Chapter 15: Holy Orders - Midwest Theological Forum

Chapter 15: Holy Orders
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Identify what is revealed about the Jewish priesthood from the
annunciation to Zechariah (cf. Lk 1:5-25).
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
 How does the ministerial priesthood of the Sacrament of Holy Orders relate to
the common priesthood of all the faithful?
 What is the origin of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
 What are the degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and what is the power and
responsibility of each?
 The ministerial priesthood of Christ, conferred in the Sacrament of Holy Orders,
serves the common priesthood of all the faithful through the proclamation of the
Word of God and the celebration of the Sacraments.
 He instituted the Sacrament of Holy Orders at the Last Supper when he told the
Apostles to “‘Do this in memory of me’” (Lk 22:19), that is, when he gave them
the power to celebrate the Eucharist.
 The three levels of the Sacrament of Holy Orders are bishop, priest, and deacon.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Think/Pair/Share using the following question:
 What does it mean to say that the service of sacramental ministry has a
personal character and a collegial form (cf. CCC 879)?
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
What is made visible through the offices of bishop and priest?
The presence of Christ as Head of the Church is made visible.
What are the two types of priesthood in Christ’s Church?
The two types are the common priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial
How does the laity exercise the common priesthood?
The laity exercises the common priesthood by offering themselves, their work,
and their activities to God in union with the Sacrifice of Christ, according to
their particular states in life.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
How do those in Holy Orders exercise their ministerial priesthood?
Ordained ministers serve the Word of God and his Sacraments. They are
the means by which Christ builds up and leads his Church in service to the
common priesthood.
What are the three degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
They are bishop, priest, and deacon.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Who are the Levites?
The men of the tribe of Levi were appointed priests of the Mosaic
covenant because they were the only tribe to remain loyal to God during
the golden-calf incident. They were subsequently responsible for leading
worship and teaching and for guarding and maintaining the Temple in
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Who are the Old Testament elders?
In the Old Testament, the elders were a group of seventy men who exercised
some of the power that God gave to Moses to assist him in governing the
Chosen People.
Who is Melchizedek?
Melchizedek was a “priest of God Most High,” who brought bread and wine
to Abraham and blessed him after his return from battle (cf. Gn 14: 18–20).
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
When did Christ establish the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
Christ established the Sacrament of Holy Orders at the Last Supper when he
commanded his Apostles, “Do this in remembrance of me” (Lk 22:19).
How is the mission that Christ entrusted to the Apostles handed down
through all ages?
His mission has been handed down through the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
What does a bishop do?
A bishop usually governs a local church called a diocese (or eparchy) and
shares responsibility for the good of the whole Church as a member of
the college of bishops in union with and under the Pope.
How does a member of the faithful become a bishop?
He is appointed by the Pope.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Of whom is a bishop a successor?
A bishop is a successor of the Apostles.
To what extent does a bishop participate in the priesthood of Christ?
A bishop participates in the fullness of the priesthood of Christ.
What sacramental authority does the bishop exercise?
A bishop has the authority to celebrate all of the Sacraments, including the
Sacrament of Holy Orders by which a man is ordained a bishop, priest, or
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
What does a priest do?
A priest serves his bishop either in a particular diocese or through the
mission of a particular religious community.
How does one become a priest?
He is ordained by a bishop.
To what extent does a priest participate in the priesthood of Christ?
With proper authority, a priest celebrates or presides at all of the
Sacraments, except Holy Orders.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
What is a priest’s highest act?
A priest’s highest act is the celebration of the Holy Mass.
To whom does a diocesan priest pledge obedience?
A diocesan priest pledges obedience to his local bishop.
To whom does a religious priest pledge obedience?
A religious priest pledges his obedience to his religious superior.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
What services do deacons provide?
They assist bishops and priests in the celebration of the Sacraments. At
Mass, they proclaim the Gospel, preach homilies, and distribute Holy
Communion. They also celebrate Baptisms, witness marriages, and
perform ministries of service and charity.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Work with a partner to complete the following table regarding symbols of
the ministerial priesthood of Christ.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
What powers do priests have that deacons do not?
Deacons cannot consecrate the Eucharist, hear Confessions, or celebrate the
Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick or Confirmation; priests can do all
What is the difference between a transitional and permanent deacon?
Transitional deacons are seminarians who enter the diaconate as a step toward
ordination to the priesthood, and they serve in this capacity for at least six
months and usually no more than a year. Permanent deacons, by contrast, are single
or married men over the age of thirty-five who are ordained to the diaconate
without the intention of later receiving ordination to the priesthood.
Extension: The difference is purely intention; each is equally and fully a deacon.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Study Questions 1-7 (p. 358)
Practical Exercise 2 (p. 358)
Workbook Questions 1-18
Read “Celebrating Holy Orders” through “Conclusion” (pp. 349-354)
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Write a paragraph summarizing the nature of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders.
1. Holy Orders: A Sacrament
of Service (pp. 342-348)
Work with a partner to consider how the Levitical priesthood, the
elders of Israel, and Melchizedek prefigure the priesthood of the
New Covenant.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
View part or all of the video “Fishers of Men” or some other appropriate
video on the vocation to the priesthood.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
 Who can receive Holy Orders?
 What are the matter, form, and minister of Holy Orders?
 What are the effects of Holy Orders?
 Candidates to Holy Orders are men called by God as discerned by the Church.
 The matter of Holy Orders is the laying on of hands; the form is the specific
prayer used according to the level of ordination being conferred; and the
minister is a validly ordained bishop.
 The effects of the Sacrament of Holy Orders are configuration to Christ; the
conferral of the office of bishop, priest, or deacon; and the graces proper to
the ordinand’s specific office.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Who may receive Holy Orders?
A baptized male of mature age and excellent character with an interior
and exterior vocation to the priesthood may receive the Sacrament of
Holy Orders.
What is an interior vocation to the priesthood?
An interior vocation to the priesthood is one’s sense that he is called to
this by God.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
What is an exterior vocation to the priesthood?
An exterior vocation to the priesthood is the discernment of a bishop or
religious superior that a candidate is called to priesthood.
Does anyone have a right to be ordained?
No. No one has a right to be ordained; it is a call from God.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Why must a candidate for the priesthood undergo a significant
period of training and discernment?
He must understand the nature and responsibilities of Holy Orders; have
a sound grasp of Catholic theology; and, in most cases, be willing to
commit to lifelong celibacy.
What is the benefit of celibacy for a Catholic priest?
By remaining celibate, the priest can dedicate his mind, his heart, and his
time entirely and directly to the service of God and his fellow men and
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Are all Catholic priests celibate?
No; in the Latin Rite, a small number of married clergymen from other
Christian Churches or ecclesial communities have converted to
Catholicism and been ordained as Catholic priests under an indult, or
special permission. The Eastern Catholic Churches, especially outside
North America, normally ordain married men to the priesthood.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
What is the matter of Holy Orders?
The matter of Holy Orders is the laying on of hands by the bishop.
What is the form of Holy Orders?
The form of Holy Orders is the consecratory prayer asking God for the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit to give the gifts proper to the ministry to
which the person is being ordained, whether it be a bishop, priest, or
Who is the minister of Holy Orders?
The minister of Holy Orders is always a bishop.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Where is the Rite of Holy Orders usually celebrated?
The Rite of Holy Orders is usually celebrated at a cathedral.
What is the essential Rite of Ordination in all the Catholic
The essential Rite of Ordination in all Catholic traditions is the laying on
of hands by the bishop(s) and the prayer of consecration.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
What are some of the other rites that occur during a Latin Rite
Other rites that occur during ordination in the Latin Rite of the Catholic
Church include the presentation and election of the ordinand, instruction
by the bishop, an examination of the candidate, the Litany of Saints, an
anointing of the candidate, and the presentation of the gifts proper to the
level of ordination being conferred.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
What is the origin of the term order?
In the days of the Roman Empire, the Latin word ordo referred to a governing body
in which membership was considered sacred.
What is the meaning of order with respect to the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
It indicates that a man who has been ordained exercises a hierarchical role in the
Church and has also been consecrated by a gift of the Holy Spirit into sacred service
to God, the Church, and all people.
What three powers does the ministerial priesthood possess, making it distinct
from the common priesthood of the faithful?
Only the ministerial priesthood possesses the powers of teaching, divine worship, and
pastoral governance.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Work with a partner to distinguish the similarities and differences
between the Eastern and Western Catholic Churches in terms of celibacy
for each of the three degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Is an ordained priest guaranteed to be free from sin and error?
No; ordained priests are in no way immune from sin and error.
Does a priest’s sin or error impede his power to celebrate the
No; the Sacraments are efficacious regardless of the relative holiness or
sinfulness of the priest who celebrates them. This is the principle ex opere
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
What is a monsignor?
Monsignor, which means “my lord,” is a title of honor bestowed on some
priests and is also a common way to address a bishop.
What is an archbishop?
An archbishop is a bishop who is the head of an archdiocese, which is a
larger diocese having oversight of a region.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
What is a cardinal?
This is the title of a special papal advisor, one of whose functions is to
elect a new Pope when the Holy See becomes vacant.
What is reverend?
This title is used for all clergy and superiors in religious life.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Work with a partner to articulate in bullet points the effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Why does the Catholic Church ordain only men to Holy Orders?
Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition have always taught that only men
can be called to Holy Orders. The Church maintains this tradition in
faithfulness to Christ.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
 Study Questions 8-15 (p. 358)
 Practical Exercise 1 (p. 358)
 Workbook Questions 19-32
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Write a paragraph summarizing the matter, form, minister, and
effects of the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
2. The Celebration and Effects of the
Sacrament of Holy Orders (pp. 349-354)
Have a deacon or priest visit your class to talk about his vocation
and to answer questions from students.