TESTING AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Modules 30-32 MEASURING INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Psychology relies heavily on testing individuals, it is part of the foundation for psychological analysis. To be effective, however, strict guidelines must be followed. Validity: Does the test actually measure what we say it does/what we want it to? Ex. Reading on a math test Face validity: Does the test look like it tests what it is supposed to test? Content validity: Each part of the test is representative of the larger body of knowledge. MEASURING INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES Criterion Validity: The behavior (such as college grades) that a test (such as the SAT) is designed to predict Predictive Validity: The success with which a test predicts the behavior it is designed to predict. ASSESSING INTELLIGENCE Football 10 linemen’s 9 success Greater correlation over broad range of body weights 8 7 6 5 Little correlation within restricted range 4 3 2 1 0 180 250 290 Body weight in pounds As the range of data under consideration narrows, its predictive power diminishes MEASURING INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES The second part of a credible test is reliability. Reliability: A test yields the same results over time Test-Retest or Split-Half Reliability Reliable, but not valid Not reliable, not valid Reliable and valid CREATING VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY The most efficient way to create validity and reliability is to use a standardized test. In the most basic sense, a standardized test means: The administration and scoring is the same for each test The results of the test can be used to draw a conclusion about the test takers in regard to the objectives of the test. Ex. AP test, S.A.T. JUDGING NORMAL A “normal curve” is applied to test to determine establish “norms.” When a statistically significant sample of the population has been tested, strong conclusions can be drawn. A normal range for IQ scores is 70-130. Scores below 70 indicate mental retardation while scores above 130 are considered gifted. NORMAL DISTRIBUTION OF IQ SCORES DEGREES OF MENTAL RETARDATION TYPES OF TESTS There are two main types of tests: 1. Objective Tests: Tests that have one set answer, that can be scored easily by machine 1. Ex. Multiple choice Subjective Tests: Tests in which individuals are given ambiguous figures or an open ended question which requires some interpretation and analysis. Ex. FRQs Inter-rater reliability SAMPLE SUBJECTIVE TEST The Rorschach Inkblot Test is one of the most widely known, and inaccurate subjective tests. The following slides are real inkblots from the test that was, at one time, a widely used test. Today, it has lost much, if not all of its credibility in determining intelligence or mental illness. INTELLIGENCE TESTING A term that is used frequently, but often misunderstood is “intelligence.” What exactly is intelligence? Many people disagree about what exactly intelligence is, but most do agree that it is: Relative: defined in relation to the same abilities in a comparison group (usually age) Hypothetically constructed: it is unobservable, but instead inferred from behavior TESTING IQ IQ (intelligence quotient) became a popular way to classify people in the early 1900s when two French psychologists (Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon) developed a test to identify those students who were gifted, and those who needed extra help. BINET-SIMONTEST The test had four important distinctions: Scores were interpreted at their current performance Used to identify students in need of help, not label them or categorize them Emphasized that training and opportunity could affect intelligence Was empirically constructed Scoring the test was done by calculating the mental age (MA) and the chronological age (CA). MA= The average age at which normal individuals achieve a particular score CA= The number of years since an individuals birth COMING TO AMERICA The idea of IQ testing became popular in America for three reasons: A huge increase in immigration New laws requiring universal education Military assessing new recruits for WWI It created an inexpensive and objective way to separate those could benefit from education or military leadership training and those who needed assistance. DOWNSIDE OF IQ TESTING Despite its utility, IQ testing had a big downside. Tests ended up reinforcing prevailing prejudices about race and gender. Ignored was the fact that environmental disadvantages limit the full development of people’s intellectual abilities. STANFORD-BINET INTELLIGENCE SCALE When the Binet test was adopted by a Stanford professor, he changed the equation to make intelligence scores into non-decimal numbers. This now became known as the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). =IQ COMPONENTS OF INTELLIGENCE Savant Syndrome: Individuals with remarkable, but rare talent, even though they are mentally deficient in other areas. Ex. Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE Spearman’s g Factor: Charles Spearman thought intelligence was a general factor behind all of our mental ability. Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory (CAP) Catell’s Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence The g factor THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE Howard Gardner believed that IQ scores measured only a limited range of human mental abilities. He argued we have seven separate mental abilities he calls the multiple intelligences. Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"): Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart") Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") Musical intelligence ("music smart") Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")