The Cell Cycle: Meiosis

The Cell Cycle: Meiosis
Grade Level: Secondary
Students will learn about the process of meiosis and its different phases,
while learning how to collaborate together and present information through
ZohoShow. These presentations will then be used as study tools for a quiz
over meiosis.
-Biology book
-Access to the internet, and ZohoShow
B.1.8 Understand and describe that all growth and development is a
consequence of an increase in cell number, cell size, and/or cell products.
Explain that cellular differentiation results from gene expression and/or
environmental influence. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis.
Procedures 1. First, introduce the process of meiosis, but not in detail, just the overall
idea. Tell students that there are 8 phases: Pre-synthesis Interphase,
Prophase I (consisting of Early, Middle, and Late Prophase I), Metaphase
I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, and Telophase II.
2. Then, separate students into 8 groups, and assign a phase to each
group. Inform the students that they are going to be teaching each other
about the different phases by creating a ZohoShow presentation about
their assigned phase.
3. Give students some class time to create their presentations. The
presentations should only be 5 minutes or so.
4. Once all of the groups are finished presenting, provide students with
links to all of the ZohoShow presentations, so they can refer back to them
to study for the quiz.
Evaluation Evaluation will be based on the score they obtain on a quiz over the
different phases of meiosis. Students should score at least a 75% or