Tuck Everlasting- Chapters 5-17

Tuck Everlasting (cont.)
Chapter 5
1. When the author wrote, “The sun was only just opening its own eye on the
eastern horizon, “she is using what literary device?
2. At the beginning of the chapter how does Winnie feel about going off on her
own? How does she feel once she is in the wood?
3. Who does Winnie spot in the clearing, and how does she instantly feel about
him as she watches him?
4. What does Winnie notice the boy doing?
5. At first what age does Jesse Tuck tell Winnie he is? When she doesn’t
believe him, what age does he say? How old is Winnie?
6. What do Jessie and Winnie argue about?
7. How doe Mae Tuck react when she comes upon Jesse and Winnie?
Chapter 6
What do Mae, Jesse, and Miles do to Winnie?
Who did Winnie see on the road that she could have called out to for help?
How does Mae Tuck react when she thinks Winnie is going to cry?
How were the Tucks able to stop Winnie from crying?
Chapter 7
What did the Tucks find 87 years ago in the wood?
How did this discovery change their lives?
What evidence did they share with Winnie to prove they didn’t age?
How did the Tucks figure out that the spring water was the reason that
they weren’t aging?
Chapter 8
How do the Tucks make Winnie feel?
How does Winnie feel about the Tucks?
When the author writes, “
The sweet earth opened out its wide four corners to her like the petals of a
flower ready to be picked, “she is using what literary device?
Who has been following them and is hiding in the bushes by the stream?
Tuck Everlasting (cont.)
Chapter 9
What literary device is the author using to describe the setting sun when
she writes, “The August sun rolled up, hung at mid-heaven for a blinding
hour, and at last wheeled westward before the journey was done.”?
How do you know that the Tucks live far away from the rest of civilization?
How does Tuck react when he learns that his family has brought back an
honest to goodness natural child?
What literary device is the author using when she wrote that Winnie was
like an unexpected present, wrapped in pretty paper?
Chapter 10
1. How is the Tuck home different from Winnie’s home?
2. How are the Tuck boys different?
3. When do the Tucks always get together?
Chapter 11
What did Winnie suddenly want to do when they were eating supper?
How does Tuck try to calm Winnie down?
What does Winnie reveal to the Tucks that causing some concern?
Where does Tuck decide to take Winnie to explain the rest of their story?
Chapter 12
What literary device is the author using when she wrote, “The sun was a soft
red sliding egg yolk.”?
Tuck describes life as a wheel. Where have we heard this comparison
before in the story?
Does Tuck think that it is wonderful to live forever? Why does he share his
thoughts about this with Winnie?
What is missing at the end of the chapter? Why are the Tucks concerned?
Tuck Everlasting (cont.)
Chapter 13
1. Who stole the horse from the Tucks’ property?
2. Why are the lights still on in Winnie’s house even though it is midnight?
3. How is the man in the yellow suit able to get into Winnie’s house?
Chapter 14
What are the Tucks wondering about the horse thief?
How does Winnie feel about the Tucks family’s secret?
What does Winnie imagine her family is doing now that she hasn’t returned?
Why does Winnie feel guilty that she thought the Tucks were criminals?
What suggestion does Jesse make to Winnie? Why does Jesse want her to
take his advice?
Chapter 15
1. What proposal does the man in the yellow suit make to Winnie’s family?
2. Why does the man make this demand of the Fosters now?
3. How does he pressure them to give into his wishes?
Chapter 16
How do you know that the constable doesn’t trust the man in the yellow suit?
How does the man in the yellow suit prove to the constable that he is a
friend of the Fosters and not the kidnappers?
What does the man in the yellow suit suggest he do when he grows tired of
the constable’s conversations?
How do you know that the constable will arrive at the Tuck farm much later
than the man in the yellow suit?
Chapter 17
Who also gets up early besides Winnie?
When the author describes “Miles, solid like an oar and Jesse like water thin and quick”, she is using what literary device?
How does Miles explain to Winnie why it would be bad if nothing died?
What does Miles hope to do with himself?