Chapters 8-14 vocabulary

Chapters 8-23 vocabulary
The Giver
Crescendo (59)
• Noun
• A gradual or steady increase in loudness
or force
Benign (59)
• Adjective
• Having a kind disposition (WORD FROM
1-7!); gracious
• When a person is diagnosed with a tumor
that is not cancerous, it is called a benign
tumor because it is KIND.
Jaunty (60)
• Adjective
• Easy and sprightly in manner or bearing
(Walking); smartly trim with clothing
• Jaunty people are easy to approach
because they look like they are in a good
mood when they are walking down the
Fleeting (61)
• Adjective
• Passing quickly; vanishing quickly
• When people ask me questions about
math, I have a fleeting feeling of nausea. It
doesn’t last long, but math certainly does
that to me.
Requisitioned (69)
• Verb
• The act of requiring or demanding
• I’m sure many of your parents have
requisitioned you to clean your room or do
the dishes.
Integral (70)
• Adjective
• Necessary to complete the whole
• Learning the parts of speech is an integral
part to learning the English language. It is
impossible to write well without knowing
the basics.
Conspicuous (74)
• Adjective
• Easily seen or noticed
• Many of you think you are being stealth
when looking at another student’s test;
however, you are actually conspicuous,
and I can see you very easily.
Torrent (81)
• Noun
• A rushing, violent stream
Admonition (89)
• Noun
• Counsel, advise, or caution
• My admonition to you is to create your
own sentences for The Giver vocabulary
words. *hint hint*
Wryly (95)
• Adverb
• Produce twisted, crooked, or mishaped
Hueless (97)
• Adjective
• Colorless
• Imagine a hueless world like Jonas’
community. What color would you miss the
Sinuous (100)
• Adjective
• Having many curves, bends, or turns
• A sinuous roller coaster can be fun for
some or nauseating for others.
Assimilated (104)
• Verb
• To conform to the customs, attitudes, etc
of a group or society
• I bet if you were to move to California, you
would assimilate to the way they live:
surfing, speech, interests, etc. It’s almost
impossible not to.
Daub (109)
• Verb
• To cover or coat with soft, adhesive matter,
as plaster or mud
Assuage (110)
• Verb
• To make milder or less severe; relieve or
• Sophia used an ice pack on her knee after
a hard fall. It temporarily assuaged her of
the pain.
Ominous (113)
• Adjective
• Indicating the nature of a future event
• Have you ever had an ominous dream
where you felt like it was telling you about
the future?
Carnage (119)
• Noun
• The slaughter or a great number of
people, as in battle
• The Battle of Gettysburg can easily be
described as being a carnage. Thousands
of soldiers died in the course of 3 days.
Pervaded (122)
• Verb
• To become spread throughout all parts of
• The stomach virus is easily pervaded
through schools and towns because of
how contagious it is.
Obsolete (127)
• Adjective
• No longer in general use
• The appendix is an obsolete body part.
Many years ago it had a function, but it is
not needed in the human body any longer.
Realm (131)
• Noun
• The region or domain in which anything
Ruefully (141)
• Adverb
• Causing sorrow or pity
Stealthily (163)
• Adverb
• Done in a secret way
Languid (166)
• Adjective
• Lacking in vigor or spirit
• On a Monday morning, my classes are
languid and sleepy, but then again, so am
Augmented (168)
• Verb
• To make larger in size, number, etc.
• Augmenting my class size would be very
stressful. One of my classes already has
25 students!
Taut (168)
• Adjective
• Tightly drawn; tense, not slack
• Tightrope walking would be virtually
impossible if the robe was not taut.
Vigilant (169)
• Adjective
• Ever awake and alert; keenly wary
• Thank goodness Chris was so vigilant
during his soccer game. Without his
alertness, we would not have won the
Lethargy (176)
• Noun
• The quality or state of being drowsy, dull,
• While languid can describe a person or
thing, lethargy is something you can HAVE
when you are tired.