sum due to Alexr Watt Dyer By one years @rent thereof to 16th Augt 1784 For Principall Sum due Agnes Nicoll By one years @rent thereof to 20th May 1784 For Principall Sum due to Robert Hamilton Mason By one years @rent thereof to 20th May 1784 For Principall Sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1784 For Principall Sum due to John Johnston Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof due 10th June 1784 For Principall Sum due to Fraternity of Porters By one years @rent thereof due 23rd September 1784 For Principall Sum due to Andrew Petrie at Dryburgh By one years @rent thereof to 1st October 1784 For Principall Sum due to John Pattullo Craigie By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1784 For Principall Sum due to Barbara Kidd Carmyllie By one years @rent thereof to 2d Decemr 1784 For Principall Sum due to Margaret Patrick By one years @rent thereof to 17th Feby 1784 For Principall Sum due to Isobell Tullo By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1784 Principall sum due Convener Bisset including the £55 formerly due him & the £29 borrowed as in the Charge Paid him the annual rent of booth these sums to Marts 1784 Principall sum due to James Clark By one years @rent thereof to 21st June 1784 Paid David Cuthbert principall sum due him By one years @rent thereof to 15th June 1784 1783 Decemr 1783 Spent at clearing last Accots By our Clerks Sallary for uplifting the Trades meall from Martinmas 1786 to Martinmass 1784 Paid Mr Pitcairn Treasurer one years fee for Tiend duty of Blackscroft due Whitsunday 1784 Spent at clearing Convener Bissets and booking Convener and Deacons Dundee Insurance for premium on the Hall to Marts 1786 and King’s Duty George Innes Sallary to Martinmass 1784 Paid him for shoes –doPaid for Stamp Bills and incidents By our Clerks Sallary as Cashier to the Fund to Marts 1784 pr Sederunt dated 7th Decr 1781 Allowed his Clerk for booking these Accots By cash given the several deacons to Divide among their poor conform to Lists given in of No 196 at 4 sh each Balls due by D. Jobson 1. 2. 0 60. 0. 0 2.14. 0 26. 0. 0 1. 3. 4 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 27. 0. 0 1. 4. 3 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 2.15. 7 50. 0. 0 867. 0 8 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 43. 3. 0 2. 0. 0 3.15. 0 8. 2.15. 1.15. 5. 0. 10. 5. 3. 3. 0 2. 6 139. 9. 3½ 39. 4. 0 177.12. 3½ 6. 5. 9½ 183.18. 1 Dundee 3 Decr 1784 The preceding Accots were perused & approven of by the Managers of the General Fund who found a balance due by the said David Jobson of Six pounds five shills & nine pence ½ Stg which they appoint him to Charge himself with in his next Accots and therefore the said Accots are herby discharged. John Craig: James Mullo: Willm Gourlay: David Smart George Mudie Baker present Boxmaster to the General fund of the nine Trades of Dundee and David Jobson their Cashier. Their Intromissions with the General Funds Received from Martinmass 1784 to –do1785 13 4 6 0 0 0 3 Charge To Balance of last Accots 6. 5. 9½ Follows the fews of Blackscroft John Greig 1 year to Marts 1784 Jon Reid –do- 1825 Charles Drummond –doFollows payments of the rents of the Shops below the hall Mrs Ellet & Mrs Gutiziner for the Coffee house to Lammas 1785 Miss Greenhill due Marts 1785 Alexr Maclagan –doBaillie Riddoch William Spence Deacon to Cordiners, William Porter to Taylors, James Crichton to Waulkers as new Deacons George Mudie as fund Boxmaster For making up £5.15. 6 Convener Bisset paid out of expences for attending the Convention at Edinr relative to the proposed reform as to elections each of the Nine Trades paid 12/10d which is Convener Bisset for Mr Dempsters second subscription to the Hall 1785 Novr 24 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 13. 5. 6.11. 15. 8. 0 7 0 3 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 1.10. 0 10. 0 5.15. 6 10.10. 0 Dues of entry & fund meall from another Book Cash borrowed from Deacon Alexr Watt Dyer upon the Convener & Boxmasters Bill at 12 months 40. 0. 8 50. 0. 0 175.13. 5½ Discharge of the preceding Charge The Comptors shall first take credit for the @ rents paid on principall sums due by the General Fund For Principall Sum due to John Boyack Sailor By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1785 For Principall Sum due to John Duncan By one years @rent thereof to Whity 1785 For Principall Sum due to Deacon Watt Dyers By one years @rent thereof to 16th August 1785 For Principall Sum due Agnes Nicoll By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1785 For Principall Sum due to Robert Hamilton Mason By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1785 For Principall Sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1785 For Principall Sum due to John Johnston Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof due 10th June 1785 For Principall Sum due to Fraternity of Porters By one years @rent thereof due 25th September 1784 to 11th November 1785 For Principall Sum due to Andrew Petrie at Dryburgh By one years @rent thereof to 1st October 1785 For Principall Sum due to John Pattullo Craigie By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1785 For Principall Sum due to Barbara Kidd Carmyllie By one years @rent thereof to 1st Decemr 1785 For Principall Sum due to Margaret Patrick By one years @rent thereof to 17th Feby 1785 For Principall Sum due to Isobell Tullo By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1785 Principall sum due Convener Bisset One years annual rent of booth these sums to Marts 1785 Principall sum due to James Clark 14 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 60. 0. 0 2.14. 0 26. 0. 0 1. 3. 4 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2.11. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 27. 0. 0 1. 4. 3 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 3.15. 7 50. 0. 0 By one years @rent thereof to 24th June 1785 Principal sum borrowed from Deacon Watt upon the 24th of Novemr 1785 as on the charge 1784 Decemr 2 Spent at clearing last Accots By our Clerks Sallary for uplifting the Trades meall from Martinmas 1786 to Martinmass 1784 1785 May 30 Duncan Macdonald for Sertout Coat for George Innes June 26 John Jobson Treasurer for one years few of Tiend duty of Blackscroft due Whit 1785 Octr 10 Spent at booking new Deacons and clearing Conveners Accots Deacon Macdonald for Cloathes to Geo Innes Dundee Insurance for premium on the Hall to Marts 1786 and King’s Duty George Innes Sallary to Martinmass 1785 Paid him for shoes –doPaid for Stamp Bills for renewing Bills and Trades meall By our Clerks Sallary as Cashier to the Fund to Marts 1785 pr Sederunt of 7 Decemr 1781 Allowed his Clerk for booking these Accots 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 217. 0. 0 1.16. 3 3.15. 0 1.10.11 8. 4 1.11. 1½ 3.12. 0 1.15. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0 4. 8 3. 3. 0 2. 6 110. 9. 4½ By cash given the several deacons to Divide among their poor conform to Lists given in of No 198 at 4sh each 39.12. 0 150. 1.10½ 25.11. 7 175.13. 5½ In David Jobsons hand Dundee 1 Decr 1785 The preceding Accots were perused & approven of by the managers of the General Fund who found a balance due by the said David Jobson of Twenty five pound eleven shillings & five ½ pence Stg which they appoint him to Charge himself with in his next Accots and therefore the said Accots are hereby discharged. John Craig: Dav Smart: Alexr McLagan: Henry Jack: John Rodger: Will Keith: William Stirling George Mudie Baker Boxmaster to the General Fund of the nine Trades of Dundee and David Jobson their Cashier. Their Intromissions with the General Fund Revenue from Martinmass 1785 to –do- 1786 Charge To Balance of last Accots 15.11. 7 Follows the fues of Blackscroft John Greig 1 year to Marts 1785 Jon Reid –do- 1785 Charles Drummond –do- 1785 Follows payments of the rents of the Shops below the hall Mrs Ellet for the Coffee house to Lammas 1786 Miss Greenhill due Marts 1785 Alexr Maclagan –doBaillie Riddoch William Spence Deacon to Cordiners, William Porter to Taylors, James Crichton to Waulkers as new Deacons George Mudie as fund Boxmaster For making up £5.15. 6 Convener Bisset paid out of expences for attending the Convention at Edinr relative to the proposed reform as to elections each of the Nine Trades paid 12/10d which is William Kerr Glovers, Alexander Langlands Bonnetmaker, James Murray Hammmerman & Thomas Baxter Weaver & new Deacons Follows the payment of 2d upon the Boll of Meal 15 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 13. 5. 6.11. 15. 8. 0 7 0 3 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 1.10. 0 10. 0 5.15. 6 9. 0. 0 Decr 1 Decr 17 Feby 3 Novr 27 Tailors fund dues of 80 Bolls of Baxters Meall Hammerman for 10 Bolls –doCordiners for 33 _doBakers for 77 Bolls Gilles Meall due 15 April 1786 Cordwainers for 106 Bolls –doTailors for 71 –doBonnet Makers for 31 –doHammermen for 60½ -doWeavers for 84 –doWaulkers for 20 –doBakers for 81 Bolls of Stanners Meall due 6 Aug 1786 Cordwainers for 106 Bolls -doTailors for 118 –doBonnetmakers 18 –do Hammerman for 39 Bls 6/6 Weavers for 47 bls 7/10 & Waulkers 11 bls 1/10 Convener Bisset for Balance of money paid by him from Mr Jackson for the use of the Hall per accot -do- which he got from Mr Jas Ballingall for the use of the Hall 1784 -do- for 1 per cent on the Oats purchased by the trade in 1785 The ballcs of last Accots was sent to Convener Keith at 4 per cent and repaid back £10 thereof at Whitsunday 1786 for paying Annual rents & he paid the annual rent on said Bill to 1st Decemr 1786 being Dues of entries & fund Meall from another Book Convener Craig which he received from the Cordwainers for the use of the Trades Hall for ten weeks at the rate of £4. 1/- pr week 9. 7 1. 8 3.10 12.10 17. 8 11.10 5. 8 10. 1 14. 0 3. 4 6.10 16. 8 8. 0 3. 0 16. 2 7. 1. 2 18. 1½ 10. 6 7.10. 5 13. 0.½ 31.10. 6½ 12. 0 178.16.10 ½ Discharge of the foregoing Charge Principall Sum due to John Boyack Sailor One years @rent thereof to Whity 1786 Principall Sum due to John Duncan One years @rent thereof to Whity 1786 Principall Sum formerly due Agnes Nicoll now Deacon Gray Shoemaker By one years @rent thereof to 20th May 1786 For Principall Sum due to Robert Hamilton Mason By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1786 For Principall Sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1786 For Principall Sum due to John Johnston Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof due 10th June 1786 For Principall Sum due to John Pattullo Craigie By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1785 For Principall Sum due to Barbara Kidd Carmyllie By one years @rent thereof to 1st Decemr 1786 For Principall Sum due to Margt Patrick By one years @rent thereof to 17th Feby 1786 For Principall Sum due to Isobell Tullo By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1786 Principall sum due Convener Bisset One years annual rent of booth these sums to Marts 1786 Principall sum due to James Clark By one years @rent thereof to 21 June 1786 Principal sum now due Deacon Watt By one & a ¼ anl rent of £60 thereof due Marts 1786 By one year of %50 then due 1785 December Spent at clearing last Acompts 16 Principal sums 100. 0. 0 Annual rents 4.10. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 26. 0. 0 1. 3. 4 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 27. 0. 0 1. 1. 8 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 3.15. 7 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 110. 0. 0 817. 7. 0 3. 7. 6 2. 5. 0 1.18. 1 By our Clerks Sallary for uplifting the Trades Meall from Martms 1785 to –do- 1786 William Anderson Treasurer for Tiend or feu duty for Blacks Croft due Whitsunday 1786 Spent at booking new Deacons & clearing Conveners accots Dundee Insurance office premium on the Hall to Marts 1787 & King’s duty George Innes sallary to Marts 1786 Paid for shoes to him Stamp Bills for renewing Bills Trades Meall Clerks sallary as Cashier to The General fund to Marts 1786 per Sederunt 7 Decr 1781 Allowed his Clerk for booking these accompts James Dick for one years Cess of the Shops below the Hall due at preceding 28 March 1786 3.15. 0 8. 4 1.14. 7 1.15. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0 7. 5½ 3. 3. 0 2. 6 2. 2 .8 58. 5. 5½ 10. 0. 0 98. 5. 5½ 80.11. 5 178.19.10 ½ To Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor Conform to Liats given in Balance in David Jobsons Charge Sum of the Charge Dundee 6th Decemr 1786 The preceding Accompts were examined and approven of by the Managers of the General Fund who found a Balance due by the said David Jobson of Eighty pounds Eleven shillings & five pence Sterling which they appoint him to charge himself with in his next Accompts and therefore the said Accompts are hereby Discharged & it is recommended to the said David Jobson at the sight of the present Convener John Craig late Convener , Deacon William Kerr & Deacon William Baxter to pay up out of the ballance in his hands to any of the Creditors of he fund most convenient as soon as possible as much of that balance as they think can be prudently spared & in the meantime to layout the same for such interest as can be got from good hands. Dav Smart: Willm Keith: Jas Crichton: John Rogers: Thos Mawer Abraham Hill Glover present Boxmaster to the General fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee & David Jobson Writer their Cashier. Their Intromissions with the General funds Income from Martinmass 1786 to Martinmass 1787 Charge To Ballance of last Accompts Follows the Fews of he Blackscroft John Greig one year due Martinmass 1786 John Lyon –doCharles Drummond 1787 Feby Follows payments of Shops & rents below the Hall Miss Elliot for the Coffee House to Lambas 1878 Miss Greenhill one year due Martinmass 1787 Alexander McLagan Baillie Riddoch James Wilson new Deacon to Hammerman & John Gray to Fleshers & from Mathew Buist new Convener Follows payments of two pennies on the Boll of Meall Bakers 92 Bs Mr Gilles due 10 Jany 1787 74 Bs –do101 –do- to 27 May 1787 63 -do- to 20 Augt –do42 –do- 23rd Octr -do63 to Andersons –do- Septr 87 to Watsons –do- 24 Oct -doCordiners 171 Bs Gilles due 10 Jany 1787 79 –do119 –do- 17 May –do17 80.11. 5 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 13..5. 6.11. 15. 8. 0 7 0 3 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 1. 2. 6 15. 4 12. 4 16.10 10.10 7. 0 10. 6 14. 6 1. 8. 6 13. 7 19.10 4. 7. 4 85 -do- 20 Aug –do48½ –do- 2 Octr –do93 Andersons -do- 30 De 104 Watsons 24 De 14. 7 8. 1 15.10 17. 4 5.16.11 Glovers 113 Gilles due 10 Janry 1787 84 –do114 –do- 29 May 91 –do- 20 Augt 84 Andersons 30 DE 86 Watsons 24 De 19. 14. 19. 7. 14. 14. 2 0 0 0 0 4 5. 2. 8 12. 4 9.10 8.10 8. 2 6.10 4. 2 15. 4 3. 5. 6 Bonnetmakers 76 of Gilles due 10 Janry 1787 59 –do53 –do- 27 May 49 –do- 20 Augt 41 -do- 23 Octr 253 Andersons –do- 30 De 92 Watsons –do- 24 De Hammermen 70½ Gilles due 10 Janry 1787 38 –do30½ -do- 27 May –do56 -do- 20 Augt 42 –do- 23 Octr 30 Andersons 30 De 40½ 24 De 11. 9. 5. 9. 7. 5. 7. 9 8 1 4 0 0 9 2.15. 7 6. 2. 5. 0. 7. 1. 1. 13. 0 6 8 0 0 0 8 6.18. 7 6. 3. 3. 5. 6. 1. 5. 10. 4. 2 6 8 2 8 8 0 0 3 Weavers 156 of Gilles due 10 Jany 1787 135 -do154 –do- 124 May 122 -do- 20 Augt 42 –do- 23 Octr 126 Andersons –do- 30 De 94 Watsons –do- 24 De 1. 1. 1. 1. Waulkers 37 of Gilles meall due 10 Jany 1787 21- do34 –do- 27 May 31 –do- 20 Augt 40 –do- 23 Octr 10 Andersons –do- 30 De 30 Watsons –do 24 De Convener Smart for 60 of Watsons due 24 Octr John Workman for 25½ over 85 doFrom the Flesher Trade their Compensation for two pennies on the boll of meall for the years 1786 to 1787 Convener Keith @rent ay 4½ pr cent of £60 part of the balance Charge sent him Dues of entry & fund meall from another Book John Gray one years feu duty due Marts 1787 (see 1 page of this charge) Convener Smart which he received from the Commedians for the use of the Hall 1.13.10 14. 3 3. 0. 0 1. 8. 6 42.17. 7½ 2.10. 0 50.10. 0 273.18. 5½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sums 100. 0. 0 Prinll Sum due to John Boyack Sailor One years @rent thereof to Whity 1787 Annual rents 4.10. 0 18 Prinll Sum due to John Duncan One years @rent thereof to Lamaas 1787 Prinll Sum formerly due Agnes Nicoll now Deacon Gray Shoemaker By one years @rent thereof to 20th May 1787 For Prinall Sum due to Robert Hamilton Mason By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1787 For Prinll Sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1787 For Prinl Sum due to John Johnston Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof due 10th June 1787 For Prinll Sum due to Andrew Petrie at Dryburgh By one years @rent thereof due 1st October 1787 For Prinll Sum due to John Pattullo Craigie By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1787 For Prinll Sum due to Barbara Kidd Carmillie By one years @rent thereof to 1st Decemr 1787 For Prinll Sum due to Margaret Patrick By one years @rent thereof to 17th July 1787 For Prinll Sum due to Isobell Tullo By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1787 Prinll sum due Convener Bisset One years annual rent of booth these sums to Marts 1787 Prinll sum due to James Clark By one years @rent thereof to 21 June 1787 Prinll sum now due Deacon Watt By one & a ¼ anl rent of £60 thereof due Marts 1787 1786 December 6 Spent at clearing last Acompts By our Clerks Sallary for uplifting the Trades Meall from Martms 1786 to –do- 1787 1787 Apr 17 James Dick for Cess of the Shops below the Hall to 25 March last Octr 8 Spent at clearing Conveners accots & booking new Deacons & By one boll of Gilles meall desired by the Hammerman trade George Innes sallary to Marts 1787 Paid him for cloathes Novr 19 Alex Pitcairn Tres Tiend or feu duty of Blackscroft from Whits 1786 to –do- 1787 Paid Mr Blair premium of Insurance on the Hall & King’s duty to Marts 1788 Payed for stamps for bills for Trades Meall & spent with Committee concerning Pat Mathew & Wm Langlands to accept of their offices of Deacon & Boxmaster Clerks Sallary as Cashier to the General fund from Marts 1786 to –do- 1787 pr Sederunt 7 Decr 1781 Payd for Shoes to Geo Innes Dec 5 Convene Smarts ball of his Last Convener Accots per recd in his Book Bt cash given the present Deacons to divide among their poor Conform to Liats given in No 210 at 5/Balce in David Jobsons hands 50. 0. 0 7.16. 3 26. 0. 0 1. 3. 4 32. 0. 0 1. 8. 9 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 27. 0. 0 1. 4. 3 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 3.15. 7 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 110. 0. 0 _________ 4.19. 0 113. 6. 4 1.18. 6 3.15. 0 2. 2. 8. 2. 4. 14. 5. 0. 3.12. 8. 4 1.15. 0 14. 9½ 3. 3. 0 10. 0 16. 7. 2½ 155.11. 4 52.10. 0 208. 1. 4 65.17. 1½ 273.18. 1½ Dundee 6 Decr 1787 The preceding Accots were perused & approven of by the Managers of the General Fund who found a ballance due by he said David Jobson of Sixty five pounds seventeen shillings and one penny half penny Sterling which they appoint himself too Charge himself with in the next Acots & therefore the sds acots are hereby discharged. Dav Smart: John Craig: Alexr Langlands: John Walker: Henry Jack: Thos Baxter: Pat Miller 19 8 4 6 0 0 0 Alexander Hill Boxmaster of the General fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee & David Jobson Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General funds Revenue from Martinmass 1787 to Martinmass 1788 Charge Ballance of Last Accots 65.17. 1½ Follows the Fews of the Blacks Croft John Greig one year due Marts 1788 John Lyon –doCharles Drummond Follows payment of Shops rents below the Hall John Ogilvy & William Scott Writer one years rent of the Coffee House due Lambas 1788 Miss Greenhill –do- for her Shop Martinmass 1788 Alexander McLagan –doProvost Riddoch –doFollows payment of the two pennies on the Boll of Meall Bakers 23 Bl of Robert Millars meall 15 Fey 88 15 -do- Badinochs 28 June 83 –do- Watsons 10 July 60 –do- Badinochs 8 Octr 133 –do- Gilles 20 Novr Cordiners 50 Bolls of Millers due 15 Fey 88 96 –do- Watsons 10 July 2 –do- Badenochs 8 Octr 72 –do- Gilles 26 Novr Tailors 58 Bolls of Millsrs due 15 Fey 88 49 –do- Badenochs 20 June 88 85 –do Watson’s 10 July 37½ Badenochs 8 Octr 18 –do- Gilles 26 Novr Bonnetmakers 8½ Bolls of Millars 15 Fey 88 50 –do- Watson’s 10 July 8. 4 67 -do- Gilles 26 Novr Hammerman 69 Bolls of Millars due 13 Fey 88 30 –do- Badenoochs 28 June 53½ -do- Watsons 10 July 25 Badenoochs 8 Octr 33½ Gilles 26 Novr Weavers 83 of Millars due 15 Fey 88 52½ -do- Badenochs 20 June 110 -do- Watsons 10 July 86½ -do- Badenochs 8 Octr 1440 –do- Gilles 20 Novr Waulkers 13½ of Millars due 15 Feby 88 18 -do- Badenochs 20 June 88 29½ -do- Watsons 10 July 31 -do- Gilles 15 Novr Convr Small for 3½ Watsons due 10 July Flesher Trade their compensation for two pennies on nth Boll meall for the year 1788 20 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 13. 5. 6.11. 15. 8. 3.16. 8 0 7 0 3 55. 4.10 4. 2 2. 6 14. 2 10. 0 18.10 2. 9. 8 8. 16. 0. 12. 4 0 4 0 1.16. 8 9. 8. 10. 6. 3. 8 6 2 3 0 2. 1. 4 11. 5 11. 2 1. 0.11 9. 4 5. 0 8.11 4. 2 8.11 1.16. 4 14. 8. 18. 14. 1. 3. 2 9 4 5 5 2. 3 2. 3 4.11 5. 2 0. 7 1.10. 0 3.19. 1 15. 4 1.10. 7 From the Commedians mot than is charged in Last Accots Convener Keith @rents as 4½ of £50 lent him out on last Balls Alexr Watt as new Convener Kinnaird Brown Baker David Irons Cordwainer George Milln Bonnetmakers & Robt Elder Weaver as new Deacons at 10ss each Dues of Entrys & fund meall from another book 4. 4. 0 17. 3 1. 0. 0 2. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 21.16. 1½ 172.5.11 Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sums 100. 0. 0 Prinll Sum due to John Boyack Sailor One years @rent thereof to Whity 1788 Prinall Sum payed Robert Hamilton Prinll Sum due to John Duncan For Prinll Sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1788 For Prinl Sum due to John Johnston Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof due 10th June 1788 For Prinll Sum due to Andrew Petrie at Dryburgh By one years @rent thereof due 1st October 1788 For Prinll Sum due to John Pattullo Craigie By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1787 For Prinll Sum due to Barbara Kidd Carmillie By one years @rent thereof to 1st Decemr 1788 For Prinll Sum due to Margaret Patrick By one years @rent thereof to 17th July 1788 For Prinll Sum due to Isobell Tullo By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1788 Prinll sum due Convener Bisset One years annual rent of booth these sums to Marts 1788 Prinll sum due to James Clark By one years @rent thereof to 21 June 1788 Prinll sum now due Convr Alex Watt By one & a ¼ anl rent of £60 thereof due Marts 1788 Annual rents 4.10. 0 32. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 9. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 27. 0. 0 1. 4. 3 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 3.15. 7 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 110. 0. 0 _________ 682. 0. 0 4.19. 0 92. 9. 9 1787 December 6 Spent at clearing last Acompts 2. 1. 2 1788 Jan 6 George Innes Sallary due marts 1788 By our Clerks Sallary for uplifting the Trades Meall from Martms 1786 to –do- 1787 1787 Apr 17 Payed for Cess of the Shops below the Hall to 25 March last Augt 30 Payed Patrick Kyd Town Tres feu of Blackscroft due Whits last Octr 6 Spent at Booking Conveners accots & new Convr & Deacons Payed Convr Smart Bal of his last Accots prnt in the Book By one boll of Gilles meall desired by the Hammerman trade Paid Mr Blair premium of Insurance on the Hall & King’s duty to Marts 1789 Payed George Innes for Shoes Payed for stamps for bills for Trades Meall & incidents Clerks Sallary for uplifting Trades Meall from Marts 1787 to –do- 1787 pr Sederunt 7 Decr 1781 -do- as Cashier to he General fund –doCash from the present Deacons to divide among their poor conform to Lists given in Bo 205 at 4sh Sum of Charge 21 5. 0. 0 3.15. 0 2. 2.10 8. 4 2. 4. 4 17.16. 4 14. 0 1.15. 0 10. 0 9. 1½ 3.15. 0 3. 3. 0 6.18. 0 131.11.7½ 41. 0. 0 172.11½ 172. 5.11 Bal due D. Jobson 5. 8½ Dundie 4 Decr 1788 The preceding Accots were perused & approven of by the Managers of the general fund who found a balance due to the said David Jobson of Two shillings Eight pence half penny Sterg which they appoint him too take Credit for in his next Accots & therefore these Accots are Discharged. Alexr Watt: Dav Smart: Ja Crichton: David Irons: Alexr McLagan: Kinnaird Brown: James Wilson William Langlands Shoemaker present Boxmaster to the General fund of the Nine trades of Dundie & David Jobson Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General funds received from Martinmas 1788 to –do- 1789 Charge Fews of Blackscroft John Greig one year due Martinmass 1789 John Lyon –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Follows payments of the Shop rents below the Hall Alex Walker one years rent of the Coffee House due Lambas 1789 Miss Greenhill –do- for her Shop Martinmass 1789 Alexander McLagan –doProvost Riddoch –doMr Sutherland Commedian for the use of the Hall Summer 1788 Convener Watt part of the balce of his Accots which he also received for the use of the Hall Follows payments of the two pence on the Boll of Meall Bakers 56 of Badenochs meall due 22 Fey 89 40½ of –do- 10 May 89 18 of Rob Websters 30 –do33 of Harlands 18 Augt 38½ Badenochs 13 Novr Cordiners 18 of Mr Yeamans due 16 Dccr 1788 41 Badenochs 22 Fey 89 41 -do50 Rob Websters 30 do36 Badenochs 18 Augt 81 Harlands 25 Octr 11 Badenochs 13 Novr Tailors 66 of Mr Yeamans due 16 Decr 88 64 of Badenochs 22 Feby 89 50 –do- 10 May 30 of Harlands 25 Octr 23 Badenochs 13 Novr Bonnetmakers 34 of Yeamans 16 Decr 88 36 Badenochs 22 Feby 89 32 -do- 10 May 12 Mr Websters 30 May 33 Badenochs 18 Augt 32 Harlands 25 Sep 18 Badenochs 13 Novr Hammermen 53½ of Badenochs 22 Feby 89 50 Badenochs 15 May 22 5.16. 8 20. 0. 0 13. 5. 7 6.11. 0 15. 8. 3 55. 4.10 25. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 37. 0. 0 9. 6. 3. 5. 6. 92. 4.10 4 9 0 6 5 1.11. 0 3. 0 6.10 6.10 8. 4 6. 0 13. 6 1.10 2. 6. 4 11. 0 10. 8 8. 4 5. 0 3.10 1.18.10 5. 6. 3. 2. 5. 5. 3. 1.12.10 8 0 4 0 6 4 0 8.11 8. 4 10 Websters 30 May 36 Badenochs 18 Augt 14½ Harlands 25 Octr 17 Badenochs 13 Novr 1. 8 6. 0 2. 5 2.10 1.10. 2 Weavers 37 of Yeamans due 55 Feby 89 84 Badenochs 22 Feby 89 60 –do- 10 May 100 –do- 18 Augt 98 Harlands 23 Octr 6. 14. 10. 16. 16. 2 0 0 0 4 3. 3. 2 Waulkers 10 of Yeamans due 16 Decr 88 21 Badenochs 22 Feby 89 34 –do- 10 May 11 Websters 30 May 22 Badenochs 18 Augt 14-do- 13 Novr From Flesher trade their Compensation for 2d on the Boll for 1789 From Wm Langlands as new fund Boxmaster From Geo Methven Deacon Cordiners Fyffe to Taylors & Andw Cuthbert to Hammermen as new Deacons To cash borrowed from Silvester Crichton at Teakin at 4½ per cent for paying Jo Boyack To dues of Entrys & fund meall from another Book 1. 8 3. 6 5. 8 1..1 3. 8 2. 4 1.10. 0 10. 0 1.10. 2 18. 8 3.10. 100. 0. 27.19. 242.12. 0 0 7 1 Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sums Prinll Sum payed to John Boyack Sailor One years @rent thereof to Whity 1789 For Prinll Sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof to 22nd May 1789 N. B. this bill was stolen & a new bill granted therefore so that if ever the old appears it must be given up For Prinl Sum due to John Johnston Auchterhouse By one years @rent thereof due 10th June 1789 For Prinll Sum paid Andrew Peatrie For five months & 11 days @rent from 1st October to 12 March 1789 For Prinll Sum due to John Pattullo Craigie By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1789 For Prinll Sum due to Barbara Kidd Carmillie By one years @rent thereof to 1st Decemr 1789 For Prinll Sum due to Isobell Tullo By one years @rent thereof to Marts 1789 Prinll sum due Convener Bisset One years annual rent of booth these sums to Marts 1789 Prinll sum due to James Clark By one years @rent thereof to 21 June 1789 Prinll sum now due Convr Alex Watt By one years annual rent thereof due Marts 1789 To Cash borrowed from Chester Crichton at Whity 56 (in Craigie) 1788 December 4 Spent at clearing last Acompts By ball of last Accot Returned to Deacon Elder, Jas Wighton & Rob Elders marriage merks which were payed to the fund the preceding year 1789 May 20 George Innes Sallary to Marts 1789 Cess of the Hall due 25 March 1789 23 Annual rents 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 4. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 1. 0. 8 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 3.15. 7 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 110. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 677. 0. 0 2. 0. 8 5. 8½ 10. 0 5. 0. 0 2. 2.10 4.19. 0 ---------140. 8. 9 Payed for shoes to George Innes 10. 0 Septr 6 Spent at clearing the Conveners Accots & booking new Deacons Payed Baillie Smith one years feu duty of Blackscroft to Whit 1789 October 30 Payed Deacon Millar for Cloaths to George Innes pr accot Nover 27 Payed premium of Insurance on the Hall to Marts 1790 Stamp bills for Trades meall, Incidents with Tenants & 5th given Andw Crichton for procuring the £100 from Silvr Crichton By our Clerks Sallary for uplifting the Trades Meall from Martms 1788 to –do- 1789 -do- as Cashier to the General fund 2. 0. 0 8. 4 5. 8. 0 1.15. 0 1. 1.10½ 3.15. 0 3. 3. 0 By Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor conform to Lists given No 211 at 4sh each 6.18. 0 168. 9. 0 42. 4. 210.13. 31.19. 242.12. Bal due D. Jobson Dundie 2 Decr 1789 The preceding Accots were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a ballance due by the said David Jobson of Thirty one pounds Fifteen shillings and one penny Sterling which they appoint him to Charge himself with in next Accots & therefore these Accots are hereby discharged. Alexr Watt Convr: Willm Keith: Wm Bisset: William Stirling: Wm Langlands: Andw Cuthbert: Samuel Walter: Kinnaird Brown Intromissions of the deceased David jobson Writer in Dundee with the Revenue of the General fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee since 3d December 1789 the date of last Settlement 1789 Decr 3 1790 Jany 20 Feby 9 Ballance of Accot settled this day 31.19. 1 Cash from Bakers 2d per Boll Mr Starlings meall 8 B Cordiners 65 Tailors 19 Bonnetmakers 41 Hammermen 19 To -do- from Bakers on Gilles Meall 19 3. 2 8. 4 1.15.10 1.10 Tailors 50 Weavers 215 Waukers 11 1789 Decr 3 1. 4 10.10 3. 2 6.10 3. 2 1. 5. 4 2. 9. 2 35.13. 7 Spent at Clearing Accots this day 2. 9. 3½ Payed Mr Stirling on Ball meal the Trades having granted Bill for 152 Bolls but it appeared afterwards that only 151 Bolls had been received but which Mr Stirling could not allow as he had accounted for the whole to the proprietor Payed for Stamp bill to Mr Blair By half of a year Sallary to Mr Jobsons heir Ballance due by Mr Jobson 10. 8 1. 0½ 3. 9. 0 6.10.. 0 29. 3. 7 Dundee 30th March 1790 The above written Accompts was this Day settled after being revised & adjusted betwixt Convene Watt, Convener Smart & Convener Bisset on the part of the Trades and Ebenezer Anderson Mercht in Dundee under Factor for the Trustees of the Deceased David Jobson when the ballance being Twenty nine pounds three shillings & seven pence Sterling was paid to Mr Thomas Mawer writer in Dundee the now elected 24 0 0 1 1 Clerk to said fund and the whole Books in Mr Jobsons repository belonging to the fund were ordered to be delivered up to said Thomas Mawer and the Accots are herby Discharged. Alexr Watt: Ebr Anderson: Dav Smart: Wm Bisset William Langlands Shoemaker present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds revenue from Martinmas 1789 to Martinmas 1780 1790 The ballance of David Jobson late Clerk his Intromissions with funds received from his Executors per Accots stated Fews of Blackscroft John Greig one year due Marts 1790 Mr David Lyon -doCharles Drummond -doPayments of Shop rents beneath the Hall Alexr Walker 1 years rent of Coffee House to Lamas 1790 Miss Greenhill –doProvost Riddoch -doAlex McClaggan -doConvener Watt ballance his Accots received by him for the use of the Hall 29. 3. 7 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 5.16. 8 20. 0. 0 13. 5. 7 15. 8. 3 6.11. 0 55. 4..10 13.11.10½ 68. 6. 8 Bakers 57 of Mr Blairs meal 27½ of Mr Gilles 28 of Mr Badenochs 48 of Mr Blairs 2d bargain 9. 4. 4. 8. 6 7 8 0 1. 6. 9 1. 5. 9. 13. 14. 0 8 0 2 3. 1.10 14. 6 8. 6 8. 9 0.10 1.12. 7 6. 4. 7. 4. 1. 2. 8 Cordiners 150 of Mr Blairs 58 of Mr Gilles 78 of Mr Badenochs 85 of Mr Blairs 2d bargain Tailors 87 of Mr Blairs 51 of Mr Gilles 52½ of Mr Badenochs 4 of Mr Blairs 2d bargain Bonnetmakers 40 26 42 28 of of of of Mr Mr Mr Mr Blairs Gilles Badenochs Blairs 2d bargain 8 4 0 8 Butchers 12 of Mr Gilles meal 2. 0 Hammermen 41 of Mr Blairs meal 20 of Mr Badenochs 44 of Mr Blairs 2d bargain 6.10 3. 4 7. 4 17. 6 2. 0. 0 1. 5.10 1. 0. 8 16. 8 5. 3. 4 Weavers 241 175 124 100 of of of of Mr Mr Mr Mr Blairs meal Gilles Badenoochs Blairs 2d bargain Waukers 36 of Mr Blairs meal 37 of Mr Gilles 28 of Mr Badenochs 29 of Mr Blairs 2d bargain From Flesher Trade their comportion of 2d on the Boll of meal for Crop 1789 Deduct for 12 Bolls taken of Mr Gilles taken 25 6. 0 6. 2 4. 8 4.10 1.10. 0 2. 0 1. 1. 8 From Glovers their comportion –do- 15/- less 22 Bolls taken Mr Blair 3. 8 From Convener Rodger new Convener From Alex Guild Deacon to Bakers, William Mill Deacon to Bonnetmakers and James Cathro Deacon to Waukers as new Deacons To cash borrowed at Lambas 1790 from Rob Skinner Executor @ 4½ pr cent to pay part of John Pattullos Bill Dues of Entries to fund meall from other Book 1. 8. 0 11. 4 1. 0. 0 1.19. 4 1.10. 0 2.10. 0 100. 0. 0 36.15.10½ 259. 4. 1½ Discharge of the preceeding Charge John Pattullo in part his prncll sum at Lambas 1790 Barbara Kidd prnll on her Bill Interest due thereon to Marts 1790 Prnll sum due Kirk Session of Auchterhouse I years @rent to 22 May 1790 Prnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse I years @rent to 10 June 1790 Principal sum due to John Pattullo pr his old Bill £200 Deduce paid at Lambas as above £100 for which a new Bill is granted bearing interest from Marts 1790 @rent paid him up to Marts 1790 Principal sum due to Isabel Tullo One years @rent to Marts 1790 Principal sum due Convener Bisset One years @rent to Marts 1790 Pncll sum due to James Clark One years @rent to 21 June 1790 Sum due Convener Watt One years @rent to Marts 1790 From sum due Silvester Crichton One years @rent to Whits 1790 Cash borrowed from Rob Shinners heirs bearing int from Lambas 1790 June 10 Octr 4 Nov 16 100. 0. 0 23. 0. 0 10. 0 25. 0. 0 1. 2. 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 100. 0. 0 7.17. 6 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 3.15. 7 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 100. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 649. 0. 0 4.10. 0 ______ 131.11. 7 Paid Cess of Hall to March 1790 2. 2.10 8. 0. 0 Cash given Convener Rodger out of balance of Convr Watts Accots Insurance on Hall to Marts 1791 Mr Peddie Treasurer to Tien fee of Blackscroft to Marts 1790 Geo Innes salary to Marts 1790 Paid for shoes to Geo Innes By 2d upon the Boll of 3½ Bolls of me Badenochs meal delivered to Bonnetmakers being the fund meal & stated in Charge Stamps, Incidents &c Half a Boll of Mr Badenochs meal lost Clerks Sallary for uplifting trades meal -do- as Cashier to General fund Deduce allowed Mr Jobson exers half a salary Cash given the several Deacons to divide among heir poor conform to Lists given in No 221 at 4sh each Balance due by Thos Mawer 2.11. 8. 5. 0. 12. 0. 7 8. 6.½ 6. 6 3.15. 0 3. 3. 0 (3. 9. 0) 3. 9. 0 176. 5. 8½ 44. 4. 0 220. 9. 8½ 38.14. 5 259. 5. 1½ Dundee 2d December 1790 The Account of Charge and Discharge contained upon the three preceeding pages were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a ballance of Thirty eight pounds Fourteen 26 4 4 0 0 shillings & five pence Sterling due by he said Thomas Mawer which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Charles Roger Convr: Wm Bisset: Willm Keith: Alexr Watt: Kinnaird Brown: George Methven: And Cuthbert: Samuel Walters: James Cathro Alexander Langlands Taylor present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1790 to Martinmas 1791 Charge Ballance of last Accompts 38.14. 5 Fues of Blackscroft John Greig one year due Marts 17911 Mr David Lyon -doCharles Drummond David Lyon compensation for an entry 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Payments of Shop rents below the Hall Alexr Walker 1 years rent of Coffee House due Lambas 1790 Miss Greenhill 1 yr of her Shop due Marts 1791 Provost Riddoch –doFrom Convener Rodger in part to ballce of his Accots received for use of the Hall Follows payments of Two pence pm the Boll of meall From Bakers pr separate Book From Cordiners –doFrom Taylors –doFrom Bonnetmakers doFrom Hammerman –doFrom Weavers –doFrom Waulkers -doFrom Deacon Lamb new Deacon to Taylors To cash Convener borrowed at Candlmas 1791 to pay up ballance of John Pattullos Bill £200 from Robert Skinners heirs Dues of entrys and fund meal from other Book 20. 0. 0 13. 5. 7 6.11. 0 55. 4.10 20. 0. 0 11. 4 1. 6. 3 1. 6. 8 1. 4. 6 11. 8 1.118.10 7.10 5.16. 8 3. 1. 8 75. 4.10 8. 7. 3 10. 0 100. 0. 0 24. 9. 6 256. 4. 4 Discharge of the preceding Charge Paid John Pattullo ballance of the prnll sum of £200 A quarters interest hereon from Marts 1790 to Mars 1791 Paid Kirk Session Auchterhouse prnll in sum noted Paid 1 years int hereof to Whity 1791 Principal sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 years interest paid to 10 June 1791 Principal sum due of Isobel Tullo 1 years interest paid to Martinmass 1791 Prnll sum due Convr Bisset 1 years interest paid to Martinmas 1791 Principal sum due to James Clark 1 years interest paid to 21 June 1791 Principal due to Convr Watt 1 years interest paid to Martinmas 17911 Principal sum due Silvester Crichton 1 years interest paid to Whity 1791 Principal sum due to Robert Shinners heirs Interest thereon to Lambas 1791 27 100. 1. 25. 1. 0. 2. 0. 2. 0 6 0 6 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 3.15. 7 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 200. 0. 0 _________ 624. 0. 0 6.15. 0 153. 1.7 1790 Dec 2 1791 Jan 15 Paid incidents settling accots this day 2.13. 4 Paid Cess for Hall due Marts last Geo Innes sallary Paid for his Cloaths pr order of Trades Paid for his shoes Paid Bill at Booking new Deacon and clearing Conveners Accots Paid prem of Insurance of the Hall to Marts 1792 Paid Town Treasurer few of Blackscroft to William Day 1791 Stamps incidents postages &c Paid John Simmers acting officer his fee pr former Sederunt Paid –do- per order of fund managers Clerks Sallary for uplifting meall -do- as Cashier to general fund 1. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 3. 3. 0 12. 0 3. 0. 0 1.15. 0 8. 4 12.11 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 3.15. 0 3. 3. 0 Cash given to several Deacons to divide among their poor conform to Lists given in No 225 @ 4/6d each 6.18. 0 180. 4. 2 50.12. 230.16. 25. 7. 256. 4. Balance due by Thomas Mawer 6 8 8 4 Dundee 1st December 1791 The Account of Charge and Discharge contained upon the two preceeding pages were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a ballance of Twenty five pounds Seven shillings & eight pence Sterling due by the said Thomas Mawer which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Charles Roger Convr: Willm Keith: Alexr Guild: John Craig: Alexander Langlands: Willm Langlands: Adam Clark: And Cuthbert: Willm Lamb: James Fife: Alexr Watt: Kinnaird Brown: David Syme: George Methven: Samuel Walters Alexander Langlands Taylor present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1791 to Martinmas 1792 Charge 1791 Dec 1 Balance of last years accompts Fews of Blackscroft John Greig one year due Marts 1792 Mr William Chalmers purchaser from Mr Lyon –doCharles Drummond Payments for Shop rents below the Hall Alexr Walker 1 yr of Coffee House due Lambas 1792 Miss Greenhill 1 yr of Shop Due Marts 92 Provost Riddoch –doAlex MacLaggan –doConvener Webster as new Convener Alexander Gloak new Deacon to Wavers Dues of entrys & fund meal from other Book 25. 7. 8 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20.0. 0 13. 5. 7 15. 8. 6.11. 0 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 1. 0. 0 10. 0 31. 7. 5½ 119. 6. 7½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sum due to Robert Skinners heirs A years interest thereof due Lambes 1792 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 28 Principal sum due to John Johnston Auchterhouse A years interest thereof paid to June 1792 Principal sum due to Silvester Crichton A years interest thereof due Martinmas 92 Principal sum due to James Clark A years interest thereof due 21 June 92 Principal sum due to Isobel Tullo A years interest thereof to Martinmas 92 Principal sum due to Convr Bisset A years interest thereof to Martinmas 92 Principal sum due to Convr Watt A years interest thereof to Martinmas 92 1791 Decemr 2 1792 June 12 Aug 14 Octr 8 Novr 1 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 100. 0. 0 4..10. 0 50.0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 84. 0. 0 5.15. 7 110. 0. 0 ________ 624. 0. 0 4.19. 0 28. 1. 7 Paid Bill as settling Accots this day 2.12. 6 Paid John Simmons his Sallary to Whity next Cess for Hall due March last Few for Blackscroft due Whity Ballc Convr Rogers accots Repairs to Hall David Thomson for repairing Coupus Deacon Thomas Mair Smith pr accot John Simson Mason for repairing Chimney heads pr accot Convener Bisset for lead to -do- pr accot Prem Insurance to March 1793 George Innes his annual fee March 1791 John Simmer officer a year sallary to Marts 1793 Incidents, postage & stamps Bill at settling Conveners accots & making new Deacons Clerks Sallary for uplifting meal -do- as Cashier to general fund 1.10. 0 1. 0.0 8. 4 4. 0½ 15. 0. 0 1. 5. 2 7.14. 3 16. 4½ 1.15. 0 9. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 11. 6½ 2. 7. 6 3.15. 0 3. 3. 0 Given the several Deacons to divide among their poor conform to Lists given in No 225 @ 4/- each 6.18. 0 82. 4. 3½ 45. 0. 0 127. 4. 3½ 119. 6. 7½ 7.17. 8 Charge as on other side Dundee 6th December 1792 The Account of Charge and Discharge contained upon the two preceeding pages were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a ballance of Seven pounds Seventeen shillings & eight pence Sterling due by the said Thomas Mawer which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Wm Webster Convr: Kinnaird Brown: Charles Roger: Adam Clark: Willm Keith: Alexr Gloak: Willm Bisset: Alexr Guild: John Craig: Willm Langlands: Alexander Guild Baker present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1792 to Martinmas 1793 Charge 1792 Fews of Blackscroft John Greig due Marts 1793 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond Payment of Shop rents below the Hall Alexr Walker 1 years rent of Coffee House due Lambas 1793 29 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 20. 0. 5.16. 8 Miss Greenhill one year of her shop due Marts Alexander Riddoch –doAlexander McLagan –doAlexander Guild Boxmaster fund Boxmaster Deacon Rodger new Deacon to Cordiners Deacon Henderson –do- to Taylors Deacon Stephen –do- Hammerman Cash borrowed at Marts from Rob Crammond in Craigie to pay Convener Bissets bill -do- from David Arcklay in Eathiebeaton to pay Silvester Chrichtons Bill Dues of entrys & fund meal from another Book 0 13. 5. 7 15. 8. 3 6.11. 0 10. 6 10. 0 10. 0 10. 0 55. 4.10 2. 0. 6 80. 100. 60. 303. 0. 0. 1. 3. 0 0 4 2 84. 0. 3.15. 100. 0. 6.15. 0 7 0 0 Discharge of the previous Charge 1792 Dec 6 1793 Feby 2 Mar 15 May 16 July 10 Octr 12 Principal sum paid Convener Bisset 1 year int thereof due Marts 1793 Principal sum paid Silvester Crichtons heirs 1 year int thereof due Marts 1793 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1793 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1793 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1793 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1793 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1793 Cash borrowed from Robert Crammond applied to pay Convr Bissets Bill @ marts Cash from David Arclay in Eathiebetton applied to pay Silvester Crichtons Bill 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 620. 0. 0 Ballance upon last Accots Part Bill at settling Accots this day George Innes annually due Candls Pd Chas Drummond dues of Mr Lindsays meals Pd John Simmer officer his Sallary due Whity Paid Toun officer for Blackscroft Paid Cess for Trades Hall de Marts last Paid Bill at settling Conveners accots& booking new Deacons Incidents & stamps Paid Prem Insurance upon Hall from Marts 1793 to Marts 1794 Clerks Salary for uplifting meall -do- Clerk to General fund Paid John Simmers half a years Sallary from Marts to Whity next Given Widow Innes Cash given several Deacons to divide amongst their poor from List given in No 214 @ 4/- each 2. 5. 0 11. 4½ 2.10. 0 8. 4 13. 4 2.15. 1½ 8. 6½ 1.15. 0 3.15. 0 3. 3. 0 30 6.18. 0 2.10. 0 245.13. 0½ 1. 0. 0 42.16. 0 Sum of Charge Discharge Balance due _________ 214. 6. 7 7.17. 8 2.14. 1 303. 3. 4 289. 9. 0½ 13. 4. 3½ 43.16. 0 289. 9. 0½ Dundee 5th December 1793 The Account of Charge and Discharge contained upon the two preceeding pages were perused and approven of by the Managers of he General fund who found a ballance of Thirteen pounds Four shillings & three pence halfpenny Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Wm Webster Convr: David Stephens: James Cathro: John Craig: David Syme: Dav Smart: Tho Henderson: Chas Lamb: Alexr Gloak: John Fenton: Willm Langlands: Willm Gourlay: Willm Keith: Adam Clark: Charles Roger: Tho Rodger: Kinnaird Brown: Will Watson Alexander Guild Baker present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1793 to Martinmas 1794 Charge Fews of Blackscroft John Greig due Marts 1793 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Payment of Shop rents below the Hall Alexr Walker 1 years rent of Coffee House due Lambas 1793 Miss Greenhill one year of her shop due Marts Alexander Riddoch –doAlexander McLagan –doBalance at settling last years Accompts Convener Watson new Convener Deacon Pullar Deacon to Baxters Deacon Spence new Deacon to Bonnetmakers Dues of entrys & fund meal from another Book 20. 0. 13. 5. 15. 8. 6.11. 0 7 3 0 1. 0. 0 10. 0 10. 0 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 13.11.3½ 2. 0. 0 29.15. 9 106.11. 6½ Discharge of the preceding Charge 1793 Decr 5 1794 May 23 June 9 20 Octr 6 Novr 17 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1794 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1794 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1794 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1794 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1794 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1794 Cash from David Arclay in 1 year int thereof due Marts 1794 Bill at settling Accots this day Feu of Blackscroft due Whity last per receipt Cess due March last per accot John Simmons half his Sellary from Whity last to Martinmas Bill at settling Conveners accots 1794 to Marts 1795 Prem Insurance for Hall from Marts 1794 to Marts 1795 Incidents & stamps Clerks Salary for collecting meall money Paid Widow Innes in March 31 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 ________ 620. 0. 0 4.10. 0 27.18. 0 3. 6. 4 8. 4 18. 4 2.10. 0 1.15. 0 1. 5. 0 7. 1½ 6.18. 0 1. 0. 0 James Waddel –doJohn Simmers for additional trobl 10. 0 1. 0. 0 51. 0. 7 Cash given several Deacons to divide amongst their poor from list given in No 217 @ 4/- each Charge Discharge 43. 8. 0 94. 8. 7 106.11. 6 ½ 94. 8. 7½ 12. 2.11 Dundee 4 December 1794 The Account of Charge and Discharge contained upon the two preceeding pages were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a ballance of Twelve pounds Two shillings & eleven pence Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Will Watson: Willm Keith: Alexr Guild: Jas Pullar: David Stephen: Samuel Walter: Adam Clark: Alex Watt: Tho Rodger: John Craig: Wm Webster Jnr: Kinnaird Brown: Will Spence: John Fenton: Alexr Gloak: Robt Elder Junr: Jas. Crichton: Alexr Lamb: James Fife: Charles Roger William Webster present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1794 to Martinmas 1795 Charge To balance of Accompt settled this day Fews of Blackscroft John Greig due Marts 1795 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond 12. 7.11 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Payment of Shop rents below the Hall Alexr Walker 1 years rent of Coffee House due Lambas last Miss Greenhill one year of her shop due Marts Alexander Riddoch –doAlexander McLagan –doConvr Webster as fund Boxmr Deacon Keith from Cordiners Deacon Rough from Glovers Deacon Ogilvy from Taylors Deacon Livingstone from Hammerman Dues of enrtys & fund meal from another Book Cash borrowed from the Flesher Trade pr Bill 20. 0. 13. 5. 15. 8. 6.11. 10. 10. 10. 10. 10. 0 7 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 3. 0. 17. 9. 50. 0. 143.14. 6 6 0 5 Discharge of the preceding Charge 1794 Dec 4 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1795 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1795 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1795 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1795 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1795 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 32 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 1 year int thereof due Marts 1795 Cash from David Arclay in Ethiebeaton 1 year int thereof due Marts 1795 Decr 17 1795 May 22 June 30 Aug 31 Octr 13 Novr 20 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 ________ 620. 0. 0 4.10. 0 27.18. 0 2.14.11 Bill at settling Accots this day Town Council Feu of Blackscroft due Whity last per receipt Cess due March pr receipt By pd quota of assessment for raising men Bill at Booking new Deacons & clearing last years accompts Prem Insurance for Hall due Marts 1795 John Simmers Sallary up to Marts Incidents & stamps Expence of repairing Hall Paid William Key pr account Abram Middleton Plumber his Accot Due for 115st 3lib old lead at 2/8 pr Stone Paid John Law Slater for repairing broken sclats N.B. besides the above the Convener paid Deacon Stephen Smith his accot for Irons to spout per accot stated in Conveners accots By Clerks Sallary for uplifting Y settling fund meal Widow Innes in Charity John Simmers for additional trouble 8. 4 13. 4 16. 8 2.15. 2 1.15. 0 5. 0.0 12. 8½ 47. 0. 0 27. 4. 9 (15. 7. 2) 1. 3. 6 60. 1. 1 6.18. 0 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 111.13. 2½ Cash given several Deacons to divide amongst their poor from list given in No 220 @ 4/- each 49.10. 0 161. 3. 2 ½ 143.14. 5 17. 8. 9½ By amount of Charge Balance due to Cashier Dundee 3d December 1795 The Account of Charge and Discharge contained upon the two preceeding pages were perused and approven of by the Managers of he General fund who found a ballance of Seventeen pounds eight shillings & nine pence half penny Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Will Watson: Tho Henderson: Robt Elder Junr: Charles Roger: Alexr Ogilvie: Kinnaird Brown: Alexr Gloak: Samuel Walter: Convr Bisset: John Craig: James Keith: Edward Livingstone: George Rough: Willm Keith: John Linton: Willm Gourlay: Jas. Crichton: David Stephen: William Hogg Junr: Jas Pullar William Webster present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1795 to Martinmas 1796 Charge Fews of Blackscroft Widow Greig one years few duty at Marts 1796 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Payment of Shop rents below the Hall Alexr Walker 1 years rent of Coffee House due Lambas 1796 Miss Greenhill one year of her shop due Marts 96 Alexander Riddoch –doAlexander McLagan –doConvr McLagan new Convr Deacon Pirie to Weavers Deacon Brown to Waukers Dues of enrtys & fund meal from another Book 33 20. 0. 13. 5. 15. 8. 6.11. 1. 0. 10. 10. 0 7 3 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 2. 0. 0 54.15.10½ 117.17. 4½ Discharge of the preceding Charge 1795 Decr 8 Decr 17 May 22 June 30 Aug 31 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1796 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1796 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1796 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1796 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1796 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1796 Cash from David Arclay in Ethiebeaton 1 year int thereof due Marts 1796 Principal sum due to Flesher Trade Interest from 5 Decr 95 to March 96 Balance upon last years Accompts settled this day Bill at settling Accots this day Feu of Blackscroft due Whity last per receipt Cess due for Hall to March 1796 Paid incidents at settling with Mr Walker Bill at settling Convr Watson accots & Booking new Deacons Prem Insurance for Hall due Marts Accompt of expense of Roup of Shops in Hall Auctioneers thereof spent with purchaser after the Roup Stamp for meal Bill John Simmers fund officer his Sallary Widow Innes in Charity James Waddel –doAllowed the Cashier in pr Int of advance of money Cash given several Deacons to divide amongst their poor from list given in No 237 @ 4/6 each By amount of Charge Balance due to Cashier 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 30. 0. 0 ________ 670. 0. 0 2. 1. 29.19. 17. 8. 3. 0. 8. 13. 4. 3.17. 1.15. 6 6 9 0 4 4 6 6 0 6.14. 8 4. 1 9. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 10. 0 1. 0. 0 82.13. 8½ 53. 6. 6 136. 0. 2½ 117.17. 4 18. 2.10 Of this ballance Convener Webster has advanced to Cashier the sum of ten pounds sterling to ly till Lambas next without Interest but then to be repaid 19 Augt 1797 Convener Webster the above Ten pounds Bill Dundee 1 December 1796 The Accompt of Charge and Discharge contained upon the two preceeding pages were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a ballance of Eighteen pounds two shillings & ten pence Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Alex McLagan: Edwd Livingstone: George Rough: James Crichton: William Watson: Thos Henderson: Kinnaird Brown: Thomas Rodger: Willm Gourlay: William: Edward: Jas Pullar: Alex Ogilvie: Willm Keith: William Hogg Junr: Gilbert Pirie: Robert Elder Junr: David Stephen William Keith present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1796 to Martinmas 1797 Charge 34 Fews of Blackscroft Widow Greig one years few duty at Marts 1797 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Payment of Shop rents below the Hall One years rent of Coffee House due Lammas 1797 Miss Greenhill one year of her shop due Marts 97 Alexander Riddoch –doAlexander McLagan –doDeacon Thomson new Deacon to Cordiners Deacon Robertson to Hammerman Deacon Leslie to Bonnetmakers Deacon Matters Junr to Fleshers Dues of entrys & fund meal from another Book 20. 0. 13. 5. 15. 8. 6.11. 10. 10. 10. 10. 0 7 3 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 2. 0. 0 Discharge of the preceding Charge 1796 Decr 3 May 22 June 30 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1797 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1797 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1797 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1797 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1797 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1797 Cash from David Arclay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1797 Principal sum due to Flesher Trade Interest due to Martinmas 97 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 150. 0. 0 4.10. 0 30. 0. 0 ________ 670. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 3. 0 Ballance upon last years Accompts settled this day Bill at settling Accots this day Feu of Blackscroft due Whity Cess due for Hall to March 1797 Paid incidents at settling with Mr Walker William Keith present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1796 to Martinmas 1797 Charge Trades Stent 8.16. 8 Fews of Blackscroft Widow Greig one years few duty at Marts 1797 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Payment of Shop rents below the Hall One years rent of Coffee House due Lammas 1797 Miss Greenhill one year of her shop due Marts 97 Alexander Riddoch –doAlexander McLagan –doCash from Deacon Thomson new Deacon to Cordiners Deacon Leslie to Bonnetmakers 35 20. 0. 13. 5. 15. 8. 6.11. 10. 10. 0 7 3 0 0 0 5.16. 8 55. 4.10 Deacon Matters Junr to Fleshers Deacon Robertson to Hammermen Dues of enrtys & fund meal from another Book 10. 0 10. 0 2. 0. 0 33.10. 9 105. 8.11 Dundee 7th December 1797 The Accompt of Charge and Discharge contained upon the following page were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a ballance of Twenty pounds three shillings & ten pence Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Alex McLagan: George Rough: Walter Thomson: Jas Crichton: Jas Pullar: Gilbert Pirie: Robert Elder Junr: William Hogg Junr: Edward Leslie: William Brown: James Fife: Samuel Matters Junr: Jas Robertson: James Keith Discharge of the preceding Charge 1796 Decr 3 27 1797 March 7 15 May 30 June 15 Novr 29 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1797 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1797 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1797 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1797 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1797 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1797 Cash from David Arclay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1797 Principal sum due to Flesher Trade Interest due to Martinmas 97 Ballance upon last years Accompts By extract Protest taken agt James Allan Quota of Assessment for raising Seamen Stamp Paper for Tack with H. Morren Drawing & extending –do- Both copies St paper in Writing Copy Tack with John Matthew St paper -do- Provost Riddoch By –do- Conveener McLagan By –do- George Roy Incidents with them at signing Tacks Few of Blackscroft due Whity Cess for Hall due March last Insurance upon Hall due Marts 1798 John Simmers his years salary Clerks Sallary and for uplifting Meall Widow Innes in Charity Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 217 @ 4/6d each Amount of Charge 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 150. 0. 0 4.10. 0 30. 0. 0 ________ 670. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 3. 0 18. 2.10 7. 6 1. 3. 4 12. 1 1. 8. 0 19. 6½ 19. 6½ 19. 6½ 19. 6½ 1. 0. 0 8. 4 13. 4 2. 1. 8 9. 0. 0 6.18. 0 1. 0. 0 76.16. 3 48.16. 6 125.12. 9 105. 8.11 20. 3.10 William Keith present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1797 to Martinmas 1798 36 Charge Fews of Blackscroft Widow Greig one years few duty at Marts 1799 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee House due Lammas 1797 Half years rent from Marts 1797 to Whity 1798 per new Tack to Alexr Morren Half years rent from –do- to Marts 1798 Rent from Pro Riddoch of shop 1 year due –doOne years rent from Geo Roy –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –doCash from Deacon Tod new Deacon to Bakers Deacon Miller to Weavers Dues of enrtys & fund meal from another Book 5. 0. 38.10. 38.10. 82. 0. 32. 0. 9.10. 13. 0. 10. 0. 10. 10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 146.10. 0 1. 0. 0 12.11. 5 165.18. 1 Dundee 6th December 1798 The Accompt of Charge and Discharge contained upon the following page were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a ballance of Twenty pounds eight shillings & six pence Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Wm Webster Junr: Gilbert Pirie: James Fife: James Cathro: Edward Leslie: Alexr Ogilvie: George Rough: Thos Rodger: William Hogg Junr: Samuel Matters Junr: Robert Miller: Walter Thomson: Alex McLagan: Jas Robertson: Dav Smart: Jas Pullar: John Tod Discharge of the Preceeding Charge 1798 Oct 7 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1798 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1798 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1798 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1798 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1798 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1798 Cash from David Arclay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1798 Principal sum due to Flesher Trade Interest due to Martinmas 97 Ballance upon last years Accounts Stamps & incidents omitted last year Cess for Hall due March 1789 Few duty for Blackscroft due Whity Allowing Alex Morren for Repairs & painting the House per agreement Premium Insurance for Hall from Marts 1798 to –do- 1799 per Receipt John Simmers his years fee Clerks Salary and for uplifting Meal Stamps & incidents this year 37 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 150. 0. 0 4.10. 0 30. 0. 0 ________ 670. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 3. 0 20. 3.10 8. 3 13. 4 8. 4 16. 0. 0 2. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 6.18. 0 9.10 Widow Innes in Charity 1. 0. 0 86. 4. 7 Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 237 @ 5/- each 59. 5. 145. 9. 20. 8. 165.18. Balance in Cashiers hands 0 7 6 1 James Pullar present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1798 to Martinmas 1799 Charge Balance of accots settled this day Feus of Blackscroft Widow Greig one years few duty at Marts 180 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond 35.16. 1 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall Half a years rent of Coffee House from Alexr Morren from Marts 1799 to Whit 1800 Half years rent -do- due Marts 1800 Rent from Pro Riddoch of shop 1 year due –doOne years rent from Geo Roy –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –doCash from Deacon Robertson new Deacon to Taylors Deacon Donaldson to Hammerman Deacon Kermit to Cordiners Dues of entries & fund meal Deacon Lowson accot sum due to him 38.10. 38.10. 77. 0. 32. 0. 9.10. 13. 0. 10. 0. 10. 10. 10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 141.10. 0 1.10. 0 21.17. 9½ 10. 0 192. 3. 0½ Dundee 5th December 1799 The Accompt of Charge and Discharge contained upon the following page were perused and approven of by the Managers of the General fund who found a balance of Thirty five pounds sixteen shillings & one pence Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Wm Webster Junr: Alex McLagan: Robert T Miller: Jas Pullar: John Tod: Willm Gourlay: Thomas Kermath: David Donaldson: James Fife: James Cathro: Samuel Matters Junr: William Robertson: Jas Lawson: Gilbert Pirie: Jas Robertson 1798 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1799 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1799 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1799 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1799 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1799 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1799 Cash from David Arclay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1799 Principal sum due to Flesher Trade 38 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 150. 0. 0 4.10. 0 30. 0. 0 Interest due to Martinmas 99 1798 Nov 29 1799 June 6 Nov ________ 670. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 3. 0 Paid for the use of the Coffee House at auditing accots 5. 0 Cess for the Hall Paid for a new Meal Book Feu duty for Blackscroft Premium Insurance for Hall from Marts 1799 to –do- 1800 Convr Webster in part balance upon his accot John Simmers his salary Clerks Salary Stamps & incidents Widow Innes in Charity Cash to the public Kitchen 13. 4 7. 6 8. 4 2. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 6.18. 0 12. 9½ 1. 0. 0 2. 2. 0 68. 9.11½ Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 251 @ 7/- each 87.17. 0 156.1.11½ 33.16. 1 192. 3..0½ Balance due to the fund James Pullar present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1799 to Martinmas 1800 Charge Balance of accots settled this day Fews of Blackscroft Widow Greig one years few duty at Marts 1799 Mr Wiliam Chalmers town Clerk due –doCharles Drummond 20. 8. 6 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee House from Alexr Morren from Marts 1798 to Whit 1799 Half years rent -do- due Marts 1799 Rent from Pro Riddoch of shop 1 year due –doOne years rent from Geo Roy –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –doCash from Convener Guild new Convener -do- from Messers Whittet Gardiner and Robertson new Deacons One half years rent from David Cook of the Exchange Coffee House from Whits to Marts 1800 Dues of entries per Book 38.10. 38.10. 77. 0. 32. 0. 9.10. 13. 0. 10. 0. 1. 0. 1.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 141.10. 0 2.10. 0 15. 0. 0 11. 6. 1½ 211.18.10½ Dundee 4th December 1800 The Accompts of Charge and Discharge contained upon these two pages were examined and approved of by the Managers of the General fund who found a balance of Eighteen pounds eight shillings & two pence half penny due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Alex Guild: Robert Miller: William Robertson: James Cathro: John Tod: John Fenton: Wm Webster Junr: Geo Girdwood: John Whittet 39 Discharge of the Preceeding Charge Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1800 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1800 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1800 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1800 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1800 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1800 Cash from David Arclay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1800 Principal sum due to Flesher Trade Interest due to Martinmas 1800 1800 Feby 18 June 18 Nov 11 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 150. 0. 0 4.10. 0 30. 0. 0 ________ 670. 0. 0 St paper for writing your Copy Tack of Hall Cess for Hall Feu for Blackscroft due Whity last Convener Webster for brass Chandelier to the Hall per accot Premium Insurance for Hall John Simmers his Salary Clerks Salary Incidents &c Widow Innes 2. 5. 0 30. 3. 0 1. 2. 13. 8. 26.16. 2. 0. 9. 0. 6.18. 9. 1. 4. 79.13. Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 233 @ 9/- each 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 113..17. 0 193.10. 8 18. 8. 2½ 211.18.10½ Balance due to he fund John Tod present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1800 to Martinmas 1801 Charge 1800 Decr 4 Balance of accots settled this day Feus of Blackscroft One years feu from Widow Greig due Marts 1801 Mr Wiliam Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 18. 8. 2½ 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Old Coffee House from Alexr Morren from Marts 1800 to Whit 1801 One years rent of Coffee House -doRent from Pro Riddoch of shop–doOne years rent from Geo Roy –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –do-do- from Messers Hill Millar, Strachan and Salmon new Deacons Dues of entries per Book Discharge of the preceeding Charge 40 77. 0. 30. 0. 32. 0. 9.10. 13. 0. 10. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 171.10. 0 2.10. 0 8.18. 4 26.13. 2½ Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1801 Pnll sum due John Johnston Auchterhouse 1 year int thereof due 10 June 1801 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 21 June 1801 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1801 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1801 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1801 Cash from David Arclay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1801 Principal sum due to Flesher Trade Interest due to Martinmas 1801 1801 June 18 July 3 24 Sept 11 Octr 3 6 Novr 17 Cess of Hall due March last Feu for Blackscroft due Whity New premium Insurance to Lammas 1802l John Skirving Wright pr accot Da Steven Smith –doAlexr Christy Mason –doThos Mathewson painter –doConver Guild the Ballance due him upon his Accounts settled 5th Instant John Simmers salary Incidents & stamps Clerks Salary Cash give to Widow Innes -do- Willm Mill Presenter Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 259 @ 9/- each 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 150. 0. 0 4.10. 0 30. 0. 0 ________ 670. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 3. 0 13. 4 8. 4 3. 7. 0 6.15. 2. 9. 2.11. 7. 6. 0 6 6 6 19. 2. 6 15.10.11 9. 0. 0 14. 3.½ 6.18. 0 1. 4. 0 10. 0 116.11. 0 204. 2. 4½ 2.10.10 206.13. 2½ Balance due the fund John Tod present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1801 to Martinmas 1802 Charge 1801 Decr 3 Balance of accots settled this day Fews of Blackscroft One years feu from Widow Greig due Marts 1802 Mr Wiliam Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 2.10.10 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Old Coffee House from Alexr Morren from Marts 1801 to –do- 1802 I years rent of Exch Coffee House due –doOne years rent of Coffee House -doRent from Pro Riddoch of shop–doOne years rent from Geo Roy –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –doConvr Tod new Convener 41 77. 0. 30. 0. 30. 0. 32. 0. 9.10. 13. 0. 10. 0. 1. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 171.10. 0 Deacon Christie & Dav Thomsons new Deacons Dues of entries per Book 1. 0. 0 To balance due the Cashier 2. 0. 0 6.15. 0 188.12. 6 1. 6. 5½ 189.18.11½ Dundee 2d December 1802 The Accompts of Charge and Discharge contained upon these two pages were examined and approved of by the Managers of the General fund who found a balance of One pound six shillings & five pence half penny due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Colin Salmon: Jas Crichton: Sam Matters; John Whittet: Robert Christie: David Hill: Willm Keith: William Thomson: William Strachan: John Miller: Alex McLagan: Wm Webster Junr Discharge of the Preceeding Charge Paid principal in John Johnstons Bill One years interest thereof Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambs 1802 Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 25 June 1802 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1802 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1802 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1802 Cash from David Arclay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1802 Principal sum due to Flesher Trade Interest due to Martinmas 1801 1802 June 23 April 29 May 20 June 9 Octr 6 Novr 17 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 200. 0. 0 52. 5. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1.7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 50. 0. 0 ________ 620. 0. 0 Draw appeal for Trades agt Charging the Hall with Window lights Draw 3 replies to the Surveyors Answers and clean copy Feu for Blackscroft due Whity John Skirving for Hall per Accot Cess for Hall Trades proportion of expense of Smalls Process of Augmentation Conver Guild the Balance upon his Accounts John Simmers salary Incidents & stamps Clerks Salary 2. 5. 0 80. 3. 0 7. 6 5. 6 8. 4 16. 0 13. 4 1.10 14. 2. 9 9. 0. 0 12. 8½ 6.18. 0 113. 8.11½ Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 255 @ 6/- each 76.10. 0 189.18 11½ John Whittet present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1802 to Martinmas 1803 Charge Feus from Blackscroft One years feu from Widow Greig due Marts 1803 Mr Wiliam Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall 42 5.16. 8 One years rent of Old Coffee House from Alexr Morren from Marts 1802 to –do- 1803 I years rent of Exch Coffee House due –doOne years rent of Coffee House -doRent from Pro Riddoch of shop–doOne years rent from Geo Roy –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –doCash from Deacon Gellatly & Da Jackson new Deacons Dues of entries from other Book 77. 0. 30. 0. 30. 0. 32. 0. 9.10. 13. 0. 10. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 To balance due the Cashier 171.10. 0 1. 0. 0 16. 8. 4½ 194.15. 0½ 14. 4. 5½ 208.19. 6 Discharge of the Preceeding Charge 1803 Novr 23 Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lammas Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 25 June 1803 Principal sum due Isobel Tullo 1 year int thereof due Marts 1803 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1803 Principl sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1803 Cash from David Arklay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1803 Paid Flesher Trades Bill with one years Interest due Marts 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 30. 0. 0 1. 7. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 570. 0. 0 June 9 Balance of last years Accotts Feu of Blackscroft John Skirving for Hall per Accot Cess for Hall due March last Prem Insurance on Hall from Lammas 1803 To –do- 1804 Conver Tod Balance of his Accts dated 10 Septr John Simmers salary Incidents & stamps Clerks fee Widow Innes Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 266 @ 6/- each 4.10. 0 52. 5. 0 77. 18. 0 1. 6. 5½ 8. 4 16. 0 13. 4 3.15. 0 27.10. 6 9. 0. 0 13.10½ 6.18. 0 1. 0. 0 79.16. 0 208.19. 6 Dundee 1st December 1803 The Accompts of Charge and Discharge contained upon the preceding page were examined and approved of by the Managers of the General fund who found a balance of Fourteen pound four shillings & five pence half penny Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. John Tod Convener: Jas Crichton: Dav Smart: David Gellatly: Jas Lawson: Colin Salmon: William Strachan: Geo Girdwood: Ro Jackson: Wm Webster Jur: Robert Christie: Willm Gourlay; Alexr Guild: William Kinnear John Whittet present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1803 to Martinmas 1804 Charge Feus from Blackscroft 43 One years feu from Widow Greig due Marts 1804 Mr Wiliam Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Old Coffee House from Alexr Morren from Marts 1803 to –do- 1804 I years rent of Exch Coffee House due –doRent from Pro Riddoch of shop–doOne years rent from Convr Thomson for the late Geo Roys –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –doConvener Thomson new Convener 20/- and from Deacon Mudie, Low Bowman and Martin new Deacons 10/- each Dues of entries from other Book John Tod for 3 bolls fund meal @ 17/- 77. 30. 32. 4. 13. 10. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 166. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 17. 4. 3 2.11. 0 19.15. 3½ 194.12 1 ½ Discharge of the preceeding charge 1804 Paid Isobel Mullo principal wt interest Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lammas Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 25 June 1804 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1804 Principal sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1804 Cash from David Arklay 1 year int thereof due Marts 1804 Balance of last years Accotts 2 Dcem 1803 Cess for Hall due March last Prem Insurance on Hall from Lammas 1804 To –do- 1805 Conver Tod Balance of his Accts dated 10 Septr Recording Missive letter by Mr Tho Baits to the trades respecting last (illegible) Feu Blackscroft due Whity John Simmers salary to Marts Incidents & stamps Clerks fee Paid the Convener by order for behoof of a poor family Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 269 @ 6/- each Balance due the fund 31. 7. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 ________ 4.10. 0 55.13. 0 14. 4. 5½ 13. 4 3.15. 0 17. 7. 0 5. 7 8. 4 9. 0. 0 10.10 6.18. 0 3. 0. 0 111.15. 1½ 80.14. 0 192. 9 6½ 2. 2. 7 194.12. 1½ Dundee 6th December 1804 The Accompts of Charge and Discharge contained upon the preceding page were examined and approved of by the Managers of the General fund who found a balance of Two pound two shillings & seven pence half penny Sterling due by the Cashier to the fund which they appoint him to charge himself with in next Accots and these Accompts are hereby discharged. Walter Thomson Convener: George Bowman: Colin Salmon: Robert Machon: Jas Crichton: William Strachan: Thos Low: Ja Cathro: Robert Mudie: James Gellatly: Jas Martin: William Thomson: Robert Christie: Alexr Guild: Wm Webster Junr: Alexr McLagan: John Tod 44 William Webster present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and Thomas Mawer Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1804 to Martinmas 1805 Charge 1804 Dec 6 1805 April 30 May 1 11 June 5 10 Balance of last Accounts 2. 2. 7 Half years interest of Coffee Room to Whitsunday last Discharge Incidents with Deacon John Simmers his half year fee Stamp for new Bill to Robert Skinners Children £200 in place of old Bill given up Drawing Inventory of Title Deeds of Hall Tacks and other papers & Books delivered up 2 copies Cess of Hall due at Martinmas last per receipt Stamp for receipt for Hall rent Half years salary to Whitsunday By Balance 15. 0. 0 27. 2. 7 1. 0. 0 4.10. 0 5. 0 7. 13. 0. 3. 9. 6..17. 6 4 4 0 5 17. 2. 7 Dundee 6th December 1804 The above account was this day compared and approved of by the Members of the General fund and the balance of Six pounds seventeen shillings & five pence half penny Sterling due to the General fund was paid to John William Baxter in the room of Mr Mawer who resigned. Walter Thomson Convener: James Gellatly: Jas Martin: Robert Christie: John Tod: Jas Crichton: George Bowman: Robert Mudie: George Rough: Jas Lawson: Jas Watson: Jas Campbell: William Strachan: Thos Low: Jas Cathro : William Webster present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1804 to Martinmas 1805 Charge Balance of Mr Mawers Intromissions received from him Fews from Blackscroft One years feu from Widow Greig due Marts 1805 Mr Wiliam Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond Rents of Hall One years rent of Old Coffee House from Alexr Morren due at Marts 1805 ½ years rent of Exch Coffee House due –doRent from Pro Riddoch of shop–doOne years rent from Convr Thomson for the late Geo Roys –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –doCash from Deacons Watson & Campbell new Deacons Dues of entries from other Book 6.17. 5 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 77. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 32. 0. 0 4. 0. 0 13. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 31. 7.10 5.16. 8 151. 0. 0 32. 7.10 196. 1.11 Discharge of the preceding Charge 1805 Nov Principal sum due Robert Skinner Children 1 year int thereof due Lambas Principal sum due James Clark 1 year int thereof due 25th June 1805 45 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 Principal sum due Convener Watt 1 year int thereof due Marts 1805 Principal sum due to Robert Crammond 1 year int thereof due Marts 1805 Cash from David Arklay 1 year int thereof due Marts last 110. 0. 0 4.19. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 ________ 540. 0. 0 Prem Insurance on Hall from Lammas 1804 To –do- 1806 Conver Thomson Balance of his Accts per acknowledgement Francis Ray & Co printing Report of the Committee 27 copies John Simmers salary to Martinmas last Stamp for new Bill to David Arclay £100 in place of old Bill given up Stamps for receipts Incidents with Tenants at collecting rents Half years salary By allowance to the Clerk for trouble with the Committee Cash given the several Deacons to divide among their poor to Lists given in amounting to 279 @ 6/- each Balance due the fund 4.10. 0 24. 6. 0 4. 2. 6 20. 6. 5 3. 5. 0 4.10. 0 4. 0 2.10 10. 8 3. 9. 0 2. 2. 0 83.14. 0 49. 8. 6 196. 1.11 Dundee 4th December 1805 The account of Charge and Discharge contained in the two previous pages were this day compared and approved of by the Members of the General fund and the balance of Forty nine Pounds eight shillings & eleven pence Sterling which they found which they appoint the Cashier to pay into the Dundee Bank for behoof of the Trades. and the Members of the fund request the Cashier to intimate to James Clark that they are ready to pay the debt of Fifty pounds due to him by the fund at any time betwixt this date & the term his bill falls due and they authorise the Boxmaster & Cashier to apply the above sum in payment thereof. Walter Thomson Convener: James Gellatly: Jas Martin: Robert Christie: John Tod: Jas Crichton: George Bowman: Robert Mudie: Jas Lawson: Jas Watson: Jas Campbell: William Strachan: Thos Low: Jas Cathro William Webster present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1805 to Martinmas 1806 Balance of last Accounts 49. 8. 6 Fews from Blackscroft One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas 1806 Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond Rents of Hall One years rent of Old Coffee House from Alexr Morren due from Martinmas 1805 to Martinmas 1809 ½ years rent of Exchange Coffee Room due –doRent from Pro Riddoch of shop–doOne years rent from Walter Thomson for shop lastly Geo Roys –do-do- John Matthew –do-do- Convr McLagan –doCash from Convener Wm Thoms new Convener Cash from Deacons Paterson & Dick new Deacons Dues of entries from other Book 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 77. 30. 32. 4. 13. 10. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 166. 0. 0 2. 0. 0 9. 8.11 232.16.10 Discharge of the preceding Charge 1806 Paid James Clark principal in his bill & interest 46 52. 5. 0 Nov Principal sum due Robert Skinners Children 1 year interest Principal sum due Convener Watt Half a years interest thereon due Martinmas 1806 Principal sum due to Robert Crammond’s Bill 1 year interest thereof due Marts Cash from David Arklay’s Bill A years interest thereof due at Martinmas May 21 Augt 6 Decr 27 1806 April August 10 1 Bt drawing Defence for the Trades to Mr McLay on Lybell Stampt Mandate & filing Attending examination of the Convr and two of the Deacons Drawing Reply Clean copy for the Process Drawing Triply 3 sheet 7/6 Clean Copy for 2/Drawing Answers to Minute for Mr McLagan Trouble attending the Proof this day Drawing Answer to Meml for Mr McLagan 4 sh Clean Copy Pror fee and trouble Drawing Meml to send to Edinburgh containing information for drawing Bill of Advocation 6 sh Booking a parcel to Edinburgh with the Process Clerks dues of transmitting the Process Paid Mr Freers Account Sundry Postages Trouble and Correspondence Town Clerks half dues of Extract Trades one half of the Expence of Tack with the Subscriber to the Coffee Room Inserting Advertisement of a Set of the Shops in the Hall in the Dundee Mercury paid -do- in the Advertiser -doWilliam Chambers for printing hand Bills Paid Porter for dispersing Stampt paper for Articles of Roup of the Shops Drawing & extending -doClerk William Moncrieff for Drum and attending at the Roup Auctioneer for trouble attending Sale & writing Minutes Trades one half of the Expence of the Tack with Miss Beveridge -do- Mr Thoms -do- Mr McLagan -do- Convener Will Thomson -do- David Ramsay Alex Morron per Receipt Stampt for new Bill to Alex Watt Convr Walter Thomson balance due on his Account Premium of Insurance from Lamas 1806 to Lamas 1807 John Symers Sallary Cess of Hall at Martinmas per Receipt Stampt for new Bill to Robert Cramond Stampts for Receipts & Incidents Clerks fee John Skirving paid his Accot of repairs Additional allowance to the Clerk Cash given to several Deacons to divide amongst their poor per Lists given in amounting to 282 @ 5/Balance due to the fund 47 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 110. 0. 0 2. 8. 6 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 ________ 490. 0. 0 5. 0 7. 6 5. 0 2. 6 0. 8 9. 6 2. 6 10. 6 10. 0 2. 8 2. 2. 0 12. 6 0. 2½ 7. 6 7. 5. 4½ 2. 4 10. 6 18. 9 4.10. 0 71.15. 6 14.16. 7 2. 6. 8 1. 8. 0 1. 8. 8 5. 6 1. 6 1. 9. 2 1. 1. 0 2. 6 6. 0 15. 0 1. 6. 4 1. 6. 4 1. 6. 4 1. 1. 1 1. 1. 1 12.18. 6 9. 7. 0 4. 0½ 20.13. 1 4.2. 6 9. 0. 0 13. 4 3. 0½ 12. 6 6.18. 0 153.10.11 5.10. 0 3. 2. 0 70.10. 0 4. 0 232.16.10 Dundee 4th December 1806 The account of Charge and Discharge contained in the three previous pages were this day compared and approved of by the Members of the General fund and the balance of four shillings which they found due to the fund. The members of he Fund agreed to raise the Clerks Sallary to Ten pounds a year to take place from the Accots were last balanced and the preceding Accots credit has been taken by the Clerk accordingly. William Thomson Convr: Walter Thomson: David Pattersone: Geo Rough: John Dick; John Tod; James Machon: Jas Lawson: Jas Martin: Alexr Mc Lagan: James Campbell: George Bowman: William Hogg: Thos Low James Lawson present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1806 to Martinmas 1806 Charge Balance of last Accounts One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas 1807 Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Convr Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- Dr Ramsay -do- John Shepherd -do- Mr Anderson -do- A Wilson Cash from Deacons Kinnear, Stewart & Clark new Deacons Cash from Catherine Mitchell -do- Robert Crammond -do- William Hogg Dues of entries from other Book To sum given to the several Deacons to divide amongst their poor other side 285 Balc due the Cashier 4. 0 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 30. 0. 40. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 8. 16. 5. 10. 6.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 155. 5. 0 1.10. 0 70. 0. 0 200. 0. 0 24.14. 4 10. 6. 8 -. -. 3. 4 568. 2. 4 Discharge of the preceding Charge 1806 Novr Jany 8 27 Principal sum due Robert Skinners Children 1 year & ¼ interest Principal sum due Convener Watt A years interest thereon due at Whitsunday Principal sum due to Robert Crammond’s Bill 1 year interest thereof due Martinmas Cash from David Arklay’s Bill A years interest thereof due at Martinmas Robert Crammonds other Bill Prncl sum on Widow Mitchell’s Bill Framing hand Bills to Tradesmen Printing –doJohn Stephen & Alex Christie for estimating the Expence of he Hall John Skirving -do- making a {;an 48 200. 0. 0 11. 5. 0 110. 0. 0 5.10. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 ________ 200. 0. 0 70. 0. 0 4.10. 0 5. 5. 1. 0. 2. 0. 0 0 0 0 Feby 4 1 Half of Expence of Agreemt between he General fund & Coupar & Bennet Stampt Bill to me for £50 -do- for Receipt by Coupar & Bennet & discounting a Bill Making copy Bill of Suspn & Interdict at the instance of the Bonnetmakers agt the Eight Deacons 3 sh Drawing Meml to enable Mr Andrew to answer the Bill 8 sh Wrtg Disclamation by eight of the Bonnetmaker Trade of the proceedings of Mr Hogg 2 sh Wrtg Report & Affidts of James Stewart &c respecting the Hall sent to Edinburgh Cash paid them for their trouble Letter to Mr Andrew therewith Instrument money at taking Protest agt Mr Hogg and Bonnetmaker Trade Writg two letters to Mr Andrew anent that business Instrument money Protest agt Coupar & Bennet and intimating he removal of the Interdict to hem Two Copies Schedule left with them Engrossing Stampt paper for Petition at instance of the Convr & Bxmr agt William Hogg Drawg Petition 3 sh Clean Copy Copy for service Clerks dues of warrant Officers serving Drawg Answers for them to Petition for Coupar & Bennet Clean Copy Drwg Duply 3 sh Clean Copy Pror fee & trouble Town Clerk dues of extract George Andrews Account in the Suspn & Interlocutor Writg letter to Mr Andrew anent a Bill of Suspn presented by Deacon Hogg of the Decree of the Magistrates Drawg information to enable Mr Andrew anent this end and the other Supr at Deacon Hoggs instance Intimatg Suspen at the instance of the Convr & boxmr agt Coupar & Bennet Mr Andrews Account in the last mentd Supr Fixing Advertisements of lett of Shops in the Hall David Archibald distributing hand Bills Advertsg twice in the Journal -do- in the Mercury Stampt Paper for Articles of Roup of the Shops in the Hall Drawing -do- 3 sh Engrossing Incidents at the Sale Drum 2/- John Simmers 1/6 Auctioneer for attence at the Sale Town Officers for watchg the Hall 2 nights Trades share of the expense of Tacks Nine Trades proportion of expense of different Processes between them & the Kirk Session per Accts Drwg Offer of acceptance by the Trades to the Session of two shares of St Andrews Church Trades ½ of Expence of Dispn by the Kirk Session in their favor Drawg Dispn by the Bakers, Shewmakers, Glovers, Taylors, Fleshers, Hammermen & Weavers to the pnt fund Stampt paper for –doEngrossing Stampr for Bills to the different Trades Drwg Appeal agt asimt on the Hall by the Sun Clean Copy 49 18. 0 2. 1 12. 2 2. 0 1. 0. 0 5. 2. 7. 3. 2. 6. 0 6 6 4 6 8 5. 0 4. 0 2. 8 2 .1 10. 0 2. 4 2. 4 1. 0 1. 0 5. 0 1. 4 7. 6 2. 0 1. 1. 0 1.18. 0 18. 6. 8 3. 4 8. 2 5. 0 17.17. 7½ 2. 6 1. 0 10. 0 10. 0 1. 9. 1 1. 1. 0 2. 6 9. 0 3. 6 1. 1. 0 16. 0 3. 3.10½ 9. 9. 5½ 88.17. 0 7. 6 1.11. 8 1.16. 1. 9. 6. 1. 1. 7. 1. 9 2 0 1 6 4 6.12. 2 Copy for service Clerks dues of Warrant One half of expence of Submission betwixt Bennet & Coupar & Convr & Boxmr Cash paid the Arbiters James Bennet Wright & John Coupar Wright for repair made on the Shops Stamps for Bills Convr William Thomson balce due on his accots Premium of Insurance from Lammas 1807 to Lammas 1808 Town Clerks dues John Simmers Sallary Stamps for Receipts & Incidents Clerks Sallary Bennet & Coopar sum in Decreet Deduct sum allowed by them Inserting Resolution of the Trades of 18 Sept in the Journal & Mercury Town Officer suing Tenants to remove from the Shops omitted last year Cash given to several Deacons to divide amongst their poor 285 1. 1. 5. 1. 1. 4 0 3 0 11.15. 6 3. 3. 0 1. 6. 1 1. 6. 1 135. 0. 9 9. 1 20. 5. 5 4. 2. 6 11. 1 9. 0. 0 14. 4 10. 0. 0 18.12. 4 16. 0 6. 0 85. 0. 0 468. 2.11 Dundee 3d December 1807 The account of Charge and Discharge contained in the four previous pages were this day compared and approved of by the Members of the General fund and the balance of three shillings and four pence due to the Cashier who they appointed to take Credit for it in the next years Accots William Thomson Convr: Walter Thomson: John Fenton: Geo Rough: David Patterson: James Cathro: Wm Webster Junr: John Tod: Jas Lawson: James Kinnear: William Sharp: Thos Stewart: John Dick: Thos Low James Lawson present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter Writer their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1807 to Martinmas 1808 Charge One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Convr Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- Dr Ramsay -do- John Shepherd -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson St Andrews Church &c Cash from Kirk Treasurer Dues of entries from other Book Cash from Convener Mudie New Convr -do- Deacons Beanstons and Mathieson 42. 0. 43. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 8. 0. 32.10. 20. 0. 13. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 230. 0. 0 56. 22. 1. 1. 316. 0. 8. 0. 0. 5. 0 4 0 0 4 Discharge of the preceding Charge 1807 Balance of last years Account Principal sum due Robert Thomsons Children By one years interest Principal sum due Convener Watt 3. 4. 0 200. 0. 0 9. 0. 0 110. 0. 0 50 A years interest thereon due at Whitsunday Principal sum due to Robert Crammond’s Bill 1 year interest thereof due Martinmas Cash from David Arklay’s Bill A years interest thereof due at Martinmas Robert Crammonds other Bill A years interest thereof due at Martinmas Prncl sum on Widow Mitchells Bill A years interest thereon Principal sum due to the Kirk Session Principal sum due the Baker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Convener Thomson balance due on his Accot Premium of Insurance from Lammas 1808 to Lammas 1809 Town Clerks dues of Protest at Michaelmas head Court John Simmers Sallary Cash given to several Deacons to divide amongst their poor 313 Balance to be paid to the Bank -do- in Clerks hands 5.10. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 70. 0. 0 3.10. 0 139.12. 7 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 1319.12. 7 3. 0. 19. 7. 4. 2. 11. 9. 0. 109.11. 105. 0. 1. 316. 5. Dundee 1st December 1808 The account of Charge and Discharge contained in this and the previous page were this day examined and approved of by the Members of the General fund and the balance of one shillings and eight pence due to the Cashier who was appointed to lay out the above mentioned sum of One hundred & five pounds in the Bank until Whitsunday in order to pay off the debt due to the Kirk Session. Robert Mudie Convr: Walter Thomson: James Kinnear: William Sharp: John Tod: Ja Crichton: Thos Mathewson: William Thomson: Alex Guild: John Fenton: Thos Stewart: John Dick: John Beanstone David Patterson present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1808 to Martinmas 1809 Charge One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Convr Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- Dr Ramsay -do- John Shepherd 42. 0. 43. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 8. 0. 32.10. 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 0 7 6 1 0 0 0 8 4 -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson Cash from John Skirling for St Andrews Church Dues of entries from other Book -do- Deacon Ivory new Deacons 20. 0. 13. 0. 27. 0. 26.15. 10. 0 0 0 0 0 230. 0. 0 54. 5. 0 395. 3. 4 Discharge of the preceding Charge Balance of last years Account Principal sum due Robert Thomsons Children By one years interest Principal sum due Convener Watt A years interest thereon due at Whitsunday Principal sum due to Robert Crammond’s Bill 1 year interest thereof due Martinmas Cash from David Arklay’s Bill A years interest thereof due at Martinmas Robert Crammonds other Bill A years interest thereof due at Martinmas Prncl sum on Widow Mitchells Bill A years interest thereon Principal sum due to the Kirk Session Principal sum due the Baker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Convener Mudie balance of his Accot 1. 8. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 110. 0. 0 5.10. 0 80. 0. 0 3.12. 0 100. 0. 0 4.10. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 70. 0. 0 3.10. 0 139.12. 7 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 _______ 1180. 0. 0 Kirk Session Principal sum on their Bill for Bonnetmaker & Dyer Trades share of St Andrews Church Interest to Whitsunday Paid Mr Lauchlin pr Accot Paid Mr Davidson -doTown Clerks dues of Protest at Michaelmas head Court John Simmers Sallary Pd for an extract of the Contract betwixt Kirk Session and the Trades Mr Blair Premium of Insurance Stamps & Incidents Clerks Salary Cash given to several Deacons to divide amongst their poor 334 Cash £1 Balance in Clerks hands 3. 0. 0 23.14. 2 146.12. 0 7. 6. 7 1. 8. 7½ 5. 0. 0 11. 8 9. 0. 0 15. 0 4. 3. 6 16. 6 10. 0. 0 118. 0. 0 7. 1 .0 395. 3. 4 Dundee 7th December 1809 The account of Charge and Discharge contained in the two preceding pages were this day examined and approved of by the Members of the General fund and the balance of Seven Pounds and one shilling due to the Clerk for which he is appointed to give the Fund credit 52 Robert Mudie Convr: Tho Mathewson: John Fenton: Jas Crichton: John Tod: David Hill: William Sharp: James Kinnear: James Watson: John Dick: Thomas Irons: John Langlands: John Beantston: Alexr McLagan: Walter Thomson David Patterson present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1809 to Martinmas 1810 Charge Balance of last years Account One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 7. 1. 0 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Convr Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- Dr Ramsay -do- John Shepherd -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson Cash from John Skirling for St Andrews Church Dues of entries from other Book -do- Deacon Whittet new Deacon -do- Murray -doConvr Murray new Convene Cash for George Ogilvie George Crammond and Thomas Matthews Bills 42. 0. 43. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 8. 0. 32.10. 20. 0. 13. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cash from Mr Mitchell a new Deacon 5.16. 8 230. 0. 0 23.10. 0½ 12.15. 0 10. 0 10. 0 1. 0. 0 580. 0. 0 871. 2. 8 10. 0 871.12. 8 Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sum and interest paid Rob Skinners heirs Principal sum due Convener Watt A years interest thereon due at Whitsunday Principal sum and interest in Robert Crammond’s Bill Principal sum and interest in David Arklay’s Bill Principal sum and interest in Robert Crammonds Bill Prncl sum on Widow Mitchells Bill A years interest thereon Principal sum in George Ogilvies Bill Principal sum in George Crammonds Bill Principal sum in George Crammonds other Bill Principal sum due the Baker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade 53 210. 0. 0 110. 0. 0 5.10. 83.12. 104.10. 210. 0. 0 0 0 0 70. 0. 0 3.10. 0 200. 0. 0 80 .0 .0 200. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 A years rent due at Martinmas Colin Symers property tax Cash paid Convener Mudie Cash paid Convener Thomson to give to Mr MacNeal Convern Mudie balance of his Account this year John Symers Salary Paid for Stamps for George Ogilvies and George Crammonds Bills Stamps for rects to Tenants Paid Mr Blair premium of Insurance Clerks Salary John Low for repairs of the Hall per accot Mr Davidsons Stipend for the year Mr McVicars –doTown Clerks fee for protest at Michaelmas head Court Principal sum in Mr Machans Bill Stamp for –doGeorge Coupar per account 3. 0. 19.11. 26.18. 10. 0. 20.2. 9. 0. 13. 5. 4. 2. 10. 0. 3. 5. 10. 0. 2.17. 11. 0 6 6 0 6 0 1 0 6 0 1 0 3 8 100. 0. 0 3. 0½ 11. 3 756. 3. 4½ 114.19. 3 871. 2. 8 Balance given the Deacons to divide amongst their poor 334 @ 6/6 Dundee 6th December 1810 The preceding account of Charge and Discharge contained on this and the two preceding pages were this day examined and approved of by the Members of the General fund and balanced by the sum of £114.19. 3 which was ordered to be divided among the poor of the different Trades & was divided accordingly Jas Lawson Convr: John Whittet Jur: Robert Mudie: Alex Guild: Jas Crichton: James Thomas: Thomas Ivory: Walter Thomson: James Watson: John Langlands: William Sharp: John Tod: James Mitchell: James Cathro: Willm Murray: David Hill James Mitchell present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1810 to Martinmas 1811 Charge Balance of last years Account One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 10. 0 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Convr Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- Dr Ramsay -do- John Shepherd -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson Cash from John Skirving for St Andrews Church Dues of entries from other Book Cash from Deacon Small a new Deacon 42. 0. 43. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 8. 0. 32.10. 20. 0. 13. 0. 36. 0. 7. 5. 10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 230. 0. 0 43.15. 0 280. 1. 8 Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sum due Convener Watt A years interest thereon Prncl sum due Widow Mitchell A years interest thereon 110. 0. 0 5.10. 0 70. 0. 0 3.10. 0 54 Principal sum due George Ogilvie A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond A years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum on Thomas Mathews Bill A years interest thereon William Barry property tax Insurance on the Hall James Bennet Wright per Accot Deacon Murray pr accot for Cloths to John Simmers John Simmers his Salary -do- for Shoes Mr Davidsons one years Stipend Mr McVicars –doJames Bennet Wright per accot Town Clerks dues of Infeftment on the Disposition by the Kirk Session to the General fund and receaveing the warrants rendered necessary in Consequence of the Process with John Peter Michaelmas head Court Agency Town Clerk for Ptest at Michaelmas head Court Stamps of receipts to Tenants Pd Convener Lawson his account Clerks Salary John Shepherd one half years rent in arrear By sum to be divided among the poor of the trades 384 @ 6/9 By balance 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 80 .0 .0 3. 0. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 19.11. 6 4. 2. 6 6. 9 5. 7.11 9. 0. 0 18. 0 10. 0. 0 2.17. 3 6. 8.10 8. 3. 6 10. 0 11. 8 5. 6 9. 0.10 10. 0. 0 16. 5. 0 119. 9. 6 1.10.11 280. 1. 8 Dundee 5th December 1811 The preceding account of Charge and Discharge contained on this and the three preceding pages were this day examined and approved of by the Members of the General fund and after dividing the sum of £119. 9. 6 among the poor of the Trades there was left a balance in the Clerks hands of One Pound ten Shillings & Eleven pence which he was appended to give Credit for in his next years Accot. Jas Lawson Convr: Walter Thomson: James Mitchell: Jas Crichton: James Kinnear: And Small: James Watson: John Langlands: Thomas Ivory: David Hill: John Beanstone: Willm Murray: John Tod: James Cathro: John Whittet Jur James Mitchell present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1811 to Martinmas 1812 Charge Balance of last years Account One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas 1.10.11 2.10. 0 55 Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Convr Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- John Shepherd -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson -do- Alexander Ramsay Cash from William Fairweather for Dividend from St Andrews Church Dues of entries from other Book Andrew Spalding & John Shepherds Rent Conveners entry (James Mitchell) Two Deacons –do- Tod & -do- Scott 42. 0. 43. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 32.10. 20. 0. 13. 0. 8. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 230. 0. 9. 0. 2.16. 16. 5. 1. 0. 1. 0. 267. 9. 0 0 8 0 0 0 3 Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sum due Convener Watt A years interest thereon Prncl sum due Widow Mitchell A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Ogilvie A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond A years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum on Thomas Mathews Bill A years interest thereon Insurance on the Hall James Bennet Wright per Accot John Simmers his Salary -do- for Shoes & Candle Mr Davidsons one years Stipend Mr McVicars –doTown Clerk for Protest at Michaelmas head Court Stamps of receipts to Tenants Pd Convener Lawson his account Clerks Salary Mathewson & Shiers Amount of Mr Freer W.S. Account in the process with Deacon Peter Drawing Memorial for them in the above case 56 110. 0. 0 5.10. 0 70. 0. 0 3.10. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 80 .0 .0 3.12. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 4. 2. 6 14. 3 9. 0. 0 1. 6. 0 10. 0. 0 2.17. 3 11. 8 7. 6 9. 0.10 10. 0. 0 3.17. 8 8.14.11 1. 0. 0 Clean Copy Correspondence with Mr Freer Postage –doBaillie Whitson arrears of feu duty Convene Lawsons disbursements Account of Binding two Books Cash for Convener Leslie Ash given to different Trades to divide among the poor 344 @ 5/10 each By balance in Clerks hands towards paying subscription to Lunatic Assylum 4. 10. 3. 3.15. 9. 8. 14. 1.19. 100. 6. 39. 4. 267. 9. 0 0 6 0 1 0 3 8 2 3 Dundee 3rd December 1812 The preceding account of Charge and Discharge contained on this and the three preceding pages were this day examined and approved of by the Members of the General fund and after dividing the sum of £100. 6. 8 left a balance in the Clerks hands of Thirty nine Pounds four and two pence towards payment of the Nine Trades subscription to the Lunatic Assylum and the Clerk was appointed to borrow £13. 5.10. to make up the said Subscription amounting to Fifty Guinneas James Mitchell Convr: And Small: George Scott: James Kinnear: James Cathro: John Langlands: Jas Crichton: John Tod: Willm Murray: Jas Lawson William Murray present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1812 to Martinmas 1813 Charge Balance of last years Account One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond -. -. 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Walter Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- John Shepherd -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson -do- Alexander Ramsay Cash from William Fairweather for Dividend from St Andrews Church Dues of entries from other Book Cash from George Crammond Two Deacons entries Balance last years Accot Undercharge on Mr Chalmers entry Balance due to the Clerk 42. 0. 43. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 32.10. 20. 0. 13. 0. 8. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 230. 0. 0 22.10. 0 3.13. 4 110. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 39. 4. 2 16. 8 16. 7.11 429. 8. 9 Discharge of the preceding Charge Prncl sum due Widow Mitchell A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Ogilvie A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond 70. 0. 0 3.10. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 80 .0 .0 3.12. 0 200. 0. 0 57 A years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum on Thomas Mathews Bill A years interest thereon Paid Mr Davidson one year Stipend Mr McVicars –doStamps of receipts to Tenants Clerks Salary John Symers –doPaid Mr Webster Treasurer for Lunatic Assylum Insurance for the Hall Robert Leslie per Account Town Chamberlain per Receipt Mr Blairs property tax James Keith per Receipt Pd George Scott pr Laurence Mitchell order Andrew Small for hanging Lusleret in St Andrews Church omitted last year Town Clerks per Rates on Michaelmas head court Mr Freers Account Convener Mitchells Disbursements Convener Watts Bill Mr McLagan in arrears Dr Ramsay –doAndrew Small pr Account Mr Scott Junr for John Simmers Clothes Ron Shepherds accot Tho Haggart –doSum to be divided among the poor 344 @ 5/6 10. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 _________ 1070. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 2.17. 3 7. 6 10. 0. 0 10. 3. 0 52.10. 0 4. 2. 6 2. 7. 4 8. 4 25. 0. 0 4.10. 0 10. 6 1. 5. 0 11. 1½ 9. 0. 0 7.19. 6 112.10 .0 11. 0. 0 4. 0. 0 11. 9 10. 8. 9½ 1. 5. 8 6. 6 94.12. 0 429. 8. 9 Dundee 2nd December 1813 The preceding account of Charge and Discharge contained on the two preceding pages were this day examined and approved of by the Members of the General fund and after dividing the sum of Ninety four Pounds Twelve Shillings a balance was found due to the Clerk of Sixteen Pounds seven Shillings & nine pence which he is hereby appointed to take Credit for in his next years Accots. James Mitchell Convr: Jas Lawson: David Barrie: George Rough: James Cathro: Walter Thomson: And Small: Willm Murray: John Tod: James Kinnear: John Fenton: David Hill; John Tod Junr William Murray present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1813 to Martinmas 1814 Charge One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas Mr William Chalmers due –do- 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 58 Charles Drummond 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Walter Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- John Shepherd -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson -do- Alexander Ramsay Entries from other Book Cash from Mr Fairweather for Dividend from St Andrews Church New Convener Deacon Thomson as new Deacon 42. 0. 43. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 32.10. 20. 0. 13. 0. 8. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 230. 0. 30. 0. 22.10. 1. 0. 10. 289.17. 0 7 0 0 0 3 Dundee 1st December 1814 The preceding account of Charge and Discharge contained on this and the preceding page were this day examined and approved of by the Members of the General fund and after dividing the sum of Twenty one Pounds thirteen Shillings & four Pence among the poor of the different Trades there was found a balance in the Clerks hands of Eighty nine Pounds ten Shillings & eight pence halfpenny which they appoint to be given over to Convener Whittet to be lodged by him in the Bank in name of himself & the Boxmaster. John Whittet: Walter Thomson: Willm Murray; John Tod: Jas Crichton: Thos Low: James Mitchell: George Scott: John Crichton: Willm Langlands: Geo Rough: David Petrie: Jas Lawson: Peter Thomson Discharge of the preceding Charge Balance due to Cashier on last years Account Principal sum due George Ogilvie A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond A years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond A years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade A years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum on Widow Mitchells Bill One years interest thereon & part term of old Bill A years interest thereon Paid Mr Davidson one year Stipend Mr McVicars –doStamps of receipts to Tenants Clerks Salary John Symers his Salary & shoes &c Insurance on Hall 16. 7. 11 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 80 .0 .0 3.12. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 69. 0. 0 6.12. 5. 0. 10. 0. 2.17. 7. 10. 0. 10. 3. 4. 2. 59 0 0 0 3 6 0 0 6 Town Chamberlain Town Clerks for Protest at Michaelmas head Court Duncan McDonald for repairs on one of the Hall shops Convener Mitchells Disbursements Cash to divide among the poor 344 @ 4/2 Balance ordering to be paid to Convr Whittet Stamps for new Bills 8. 4 11. 1½ 5. 2 10.15. 1½ 71.13. 4 89.10. 8 1. 1. 3½ 289.17. 3 William Murray present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1814 to Martinmas 1815 Charge One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Walter Thomson -do- A. McLagan -do- John Shepherd -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson -do- Alexander Ramsay Entries from other Book Deacon Carnegy as new Deacon 42. 0. 43. 0. 40. 0. 9.10. 22. 0. 32.10. 20. 0. 13. 0. 8. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.16. 8 230. 0. 19. 0. 10. 255. 7. 0 0 6 2 Discharge of the preceding Charge Pricipal sum due to Kirk Session One years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Paid Mr Davidson one year Stipend Mr McVicars –doStamps of receipts to Tenants Clerks Salary John Symers his Salary Pd Thomas Low for John Summers Clothes pr receipt David Neave for Plan of Shops pr receipt 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 80 .0 .0 3.12. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 10. 0. 2.17. 10. 10. 0. 10. 3. 5.11. 5. 0. 60 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 Mr Drummond for advertising Shops & Trades Minutes Town Chamberlain Town Clerks for Protest at Michaelmas head Court Mr Hume for reading & writing Towns Records Alexander Wilson in arrears of Rent Alexander Black –doThomas Greig in arrears of few duty Charles Drummond –doJohn Wilm Baxter alld him for extra trouble anent Trades Mastr with Magstrts Cash pd the several Deacons to divide among the poor 344 @ 4/2 each Balance ordered to be paid Convr Whittet 4. 3. 0 8. 4 11. 1½ 10.10. 0 3. 0. 0 6.10. 0 2.10. 0 5. 0 7. 7. 0 71.13. 4 48. 5. 9½ 255. 7. 2 Dundee 5th December 1815 The preceding account of Charge and Discharge contained on this and the preceding page were this day examined and approved of by the Members of the General fund and a balance of Forty eight Pounds Seven Shillings and Nine pence half penny was found due by the Clerk which was paid over by him to Convener Whittet on hehoof of he General fund. John Whittet: Thos Low: Willm Murray; John Tod: Jas Crichton: Peter Thomson: Thomas Ivory: Saml Hutton: Geo Rough: Andw Small: David Barrie: John Kinnear: Geo Carnegie: James Mitchell Discharge of the preceding Charge William Murray present Boxmaster to the General Fund of the Nine Trades of Dundee and John William Baxter their Cashier their Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1815 to Martinmas 1816 Charge One years feu from Thomas Greig due Martinmas Mr William Chalmers due –doCharles Drummond 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1 years Rent of Shop from Mr William Blair -do- William Thoms -do- Mrs Williamson back st -do- A. McLagan -do- John Shepherd -do- Mrs Anderson -do- Alexr Wilson -do- Alexander Ramsay Entries from other Book Convener Gellatly a new Convener Deacon William Young a new Deacon -do Hill –do- 56. 0. 39. 0. 33.15. 9.10. 16.10. 30. 5. 19. 0. 13. 0. 4. 0. 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1. 0. 0 10. 0 10. 0 To Deacon Mudie a new Deacon 5.16. 8 223. 0. 9 14.10. 0 2. 0. 245. 7. 10. 245.17. 0 5 0 5 Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sum due One years interest Principal sum due One years interest Principal sum due One years interest Principal sum due One years interest to Kirk Session thereon George Crammond thereon George Crammond thereon Geo Crammond thereon 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 80 .0 .0 3.12. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 110. 0. 0 5.10. 0 61 Principal sum due the Baker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade Principal sum due Thos Mathews Bill One years interest thereon Paid Mr Davidson one year Stipend Mr McVicars –doStamps of receipts to Tenants Clerks Salary John Symers his Salary Town Clerks pr Receipt John Skirving –doDavid Adam –doJames Nicol –doJohn Macintosh -doJohn Skirving -doAdvertising Shops under the Hall Bailie Whitson pr receipt Andrew Anderson –doInserting Notice to the Trades in the Dee Advertiser John James pr Account Attendance at the election of Commission under the Harbour Act By reset of Mr Brookes Shop in arrears -do- Andrew Anderson –doJohn Taylor –doSum of the discharge 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 10. 0. 2.17. 10. 10. 0. 10. 3. 11. 7. 7. 2. 6. 4. 1.13. 12. 8. 2. 14. 6. 15. 15.15. 6.10. 6. 0. 133. 6. 245.17. 112. 9. 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 6 2 6 0 6 0 4 6 0 8 0 9 0 0 2 5 3 Dundee 12th December 1816 The preceding account of Charge and Discharge were this day approved by the General fund and one hundred Pounds and eight pence paid over to the several Deacons for their poor and the balance being Twelve pounds nine Shillings and three pence accounted for to the Convener Fifteen pounds 15/9d outstanding on Mr Brookes rent and Six pounds ten shillings on Andrew Andersons rent & £6 by Taylor James Gellatly Convr: Thos Low: Geo Carnegie: James Hill: John Whittet Junr: Willm Young: Robert Mudie: David Borrie: Peter Thomson: Thomas Ivory Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1816 to Martinmas 1817 Charge Cash from Convener Gellatly Mr Brooks a half years rent arrears Andrew Anderson –doConvener Gellatly for Dividend on St Andrews Church Convener Gellatly in part of Mr Baxters arrears Wm Chalmers being in full of Mr Baxters Arrears which he was bound for Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 60. 0. 15.15. 6.10. 26.19. 12. 9. 16.10. 0 9 0 0 5 9 70. 0. 0 62 168. 4.11 1 years Rent of Shop from James Nicol & Co -do- Miss Isabel Anderson -do- James Killer -do- john Arklay -do- Dr Johnston -do- Alex Brooks -do- Alexr Cameron -do- John Taylor One years feu duty from Widow Greig due Martinmas last One years feu duty from Mr Chalmers One years feu duty from Colin Forbes Balance due Mr Thomson Boxmaster 13. 0. 11.10. 11. 0. 18. 0. 5. 0. 33.11. 40. 5. 26.10. 2.10. 3. 1. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 0 245. 6. 9 5.16. 8 71.11. 0 501.14. 4 Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sum due to Kirk Session One years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due Geo Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due Thos Mathew One years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade Wm Key for Shops in Hall altering as p accot Wm Thomson & John Skirving –doAndw Mount & others –doDavid Nave for paving about Hall –doStamps for Bill Incidents at Shops rouping Andw Small for a Ballot Box pr accot Convr Thomson for Shops rouping & advertising with Courier Baillie Whitson Towns feu duty as per accot Dr Davidson one year & a half Stipend Advertising shops in Advertiser as pr accot John Symers his Salary Mr MacVicar one years Stipend as p accot Mrs Williamson as per accot Receipts to Tenants John Skirving as per accot Mr Blair for Insurance on the Hall p accot Andrew Anderson as per accot Town Clerks for Extracts of Counsall 25th & 30th Septr Town Clerk dues as per accpt Baker Trade, Glovers, Fleshers, Hammerman and Weavers arrears on their Bills on St Andrews Church 63 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 80 .0 .0 3.12. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 110. 0. 0 5.10. 0 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0 1 2. 6 57.10. 6 17. 2 1. 1. 0 14. 6 3.14. 0 8. 4 15. 0. 0 1.10. 0 10. 3. 0 1. 10. 0 16. 0 10. 0 19. 0 4.10. 0 1. 7. 3 1. 0. 6 11 1½ 15. 0. 0 Rent of John Taylors Shop in arrears -do- Alex Cameron –doConvener Gellatly balce due him Cash paid the different Deacons to divide among the Trades 344 poor @ 6/- 18.10. 6.10. 4. 5. 103. 4. 501.14. 0 0 3 0 4 December 4th 1817 The preceding accounts contained on this and the two preceding pages were this day examined and approved off and a balance of Seventy one Pounds eleven Shillings found due to the Boxmaster for which he is appointed to take Credit per his next years Accounts James Gellatly Convr: Geo Rough: Walter Thomson: James Cathro: James Hill: Jas Crichton: Jas Lawson: Thomas Ivory: Thos Low: Willm Young: Thos Rodger: William Hogg: George Bowman: Geo Carnegie: James Mitchell Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1817 to Martinmas 1818 Charge Cash from John Taylor his arrears -do- Alex Cameron -do- 18.10. 0 6.10. 0 Rents of Hall One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas -do- Alexr Cameron -do- Alex Brooks -do- Miss Isabel Anderson -do- James Keiller -do- Dr Johnston -do- James Nicoll & Co -do- John Taylor Andw Anderson One years feu duty from Widow Greig due Martinmas 1818 One years feu duty from Colin Chalmers One years feu duty from Colin Forbes Entries from the other Book Convener Roberts a new Convener Deacon Lindsay new Deacon -do- Crichton –do-do- Addison –do-do- Malcolm –do- 70. 0. 38. 1. 37. 0. 15. 0. 14. 0. 12. 0. 12. 0. 25. 0. 10. 0. 2.10. 3. 1. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1. 0. 10. 10. 10. 10. 0 0 0 0 0 25. 0. 0 249. 1. 0 5.16. 8 36. 11. 0 3. 0. 0 319.8. 8 Discharge of the preceeding Charge Balance due P Thomson on last years Account Principal sum due to Kirk Session One years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due Thos Mathew One years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade One years rent due at Martinmas 71.11. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 390 .0 .0 19. 2. 0 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 64 Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade William Craigie Slater p estimate for a new roof to the Hall due 17 th December John Whitson Plumber p accot for Hall repairs due 7th Jany James Smith Wright, John Henry Painter, John Miller Plaisterer & Peter Gellatly Mason p accot for Hall repairs David Young for an overcharged entry in 1816 Deacon Young for an overcharge entry 1816 Dundee Perth & Cupar Advertiser proprietors p accot John Watson Plumber p accot Dundee Perth & Cupar Advertiser proprietors p accot Willm Stratton p accot Dr Davidson I years Stipend p receipt Revd G McVicar -doJohn Symers 1 years Salary Towns Chamberlain Feu duty for Blacks Croft James Ivory Advocate Edinr p receipt Da Blair Esq for Insurance on Hall John Skirving as per accot Mr Blair for Insurance on the Hall p accot Wm Baxter Clerk for salary Receipts Stamps for Tenants Dundee Perth & Cupar Advertiser proprietors p accot Town Clerks dues p receipt Deduction allowed Alex Cameron on his rent by order of Conveners Court John Taylor arrears of shop rent Andrew Anderson –do- 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 150.10. 0 30. 0. 0 28.14. 7 1. 5. 0 7. 0 10. 6 1. 2. 2½ 11. 0 1.15. 8 10. 0. 0 2.17. 2 10. 3. 0 8. 4 14.18. 0 4.10. 0 19. 0 4.10. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0 4.13. 0 11. 1½ 3.13. 0 12.10. 0 5. 0. 0 211.18. 0 103. 4. 0 315. 2. 0 4. 6. 8 319. 8. 8 Cash paid the different Deacons to divide among the Trades 344 poor @ 6/Balance due by the Boxmaster December 4th 1817 The preceding accounts contained on this and the two preceding pages were this day examined and approved off and a balance of Four Pounds six Shillings & eight pence found due by the Boxmaster for which he is appointed to debit himself in his next years Accounts. W. Roberts Convener: Peter Crichton Baker, Robert Mudie Weaver: Saml Addison Flesher: Edw Lesslie Bonnetmaker: John Fenton Walker: David Hill Glovers: James Gellatly Hammermen: Thomas Malcolm Tailors: James Mitchell: Walter Thomson. Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1818 to Martinmas 1819 Charge Balance of last years Accounts John Taylors arrears Andrew Andersons –doWilliam Fairweathers dividend on St Andrews Church One -do-do-do-do-do-do-do- 4. 6. 10.10. 5. 0. 13.10. Rents of Hall years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas Alexr Cameron Alex Brooks Miss Anderson James Keiller Dr Johnston James Nicoll Thomas Arklay 55. 38. 37. 15. 14. 12. 12. 16. 65 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35. 6. 8 -do- John Tailor Andrew Anderson One years feu duty from Widow Greig due Martinmas 1819 One years feu duty from Colin Chalmers One years feu duty from Colin Forbes John Taylor his arrears Andw Andersons –doWm Fairweathers dividend on St Andrews Church One years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1821 -do- Alexr Cameron -do- Alex Brooks -do- Miss H Anderson -do- James Keiller -do- Andrew Johnston -do- James Nicoll & Co -do- John Taylor Andrew Anderson One years feu Duty from Jno Greig due Martinmas 1821 -do- Colin Forbes –do-do- Wm Matheson Bill -do- Wm Matheson Bill Mr Fairweather St Andrews Church dividend John Taylor arrears of rent Hall Rents One years rent of Coffee Room from due Whitsunday 1822 -do- Alexr Cameron ½ years rent -do- Alex Brooks -do- Miss Anderson -do- James Keiller -do- Dr Johnston -do- James Nicoll -do- Thomas Arklay -do- John Tailor James H Baxter John Justice Mrs Anderson deposit for Rent as security -do- 24 days Interest 25. 0. 10. 0. 2.10. 3. 1. 5. 0 0 0 8 0 12.10. 5. 0. 22.10. 56. 0. 28. 1. 37. 0. 15. 0. 14. 0. 15. 0. 12. 0. 25. 0. 10. 0. 2.10. 4. 5. 3. 1. 18. 0. 12.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 27.10. 19. 0. 18.10. 7.10. 7. 0. 12. 0. 6. 0. 8. 0. 10. 0. 6. 0. 5. 0. 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 234. 1 .0 5.16. 8 475. 4. 4 40. 0. 0 234. 1. 0 5.16. 0 30.10. 0 114.10. 200. 0. 10. 1371. 2. 6 0 6 2 Discharge of the preceding Charge Principal sum due to Kirk Session One years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due Thos Mathew One years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade One years rent due at Martinmas 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 390 .0 .0 19. 2. 0 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 66 William Craigie Slater bill for Hall repair John Whitson –doBill to sundries –doStamp for Hammerman Bill -do- for St Andrews Church dividend Proprietors of Dundee Perth & Cupar Advertiser John Symers 1 years Salary & Coals Towns Chamberlain Feu duty for Blacks Croft Revd Dr Davidson 1 years Stipend Alexr Brooks 1 lock repairs for Cellar & Windows Revd Mr McVicar 1 years Stipend Jas Chalmers paper pr accot Mr Blair for Insurance on the Hall p accot Convr Roberts pr Accot Clerks Salary Town Clerks for Protest at head Court John Wm Baxter p accot John Taylor arrears Principal sum due to Kirk Session One years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due Thos Mathew One years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Dundee Advertiser Proprietors pr Accot Col McEwen Sequestrating Mr Taylor for his shop rent John Symers I years Salary & Coals Insurance on the Hall Feu Duty pd the Towns Chamberlain for Blacks Croft Mr Baxter 1 years Salary Dr Davidson 1 years Stipend Miss Anderson pr her shop floor repairing The Proprietors of the Dundee Advertiser Mr McVicar 1 years Stipend The Town Clerks dues for Protest at head Court Messers Imrie & Baxter pr Accot James Chalmers pr Accot Principal and Interest on Hammerman Bill ½ years rent due by John Taylor in arrears -do- Andw Anderson –doTwo years receipt Stamps for Tenants Rents Dundee Advertiser proprietors pr ac Provost Brown Cloaths for John Symers pr ac Convener Chalmers pr accot of his Intromissions John Symers ½ years Salary 150.10. 0 30. 0. 0 28.14. 7 6. 0 0. 6 5. 6. 8 10. 6. 0 8. 4 10. 0. 0 3. 6 2.17. 2½ 3. 0 4.10. 0 12.10. 7 10. 0. 0 1. 1½ 5. 7. 2 12.16. 6 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 390 .0 .0 19. 2. 0 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 13. 0 1. 3. 6 10. 2. 0 4.10. 0 8. 4 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 6. 0 7. 0 2.17. 2½ 11. 1½ 15.10. 1 4. 0. 0 220. 1. 7 12.10. 0 5. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 4. 0 4. 8. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 1. 0 67 Town Chamberlain Feu Duty for Blacks Croft John Justice sundries pr accot Dr Davidson ½ years Stipend Revd Mr McVicar –doAlexr Brooks deduction on Rent Courier paper proprietors p a/c David Watt, John Symers Cloaths making Wm Kay for altering the shop p a/c Wm Thomson sundry repairs to Hall p a/c John McIntosh –doMr Black for plan of Brooks shop pr a/c Mr Blair Fire Insurance prem on Hall Principal sum due to Kirk Session One years interest thereon Principal sum due George Crammond One years interest thereon Principal sum due Thos Mathew One years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Wm Baxter 1 years Salary Convener Sime Expenses paid by him pr accot Wm Justice a lock repairing Wm Murray two locks repairing Wm Simers 1 years Salary Mr Mc Vicar 1 years Stipend Dr Davidson –doJohn Jamie a lock repairing Town Chamberlain Feu for Blacks Croft Geo Robertson Plaisterer repairs in Mr Brooks Cellar James Chalmers Sundries per accot John Skirving 2 Peans of Glass for Hall Dad Blair for Insurance on Hall Dundee & Perth Advertiser Proprietors per accot Colville & Co Printers per accot Town Clerks dues Stamps for renewing the Kirk Sessions Bill Receipt Stamps for Tenants Rents ½ years rent due by Mr Taylor in arrears Dundee Advertiser Proprietors per accot Provost Brown Cloathe for John Symers pr accot Convener Chalmers to accot of his Intromissions John Symers ½ years Salary Town Chamberlain Feu Duty for Blacks Croft John Justice sundries pr accot Dr Davidson ½ years Stipend The Revd Mr McVicar –doAlex Brooks deduction on rent 68 8. 4 17. 9 5. 0. 0 1. 8. 7½ 2. 5. 0 9.10 1. 6. 0 49. 9. 0 25. 4. 0 2. 1.11 2.10. 0 4.10 .0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 390 .0 .0 19. 2. 0 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 10.0 .0 10. 0. 0 1. 6 9. 6 9.19. 0 2.17. 2 10. 0. 0 1. 0 8. 4 1. 8 10.11 8. 0 4.10. 0 3.12. 6 2.11. 0 11. 1½ 6. 0½ 10. 0 12.10. 0 4. 0 4. 8. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 1. 0 6. 4 17. 9 5. 0. 0 1. 8. 7½ 2. 5. 0 Courier paper proprietors pr accot David Watt John Symers cloaths making Mw Kay for altering a Shop p a/c Wm Thomson sundry repairs to Hall pr a/c John McIntosh –doMr Black for plan of Brooks shop ac Mr Blair Fire Insurance prem on Hall John Skirving p a/c John Wm Baxters p Mr Friar being the Nine Trades proportion of his a/c Cash pd The Dundee Union Bank p book Balance in the Boxmasters hands 9.10 1. 6. 0 49. 9. 0 25. 4. 0 2. 1.11 2.10. 0 4.10. 0 6. 0 21.18. 1½ 410. 0. 0 2. 9.10 Charge continued from 14th October to Martinmas 1822 1822 Octr Cash in Boxmasters hands -do- drawn from Dundee Union Bank Hall Rent ½ years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1822 J. H. Baxter –doJames Buchan –doAlex Cameron –doMrs Anderson –doAlexr Merchant –doJohn Arklay –doG H Baxter –do½ years feuduty Colin Forbes Snr –do-do- wm McPherson -do- John Greig –do- 2. 9.10 410. 0. 0 27.10. 29. 0. 35.10. 20. 0. 13.10. 10. 0. 10. 0. 9.10. 5. 3. 1. 2.10. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 155. 0. 0 5.16. 8 573. 6. 6 Discharge continued from 14th October to Martinmas 1822 1822 Novr 11 Principal and Interest due Geo Crammond Principal sum due to Kirk Session One years interest thereon Principal sum due Thos Mathew One years interest thereon Principal sum due the Baker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Shoemaker Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Glover Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Taylor Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Flesher Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Hammerman Trade One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum due the Weaver Trade One years rent due at Martinmas James Buchan deduction of Rent for 22 days Doctor Davidson ½ years Stipend James Mearns Baxter John Symers ½ years Salary Revd Mr McVicar ½ years Stipend Stamp receipts for Tenants John Arklay arrears of rent 69 409.2. 0 200. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3 3. 0. 5. 1. 5. 0. 5.16. 4.19. 1. 8. 13. 3. 0. 0 4 0 6 0 7 0 0 137. 7. 7 412. 9.10 1371. 2. 2 Dundee Union Bank Cash Lodged Balance in Boxmasters hands 100. 0. 0 2. 6. 1 573. 6. 6 Charge continued from Martinmas 1822 to Martinmas 1823 1822 Novr Cash in Boxmasters hands -do- in Dundee Union Bank John Taylor arrears of rent John Arklay –doHall Rents 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1822 J. H. Baxter –doJames Buchan –doAlex Cameron –doMrs Anderson –doAlexr Merchant –doJohn Arklay –doG H Baxter –doWillm McPherson a double feu -do- 1 years feu duty due Marts 1823 Colin Forbes –doInterest from Dundee Union Bank up to March last 1823 Convr Willm Fairweather St Andrews Chapel Dividend Interest from Union Bank up to March 1824 2. 6. 100. 0. 2.10. 3. 0. 55. 0. 19. 0. 70. 0. 40. 0. 27. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 58. 0. 3. 1. 2.10. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 Discharge continued from Martinmas 1822 to Martinmas 1823 Principal sum due to Kirk Session Principal sum due Thos Mathew One years interest thereon Principal sum in Mr Andersons Bill One years interest thereon Principal sum in the Baker Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Shoemaker Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Glover Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Taylor Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Flesher Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Hammerman Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Weaver Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Town Clerks dues per Accot John Martin for Hall repairs doAbraham Middleton –doDoctor Davidson 1 years Stipend Revd Mr McVicar -doConvener Officers Salary for 1 year John Jamie per accot Town Chamberlain feu for Blacks Croft Thomas Makeson for Cloths to Officer John Skirving pr accot Forfar & Perthshire Fire Office prem on Hall John Martin per accot 70 210. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 2.10. 0 200. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 11. 1½ 19.10 1. 5. 4 10. 0. 0 2.17. 3 10. 0. 0 10. 6 8. 4 5.12. 0 7. 0 3.15. 0 10. 0 1 0 0 0 309. 0. 0 8.18. 4 14.12.10 13.10. 0 4.16. 3 45813. 6 Town Clerks dues Stamps receipts for tenants Willm Thomson for sundries to Hall Mr Willm Kirkland for convr Lindsay Colin Forbes arrears of feu duty Dundee Union Bank Cash lodged Balance in Boxmasters hands 11. 1½ 12. 0 1. 6. 0 7. 1. 0 5. 0 161.16. 3 6.15. 9 458.13 .6 Charge Continued from Martinmas 1823 to Martinmas 1824 1823 Novr Cash in Boxmasters hands -do- in Union Bank Balance on James Buchans rent Colin Forbes his arrears 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1822 J. H. Baxter –doJames Buchan –doAlex Cameron –doMrs Anderson –doAlexr Merchant –doJohn Arklay –doG H Baxter –doAlexr McPherson 1 years Feu due Martinmas 1824 John Greig –doColin Forbes –do- 6.15. 161.16. 1. 0. 5. 55. 0. 19. 0. 71. 0. 40. 0. 27. 0. 20. 0. 20. 0. 58. 0. 3. 1. 2.10. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 9 3 0 0 310. 0. 0 5.16. 8 185.18. 8 Discharge continued from Martinmas 1823 to Martinmas 1824 1824 March 23 Convener Pullar his expenses while in office -do- Officer to Accot of Wages Town Chamberlain for of Blacks Croft Dr Davidson one years Stipend Mr McVicar –doJohn Irvine for a pane of glass to the Hall Forfar & Perthshire Fire Office for Ins on Hall Mrs Anderson one years interest on £200 James Buchan for a Shop Key repairing William Thomson for the Hall Chimney Top pr accot Stamp receipts for Tenants Thomas Mathew principal sum in his Bill One years interest thereon Principal sum in the Baker Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Shoemaker Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Glover Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Taylor Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Flesher Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Hammerman Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in the Weaver Bill One years rent due at Martinmas Principal sum in Mrs Andersons Bill Union Bank Cash lodged 71 6.13. 0 9. 0. 0 8. 4 10. 0. 0 2.17. 3 4. 0 3.15 .0 10. 0. 0 0. 8 15. 8 12. 6 100. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 1.10. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 60. 0. 0 3. 0. 60. 0. 1.10. 60. 0. 1.10. 0 0 0 0 0 200. 0. 0 14. 0. 0 Balance in Boxmasters hands 4. 7. 3 485.13. 8 Charge continued from Martinmas 1824 to Martinmas 1825 Cash in hand -do- in Union Bank Interest from Union Bank up to 31 March last Walter Fairweather St Andrews Dividend Hall Rents 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1825 J. H. Baxter –doJames Buchan –doAlex Cameron –doMrs Anderson –doAlexr Merchant –doJohn Arklay –doG H Baxter –doAlexr McPherson 1 years Feu due John Greig –doColin Forbes –doDavid Russell ½ Years Rent for alterations on his Shop 4. 7. 14. 0. 1. 1. 22.10. 55. 0. 0 19. 0. 0 71. 0. 0 40. 0. 0 27. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 58. 0. 0 3. 1. 8 2.10. 0 5. 0 1.11. 1½ 3 0 0 0 310. 0. 0 7. 7. 9 ½ 359.12. 0½ Discharge Continued from Martinmas 1824 to Martinmas 1825 James Keith for searching records pr receipt Walter Keay for a New Window for Greigs Cellar &c pr accot Thos Smart on Accot for services to the N Trades Convener Fairweather of his accot while in office Town Clerks dues pr accot Dr Davidson one years Stipend Mr McVicar –doJames Airth Convrs officer David Hean & Sons for altering Mr Camerons Shop pr accot Willm Thomson for Mason work at Mr Camerons Shop P. H. Thoms for Insurance on Hall Application to Dean of Guild for Mr Camerons Shop repairing Mrs Anderson on years interest on her Bill of £200 Town Chamberlain feu duty on Blacks Croft Convenes officer for Advertisement Dundee Advertiser for -doJohn & Jas Law for Chimney top of the Hall Cleaning Convr Drons Accot for last years David Cobb regarding –do- in McLachlans Shop Jas Buchan for sundries pr accot Glovers Trade principal & interest on their Bill Flesher Trade –doCash lodged with Unpin Bank -do- in Boxmasters hands Jas Airth Conveners officer John Arklay in arrears of Rent Robert McCash for cloathes to Officer Subscription to Infirmary Mr Smart to account of wages James Airth Officer a pair of shoes Town Clerks dues Town Chamberlain feu duty for Blacks Croft Mr McVicars one years Stipend James Arklay officer one years Salary James Dick for fitting up Gas pipes to Coffee Room 72 7.17. 6 1.15. 0 10. 0. 0 11. 0. 8 11. 1 10. 0. 0 2.17. 3 5. 0. 0 19. 4. 0 10. 9. 0 3.15. 0 1.13. 5 10. 0. 0 8. 4 7. 0 7. 0 2. 6 8.12. 6 1.11 5. 8 63. 0. 0 63. 0..0 110. 0. 0 10. 6. 2 6. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 4.11. 0 1. 1. 0 20. 0. 0 10. 0 11. 1½ 8. 4 2.17. 3 10. 0. 0 12. 3. 1 H. Thoms for Insurance on Hall Baxter Trades poor Cordiners –do- 5. 7. 6 Glovers -doTaylors –doHammerman –doFleshers –doWeavers –doDyers –doCourier Office Advertising Resolutions James Chalmers for sundries Dundee Advertiser for printing of Notices Thomas Finney for painting Hall Windows Convener Young his Disbursements for last year Willm Constable for a piece of Plate to Peter Thomson their Boxmaster as a mark of respect for his Service John Watson for two Smoke canes to Coffee room Stamps receipts for two years John Arklay arrears of rent Alexr Merchant –doJohn Torbet –doJohn Greig –doSum divided among the poor of the Trades 122 Balance in Boxmasters hands 4. 0. 0 4.17. 0 11. 0 2.16. 0 2.13. 0 2. 3. 0 4. 6. 0 11. 0 21.17. 0 1. 5. 0 3. 6. 4 6. 0 3. 7. 6 9. 5 .0 30. 4. 1. 7. 9. 2. 6 3. 8 5. 0 0. 0 0. 0 5. 0 2.10. 0 427. 0. 0 53.15. 4½ 612.19. 4 December 7th 1826 The preceding accounts from Martinmas Eighteen hundred and Eighteen to Martinmas Eighteen hundred and twenty six were this day examined by the General Fund and approved of and a balance of Fifty three Pounds fifteen Shillings & four pence half penny found due by the Boxmaster for which he is appointed to debit himself in his next years Accounts. David Scott Convener: Geo Gardiner Hammerman: Jas. Crichton: Robert Gowans: James Smith Jr: James Feathers: Wm Lowdon: John Mudie: Alex Crichton Dyers Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1826 to Martinmas 1827 Charge Balance of last years Account Alexander McPhersons rent Collin Forbes –doAlexander Merchants –doJohn Arklay –doSt Andrews Chapel two Dividends 53.14. 3½ 3. 1. 8 5. 0 9. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 81. 0. 0 Hall Rents 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1827 James Buchan –doAlex Cameron –doJames N Baxter Mrs Anderson –doAlexr Merchant –doJohn Arklay –doJames H Baxter David Bisset One years feu duty from Colin Torbet due Martinmas 1827 -do- Wm McPherson 73 80. 71. 40. 58. 27. 20. 20. 19. 3. 5. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0. 1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 154. 2. 0½ 338. 2. 3 Two years –do- John Greig Interest from Union Bank up to March last Extracted from the other Book 5. 0. 0 1. 5. 0 13. 3. 0 12.14. 0 518. 1. 3½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Clerks Salary for 1826 & 1827 Thomas Smart -doThe late Dr Davidson ½ years Stipend Henry H Blyth for Cess Wm Thomson David Hill for advertising Hall Advertiser Office for printing & letters Wm Craigie for tuo Cans and tuo Bishops for Coffee James Chalmers James Fenton a puss Seal for Nine Trades Nine Trades subscription to Infirmary Revd James Hamilton vacant half years Stip Toun of Dundee for Blackscroft Revd Patk McVicar one years Stipend Revd Charles Adie –doConveners Officer one years Salary Peter H. Thoms for Insurance on the Hall Mrs Anderson one years interest on £200 Convener Scott his disbursements John Walton for Iron supports to Chimney tops Deacon Feathers for Cloaths to Conveners Officer Henry H. Blyth Cess on Land Stamps receipts &c Boxmasters Salary William McPherson in arrears of feu James Buchan part of his Shop cleaning Alexander Merchant his arrears John Arklay –doJames H Blyth –doSum divided among the poor of the Trades Balance in Boxmasters hands not able to pay debts 1. 2. 3 20. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 4. 7.10 14. 6 1.11. 8 3. 0. 6 19. 6 2.17.10 4. 4. 0 1. 1. 0 1. 8. 7½ 8. 4 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 10.10. 0 3. 7. 6 10. 0. 0 3. 3. 7 1. 1. 7 5.14. 0 3.10.10 12. 6 5. 0. 0 3. 1. 8 1. 0 11. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 330. 0. 0 67. 8. 0½ 518. 1. 3½ December 7th 1827 The accounts of Charge & Discharge above were this day Audited by the General Fund Court and found correct. The balance in the hands of the Boxmaster is Sixty seven Pounds & 8/- which with the arrears due to the General fund is the ten per cent for this & last year to be set aside to liquidate the debt. Robert Gowans: James Harrison: Will Young: Geo Carnegie: Thos Finlay: Wm Lowden: David Scott: Sam Addison: Peter Fyfe: James Smith: David Barrie: Alex Crichton. Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1827 to Martinmas 1828 Charge Balance of last years Account John Ogilvie & Son for Mr Pullars Legacy Interest from Union Bank up to 31 March last St Andrews Church Dividend 67. 8. 6. 0. 3.18. 36. 0. Hall Rents 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1828 James Buchan –doAlex Cameron –do74 80. 0. 0 71. 0. 0 40. 0. 0 0 0 4 0 James N Baxter Mrs Anderson –doAlexr Merchant –doJohn Arklay –doJames H Baxter David Bisset One years feu duty from Colin Torbet -do- Wm McPherson Two years –do- John Greig Extracted from the other Book 58. 27. 20. 20. 19. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 5. 3. 1. 2.10. 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 8 0 338. 2. 3 36. 5. 0 182.10. 3 Deduct from the Charge the balance of last accounts to be deposited in a Bank as the ten per cents set aside for increase the Funds Amount of Charge Discharge 67. 8. 4 415. 2. 3 192.18. 4 222. 3.11 22. 3.11 200. 0. 0 Deduct ten per cent to be set aside in terms of the bye laws to increase the funds Free balance to be divided among the poor Discharge of the preceding Charge David Hill advertising motion to last Harbour Commissrs David Chalmers pr accot David Webster Infirmary subscription Thomas Middleton pr accot James Gourlay pr accot William Craigie pr accot Town Chamberlain Feu for Blackscroft Revd Charles Adie a years Stipend Revd Patrick McVicar -doJames Airth Conveners officer one years salary P. H. Toms Insurance on the Hall Mrs Anderson one years interest on £200 Mrs Lindsay the Trades proportion of a Gold Box to R. S. Rintoul Henry Blyth Cess on land Alexr Robertson for paving in front of the Hall Thomas Smart Nine Trades Clerk one years Salary Stamps receipts for Tenants &c William Kay for Shop Windows altering Easson & Robertson Tailor Trade for injury done to their room Thomas Smart for Kitchen &c expence & Caprs Mr Kay Ints Boxmasters Salary for one year Alexander Merchant his arrears John Arklay –doJohn Greig doCollin Forbes Pd Old Convener Gardiner his disbursements last year Amount of Discharge 7. 19. 1. 1. 6.14. 3. 0. 2. 4. 8. 2.17. 2.17. 10. 0. 3. 7. 10. 0. 22.10. 3.10. 5. 1. 21. 0. 13. 17. 4. 48. 8. 5. 7. 4. 5. 0. 9. 5. 6. 0. 2.10. 5. 1. 3. 192.18. 6 0 0 0 6 6 4 3 3 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 6 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 Dundee 10th December 1828 The accounts of Charge & Discharge contained on his and the preceding page were this day Audited by the General Fund Court and found correct. The Charge amounts to Four hundred and eighteen pounds 10/3 and the free balance after deducting the Discharge of £192.18. 4 and the tuo sums to be set aside to increase the fund amounts to two hundred pounds Stg which was divided among the trades in proportion to the number of their poor. Jas Small Convener: David Scott: James Hanson: Rod Harry; William Thomson: Robert Gowans: Geo Farquhar: James Touns: Thomas Smith: Alexr Watson: James Feathers: John Young: John McIntosh: Will Young . 75 Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1828 to Martinmas 1829 Charge Alexander Merchant arrears of rent John Scrio –doCollin Forbes –doJohn Arklay –doJohn Ogilvie for Pullars Legacy Rents of Hall 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 1829 James Buchan –doAlex Cameron –doMrs Anderson –doGeorge Baxter Alexr Merchant –doJames H Baxter Alexander Machan One years feu duty from John Greig -do- Alexander McPherson -do- Collin Forbes -do- David Russell Entries from the other Book Interest to 31 March last Sum at Sinking Fund Interest up to 31st March last Deduct Nine Trades Subscription to new Seminary Amount of Charge 9. 5. 2.10. 5. 5. 0. 19.10. 0 0 0 0 0 80. 0. 71. 0. 40. 0. 27. 0. 58. 0. 20. 0. 19. 0. 20. 0. 2.1. 3. 1. 5. 3. 2. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 3 89.11.11 1.18 0 91. 9.11 50. 0. 0 41. 9.11 Amount of Discharges per following page Free balance Deduct ten per cent added to the sinking fund in terms of the byelaws Sum to be divided Amount of Sinking Fund £752 Discharge of the preceding Charge Subscription to the Infirmary Officer for Candles James Chalmers Town Clerks dues Town Chamberlain Feu duty for Blackscroft Town Chamberlain Feu for Blackscroft Revd Charles Adie a years Stipend Revd Dr McVicar -doJames Airth Conveners officer one years salary George Blyth Cess on the Hall P. H. Toms Insurance on the Hall Mrs Anderson one years interest on £200 Alexander Young a suit of Cloathes to Officer Alexr Robertson for paving east end of the Hall Thomas Smart Nine Trades Clerk one years Salary Peter Henry Boxmaster –doStamps receipts for tenants Convener Small his disbursements for last year Officer for Candles & a pair of shoes Alexander Merchant arrears of Rent John Greigs –do- of feu Geo H Baxter –do- Rent Jas H Baxter –do76 1. 1. 0 0. 7½ 10. 0 11. 1½ 8. 4 8. 4 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 10. 0. 0 3.10.10 3. 7. 6 10. 0. 0 5.10. 0 2. 1. 8 21. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 13. 6 1.11. 6 10. 7 13. 0. 0 2.10. 0 9. 0. 0 2.10. 0 33.12. 1 71.10. 0 335. 0. 0 8.18.11 18.10. 0 1. 9. 4 435. 8. 99. 0. 336. 8. 33.12. 302.16. 3 2 1 1 0 Amount of Discharge 99. 0. 2 Dundee 8th December 1829 The accounts contained on this and the preceding page were this day exhibited before a Meeting of the General Fund Court, audited & compared with the Vouchers & found correct. The Charge is Four hundred and thirty two pounds 8/2 the discharge ninety nine Pounds & 2 pence leaving a balance of Three hundred and thirty six pounds 8/1 and after deducting & setting aside ten per cent being Thirty three pounds 12/1 in terms of the bye laws the sum to be divided among the trades poor is Three hundred and two pounds 16/-and the sinking fund is Seventy five pounds 2/-. James Thomson Convr: Tho Walker: Robert Gowans: Jno Fullarton: John McIntosh: Will Young: David Scott: Jas Small Jr: James Laws: James Reid: John Young: Robert Christie: Rod Harris: Peter Fyfe: Alexr Watson: William Thomson: Alex Crichton Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1829 to Martinmas 1830 Charge Geo K Taylors arrears of Rent J. H. Baxters –doPullars Legacy Alexander Merchant pert –doJohn Greigs account 9. 0. 2.10. 5. 0. 11.15. 2.10. Rents of Hall 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Martinmas 30 James Buchan –doGeorge Baxter –doMiss Cameron –doJohn Arklay –doMiss Anderson –doAlexr Merchant –doJames H Baxter –doDavid Russell –doFeus John Greig one years Feu duty Wm McPherson –doColin Forbes –doEntries from the other Book Interest pr Union Bank up to 31 March last Entries pr entry Book Amount of Charge Amount of Discharge Sum at Sinking Fund £75. 2. 0 Free Balance Deduct ten per cent to be added to the Sinking fund in terms of the bye laws Sum to be divided Amount of Sinking Fund 1829 And 1830 Amt 80. 71. 58. 40. 20. 27. 20. 19. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0 0 0 4 0 30.15. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 338. 2. 3 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 5.16. 8 18.10. 0 4.13. 6 45.15. 0 435. 7. 9 146. 6. 1½ 279. 1. 7 ½ 27.18. 1½ 251. 3. 6 75. 0. 0 27.18. 1½ 102.18. 1½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1830 to Martinmas 1831 Charge Geo H Baxters arrears of rent Colin Forbes –doAlex Merchants -do- 9. 0. 0 5. 0 21. 4. 8 77 Wm Pullars Legacy James H Baxters arrears of rent Wm Fairweather’s dividend on St Andrews Church Hall Rents 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Whitsunday Alex Cameron –doJames Buchan –doMiss Anderson –doJames H Baxter –doGeorge Baxter –doJohn Arklay –doAlexr Merchant –doDavid Russell –doSubscription to Coffee House One half years rent John Wright due Martinmas -do- Peter Stalker -do- John Arklay -do- Jas H Baxter -do- Miss Brown -do- Geo K Baxter -do- Coffee house Deacon Young for few Days of Buchans Shop -do- Mathew –doThomas Scott –do- Butchers Feus One years feu duty John Greig -do- Thos McPherson -do- Colin Forbes Entries from Entry Book Interest for Union Bank up to 31st March last 5. 0. 0 9.10. 0 9. 0. 0 40. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 35.10. 0 13.10. 0 9.10. 0 29. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 1. 1. 1½ 19. 0. 0 22.10. 0 7.10. 0 10. 0. 0 9.10. 0 12.10. 0 16. 0. 0 25. 0. 0 1.12. 6 6. 0 12. 0 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 7.10. 0 4. 4. 11 Sum at Sinking Fund Sum to be borrowed Amount of Discharge Deduct 10 pr cent towards Sinking Fund 53.19. 8 187.11. 1½ 103. 0. 0 2.10. 6 5.16. 8 11.14.11 364.12.10½ 102.18. 1 467.10.11½ 120. 0. 0 587.10.11½ 320.17. 9 266.13. 2½ 26.10. 7½ 240. 0. 7 Discharge of the preceding Charge David Hill for Advertising Shop Alexr Morren for Coffee House Clock Nine Trades subscription to Infirmary Proprietors of Advertiser for Advertising Shops P. H Thoms feu duty on Blackscroft Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Chas Adie –doPeter Roger repairing pavement P. H. Thoms Insurance on Hall Thomas Blyth Cess on Hall Heirs of Mrs Anderson for Principal sum in Nine Trades Bill -do- one years & 71 days Interest on –doOld Subscribers for 6 months of Coffee House John McIntosh Clock repairing Andrew Small Sundries James Airth Conveners Officer one years Salary -do- allowance for Cloathes Thomas Smart Nine Trades Clerk one years Salary Peter Thomson Boxmaster 78 4. 0. 0 4.10. 0 1. 1. 0 3.11. 0 8. 4 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 6. 2 3. 7. 6 3.10.10 200. 0. 0 11.19. 5 30. 0. 0 1. 0 2. 4. 6 10. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 21. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 Convener Keiths Intromissions for last year John Arklay arrears of rent Peter Stalker –doJohn Greig –doStamps for Receipts 1. 5. 2. 0. 2.10. 2.10. 13. 320.17. 0 0 0 0 6 9 Dundee 13th December 1831 The accounts of Charge and Discharge contained on this and the preceding page were this day examined by the General Fund Court, & found correct. The Charge amounting to £587.10.11½ and the discharge amounting to £320.17. 9 leaving a balance of £266.12. 2½ from which the sinking fund of ten per cent having been deducted the balance of £240. 0. 7 was found to be the sum to be divided. The sinking fund is £26.12. 7½. Robert Lesslie: Geo Carnegie: George Roth: J McLachlan: Jas Lawson: Jno Fullarton: Sam Addison: Thomas Peter: Alexr Watson: James Urquhart: Thomas McLean: James Reid: George Moir: Rod Harry: William Dick: W Gibson; David Hill Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1831 to Martinmas 1832 Charge Peter Stalker arrears of rent John Arklay –doJohn Pullars Legacy St Andrews Church Dividend John Greig ( a new heir) on renewing half of his property Hall Rents 1 years rent of Coffee Room from due Whitsunday 1832 John Wright Archd Martin –doGeorge H Baxter –doMiss Brown –doJohn Arklay –doJames H Baxter –doPeter Stalker –doCoffee Room half a years rent of from due Martinmas 1832 Archd Martin –doGeorge H Baxter –doThos Stewart –doMiss Brown –doJohn Arklay –doJames H Baxter –doPeter Stalker –doWm Brochers accot –doFeus John Greig one years feu duty Wm McPherson –do-do- Colin Forbes Entries from Entry Book Interest for Union Bank up to 31st March last Sum at Sinking Fund Amount of Discharge Balance Add sum to be borrowed from the Dundee Union Bank Discharge of the preceding Charge 79 2.10. 2. 0. 5. 0. 13.10. 1. 5. 0 0 0 0 0 25. 0. 22.10. 20. 0. 16. 0. 12.10.. 10. 0. 9.10. 7.10. 25. 0. 20. 0. 19. 0. 16. 0. 10. 0. 8. 0. 9.10. 7.10. 4.15. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 24. 5. 0 123. 0. 0 119.15. 0 5.16. 8 13. 0. 0 1. 7. 3 26.12. 7 313.16. 6½ 215.144.10 98. 1. 8½ 76. 0. 0 174. 1. 8½ Union Bank borrowed at Martinmas 1831 James Webster one years subscription to Infirmary John McIntosh repairs to Shop James Mearns Tickets for Shops Chas Stewart Smook Cans for Hall James Chalmers `Stationary John Low repairing roof of Hall Town Chamberlain duty on Blackscroft Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Chas Adie –doWilliam Keay alterations on Wrights Shop P. H. Thoms Insurance on Hall Thomas Ferrier & others Flag for Nine Trades James Airth Conveners officer one years Salary Patrick Smart Clerk –doPeter Thomson Boxmaster –doWillm Young old Conveners overpaid Rent on Coffee room 1831 -do- Cleaning Hall Stamps for Receipts for Tenants Peter Stalker arrears of rent Colin Forbes –do- of Feu duty Wm S Flowerdew for representatives of the late Thos Smart for advertising & rouping of Shops Deduct received from Alexr Merchant John Greig arrears of feu duty Alexr Merchant Glas door to Stalkers Shops 120. 0. 0 1. 1. 0 1. 3. 2 1. 6 8. 0 7. 7 1. 6 8. 4 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 12. 2. 0 3. 7. 6 10.12. 6 10. 0. 0 21. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 1.12 5 1. 8. 0 11. 6 7.10. 0 5. 0 10.15. 0 1.14.8 9. 0. 4 2.10. 0 1.10. 0 215.14.10 Dundee 12th December 1832 The accounts of Charge and Discharge contained on this and the preceding page were this day examined by the General Fund Court & found correct. The Charge amounting to Three hundred and thirteen Pounds 16/6½ and the discharge amounting to Two hundred and fifteen Pounds 14/10 Sterling leaving a balance of Ninety eight pounds 1/8½ which with the Seventy six pounds Sterling which the Boxmaster was appointed to borrow leaves a sum of One hundred & Seventy four pounds 1/8½ for division amongst the poor being at the rate of One pound ten Shillings each.. James Laws Convr: W. Gibson Deacon: James Thomson: Alexr Watson: George Roth Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1832 to Martinmas 1833 Charge Colin Forbes arrears of rent John Greig –do- pr George Greig The late John Pullars Legacy St Andrews Church Dividend The late Peter Stalkers arrears not recovered Hall Rents 1 years rent of Coffee Room half years rent to Whitsunday 1832 Arch Allardice one years rent due Martinmas Thomas Stewart –doGeorge K Baxter –doJames H Baxter –doMiss Brown –doJohn Arklay –doMrs Youngs late Bks £4.10/- -do-. Widow Scott net proceeds of Roup -do- Cellar Wm Brochers accot –doFeus 80 5. 2.10. 5. 0. 18. 0. 25. 0. 40. 0. 32. 0. 38. 0. 19. 0. 20. 0. 16. 0. 9.10. 2.12. 18. 4.15. 0 0 0 0 ` 25.5. 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 203. 0.10 119.15. 0 John Greig one years Wm McPherson –do-do- Colin Forbes Entries from Entry Book 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Amount of Discharge Balance 5.16. 8 12.15. 0 247. 7. 6 161.12. 9½ 85.14. 8½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Union Bank borrowed at Martinmas 1832 Town Clerks dues Wm Morris Kings Mails on Hall 1832. 1833 Infirmary Subscription Proprietors of Chronicle Advertising Hall Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doTown Chamberlain for Blackscroft Peter David paving at Hall Proprietors of Constitutional advertising Robt Leslie cleaning Hall P. H. Thoms Insurance on Hall Proprietors of Advertiser advertisements Police assessment as Tenants of Hall James Chalmers `Stationary Wm Key repairs on Scotts Shop Andw Farquharson –do- Stewarts-doWm Smart a years Salary Jas Airth Conveners officer –doPeter Thomson Boxmaster -doStamps receipts for Tenants Interest to Union Bank Jas Taws (old Convener) his accot for 2 years John McIntosh repairing latch to Conveners Chain Alexr Merchant Glas door to Stalkers Shops 76. 0. 0 11. 1½ 3.17. 6 1. 1. 0 7. 1 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 8. 4 14. 7. 6 7. 6 15. 0 3. 7. 6 1.18. 9 2.12. 6 3.16. 0 2. 2 .0 6. 0 21. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 6 4.14. 0 15. 0 1. 0 161.12. 9½ Dundee 13th December 1833 The above accounts of Charge and Discharge were this day examined and compared with the vouchers thereof and found correct. The Charge amounting to Two hundred & forty seven Pounds seven shillings and six pence Sterling and the discharge amounting to One hundred and sixty one fifteen Pounds 12/9½ Sterling leaving a balance in the Boxmasters hands of Eighty five pounds fourteens shillings and eight pence half penny Sterling And the Meeting agreed to divide Eighty three pounds six Shillings Sterling amongst the poor of the different Trades being at the rate of fourteen shillings to each person leaving a balance of two pounds 8/8½ in the Boxmasters hands with which the appoint him to debit himself in next years accounts Alex Lawson Convener: Alexr Pattullo: Ja Gibson: James Urquhart: wm Lawson: Alex Crichton: David Duncan: Geo Cowan: Thos Stewart: Thomas Peter: Alexr Watson: David Knight: Las Lawson: John Cuthbert: George Moir: James Thomson Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1833 to Martinmas 1834 Charge Balance from last years Aocot Jas & John Ogilvie John Pullars Legacy Hall Rents Jas Chalmers one half years rent of Coffee Room Arch Allardice one years rent due Martinmas Thomas Stewart –do81 2. 8. 8½ 5. 0. 0 27.10. 0 40. 0. 0 32. 0. 0 Miss Brown –doJames H Baxter –doJohn Arklay –doRobt Watt –doMrs Youngs -do- 20. 0. 19. 0. 16. 0. 15.0. 10. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 217.10. 0 Feus John Greig one years Wm McPherson –do-do- Colin Forbes Entries from Entry Book Amount of Charge Amount of Discharge 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Discharge of 5.16. 8 21.15. 0 263..10. 4½ 54.16.. 8½ 208.13. 8 the preceding Charge Town Clerks dues John McIntosh repairing lock of Nine Trades Chest Nine Trades Subscription to Infirmary Town Chamberlain feu Blackscroft Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doP. H. Thoms Insurance on Hall John Martin Kings Mails –doProprietors of Dundee Guardian advertising meeting of the Trades -do- Dundee Courier –do- Election Harbour Commissioners -do- Dundee Chronicle –do- Meeting of Trades Jas Airth officer in lee of suit of cloths Jas Airth Conveners officer one years SalaryPatr Smart Clerk –doPeter Thomson Boxmaster -doCollin Forbes arrears of feu duty Amount of discharge 11. 1½ 3. 0 1. 1. 0 8. 4 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 3. 7. 6 2.18.8 5. 7 6. 0 6. 0 3.10. 0 10. 0. 0 21. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 5. 0 54.16. 8½ Dundee 15th December 1834 The above accounts of Charge and Discharge were this day examined and compared with the vouchers thereof and found correct. The Charge amounting to Two hundred & sixty three Pounds 10/4½ and the discharge amounting to Sixty four Pounds 16/8½ Sterling leaving a balance of two hundred and eight pounds 13/8 Sterling in the Boxmasters hands. The Meeting agreed to divide £173.10/- Stg amongst the poor of the different Trades leaving a balance of £30. 3. 8 Stg in the Boxmasters hands to pay in part for the repairs upon the front of the Hall James Urquhart: David Duncan: John Patterson; Alexr Lawson Convener: Aly Crichton: John Cuthbert: Alexr Watson: Dav Malcolm; David Knight Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1834 to Martinmas 1835 Charge Balance from last years Aocot Jas & John Ogilvie John Pullars Legacy Colin Forbes arrears of feu duty Hall Rents Jas Chalmers one half years rent of Coffee Room Wm Livingstone -doJames Stewart –doMrs S. Young –doMiss Brown –doRobt Watt –doJohn Arklay –do82 30. 3. 8 5. 0. 0 5. 0 27.10. 15. 0. 32. 0. 10. 0. 20. 0. 15. 0. 16. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35. 8. 8 James H Baxter –doGeo R Baxter Archd Allardice –do- 19. 0. 0 38. 0. 0 40. 0. 0 232.10. 0 Feus John Greig one years Wm McPherson –do-do- Colin Forbes St Andrews Church dividend 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 Entries from Entry Book Amount of Charge Amount of Discharge 5.16. 8 18. 0. 0 291.15. 4 46. 0. 0 337.15. 4 130.11. 9½ 201. 3. 6½ Discharge Alex Robertson for refund on Hall Geo Robertson –doJames Mearns for painting –doProprs of Advertiser advertsg meeting to elect Harbour Trustees Town Clerks dues Proprs of Courier advertising Hall &c -do- Scotsman –do- address to the King &c Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doJas Airth Conveners officer one years Salary- & pair of shoes Subscription to Infirmary Baker & Dyer Trades use of their rooms Town Chamberlain for feus of Blackscroft James Chalmers `Stationary P. H. Thoms Insurance on Hall John McIntosh Sundries –doWm Moris Cess -doJas Tavin repairs –doWm Moris Sasl Assessment Stamp receipts for 2 years David Duncan Suit of cloaths & Hat to officer Patr Smart Clerk one years Salary Peter Thomson Boxmaster -doGlover Trade for one years rent of their room pr Whitsunday 1832 to 1834 Tail assessment on Mr Allardices shop Amount of Charge Amount of Discharge 34. 2. 5 19.15. 0 9. 0. 0 19. 0 11. 1½ 16. 8 14. 3½ 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 10. 9. 0 1. 1. 0 5. 0. 0 8. 4 2. 1. 3½ 3. 7. 6 5. 8 3. 3.10 3.12. 0 0. 2½ 1. 1. 0 5. 5. 0 21. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 136. 7.10 3.11½ 136.11. 9½ 337.02. 1 130.11. 9½ 201. 3. 6 Dundee 15th Decr 1835 The above accounts of Charge and Discharge were this day examined and compared with the vouchers thereof amounting to Three hundred and thirty seven Pounds 15/4 and the discharge amounting to One hundred & seventy seven Pounds Sterling amongst the poor of the different Trades the Boxmaster retaining the sum of Twenty four pounds 3/6½ in his hands to be carried to the debiting next years accounts. Rod Harris Convr: Alexr Pattullo: John Wilson: David Duncan: John Arklay: Robert Christie: Wm Fairweather; James Urquhart: Dav Malcolm Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1835 to Martinmas 1836 Charge Received 83 Balance from last years accots Heirs of the late James Pullar for legacy Hall Rents Wm Livingston One years rent of Coffee room Archd Allardice –do- Shop James R Baxter –doMiss Brown –doJames Stewart –doJames H Baxter –doJohn Arklay –doRobt Watt –doAlexr Young -doFeus Wm McPherson –doColin Forbes doHeirs of the late George Greig Interest from Union Bank 24. 3. 6½ 5. 0. 0 Entries from Entry Book St Andrews Church Dividend Amount of Discharge Amount of Discharge Sum for division Sum divided Balce in Boxmasters hands 30. 40. 38. 20. 32. 19. 16. 15. 10. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 2.10. 0 29. 3. 6½ 220.0. 0 5.16. 8 1.11. 0 256.11. 2½ 10.15. 0 13..10. 0 280.16. 3 55.19. 1½ 224.17. 1½ 171. 0. 0 53.17. 1½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Alex Lawson (the Convener) his Intromissions Proprs of Courier advertising meeting of Trades David Hean & Sons repairs & alterations on Mr Allardice Shop Robert Strachan –do- on Coffee Room Chairs Robt Leslie –do- on Hall roof & Chimney Spouts Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doGeo R Baxter Seal Assessment on Hall for 1834, 35 John Alison -doWm Moyes –doTown Chamberlain for feus of Blackscroft P. H. Thoms Insurance on Hall James Chalmers `Stationary Subscription to Infirmary Stamps receipts for Tenants &c Mr Fairweather for Bellman ringing St Andws Chc Bells Peter Thomson (Treasurer) one years Salary James Airth officer -doCollin Forbes Arrears of feu duty John McIntosh Hall lock & repairing (blank) Hammond (Clerk) a Scroll Minute Book Jas H Baxter arrears of shop rent Jas Lawson for repairing Gas fittings in Hall Convener Harris for intromissions Mr Fairweather additional advanced by him for ringing St Andrews Church Bells Grant by Conveners Court to T L Hammond the Clerk for trouble since he was elected Error in last years entry – sum being £44.15/- instead of £46 Dundee 15 December 1836 84 1. 8. 0 1. 0. 1 6. 3. 9 9. 5 8. 6 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 3.11½ 1.10. 9 2. 1. 0 8. 4 3.15. 0 10. 8 1. 1. 0 10. 6 2. 5. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 0 2. 0 2. 0 7.10. 0 50. 9. 5½ 2. 8 10. 0 9. 0 3. 3. 0 1. 5. 0 55.19. 1½ The above accounts of Charge and Discharge were this day examined and compared with the vouchers and being found correctly stated & properly vouched the balance in the Boxmasters hands was found amount to the sum of Two hundred and twenty four pounds seventeen shillings & 1½ Sterling & the meeting having agreed to divide the sum of One hundred & seventy one pounds Sterling the balance of Fifty three Pounds seventeen shillings & 1½ was directed to be carried to the debit of the Boxmaster in next years accounts. Robt McCarry Convr: James Reid: J Stewart: John Wilson: Alex Crichton: John Pattullo: David Duncan: John Arklay: John Cuthbert: James Hodge: Robt Woodcock Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1836 to Martinmas 1837 Charge Received Balance from last years accots Jas & John Ogilvie for the late James Pullar for legacy Hall Rents David Duncan One years rent of Coffee room Archd Allardice –do- Shop James R Baxter –doMiss Brown –doJames Stewart –doJames H Baxter –doJohn Arklay –doRobt Watt –doFeus Wm McPherson –doColin Forbes doHeirs of the late George Greig St Andrews Church Dividend Interest from Union Bank Entries from Sederunt Book 53.17. 1½ 5. 0. 0 30. 50. 38. 20. 32. 17. 16. 15. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 1. 5. 2.10. 27. 0. 1.19. 8 0 0 0 6 218. 0. 0 5.16. 8 18.19. 6 4.10. 0 316. 3. 3½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Paid George Ower Glass to Coffee room Windows Wm A Flowerdew to acct Salary to the late Robt Smart Proprs of the Dundee Chronicle advertisements Town Chamberlain feu duty Blackscroft Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doJohn Alison assessment on Hall Wm Morie Hall --doP. H. Thoms Insurance on Hall Tass Compy Glass to Coffee room May 1833 to 1834 Alex Bell balance on News papers furnished to Coffee room May 1833 to 1834 T L Hammond Balls to Ballot Box James Clark repairing Stalkers Shop David Thomson –do- Stewarts -doJames Airth one years Salary Conveners officer Do Duncans cloths doT L Hammond –do- Clerk doPeter Thomson –do- Boxmaster –doBellman St Andrews Church Robt Watt arrears of rent Collin Forbes –do- fey duty Stamps & receipts for tenants &c Jas Chalmers Stationary 85 1. 3. 4 9.19.11 1.15. 6 8. 4 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 1.10. 9 1.17. 8 3.15. 0 4. 2. 0 11. 0. 6 1. 0 7. 0 2. 0. 6 10. 0. 0 5. 5. 0 10.10. 0 5. 0. 0 2. 5. 0 8.15. 0 5. 0 8. 6 1. 7.10 John Fleming repairs to Coffee room Jas H Baxter arrears of rent Archd Allardice –doRodk Harris for disbursements Cash repaid to the Weaver Trade for John Cowley Baker entered last year by mistake. H. T. Baxter to having formerly been entered in the Bonnetmaker and paid for as such addn voted to the Clerk for extra labour during the year By balance 14. 12. 0. 15. 0. 15. 0 0 0 0 6. 6. 0 122. 7. 4 193.15. 11½ 313. 3. 3½ Dundee 15 December 1837 The above accounts of the Boxmaster having been examined were found to be One hundred and ninety three Pounds fifteen shillings and three pence one half penny and it having been agreed to divide the sum of One hundred & seventy four pounds Sterling the balance of Nineteen Pounds fifteen shillings & eleven half penny was ordered to be carried to the debit in a new Account John Young Convener: Robt Harris: John Lundie: James Reid: Robt Taws: David Duncan: David Leighton: Wm Fairweather: John Arklay: John Franks: Willm Gibb: Geo Soutar: Thomas Dick: James Stewart: John Patterson Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1837 to Martinmas 1838 Charge Received Balance from last years accots The late James Pullar legacy pr Jas & John Ogilvie Jas H Baxter arrears of rent Archd Allardice -doHall Rents David Duncan One years rent of Coffee room Eastern Bank -doArchd Allardice one years rent of Shop James R Baxter –doMiss Brown –doJames Stewart –doJames H Baxter –doJohn Arklay –doJames Stalker -doFeus Wm McPherson –doColin Forbes doHeirs of the late George Greig John Meffn net proceeds of Coffee room Chairs &c J. D. McPherson Heir to late Wm McPherson Interest from Union Bank 19.15.11½ 5. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 Entries from Sederunt Book 15. 60. 50. 38. 20. 32. 15. 16. 15. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 2.10. 0 4.12.8 1.10.10 1. 2. 8 51.15.11½ 261. 0. 0 5.16. 8 7. 7. 2 325.19. 9½ 4. 5. 0 330.4. 9½ 157.4. 2½ 173. 0. 7 330. 4. 9½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Paid Weaver Trade for John G Baxter formerly charged Town Chamberlain feu duty Blackscroft 86 1. 0. 0 8. 4 Proprietors Dundee Chronicle advertising Proprietors Dundee Courier advertising Peter Gavine repairs to Hall roof Robt Leslie Cleaning –do- Spouts & Chimney cans P. H. Thoms Premium on –do- for £1500 John Alison Cess -doWm Morris Seal assest –doWm Hood Bellman St Andrews Church Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doDavid Duncan for late Subscribers giving up Coffee room &c Mrs Hood use of room & expence settling lease of Hall Thos L Hammond Trades proporn –do- to Bank John Smith poor assessment John Nicoll Box to Clerk for Trades Books Thos L Hammond Clerk one years Salary Peter Thomson Boxmaster –doJas Airth officer -doStamps & receipts for tenants &c Baxter Trade half years rent of their Room Dyer –doGlover -doBonnet Makers –doFleshers -doHammerman -doWeaver –doTailor –doCordiner –doJames Stalker arrears of rebt Jas H Baxter –doArchd Allardice –doCollin Forbes –do- 9. 0 17. 6 3. 6 12. 3 3.15. 0 1. 9.10½ 1.16. 1 2. 5. 0 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 34. 0. 0 1.10. 0 3.12. 5 3..0. 0 17. 0 10.10. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 8. 6 3.13. 3.13. 2.10. 2.10. 2.10. 2.10. 2. 2. 1.10. 1. 0. Convener Youngs accot for outlay on accot of the Trades Paid for the use of the Commercial Hall Balance in Boxmasters hands 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21.19. 0 10. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 25. 0. 0 5. 0 154.13. 2½ 1.1. 0 1. 1. 0 173. 0. 7 330. 4. 9½ Dundee 12 December 1838 The above accounts having been examined were found to correct the General Fund ordered that a sum of One hundred and ninety pounds ten shillings should be divided among the poor of the Trades the amount of the difference betwixt the above balance of One hundred and seventy three pounds and seven pence & the sum of One hundred & ninety pounds en shillings amounting to seventeen punned nine shillings & five pence being ordered to be carried to the credit of the Boxmaster in a new Account. John Murdoch Convr: Geo Soutar: Thomas Dick: Alexander Pirie: Wm Ferrier: James Cuthbert: Thos Cuthbert Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1838 to Martinmas 1839 Charge Received Jas & John Ogilvie legacy from the late James Pullar Archd Allardice arrears of rent Jas H Baxter Hall Rents Eastern Bank one years rent Archd Allardice one years rent of Shop Geo R Baxter –do87 5. 0. 0 25.0. 0 7. 0. 0 120. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 38. 0. 0 37. 0. 0 Miss Brown –doJames Stewart –doJames H Baxter –doJohn Arklay –doPeter Lawson –do(blank) Herald –do- 20. 32. 15. 16. 13. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 1. 2.10. 2.10. 5. 8 0 0 0 316. 2. 0 Feus Wm McPherson –doHeirs of the late George Greig one years feu -do- double feu Collin Forbes doUnion Bank Interest St Andrews Church dividend Entries pr Minute Book 8.3 6. 8 12. 6 -. -. 352. 1. 2 14. 5. 0 366. 6. 2 330. 4. 9½ Discharge of the preceding Charge Paid Cash Account of Boxmaster Decr last Proprietors Dundee Chronicle advertising & meetings Proprietors Dundee Courier advertising James Chalmers –do- printing John L Hammond attempting sale of Hall Robt Christie reporting –doJohn Alison Land tax –doWm Morris poors assessment –do-do- Seal doP. H. Thoms Premium of Insurance –doJohn Leslie cleaning of Spout -doPeter Hean examined previous to –do- being occupied by the Bank Wm Hood ringing St Andrews Church Bell Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doTown Chamberlain Feu duty on Blackscroft Thos L Hammond remit towards obtaining penny postage Hammerman Trade over entry for Jas Justice David Shepherd repairing Hall Shutters Thos L Hammond Trades half of New lease to the Bank Thos –do- one years Salary Peter Thomson Boxmaster –doJas Airth officer -doWm Brown Cloathes to –doAlexr Crichton dyeing balls David Budge & Beatts use of the Hall Mrs Hood –doStamps receipts for Tenants Thos L Hammond Warrant &c open G Lawrence Shop Sundries – expenses when Hall was exposed Baker Trade One years rent of their Room Dyer –doGlover -doBonnet Makers –doFleshers -doHammerman -doWeaver –doTailor –doCordiner –doArchd Allardice arrears of rent 88 17. 9. 5 3. 7. 6 1.17. 0 13. 6. 1 5.15. 4 1.1. 0 2. 1. 9 3. 0. 0 2. 6. 7 3.15. 0 5. 6 1. 5. 0 2. 5. 0 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 8. 4 5. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 3. 6 4.18. 2 10.10. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 1. 0 2. 1. 6 1. 0. 0 8. 6 11. 6½ 8. 6 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43.18. 0 25. 0. 0 John Arklay –doJas H Baxter -doCollin Forbes –do- 8. 0. 0 7.10. 0 10. 0 194.18. 8½ 9. 0 170.18. 5½ 346. 6. 2 Jas Airth officer for a pair shoes Balance in Boxmasters hands Dundee 13 December 1839 The above accounts having been examined were found to properly charged and correctly vouched and the balance in the Boxmasters hands found to be One hundred and seventy pounds eighteen shillings and ten pence half penny the Court thereupon ordered a sum of one hundred and eighty seven pounds ten shillings to at the rate of One pound ten shillings to each and the Boxmaster was ordered to credit himself in next account with sixteen pounds eleven shillings six pence half penny advanced for that purpose. Willm Imrie: Chas Fleming: Will Brown: Alexander Pirie: David Lighton: Alexr Langlands: Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1839 to Martinmas 1840 Charge Received Archd Allardice arrears of rent John Arklay –doJames H Baxter –doCollin Forbes -do- of feu duty James & Jas Ogilvie Pullars legacy Hall Rents Eastern Bank one years rent Archd Allardice one years rent of Shop Geo R Baxter –doMiss Brown –doJames Stewart –doJohn Arklay –doDr Munro –doMrs Roger half –doMiss Herald one –doFeus Wm McPherson –doHeirs of the late George Greig one years feu Collin Forbes doUnion Bank Interest Entries pr Minute Book 25.0. 8. 0. 7.10. 10. 5. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 120. 0. 40. 0. 38. 0. 20. 0. 32. 0. 16. 0. 13. 0. 12.10. 2. 2. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 1. 8 2.10. 0 5. 0 15. 2 346. 310 27. 0. 0 373. 2.10 Discharge of the preceding Charge Paid Cash advanced from last account Proprietors of Chronicle -do- Courier -do- Advertiser Sundries Glass to shop Windows -do- Cleaning Attics & Spouts Wm Hood ringing St Andrews Church Bell George Robertson Cushions to Church Seats P. H. Thoms Premium of Insurance –doTown Chamberlain Feu duty on Blackscroft John Alison Land tax on Hall James Gowans repairing Shutters 16.11. 1½ 18. 0 9.. 0 3. 5. 1 1. 5.10 10. 0 2. 5. 0 4.12. 3 3.15. 0 8. 4 2. 5. 5 7. 5 89 James Chalmers stationary John Beats use of Hall Mrs Hood -doRevd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doThos L Hammond- one years Salary Boxmaster –doJas Airth officer -doStamps receipts for Tenants William Morris assessment on Hall Baker Trade One years rent of their Room Dyer –doGlover -doBonnet Makers –doFleshers -doHammerman -doWeaver –doTailor –doCordiner –doHeirs of Collin Forbes arrears of feu John Arklay –do- 1. 5. 0 1.18. 0 1. 0. 0 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 10.10. 0 5. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 12. 6 2. 5. 6½ 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. Paid accot for papering Shop behind Mrs Allanch To allowance to Convener Murdoch for expenses incurred by him during the period he was in office Balance in Boxmasters hands 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43.18. 5. 1. 0. 120. 1. 1. 1. 0 0 0 5 0 1. 0. 0 122. 2. 5 251. 1. 5 373.3.10 Dundee 9th December 1840 The Boxmasters accounts having been examined and audited were found correct and properly vouched and the balance was found to be Two hundred and fifty pounds one shilling and five pence Sterling and the Court therefore ordered a sum of two pounds each to be divided among the poor who being 130 in number makes a sum of Two hundred and six pounds and the meeting ordered the d to credit himself with the sum of Eight pounds Eighteen shillings and seven pence owed by him for that purpose in next years accots. Alex Langlands: Deacon of Cordiner: William Aitken: Deacon of Hammerman: Deacon of Tailors: John Mitchell: Will Brown: David Lighton per Convener: Jobson Beacon of Bakers Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1840 to Martinmas 1841 Charge Received Collin Forbes arrears of feu John Arklay –doJames H Baxter –do- Rent The late Mr Pullars legacy Hall Rents Eastern Bank one years rent Archd Allardice –doGeo R Baxter –doMiss Brown –doJames Stewart –doJohn Arklay –doDr Munro –doMrs Roger –doMrs Kenny –do- Cellar T Ferrier half years –doFeus 90 5. 0 8. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 120. 0. 0 40. 0. 0 38. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 32. 0. 0 16. 0. 0 13. 0. 0 12.10.0 2. 2. 0 4. 0. 0 Wm McPherson –doHeirs of the late George Greig one years feu Collin Forbes doUnion Bank Interest Entries pr Minute Book 3. 1. 2.10. 5. 16. 310.10. 6.15. 317. 5. 8 0 0 8 4 0 4 Discharge of the preceding Charge Paid Cash advanced from last account Phoenix Fire office Premium on £1500 Insured on Hall John Murdoch his disbursements as Convener Dundee Courier Office advertisements John Marshal smith work William Craigie Cleaning Hall spouts Jas Gavine repairing Mr Allarcide Shutters &c John Allison Land tax on Hall Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doWilliam Thomson one years Salary as Clerk Jas Airth officer -do-do- a suit of cloaths and a pair of Shoes P. Thomson one years salary as Treasurer Jas Airth printing of Tickets Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blackscroft Wm Hood Ringing St Andrews Church Bells Jas Gavin repairing Mrs Rogers Shop P H Thoms premium on £1500 Insured on Hall Jas Lenox a Hat to officer Jas Chalmers stationary Stamps receipts for Tenants Prison assessments allowed Tenants John Beats for use of Cord Hall Mrs Hood -do- a room Convener Jobson his disbursements as Convener Heirs of late Wm McPherson Arrears of feu duty -do- of late Collin Forbes 2 years –doBaker Trade One years rent of their Room Dyer –doGlover -doBonnet Makers –doFleshers -doHammerman -doWeaver –doTailor –doCordiner –doWm Morris Goal Assessment on Hall J & D Lawson A Charter Box Lock & Key Da Mill for Printing Balance in Boxmasters hands 8.18. 7 4. 1. 6 1. 1. 0 1.16. 0 15. 9 3. 6 7. 2 1.19. 6 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 10.10. 0 10. 0. 0 5.19. 6 5. 0 .0 2. 0 8. 4 2. 5. 0 1.19. 6 3.15. 0 14. 0 14. 6 9. 6 3. 6. 4 2. 2. 0 1. 0. 0 2. 2. 0 3. 1. 8 10. 0 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43.18. 2. 4. 11. 126. 4. 9. 19.12. 317. 5. 0 6 6 4 0 0 4 Dundee 15 December 1841 The Boxmasters accounts having been examined were found correctly and properly vouched and the balance was found to be One hundred and ninety pounds twelve shillings Sterling and the sum of One pound Eight shillings each was ordered to be divided among the poor of the Trades as given up One 91 hundred and thirty four in number and the same amounting to One hundred eighty seven pounds twelve shillings leaves a balance of Three pounds Sterling to the debit of the Boxmaster and next accots. John Cuthbert Convener: William Harris: Geo Soutar: James Feathers: Alexr Burns: James Stewart: Chas Fleming: Geo Sutherland: Wm Mitchell Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1841 to Martinmas 1842 Charge Received Balance of last years account Collin Forbes arrears of feu Heirs of William McPherson -doThe late Mr Pullars legacy Hall Rents Eastern Bank a half year @£60 @ a half @ £6. 10/-t Archibald Martin one years rent of Shop James Stewart –doG R Baxter –doMrs Roger –doJohn Arklay –doDr Munro –doMrs Kenny –do- Cellar T Ferrier half years –do-Shop Alex Farquharson a half –doMr Brown –doFeus Wm McPherson –doHeirs of the late George Greig one years feu Collin Forbes doInterest Miss Smart arrears of feu duty since Whitsunday 1836 Entries pr Minute Book 3. 0. 10. 3. 1. 5. 0. 0 0 8 0 127.10. 0 40. 0. 0 32. 0. 0 38. 0. 0 14.0.0 16. 0. 0 12. 0. 0 2. 2. 0 8. 0. 0 6. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 3. 1. 2.10. 5. 18. 1. 0. 325. 3. 18.15. 343.18. 8 0 0 3 0 7 0 7 Discharge of the preceding Charge Paid T L Hammond Premium on £1500 in Phoenix Fire office P H Thoms premium on £1500 Insured on Hall Forfarshire office Dundee Advertiser Robt Leslie cleaning Hall Spouts & repairs to roof A Lawson altering lock &c Miss Brown Cellar windows left in Hall Dr Munro repairs to shop Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doJames Hood Ringing St Andrews Church Bells James Gowans repairs to Ja Stewarts shop Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blackscroft Thomas L Hammond one years Salary as Clerk Jas Airth officer -doPeter Thomson one years salary as Treasurer Jas Airth to repairing Trades flag Robt Leslie Can to Mr Allardice shop Convener Cuthbert 10 pct Interest on £100 advanced to Trades Stamps receipts for Tenants Mrs Hood dues of room for Trades Meetings John M Beats use of Hall 92 3.15. 0 3.15. 0 9. 0 12. 6 2. 0 1. 0. 0 1.10 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 2. 5. 0 9. 4 8. 4 10.10. 0 10. 0. 0 5. 0 .0 1. 6 4. 6 4. 3. 4 9. 6 1. 6. 0 2. 2. 0 Jas Chalmers stationary Alex Farquharson frame to Windows William Morris say Prison assessments allowed Tenants John Jobson part towards liquidating debt of £100 due to Convener Cuthbert Heirs of Collin Forbes arrears of feu duty John Alison Land tax on Hall Warder news papers advertising &c Baker Trade One years rent of their Room Dyer –doGlover -doBonnet Makers –doFleshers -doHammerman -doWeaver –doTailor –doCordiner –doT L Hammond expenses recovering Miss Smarts arrears G R Baxter arrears of rent 3. 6 2.19. 1 2.19. 1 20. 0. 5. 1.19. 9. 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 43.18. 0 13.10 19. 0 144. 4.11 9. 9. 2 153.14. 1 9. 9. 2 153.14. 1 190. 4. 6 343.18. 7 T L Hammond account of business Balance in Boxmasters hands Balance Dundee 21 December 1842 The Boxmasters accounts having been examined & audited were found correctly stated and the balance was found to be One hundred and ninety pounds four shillings & six pence whereof One hundred and eight four pounds twelve shillings & sic pence were ordered to be divided among the poor at the rate agreed upon viz £105½ & the balance of Five pounds twelve shillings ordered to be debited to next account James Crichton Convener: James Spankie: William Gibb: Jas Murray; John Couper: George Sutherland: James Thoms: Thos Fleming: James Stewart: Alexr Murray: Wm Gibson: Jas Taws; Alexander Pirie Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1842 to Martinmas 1843 Charge Received Balance of last years account G H Baxters arrears Pullars legacy Hall Rents Eastern Bank one year rnt of Hall E Y Roger -do- shop T Ferrier -doWidow Farquharson -doDr Munro –doWm Allan –do- & Cellar Archd Allardice half a year @ £20 & a half £17.10. 0 of Shop G. H. Martin -do- @ £10 -do- @ £15 -doJas Stewart –do- @ £10 -do- @ £14 -doJohn Arklay –do- @£8 –o- @£7 –doFeus Wm McPherson –doHeirs of the late George Greig one years feu Collin Forbes doInterest 93 5.12. 0 19. 0. 0 5. 0. 0 135. 0. 16. 0. 8. 0. 12. 0. 12. 0. 2. 2. 37.10. 34. 0. 30.10. 15. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 1. 2.10. 5. 2.18. 340. 8. 8 0 0 1 9 Discharge of the preceding Charge Paid T L Hammond Premium on £1500 in Phoenix Fire office P H Thoms premium on £1500 Insured on Hall Forfarshire office Wm Hood ringing St Andrews Church Bells 14 MOs Revd Dr McVicar one years Stipend Revd Dr Adie –doJohn Alison Land tax on Hall Convener Cuthbert one years interest on £100 Proprietors of Advertiser Wm Mustard repairing pavement at Hall Thomas L Hammond one years Salary as Clerk John Alison Income Tax Proprietors of Courier Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blackscroft Wm Craigie Slater work on Hall Jas Airth officer -doSet a part towards distinguishing the Trades debt to Convr Cuthbert Income tax deducted from Tenants rents Peter Thomson for Ballots George Robertson plaister work in Allardice Shop Prison Assessment allowed Tenants P Thomson one years Salary as Treasurer Stamp receipts Mrs Hood one years rent of room for Trades meetings Mr Farquharson a piece of Glass and Lock for his shop Mr Hammond business account Stationary Convener Cuthbert expence while in office Mrs E Y Roger sundries repairs in her shop & Cellar Set a part towards paying the Nine trades proportion of the debt on St Andrews Church ready to be paid when the other Bodies concerned prepared to pay their shares Mrs E Y Youngs arrears of rent Heirs of Collin Forbes arrears of feu duty Entries in Book 3.15. 0 3.15. 0 2.12. 6 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 1.1910 5. 0. 0 1. 5. 0 12.11 10.10. 0 17. 6 16. 0 8. 2 1.14. 2 10. 0. 0 20. 0. 0 8.17. 4 1. 0 1.10 4.16.11 10. 0. 0 8. 6 3. 0. 0 6. 6 2. 3.. 0 1. 8 2. 2. 0 3.15. 6 71.16. 7. 4. 10. 6.15. 347. 3. 3 6 0 0 9 Dundee 15th December 1843 The above accounts were this day examined in the presence of the General fund Court and were found correctly stated and properly vouched and the balance in the hands of the Boxmaster for division found to amount to One hundred and fourteen pounds and two pence wand it was resolved to divide the same among the poor of the Trades being 102½ shares at 22/- per share which would make up the accrued £112.15/- leaving s balance of £1. 5/- with which the Boxmaster was ordered to Debit himself in next account. George Sutherland Convener: John Couper Deacon of Bakers: James Spankie Deacon: Geo Souter Deacon of Shoe Makers: Jas Murray Deacon of Bonnetmakers: John Cuthbert: James Stewart: Willm Gibb: Wm Gibson Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1843 to Martinmas 1844 Charge Balance of last years account G H Baxters arrears The late Mr Pullars legacy Cash towards Liquidating the Trades Bill to Convener Cuthbert -do- for payment of the Trades proportion of Debt on St Andrews Church 94 1. 5. 0 5. 0 .0 5. 0. 0 40. 0. 0 71.16. 8 Hall Rents at Whitsunday Eastern Bank for Hall less property and new prison tax Robert Walker a Shop less –doMrs Farquharson -doWm Allan a little –doDr Monroe Shop -doG. H. Martin -doJas Stewart –doHall rents at Martinmas Eastern Bank for Hall less property and new prison tax Robert Walker a Shop less –doWidow Farquharson -doWm Allan & Cellar –doDr Monroe Shop -doJas Anderson –doJohn Arklay one years less property and Prison tax Feus Heirs of the late George Greig less property Tax -do- Wm McPherson Interest up too 4th Sept 65.10. 8 16. 5. 0 5.13.0 1. 1. 0 6. 0. 0 13.17.10 14. 1. 6 65.5.10½ 21. 1. 9½ 5.17. 7 1. 1. 0 5. 7. 6 7.16.11 13. 8. 0 2. 8. 6½ 2.18. 2 1. 8. 0½ 255.12 1½ 6.14. 9 385. 8. 1½ Discharge of the preceding Charge The late Willm Craigie repairs to roof of Hall Proprietors of Courier Advertising T L Hammond prem of £1500 Insurance on Hall Jas Airth a pair of shoes Willm Morris the Nine Trades proportion of debt on St Andrews Church Willm Allan a pad lock to his Cellar Revd Dr Adie –doThomas Scott of St Andrews Church bell ringing Jas Airth putting up a let on Shop Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blackscroft Publisher of Courier Advertising James Feathers a suit of cloths to Officer P. H. Thoms for an £1500 Insurance on Hall Wm Smillie repairs on Walkers Shop R. McLean repairs to Sky lights on Hall Mrs Hood for refreshments on Queens visit A Band Music –doUse of the Thistle Hall –doJohn Alison Property Tax on Hall Set a part towards the Trades Bill to Mr Cuthbert Sutherland & Murdoch repairs to roof of Hall Convener Cuthbert one years interest on £100 Thomas L Hammond one years Salary Jas Airth officer -doR Thomson –doThomas Ferrier painting Mr Walkers shutters Mrs Hood one years rent of room Stamp for receipts Trades Room Rents Bakers Dyers Hammerman Glovers Bonnetmakers Fleshers Weavers 95 2.15. 0 9. 0 3.15. 0 8. 0 72. 9. 6 0. 6 2.17. 3 1. 2. 6 0. 6 8. 2 8.11 5. 0 3.15. 0 2.13. 9 1.19.10 4.19. 3 5. 0. 0 1. 1. 0 9. 7 20. 0. 0 1.19. 8 5. 0. 0 10.10. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 2. 0 3. 0. 0 8. 6 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tailors Cordiners David Robertson fitting in a stove in St Andrews Church Eastern Bank to the Nine Trades Sinking Fund James Chalmers for Stationary 3. 0. 0 2. 0. 0 43.18. 0 4. 6 60. 0. 0 1.12.11 277. 19. 6 115. 3. 7 ½ 393. 3. 1½ Dundee 4th December 1844 Examined in presence of the General fund Court and were found correct George Sutherland Convener: David Jobson: James Spankie: James Stewart: John Cuthbert: John Miller: John Justice: James Kinnear: John Young: John Kerr: John Couper: John Lamb: Geo Soutar Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1844 to Martinmas 1845 Charge Balance of last years account The Heirs of the late Collin Forbes arrears The late Mr Pullars legacy Hall Rents Eastern Bank one years rent due Martinmas 1845 Less Property & Income Tax Widow Farquharson one years rent -doLess Property & Income Tax James Anderson half a year rent due Whitsunday last Less his & Mrs Rodgers Property & Income Tax Doctor Monro a half years rent Less Property & Income Tax one year James Stewart one years rent Less Property & Jail Tax G R Baxter one years rent Less Property & Jail Tax Robert Walker one years rent Less Property & Jail Tax Robert Muir a half years rent John Arklay one years rent Less Property & Jail Tax Daniel Innes 4 months rent Feu one year Heirs of the late George Greig feu duty Less Income Tax -do- Wm McPherson Less Income Tax -do- Collin Forbes Interest from Eastern Bank on both the Trades Accots Entries from Book 9. 3. 7½ 5. 0 5. 0. 0 135. 0. 0 3.19. 0 12. 0. 0 12. 8½ 8. 0. 0 1. 4. 5 5.10. 0 6. 5 29. 0. 0 1. 0.11 30. 0. 0 1. 7.11 43. 0. 0 1.18. 1 5.10. 0 14. 0. 0 10. 1 2.10. 1. 3. 1. 1. 0 6 8 9 131. 1. 0 11. 7. 3½ 6.15. 7 5. 3. 7 27.19. 1 28.12. 1 41. 1.11 5.10. 0 13. 9.11 5. 0. 0 2. 8. 6 2.19.11 5. 0 2.12. 5 9. 0. 0 307.13.11 Discharge of the preceding Charge T L Hammond Business account -do- Premium of Insurance on the Hall for £1500 Couper & Balbirnie Cleaning Hall Spouts Willm Murray poor assessment for 1844 John Kerr Property Tax Dr Adie one years Stipend Mr McCulloch –doWm Smillie New shutters & repairing old ones in Mr Walkers Shop 96 ` 3.17. 3.15. 3. 7. 7. 8. 2.17. 2.17. 1. 7. 6 0 6 0 9 3 3 1 Stamp receipts Alterations in Mr Walkers Shop Allowed by Convener Court Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blacks Croft James Murray for a stove in Pat Andersons shop P. H. Thoms prem on Hall for £1500 Proprietors of Warder Newspaper Convener Cuthbert one years interest on £100 Wm Farquharson a Bold repairing in her Shop door Mr Hammond for Balls at election of Harbour Commissrs Mrs Hood one years rent of Room Eastern Bank to the Nine Trades Sinking Fund Mr Hammond one years Salary as Clerk Jas Airth officer -do- Officer & Shoes P Thomson –do- as Boxmaster Wm Morris poor assessment for 1845 James Chalmers sundries Stationery Mr Hammond business accot John Nicoll to New floor to James Stewarts Shop Trades Room Rents Bakers room rent Dyers -doHammerman –doGlovers –doBonnet makers -doFleshers –doWeavers –doTailors –doCordiners –doJohn Young a suit of clothes and Hatt to John Airth Officer John Nicoll repairing Mr Martins Shop floor Convener Sutherland his expenses while in office G R Baxter his Arrears of rent Heirs of Collin Forbes arrears of few duty 10. 6 2.11.10 8. 2 3. 3 3.15. 0 8. 11 5. 0. 0 0. 6 0. 6 3. 0. 0 21. 4. 1 10.10. 0 10. 8. 0 10. 0. 0 3.15. 6 8. 0 1.12. 6 5.14. 9 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Balance 43.18. 0 5. 0. 0 1.2. 1 1. 2. 0 8.13.10 5. 0 144. 8. 2 307.13.11 Dundee 10th December 1845 The foregoing Account was this day examined on presence of the General Fund and compared with the Vouchers and the Balance for Division found to be One hundred and fifty four pounds eight shillings and ten pence sterling whereof One hundred and thirty five pound eight shillings and nine pence were ordered for Division being at the rate of One pound seven shillings and six pence pr share on 98½ shares leaving a balance of Eight pounds nineteen shillings and five pence to be carried to the Boxmasters debit in new Account John Mitchell Convener: John Couper Assessor for Bakers; John Lamb Deacon: John Panton Deacon: James Thomson Boxmaster: John Young Deacon: Alexr Watson Boxmaster: Geo Souter Assessor: Alexander Pirie Assessor: John Justice Deacon: James Spankie Assessor: Tho Walker Boxmaster: David Henny Deacon Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1845 to Martinmas 1846 Charge Balance of last years account George R Baxter his arrears The Heirs of Collin Forbes arrears Pullars legacy Hall Rents Eastern Bank one years rent Less Income & Income Tax James Stewart one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax 97 8.19. 5 8.13.10 5. 0 5. 0. 0 135. 0. 0 5. 1. 0 29. 0. 0 1. 0.11 129.19. 0 27.19. 1 Robert Muir one year Less Income & Jail Tax Robert Walker one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Mrs Farquharson one year Less Income & Jail Tax Geo R Baxter one year Less Income & Jail Tax John Arklay one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Daniel Innes 4 months rent Less Income & Jail Tax Wm Allan one year & Cellar Less Income & Jail Tax Fews Heirs of the late George Greig one year Less Income Tax -do- Wm McPherson Less Income Tax -do- Collin Forbes Less Income Tax Eastern Bank Interest from Sinking Fund Entries Dyers & Bonnetmakers Entries from Weaver Trade 11. 0. 0 1. 9 ½ 43. 0. 0 1.10. 5 12. 0. 0 8. 6 30. 0. 0 1. 1. 3 14. 0. 0 9.11 10. 0. 0 9. 1 2. 2. 0 1. 2 2.10. 1. 3. 1. 1. 5. 0. 0 6 8 9 0 2 10.12. 2½ 41. 9. 7 11..11. 6 28.18. 9 13.10. 1 9.10.11 2. 0.10 2. 8. 6 2.19.11 4.10 83.12. 4 28. 0. 0 4. 5. 0 421. 9.10½ Discharge John Low a can to Muirs Shop Proprietors of Warder T L Hammond prem for £1500 on Hall John Kerr loss on Hall Wm Morris Assr for the poor Wm Murray Hinges to Muir Shop Windows Dr Adie one years Stipend Mr McCulloch –doTown Chamberlain Feu duty on Blacks Croft John Justice repairs on Baxters Shop ` P H Thoms prem on £1500 Insurance on Hall Mr Hammond one years Salary Jas Airth officer -doP Thomson –doStomps postages and Stationery & Miscellaneous T L Hammond business account Mr Hammond business accot Convener Cuthbert paying his Bill on the Trades due this date with one years interest Room Rents Bakers room rent Dyers -doHammerman –doGlovers –doBonnet makers -doFleshers –doWeavers –doTailors –doCordiners –doArrears of few duty Widow Forbes Allowance to Convener for extra expenses Balance 98 3. 8. 3.15. 1.10. 2.18. 1. 2.17. 2.17. 8. 6 5 0 7 7 6 3 3 2 18. 0 3.15. 0 10.10. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 1.13. 0 8. 0 4. 4. 0½ 105. 0. 0 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43.18. 0 5. 0 2. 2. 0 189.14.10 421.9.10½ Dundee 5th December 1846 The above Accounts were examined and approved of and the balance of £189.14..10 was found to be the sum applicable for division and the meeting allowed a sum of £2 pr share was ordered to be divided among the poor where at 95 Claimants for he sum of £190 the Boxmaster was ordered credit himself with the amount of 5/2 in next years accounts John Mitchell Convener: Geo Soutar: James Spankie Assessor: john Stewart Boxmaster: Alexander Pirie Assessor: Thomas Dick Deacon: John Young Deacon Peter Stewart Deacon: Wm Lawson Assessor: James Stewart Assessor: James Kinnear Assessor Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1846 to Martinmas 1847 Charge Sundries arrears of rent Pullars legacy £5 less 3 years Income tax 7/9 Hall Rents Eastern Bank one years rent 21.13. 9 4.11. 3 135. 0. 0 5. 1. 0 29. 0. 0 1. 1. 8 11. 0. 0 8. 3 43. 0. 0 1.12. 2 12. 0. 0 8.10 30. 0. 0 1. 2. 5 14. 0. 0 10. 5 15. 0. 0 11. 2 2. 2. 0 1. 2 Less Income & Income Tax James Stewart one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Robert Muir one year Less Income & Jail Tax Heirs of Robert Walker one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Mrs Farquharson one year Less Income & Jail Tax Geo R Baxter one year Less Income & Jail Tax John Arklay one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Daniel Innes 4 months rent Less Income & Jail Tax Wm Allan one year & Cellar Less Income & Jail Tax 129.19. 0 27.18. 4 10.11. 9 41. 7.10 11.11. 2 28.17. 7 13. 9. 7 14. 8.10 2. 0.10 Fews Heirs of the late George Greig one year Less Income Tax -do- Wm McPherson Less Income Tax -do- Collin Forbes Less Income Tax Commissioner of Taxes at sundrie times since last Accots were settled, returned Income tax Interest from Eastern Bank Entries pr Book Amount of Charge 2.10. 1. 3. 1. 1. 0 6 8 9 0. 2 2. 8. 6 2.19.11 5. 0 4.10 33.19. 2 2. 4. 5 14. 0. 0 352. 6.11 Discharge of the preceding Charge Balance from last years accounts Proprietors of Advertiser Proprietors of Warder P H Thoms prem for £1500 on Hall Forfarshire office T L Hammond –doDr Adie one years Stipend Mr Tulloch –doMr Hammond one years Salary 99 ` 5. 2 1. 8.11 8.11 3.15. 0 3.15. 0 2.17. 3 2.17. 3 10.10. 0 Jas Airth officer -doP Thomson –doJames Justice repairs &c at Baxters Shop Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blacks Croft Wm Crabb repairs at Hall & smoack cones on Walkers Shop Wm Morris poor assessment Wm Smillie repairing Shutters on Walkers Shop John Kerr Land Tax on Hall Stomps postages and Stationery T L Hammond business account Mrs Hood one years rent of room for Trades meetings James Murray repairing a Lock in Mrs Farquharsons Shop Sutherland & Murdoch a Wash stand in Muirs Shop Robert Muir arrears of rent Daniel Innes –doRoom Rents Bakers room rent Dyers -doHammerman –doGlovers –doBonnet makers -doFleshers –doWeavers –doTailors –doCordiners –doJohn Justice repairing a lock & new Key in Stewarts shop James Dickie repairing Cellar door Lock & Key at Allans Cellar John Justice repairing a Lock & Key at Walkers Cellar G. R. Baxter arrears of rent John Arklay –doJames Airth for a suit of clothes pr Mr Browns Accot Sett apart for sinking fund as per Minute Balance in Boxmasters hands 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 2. 6 8. 2 2. 2. 6 2.16.11 8. 6 1.11. 9 19. 6 1.13. 5 3. 0. 0 2. 6 10.10½ 4.17. 4 5. 0. 0 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43.18. 0 4. 0 1. 3 2. 3 15. 0. 0 3.13. 6 5. 0. 0 18. 2. 2 206.11. 3½ Dundee 8th December 1847 The foregoing Accounts having been examined in presence of the General fund Court was found to be correctly stated and properly vouched and the balance after setting aside and the sinking fund amounted to two hundred and six pounds fourteen shillings & three pence half penny leaves a sum of Two Pounds five shillings per share on the Claimants of the fund was ordered to be divided which at ninety shares and a half gave the sum of Two hundred and three Pounds twelve shillings & six pence leaving a balance of Three pounds one shilling & nine pence half penny with which the Boxmaster was ordered debit in next account the sinking fund set apart amounting to Eighteen Pounds two shillings and two pence and the arrears of rent to Twenty eight Pounds ten shillings & two pence Sterling. James Spankie Convener: Jas McDonald Boxmaster: John Fenton Deacon: Wm Brown Deacon; W. Bisset Deacon: Wm Lawson Boxmaster: John Patterson Boxmaster: Alex Langlands Assessor: J Fairweather Deacon: Alexander Pirie Assessor: Peter Stewart: John Stewart Deacon: And Hynd Boxmaster: William Gibb Boxmaster Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1847 to Martinmas 1848 Charge Balance of last years Accounts Robert Muir arrears of rent Martinmas 1847 Daniel Innes –doG R Baxter & Son -doJohn Arklay –doHall Rents Eastern Bank one years rent Less Income & Income Tax 3. 1. 9½ 4.17. 4 5. 0.. 0 15. 0. 0 3.13. 6 135. 0. 0 5. 1. 0 100 129.19. 0 James Stewart one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Robert Muir one year Less Income & Jail Tax Heirs of Robert Walker one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Mrs Farquharson one year Less Income & Jail Tax Geo R Baxter one year Less Income & Jail Tax John Arklay one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Daniel Innes 4 months rent Less Income & Jail Tax Wm Allan one year & Cellar 29. 0. 0 1. 1. 11 11. 0. 0 8. 3½ 43. 0. 0 1.12. 6½ 12. 0. 0 9. 1 30. 0. 0 1. 2. 8½ 14. 0. 0 10. 7 15. 0. 0 11. 4 Fews Heirs of the late George Greig one year Less Income Tax -do- Wm McPherson Less Income Tax Heirs of Collin Forbes one years few duty Income Tax returned from Commissioner Pullars fund Less Income Tax Entries from other Book Interest from Eastern Bank To entries from other Book for their side 27.18. 1 10.11. 8½ 41. 7. 5½ 11.10.11 28.17.3½ 13. 9. 5 14. 8. 8 2. 2. 0 2.10. 0 1. 5½ 3. 1. 8 1. 9 5. 0. 0 2.11 2. 8. 6½ 2.19.11 5. 0 8.11. 9 4.17. 1 22.10. 0 1. 4. 8 2. 0. 0 354.12.11½ Discharge Proprietors of Warder for advertising Proprietors of Courier -doJohn Justice Iron Hoods to Innes Shutters T L Hammond a half years Salary Mrs Morris supplementary state for the poor P H Thoms prem of Insurance on £3000 for a year including six months on £1500 John Justice a Key to Innes Shop T L Hammond on Business Accot Proprietors of Advertiser John Chalmers for stationery Stamps receipts & postages Dr Adie a half years Stipend Mr Tulloch one –doDavid M Crabb repairs on Hall roof Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blacks Croft A Cellar window on Tullochs Shop Robt Gillies summoning out Mrs Walker Mr Morris poors asst John Kerr Land Tax on the Hall Mr Rollo a half years Sallery Jas Airth officer -doThe Boxmaster–doRoom Rents Bakers room rent Dyers -doHammerman –doGlovers –doBonnet makers -doFleshers –do101 ` 8. 1.14. 1. 5. 5. 19. 6 0 0 0 0 9. 5. 3 2. 4 3. 0. 2 2. 2. 6 10. 9 13. 8 1. 8. 7½ 2.17. 3 9. 9 8. 2 2. 6 10. 4 3.17. 8 1.11. 9 5. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weavers –doTailors –doCordiners –doSinking fund George Ower for glass in Tullochs Cellar window Proprietors of Warder Robert Muir Arrears of rent due Martinmas 1848 Daniel Innes –doJohn Arklay –doMr Rollo business account Mrs Hood one years rent of Room Heirs of Collin Forbes on years few duty in arrears G H. Baxter and Son in arrears of ret Martinmas 1848 Balance in Boxmasters hands 4. 4. 0 3. 0. 0 2. 0. 0 43.18. 0 17.15. 0 8. 1 15. 5 5.10. 0 5. 0. 0 6. 0. 0 1. 3. 2 3. 0. 0 5. 0 10. 0. 0 200. 5. 1 354.12.11½ Dundee 6th December 1848 The foregoing Account having been examined in presence of the General fund Court was found to be correctly stated and properly vouched and the balance after setting aside and the sinking fund amounted to Two hundred pounds five shillings & one penny Stg upon which a sum leaves a sum of Two Pounds & five shillings per share on the Claimants of the fund was ordered to be divided which at eighty nine gave the said sum o f £200. 5. 1. The sinking fund amounting to Seventeen Pounds fifteen shillings making together the sum of Thirty six pounds Eight shillings & 10d at the credit of that Account and the arrears of rent to Twenty six Pounds ten shillings Spankie Convener: Wm Lawson: John Stevenson: John Stirling: William Gibb: John Watson: W Bisset; And Hynd: Wm Brown: Peter Stewart: Alexander Pirie: Wm Ferrier: James Stewart Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1848 to Martinmas 1849 Charge Hall Rents Balance arrears of rent at Martinmas 1848 Eastern Bank one years rent Less Income & Income Tax James Stewart one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Robert Muir one year Less Income & Jail Tax Heirs of Robert Walker one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Mrs Farquharson one year Less Income & Jail Tax Geo R Baxter one year Less Income & Jail Tax John Arklay one years rent Less Income & Jail Tax Daniel Innes 4 months rent Less Income & Jail Tax Wm Allan one year & Cellar Heirs of the late George Greig for ground annual Less Income Tax -do- Wm McPherson Less Income Tax Heirs of Collin Forbes one years few duty From the late Pullars fund From Commissioner returned Property Tax Eastern Bank interest on the Operating Accot Flesher Trade room rent 26.10. 0 135. 0. 0 5. 2. 8 29. 0. 0 1. 1. 11 11. 0. 0 8. 4 43. 0. 0 1.12. 8 12. 0. 0 9. 2 30. 0. 0 1. 2. 10 14. 0. 0 10. 8 15. 0. 0 11. 5 2.10. 1. 3. 1. 1. 102 0 5 8 9 129.17. 4 27.18. 1 10.11. 8 41. 7. 4 11.10.10 28.17.2 13. 9. 4 14. 8. 7 2. 2. 0 2. 8. 6 2.19.11 5. 0 5. 0. 0 8.10. 0 1. 7. 9 5. 0. 0 332. 3. 6 Discharge of the preceding Charge Peter Gavine repairing Pavement at Hall John Justice a Key to Mr Farquharsons Shop Wm Hean 2 panes glass –doAdvertiser Office for Advertising Courier -doMr Tulloch a half years Stipend David Crabb Slater for Sundries on Hall Wm Morris poor assessment Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blacks Croft Forfarshire Fire office Prem on £1500 on the Hall for one year Alliance Fire Office on £1500 on the Hall one year and 59 days Wm Kerr Land Tax on the Hall Mr Rollo one years salary as Clerk Jas Airth officer -doMr Thomson–doMrs Hood one years rent of room Stamps receipts & stationary Eastern Bank to Sinking Fund Convener Spankie extra expenses while in office Room Rents Bakers room rent Dyers -doHammerman –doGlovers –doBonnet makers -doFleshers –doWeavers –doTailors –doCordiners –doSinking fund Mr Rollos Business Accot Barrie & Smith Setting a Corm & slapping a vent in Mr Stewarts shop Arrears of rent George R Baxter & Son arrears of rent Robt Muir –doJohn Arklay –doDaniel Innes –do(blank) Torbat arrears of few duty James Chalmers for renting (word illegible) Balance in Treasurers hands ` 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7. 5 10. 6 4. 6 4. 0 17. 0 15. 6 1. 8. 4 10. 6 3.17. 1 8. 2 3.15. 0 4. 8. 3 1.11. 9 10.10. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 19.10 16. 7. 0 2. 2. 0 43.18. 17.15. 15.14. 15. 15. 0. 5.10. 2. 0. 10. 0. 5. 0 0 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 1. 0. 0 16618.11 332. 3. 6 Dundee 5th December 1849 The foregoing Account having been examined in presence of the General fund Court was found to be correctly stated and properly vouched and the balance after setting aside Sixteen Pounds 7/- for the sinking fund amounted to One hundred and sixty six pounds 18/11 upon which the sum of Two Pounds of poors share was allocated to the Claimants of the fund being Eighty six & ½ shares at the Credit of the Fund amounting for last year to Sixteen Pounds 7/- & showing at the Credit of that Fund at present Fifty three pounds 15/2. The arrears of outstanding Rents being Thirty Two pounds 15/-. There being One Pound 7/9d of Interest added to the Current A/c. Wm Morris: James Spankie: Wm Chalmers: Wm Lawson: John Arklay: W. Bisset: Wm Brown: J. J. Fairweather: William Gibb: John Watson: Peter Stewart: Wm Ferrier. Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1849 to Martinmas 1850 Charge 103 Geo R Baxter his arrears Martinmas 1849 Robt Muir –doJohn Arklay -doHeirs of Collin Forbes –doDaniel Innes £10 only paid Bank and Rents Eastern Bank one years rent less 15/9 Jail Tax Geo R Baxter & Son half a years rent Whitsunday 1850 James Stewart –doRobert Muir -doMrs Farquharson –doJohn Arklay John Tulloch –doDaniel Innes –do- £7.10/- not paid Fews Heirs of the late George Greig one years few duty -do- Wm McPherson –doHeirs of Collin Forbes From the late Pullars fund Weaver Trade to accot of their Bill to the General Fund Eastern Bank pr order Paid to accot of claim against the Flesher Trade 15. 0. 5.10. 2. 0. 5. 5. 0. 134. 4. 4 15. 0. 0 14.10. 0 5.10 6. 0. 0 7. 0. 0 21.10. 0 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 5. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 200. 0. 0 472. 5.11 5. 0. 0 477. 5.11 Discharge Wm Brown cloths to the Officer Mr Morris Supplementary Asst for the poor Wm Kerr Land Tax on the Hall Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blacks Croft Mr Crabb cleaning Hall spouts Wm Morris poor assessment Forfarshire Fire office Prem on £1500 on the Hall for one year Alliance –doCharles Edward to accot of Architects fee Brown & Taylor to accot of Mason work at Hall Eastern Bank sundries to Trades acct Mr Rollo one years salary as Clerk Jas Airth officer -doMr Thomson–doMrs Hood one years rent of room Proprietors of advertiser for Advertisements -do- Courier –do-do- Journal –do- & Warder Stamps Receipts & stationary Interest to the Bank Mr Rollo Business Accot including £1.14/- of outlay Willm McPhersons heirs in arrears Geo Grays –doCollin Forbes –doAne half of Jail Tax allowed Tenants Room Rents Bakers room rent Dyers -doHammerman –doGlovers –doBonnet makers -doFleshers –doWeavers –doTailors –do104 0 0 0 0 0 5. 0. 0 19. 3 1.10. 7 8. 2 3. 0 3.17. 1 3.15. 0 3.15. 0 15. 0. 0 200. 0. 0 149.10. 7 10.10. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 3. 0. 0 1.12. 6 1.18. 0 2.10. 0 10. 6 13. 7 3.18. 1 3. 1. 8 2.10. 0 5. 0 6. 6½ 7. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 7. 7. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cordiners –do- Balance 2. 0. 0 428. 2. 6½ 477. 5.11 16. 7½ We William Morris, William Samson and James Stewart a Committee appointed by the General Fund Court for examining and Docqueting the Boxmasters account for the year Eighteen hundred and fifty hereby Certify that we have gone over the same and find them to be correctly stated and vouched and after allowing Two pounds per share for Division shows a balance due the Boxmaster of Sixteen shillings and seven pence half penny- In Testimony whereof W Morris: James Stewart Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1850 to Martinmas 1851 Charge Arrears of Few duty Martinmas 1850 Martinmas 1849 A half years of Eastern Bank Whitsunday 1850 -do- Martinmas 1850 J & L Lauries a half years rent of Shop & Cellar occupied by them Martinmas 1851 Daniel Innes £10 only paid Daniel Innes –do- £7.10/- not paid Few Dutys Geo Thoms one years Duty at Blackscroft Wm McPhersons Heirs –doCollin Forbes –doFlesher Trade to accot of claim against them settled last balance Weaver Trade to accot £57.18. 4 £51.13. 7 Bonnet Makers Entries -do—over paid last Balance Cordiners –doEastern Bank pr order Balance carried to Boxmasters Credit in next Accounts To sum overcharged us paid the Clerk the same being included in his General Account taken credit for 5.11. 61.10. 75. 0. 135. 0. 5. 0. 8 0 0 0 0 2.10. 0 3. 1. 8 5. 0 -. -. 93.15. 7 22.10. 0 2. 0. 0 2. 0. 0 36. 0. 0 4.12.10½ 454.16. 9½ 8. 4. 5 463. 1. 2½ Discharge Balance from last accounts John Kerr Land Tax Dundee Advertiser Town Chamberlain Feu duty on Blacks Croft Forfarshire Fire office Prem on £1500 on the Hall for one year Alliance –doMr Rollo one years Salary as Clerk Jas Airth officer -doMr Thomson–doMr Morris poors assemt Bill Stamp for £1400.12/6 Receipt Stamps 9/6 Mrs Hood one years rent of the room Occupied by he Trades Brown & Taylor extra work at the Hall Mr Rollo general Account Agents acct in Morgans bequest Half expense on the Bank and Mr Lauries leases Mr Chalmers for printing Notices &c Room Rents Bakers room rent Dyers -doHammerman –do105 16. 7½ 15. 4 1. 0. 6 8. 4 3.15. 0 3.15. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 10. 0. 0 5.12. 0 1. 2. 0 3. 0. 0 2. 7. 0 38.15. 3 26. 1. 2 6.10. 0 2. 5. 0 7. 7. 0 7. 7. 0 5. 0. 0 Glovers –doBonnet makers -doFleshers –doWeavers –doTailors –doCordiners –doEastern Bank to Trades accot at Sundrie times Heirs of Collin Forbes arrears of Few Duty The Trades proportion of Sundrie expenses in Bank office David Pirie Ballance of Accot Proprietors of Warder -do- Courier -do- Advertiser James Chalmers Stationery Sutherland & Murdoch in the Lawries Shop improvement James Cowan on Hall improvements 5. 5. 5. 4. 3. 2. 0. 0. 0. 4. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Balance in Boxmasters hands 43.18. 0 243.13.11 5. 0 11.19. 8 12. 5. 5 9. 6 9. 0 9. 0. 6 2. 4 9.18. 6 2. 9. 0 454.16. 9½ 8. 4. 5 463. 1. 2½ Peter Thomson present Boxmaster and Cashier to the General Fund of the Nine Trades his Intromissions with the General Funds Revenue from Martinmas 1851 to Martinmas 1852 Charge J & M Lauries one years rent of Shop & Cellar Less Property & Income Tax Eastern Bank one years rent of Bank office Less Property & Income Tax Fews Heirs of George Greig for Ground annual on the Blacks Croft Wm McPhersons Heirs –doCollin Forbes –doTrustees of Pullars Mortification Bank order To error in Box masters hands from last balce Interest to Eastern Bank taken credit for but not paid by Boxmaster the same being carried to account 270. 0. 7.17. 150. 0. 3.18. 0 6 0 9 262. 2. 6 75. 0. 0 146. 1. 3 2.10. 3. 1. 5. 5. 0. 36. 0. 455.0. 8. 4. 663 5. 3 529.10. 1 Discharge Balance from last accounts Assessment for the poor Premium of Insurance against Fire on the Land Tax on the Hall Prison apt on the Hall Few Duty on Blackscroft Stamps receipts stationary Proprietors of Advertiser Convr Gibson his expenses at laying Foundation Stone of the Infirmary & Causing St Andrews bell being tolled at the death of Lord Panmure Salaries to the Clerk 10.10/-Boxmaster 10/- Officer £10 Mrs Hood a years room rent occasionally occupied by the Trades Interest in full to Eastern Bank for its advance Mrs Hood one years rent of the room Occupied by he Trades Mr Rollo his Business Account including 14/1 paid by him for distributing Notices 14/Heirs of Collin Forbes in arrears of 3 years few duty Eastern Bank at sundry times to the Trades acct after deducting £26 being a balance in full of the Banks advances 106 0 8 0 0 0 5 5 4.12.10½ 5. 9.11 7.10. 0 1.18. 5 10. 8 8. 2 10. 6 6. 0 1. 1. 30.10. 3. 0. 66. 5. 3. 0. 0 0 0 3 0 2.1.11 10 .0 286. 9.11 By Bank order Credited twice By balance against Boxmaster Against this as in the Clerks hands annual sum from Pullars Mortification 107 455. 2. 7½ 36. 0. 0 12. 7. 5½ 5. 0. 0 12. 7. 5½