John Scofield
Curriculum Vitae
M.S. Experimental Psychology
Missouri State University
901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO, 65897
Mobile: 816-703-9984
Missouri State University
M. S. Experimental Psychology, Fall 2015- May 2017.
Truman State University
B. S. Psychology, cum laude. Overall G.P.A. 3.63/4.00, major 3.88/4.00.
Multiple Dean’s list honors.
Benedictine College
Credits towards completion of a B.S. in Psychology. Multiple President’s
list/Dean’s list honors.
Teaching Experience
Fall 2015
Teaching Assistant, Missouri State University
Taught undergraduate Experimental Psychology lab course. Responsibilities included planning course
materials and lectures, running in class experiments and activities, lecture on research methodology and statistics,
grading quizzes, lab reports, and research proposals. Faculty advisor for this course was Dr. Bogdan Kostic.
Fall 2015- Spring 2016
Graduate Assistant, Missouri State University
Graduate Assistant in the CLSE department from Fall 2015 through Spring 2016. Responsibilities included
administering course materials to students enrolled in online courses, management of blackboard sites for 3 online
courses, grading homework, quizzes, tests, and assisting professors within the CLSE department with research in
terms of literature searches, survey construction, and statistical analyses.
Memory and Cognition: Various aspects of human memory and cognition as it relates to semantic
memory, episodic memory, and working memory.
Evolutionary Psychology: mating psychology and sexual selection theory of attractiveness, and sexual
Statistics: Alternative and null hypothesis testing, effect sizes and confidence intervals, descriptive and
inferential statistics, and statistical reporting.
Fall 2015- Current
Cognitive Research Laboratory, Missouri State University
Serves as a co-investigator and graduate assistant to Dr. Bogdan Kostic.
Current research projects include investigating the effects of bilateral horizontal saccadic eye movements
on word recall.
Investigating the effects of sexual preferences and experiences of cisgender and transgender individuals,
and how that matches up with sexual selection theory and mating psychology.
Fall 2013- Spring 2015
Cognition Laboratory, Truman State University
Helped design and conduct research as a research assistant concerning the role of consciousness in
multisensory integration with Dr. Terry Palmer at Missouri State University.
Fall 2014- Spring 2015
Hypnosis and Psychological Testing Laboratory, Truman State University
Directed and led a research team of 8 people investigating the effects of hypnotic relaxation on sleep
quality. Research findings were presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference in Chicago, IL
May 2015.
Spring 2015
Undergraduate Thesis, Truman State University
Completed an undergraduate thesis project researching the effects of visual bias in multisensory
integration. Faculty mentor was Dr. Jeffrey Vittengl and findings were presented at the psychological symposium at
Truman State University.
Key Statistical Analysis Skills
Sound understanding and working knowledge of descriptive statistics, graphing,
data screening, two group analyses, ANOVA (one way, two way, repeated
measures, mixed), correlations, regression, mediation/moderation/MLM
R, SPSS, Excel, JASP, Minitab, Qualtrics, MATLAB
Conference Presentations
Scofield, J., Sloan, J., Lin, X., Berry, E., Gambino, D., & Roberts, M. (2015, May). Effects of hypnotic and
progressive relaxation on sleep quality. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association
Conference, Chicago, IL.
Scofield, J., & Roland, C. (2015, May). Effects of visual bias on reaching performance with an unseen hand. Poster
presented at the Truman State University Psychological Symposium, Kirksville, MO.
Relevant Coursework
Relevant coursework includes Statistics, Advanced Statistics, Research Methods, Physiological
Psychology, Psychopharmacology, Human Sensation and Perception, Cognitive Psychology, History and Systems
of Psychology, Advanced Survey of Psychology.
Work Experience
Fall 2015- Spring 2016
Graduate/ Teaching Assistant, Missouri State University
Graduate assistant and teaching assistant at Missouri State University. Responsibilities included management
of 3 online courses. Dispersed class materials and graded assignments. Helped Dr. Paul Ajuwon with literature
searches, survey construction, and data analysis. Also taught a lab section of Experimental psychology where I
prepared lecture materials, facilitated in class experiments, ran data analysis, and graded lab assignments.
Winter 2014- Spring 2015
Mental Health Specialist, Preferred Family Healthcare
Completed a winter and spring internship under Craig Fuller. Responsibilities included working hands on with
patients at a residential care facility. Led educational and support groups on relevant topics for patients. Completed
and updated chart work on the progress of patients towards program goals. Supervised patients while out in the
community for social integration purposes. Studied patient histories to tailor specific program goals for specific
Summer 2014
Recruitment Inter, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City
Completed a summer internship under Scott Cruce. Responsibilities included community outreach for
opportunities in youth mentorship. Professional networking with local businesses at community fairs, expos, and
sporting events. Created and updated spreadsheets to track and communicate between potential volunteers. Led
multiple hour long orientation meetings where I would outline volunteer responsibilities for first time volunteers in a
mentorship program.
Organizations / Associations
American Psychological Association
Midwestern Psychological Association
American Statistical Association
Southwestern Psychological Association
Honors / Awards
Cum Laude, Truman State University
President’s List/ Dean’s List, Truman State University, Benedictine College
Varsity Collegiate Baseball, Truman State University, Benedictine College
GLVC Academic all-conference team 2014-2015
GLVC Academic all-conference team 2013-2014
BCIA certification of HRV biofeedback, Truman State University