DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE AIR UNIVERSITY (AETC) 3 Jan 2012 MEMORANDUM FOR ALL AEROSPACE STUDIES 300 CADETS/STUDENTS FROM: AFROTC DETACHMENT 172/OFC SUBJECT: AS 3002 Syllabus-Spring 2012 1. Course Description: Aerospace Studies (AS) 3002 is a study of leadership, management fundamentals, professional knowledge, Air Force personnel and evaluation systems, leadership ethics, and the communication skills required of an Air Force junior officer. Case studies are used to examine Air Force leadership and management situations as a means of demonstrating and exercising practical application of the concepts being studied. A mandatory Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) for cadets, complements this course by providing advanced leadership experiences in officer-type activities, giving students the opportunity to apply the leadership and management principles of this course. 2. Course Objectives: Comprehend selected individual leadership skills and personal strengths and weaknesses as applied in an Air Force environment. Comprehend the responsibility and authority of the Air Force officer, the Air Force officer’s responsibilities in the counseling and feedback process, and the selected duties and responsibilities as a subordinate leader. Comprehend and apply the concepts of ethical behavior as well as comprehend the selected concepts, principles, and theories of Air Force leadership and management. Apply listening, speaking, and writing skills in Air Force-peculiar formats and situations with accuracy, clarity, and the appropriate style. 3. Required Texts: a. Leadership Studies, T-309 b. Principles of Leadership and Management, T-307* c. Concepts for Air Force Leadership, T-304 (AU-24)* d. Holm Center Training Manual, T-700 e. The Tongue and Quill, AFH 33-337 f. The Armed Forces Officer, T-503* * = Must be returned or a hold will be placed on your VSU record 4. Course Assignments: Each student should attend all scheduled classes and be prepared for the class. Assignments and readings for each class period are listed on the first page of the assigned lesson in your AS 300 Student Reader (Leadership Studies, T-309). You may access the Det 172 website at to review and print out course slides. In addition to a quiz and examinations, each student must complete the following class assignments: a. Briefing – 7 to 10 minutes with topic b. Writing assignment – One page with topic c. Daily briefings – 2 to 3 minutes daily current event briefings 5. Class Meeting and Examination Schedule: Classes meet on Monday and Wednesday (1200-1315) in Barrow Hall, Room 102. The LLAB meets on Thursday (1530 to 1730) in Pound Hall. 6. Holiday Breaks: 16 Jan 2012, MLK 12-16 Mar 2012, Spring Break 7. Grading System: a. Contracted cadets must earn at least a “C” in AS classes to maintain their contracts. All students must have at least a “C” in all AS classes to enter the POC. b. Late assignments are handled on a case-by-case basis. There will be a quiz, class assignments, and two examinations given during the semester. There will be two class assignments this term: a written assignment and a military briefing. Finally, there will be daily current events briefings given at the beginning of each class. c. Grading points: Areas of evaluation Midterm Exam Final Exam Briefing Talking Paper Participation (attendance, current events briefings, etc) Total Value 25% (100 points) 25% (100 points) 25% (100 points) 15% (100 points) 10% (100 points) 100% (500 points) d. Grading Scale: 90 - 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 59 – Below = = = = = A B C D F 8. Classroom conduct: a. Your actions, speech, dress and appearance reflect upon your character and integrity. You are expected to behave in a manner becoming of a future officer in the United States Air Force at all times both in and out of class. b. Cadets will wear a duty uniform to class. The short-sleeve/long-sleeve blue shirt combination, Airman Battle Uniform, and flight suit (Pilot/CSO/ABM selects) are authorized… but everyone must be standardized. “Blues” must be worn at least once per week. c. When an instructor or senior officer (Colonel or above) enters or leaves the classroom, ALL cadets will come to attention unless otherwise directed. When a class is concluded, ALL cadets will come to attention. d. While we promote teamwork, we also expect and enforce high standards of academic integrity. It is contrary to Air Force Core Values and the university’s policy to dishonestly enhance grades. If you fail the integrity check, expect to be disciplined by both the detachment and the university. e. Drinks and food are allowed in class providing you don’t make a mess. If you make a mess, you will clean it up before leaving. Eating is not permitted while briefings are being given by cadets. f. We encourage academic freedom in class as well as non-attribution. However, you are reminded to remain professional at all times and show the proper respect to the instructor and to your fellow students. 9. Attendance Policy: a. You are expected to attend all AS classes and be on time unless you have a valid excuse. All excused absences should be coordinated with me and make-up arrangements made prior to missing a class. An excused absence is one where I am notified that you will not attend class and you complete the make-up assignment or make special arrangements with me to attend a make-up class session. You will receive a zero for any event you miss during an unexcused absence. Also, your participation grade will be lowered by five points for each unexcused absence. A minimum of 80 percent attendance in scheduled classes is required for a passing grade (i.e. if you have more than five unexcused absences you will fail the AS 300 course). VSU’s policy states any student who misses 20 percent or more of scheduled classes is subject to a failing grade. b. For any absence (excused or not excused) you have 36 hours from the end of your “missed” assigned class to coordinate any quizzes, tests or make-up work. This is YOUR responsibility. Failure to coordinate missed work will result in a zero for the missed assignment! Additionally, any unexcused absence will result in the loss participation points. c. Please notify me of your anticipated tardiness, if possible. Arriving late without an excuse three times will result in the loss of five class participation points. An excused tardy is one in which you coordinated with me beforehand or one in which you have no control. 10. Leadership Laboratory: LLAB is a pass/fail class. It will not affect your AS 300 academic grade. Air Force ROTC cadets must pass LLAB. You are required to attend all scheduled or makeup LLAB periods. The Operation Flight Commander will issue a LLAB syllabus detailing policies and grading criteria during the first LLAB. You may receive a maximum of three (3) credit hours for LLAB over your entire time at VSU. Ensure your Form 48 reflects no more than three credit hours attributed to AS 1000. 11. Civil Involvements: Contract/scholarship students and those pursuing commissioning must report all “civil involvements”. Any offense, violation of law or ordinance or any other incident causing adverse involvement or contact with civil, military or school authorities is an involvement for Air Force ROTC purposes. Complete an AFROTC Form 35 within 72 hours of the involvement when it takes place during school sessions. If the involvement occurs during vacation or holidays, complete the form within 72 hours of returning to campus. Bring any documentation provided to you by civilian/military law enforcement authorities as corroboration. 12. Discrimination/Sexual Harassment: The Air Force and Valdosta State University do not tolerate discrimination and/or sexual harassment. Allegations of discrimination/sexual harassment will be investigated fully and any guilty party(s) will be held responsible. Discrimination and sexual harassment are detrimental to the mission (your education) and the Air Force way of life. We must treat people right, not just because it is the law, but because it is the right thing to do. 13. Drug Use Policy: The Air Force does not tolerate use, abuse, possession, or handling of any illegal or dangerous narcotics, hallucinogens or drug-related paraphernalia. Violating this policy may result in your dismissal from Air Force ROTC and prosecution by authorities. 14. Special Accommodations: Students requesting classroom accommodations or modifications because of a documented disability must contact the Access Office for Students with Disabilities located in Farber Hall. The phone numbers are 245-2498 (v/vp) and 219-1348 (TTY). 15. Counseling: Prior to midterm, each student will sign up for term counseling with me. A calendar will be provided for you to schedule an appointment. Other counseling will occur as needed. You must bring your updated Fm 48, with advisor review, to the counseling appointment. A Degree Works product will also be required (details will follow). Appointments are your responsibility to keep. 16. If you have any questions, I may be contacted by making an appointment, calling my office number of 333-5954, via e-mail at, or in an emergency by calling my cell phone at 229630-4008. //Signed, ksp, 14 Dec 2011// KIMBERLY S. PETERS, Capt, USAF Operations Flight Commander LESSON TITLE Date 28 28 N/A 29 26 26 26 27 30 30 31 32 33 33 N/A 34 35 35 N/A N/A 36 37 37 37/39 39 40 42 42 38 41 41 41 Effective Supervision Effective Supervision cont NO CLASSES- MLK Developing Airmen “The Caine Mutiny” a study of Dynamic Subordinancy “The Caine Mutiny” a study of Dynamic Subordinancy “The Caine Mutiny” a study of Dynamic Subordinancy AF Military Equal Opportunity Sexual Assault Prevention and Response II Sexual Assault Prevention and Response II cont Leadership Authority and Responsibility Corrective Supervision and Counseling Counseling & Practicum Counseling & Practicum cont Mid-Term Air Force Core Values Case Studies Standards and Accountability Standards and Accountability cont NO CLASS- SPRING BREAK NO CLASS- SPRING BREAK Leadership & Management Case Studies 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men 12 Angry Men/ Supervisor’s In-Basket Supervisor’s In-Basket Ethical and Moral Leadership in the Military Briefings Briefings Joint Ethics Capstone: “Remember the Titans” Capstone: “Remember the Titans” Capstone: “Remember the Titans” Final Exam/Course Critique 9 Jan 11 Jan 16 Jan 18 Jan 23 Jan 25 Jan 30 Jan 1 Feb 6 Feb 8 Feb 13 Feb 15 Feb 20 Feb 22 Feb 27 Feb 29 Feb 5 Mar 7 Mar 12 Mar 14 Mar 19 Mar 21 Mar 26 Mar 28 Mar 2 Apr 4 Apr 9 Apr 11 Apr 16 Apr 18 Apr 23 Apr 25 Apr 30 Apr Remember to be safe while on break. We would like to see you all back in one piece next fall! Current As Of: 3 Jan 2012