RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD RELIGION Proselytize Ethnic Stay in their group Judaism Seek new members Christianity Polytheism Belief in many gods Monotheism Belief in 1 God Atheist There is no god Agnostic No set beliefs RELIGION Traditionalism People that oppose change Fundamentalism Strictly follows established teachings Christianity 33% Islam 20% Hinduism 13% Buddhism 6% Sikh .39% Jewish .23% Atheists 2.36% Religion Religions Islam Muslim Holy Book Place of worship Day of worship Main location Koran (Qur’an) Mosque Friday Africa and Asia Fastest growing religion YEAR 1435 (lunar calendar) Two main types Shia and Sunni (90%) Muslim 5 Pillars 1. Pray 5x a day (towards Mecca) 2. Give alms to the poor 3. Profess a belief in Allah Muhammad is his prophet 4. Participate in Ramadan 5. Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca Muslims at prayer Mecca Judaism Holy book Day of worship Place of worship Sacred symbol Location Torah Saturday Synagogue Star of David Israel and US 3 main types 1. Orthodox 2. Conservative 3. Reform very strict less strict least strict Star of David Judaism Parent of Christianity YEAR 5774 (lunar calendar) Kosher Way of preparing food (Rabbi) Split hooves AND chews cud (No pigs (pork) Only eat fish with scales (no shellfish) Major Jewish Holidays Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) Day God created world/man Evaluates past year Opens each persons book Yom Kippur (Holiest day of the year) Day of atonement God closes your book Start anew Jewish Holidays Passover Exodus from Egypt Hanukkah Celebrate miracle at temple of Jerusalem Christianity Holy book Bible Day of worship Sunday (usually) Place of worship Church Sacred symbol Cross Main location Everywhere but Asia Catholicism and Protestantism Christian Holidays Christmas Good Friday Resurrection of Jesus Pentecost Death of Jesus Easter Birth of Jesus Birth of church Advent Start of Christmas season Taoism (China mostly) Book Tai chi Tao Te Ching Opposites balance out Light Dark Good Evil Male Female Warm Cool Hard Soft Yang Yin Buddhism (Asia mainly) Siddhartha Gautama (1st Buddha) Buddha- Enlightened one Broke from Hinduism Karma Reincarnation Reborn until reach nirvana Dharma Actions determines what happens Moral duty Holy Book Pali Canon Buddhism 4 Noble Truths 1. Suffering exists 2. Based on karma 3. Suffering can cease 4. Follow Noble Eightfold Path (nirvana) Nirvana Goal of life Hinduism Karma Reincarnation Caste system Based on occupation and ancestry Born based on previous karma Holy book Vedas and Upanishads Bindi Dot made from tree bark Main gods Brahma 1st god in triumvirate Vishnu (the preserver) Restore balance between good and evil Shiva (the creator) (the destroyer) Destroy to recreate Hinduism Made universe 4. Water 5. Earth Sacred animal 1. Space 2. Air 3. Fire Cow (life giving) Don’t eat meat b/c animals contain god Sacred River Ganges (Wash away sins) Jainism Mostly India Strict vegetarians Fasting is common 5 vows 1. Non-violence (word and deed) 2. Truthfulness (can be avoided to stop conflict) 3. Non-stealing Pay fair value, can’t take lost/stolen goods 4. Celibacy (only sex with spouse) 5. Ownership is fine possessiveness is not Shinto Japan Revere and worship ancestors Similar to Confucianism and Buddhism 4 Affirmations 1. Tradition and family 2. Love and nature 3. Physical cleanliness 4. Honor Kami Sikhism 5 K’s 1. Steel bracelet 2. Wooden comb 3. Kirpan (sword) 4. Special underwear 5. Uncut Hair Monotheism Equality No alcohol, drugs etc No lying or bragging No rituals