HVLS FANS - College of Engineering | SIU

Alex Kee
Bill Ennis
Joel Chaplin
Micah Buchanan
Kyle Florian
Ryan Riffel
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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November 18, 2010
Saluki Engineering Company
Senior Engineering Design Center
College of Engineering – Mailcode 6603
Carbondale IL 62901-6603
Jim McReynolds
Facilities Engineer
11000 Redco Drive
Aisin Manufacturing Illinois
Marion, IL 62959
Mr. McReynolds,
This letter is in response to your request for proposals concerning the overall comfort of the
employees at your facility. Our company has assembled an impressive and competitive proposal
for your project, which you will find attached to this letter. Furthermore, I would like to
personally thank you for giving us the opportunity to submit a design proposal for this project.
The proposal is based off of the need for an effective and economical system to provide a
comfortable working environment. Design goals include improvements in thermal comfort and
heating/cooling costs.
Once again, thank you for your consideration.
Alex Kee
Project Manager, TEAM 48
Saluki Engineering Company
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Executive Summary
The Saluki Engineering Company (SEC) proposes to study three design options for the current
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems at AISIN Manufacturing Illinois
(AMI) to reduce temperature and energy costs, and to make a recommendation as to which
design should be implemented into AMI’s facility. The criteria for the design are cost,
effectiveness, and economical benefit. The primary reason for modifying the current HVAC
system is to create a system that is able to maintain a comfortable environment through the hot
summer months. During research for this proposal, certain standards from the American Society
of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) were found regarding
thermal comfort, and the design recommendations will be based on these standards.
Design 1 will consist of adding a new chiller to the current HVAC system. The size of the new
chiller needed will be calculated based on the difference between the current load capabilities
and the load requirements during the hot summer months. This addition will create a greater
efficiency regarding the chillers as well as providing lower temperatures for a better work
environment in the facility. Design 2 will consist of adding High Volume Low Speed (HVLS)
fans to the facility to supplement the current HVAC system to improve the humidity level and air
flow, which will increase comfort in the facility even if the temperature stays the same. If
Designs 1 or 2 will not provide the desired conditions cost-effectively, then the two options will
be combined to make up Design 3. An energy audit and economic analysis will also be included
in the study.
The projected date of completion for the proposed engineering study and design recommendation
is April 26th, 2011. It is estimated that there will be no cost to the Client for the study and design
recommendation, since this project will be carried out from a consulting standpoint, and all
resources and instruments needed are on hand.
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The information provided in or for this proposal is the confidential, proprietary property of the
Saluki Engineering Company of Carbondale, Illinois, USA. Such information may be used
solely by the party to whom this proposal has been submitted by Saluki Engineering Company
and solely for the purpose of evaluating this proposal. The submittal of this proposal confers no
right in, or license to use, or right to disclose to others for any purpose, the subject matter, or
such information and data, nor confers the right to reproduce, or offer such information for sale.
All drawings, specifications, and other writings supplied with this proposal are to be returned to
Saluki Engineering Company promptly upon request. The use of this information, other than for
the purpose of evaluating this proposal, is subject to the terms of an agreement under which
services are to be performed pursuant to this proposal.
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Table of Contents
Transmittal Letter (AK) .................................................................................................................. 2
Non-Disclosure Statement ............................................................................................................ 4
Introduction (AK) ......................................................................................................................... 7
Literary Review (MB)................................................................................................................... 7
I. HVLS FANS (JC/RR)............................................................................................................ 7
Table 1: Comparison of HVLS Fans [7], [8], [9] (RR) ........................................................... 7
Concepts (JC) .......................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 1: Typical Air Foil Design for Fan Blade [4] (JC) ....................................................... 8
Figure 2: HVLS Fan Air Circulation [4] (JC) ......................................................................... 8
Benefits (JC) ............................................................................................................................ 8
II. HVAC SYSTEMS (AK/BE) ................................................................................................ 9
Chillers - Background (BE) ..................................................................................................... 9
Current Setup(AK/BE - Controls) ......................................................................................... 10
III. THERMAL COMFORT (MB)........................................................................................ 10
Figure 3: Thermal Interaction of the Human Body with the Environment [12] (MB) .......... 11
Figure 4: ASHRAE Summer and Winter Comfort Zones [12] (MB) .................................. 12
Figure 5: Air Speed to Offset Temp above Warm-Temp Boundaries of Figure 2 [12] (MB)
............................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6: Air Velocities and Operative Temperatures at 50% RH Necessary for Comfort of
Persons in Summer Clothing at Various Levels of Activity [12] (MB) ................................ 13
Figure 7: Draft Conditions Dissatisfying 15% of Population [12] (MB) .............................. 14
Figure 8: Percentage of People Dissatisfied as Function of Mean Air Velocity [12] (MB) . 14
IV. SUMMARY (MB) ............................................................................................................. 15
Basis of Design (RR) ................................................................................................................... 15
Table 2: Design Basis (RR) ................................................................................................... 15
Project Description (AK/MB) .................................................................................................... 15
Figure 9: Block Diagram (MB) ............................................................................................. 16
Engineering Specification (MB)................................................................................................. 16
Scope of Work (BE) .................................................................................................................... 16
Subsystems (MB/JC) ................................................................................................................... 17
1. Current Load Capabilities (MB) .................................................................................... 17
2. Energy Audit (MB) .......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 10: Example for Energy used in Cooling (MB) ......................................................... 17
3. Required Load Calculations (MB) ................................................................................. 17
Application for Cooling Load (MB) ...................................................................................... 18
Figure 11: Schematic Relation of Heat Gain to Cooling Load (MB) .................................... 18
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Infiltration (MB) .................................................................................................................... 19
Auxiliary Heat Sources (MB) ................................................................................................ 19
Conduction (Thermal Transmittance) (MB).......................................................................... 20
RTSM for Cooling Load Calculations (MB) ......................................................................... 21
Load Calculation Based on History of Energy Consumption and Ambient Temps. (MB) ... 21
4. Design 1: Additional Chiller (AK) .................................................................................. 22
5. Design 2: HVLS Fans (JC) .............................................................................................. 22
6. Design 3: Combined System (MB).................................................................................. 23
7. Control System (AK) ....................................................................................................... 23
8. Economic Analysis (MB) ................................................................................................. 23
References (MB - compile/edit).................................................................................................. 24
HVLS FANS (JC/RR) ............................................................................................................. 24
HVAC Systems (AK/BE) ........................................................................................................ 24
Thermal Comfort (MB) .......................................................................................................... 24
Commercial (MB) ....................................................................................................................... 25
Resources Needed (MB) .......................................................................................................... 25
Organizational Chart (MB) ....................................................................................................... 25
Draft Schedule (MB) ............................................................................................................... 27
Draft Schedule - Detailed (JC/MB)........................................................................................ 28
AIL (MB).................................................................................................................................. 29
Appendix - Resumes
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In the summer months, when temperatures reach well above 90°F, buildings turn into ovens. To
counteract the outside conditions, most buildings are fitted with an air conditioning/ventilation
system. In some industrial settings with large machines creating a massive amount of heat, these
systems are not enough to maintain a comfortable environment which creates a problem for
industrial production. Production requires employees to do the work needed to maintain a steady
process of production, but when employees are uncomfortable production can decrease heavily.
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
provides optimum environmental conditions for worker comfort. The goal of this project is to
find a way to provide such an environment as will not only help to increase production through
supplying thermal comfort, but also cut down on energy costs.
Literary Review
High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) fans are a relatively new technology that is starting to gain
much momentum in the HVAC world. Since the technology is so new, there are only a few
major producers of these fans which include Macro Air, BigAssFans, and Rite-Hite. Table 1
shows some specifications of fans comparable in maximum displacement and horsepower from
these companies.
Model Name
Diameter (ft.)
# of Blades
Power of Motor (HP)
Max Displacement (CFM)
Max Speed (RPM)
Max Effective Area (ft2)
Fan Weight
Big Ass
Big Ass
X Plus
Table 1: Comparison of HVLS Fans [7], [8], [9]
Because Aisin has decided to test out a fan from Marco Air, this is where the project will start.
Macro Air has a wide range of fans from which to choose. They have a fan for any situation
and available in every electrical voltage, so they can be implemented into the existing electrical
system with minimal work. Currently, Aisin is using the MaxAir24 (see Table 1) as a
demonstration model on the floor.
HVLS fans were designed by looking at the physics of air movement and at how to improve the
overall efficiency. The first thing that was addressed was how to make a fan that needed a less
powerful motor. Since the laws of physics dictate that the power needed to drive a fan is equal to
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the speed of the fan cubed, the logical answer would be to create a low speed fan. Using this
logic engineers began looking at ways to design low speed fans. To do this they turned their
attention to the field of aviation. This is from where the idea came to use an airfoil shape for the
blades of the fan.
Figure 1: Typical Air Foil Design for Fan Blade [4]
These airfoil blades let the fans move large quantities of air at very low speeds. The fan blades
use an air foil design with greater pitch on the blade to get air flow upwards of 300,000 cfm and
produce around 100 lbf of thrust. The chord length also affects the performance of the blade (in
general, the longer the chord length the more lift the blade will have). The design is especially
impressive as this air movement is all done at a low velocity, allowing workers to remain
undisturbed by windy conditions. Instead the fans produce low speed columns of air that hit the
ground and spread out along the floor, reaching well beyond the footprint of the fan. This effect
is called the floor jet and has a height that is directly proportional to the diameter of the fan.
Under ideal conditions a 24ft fan would produce a floor jet of 108 inches. The figure below
illustrates the air movement of the fan in a large room.
Figure 2: HVLS Fan Air Circulation [4]
Another carry over from aviation is the concern for weight. Since weight is the enemy when one
is trying to make something fly, the wings and rotors are made of lightweight strong materials
such as aluminum and advanced alloys. Using this technology in the fans helped reduce the
rotating mass and hanging weight of the fan, and since the technology is already there, costs are
kept reasonable. The extremely efficient design along with a small rotating mass allows these
fans to be powered by 1hp-2hp electric motors. This translates to cheap operating costs since
much fewer fans would be required to keep conditions comfortable.
HVLS fans result in decreased energy costs in relation to heating and cooling in every facility
that has been looked into. From research, the actual energy savings have varied based on the
size of the building, layouts, and individual comfort levels, but seem to range from 10 to 30%.
Besides energy savings, there are also many other benefits of HVLS fans. When installed in
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buildings, people report that the humidity levels have decreased significantly, the air quality has
improved due to better mixing of the air, and worker productivity has also improved. In the
summer months, these fans are best used at a high speed setting, pushing a lot of air down from
the ceiling. In the winter, most people want to reverse the fans to get the best effect. However,
this is actually counterproductive. The most effective way to use these fans during cold months
is to keep them blowing down but at a very slow speed. This gradually moves the hot air down
to the workers without creating any draft effect or wind chill, as discussed later. [1], [2], [3], [4],
In order to study the effects of adding HVLS fans to the environment, it is important to have a
solid understanding of HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning) systems – both of how
they work and what the current setup at Aisin is. If the addition of fans is insufficient to reach
requirements, it is possible that additional cooling will be required via a new chiller or some
other method of HVAC.
Chillers - Background
HVAC chillers are refrigeration systems that provide cooling for industrial and commercial
applications. Chillers consist of a compressor, condenser, thermal expansion valve, evaporator,
reservoir, and stabilization assembly. Chilled water systems operate like a normal air
conditioning unit except they use water instead of refrigerant in the condenser unit. A watercooled air chiller works by pumping refrigerant through coils that cool the water, filling the
condenser coils with the circulating cool water. Refrigerant is compressed, creating a high
pressure gas. The condenser uses cool water to condense the compressed gas turning it into a
warm liquid. The warm liquid goes through the thermal expansion valve releasing refrigerant
into the evaporator while converting the warm liquid into a cool, dry gas. A hot gas bypass is
generally used to warm up the evaporator to stabilize the temperature of the chilled water. The
water is then pumped from the reservoir to the compressor to start the cycle over. The
temperature of the water pumped through the coils is determined by the set point of the chiller.
The temperature change through the chiller is typically around 10oF. The normal temperature of
the water leaving the chiller is generally around 45oF, so the water returning to the chiller is
generally around 55oF. [10]
Chiller Controls
There are three different sizes for the power sources of the chiller controls. These power sources
are given by three numbers separated by forward slashes, which refer to the voltage, frequency
and phase. The power sources for the controls come in the following sizes: 208-230/60/3,
380/50/3, and 460/60/3. HVAC chillers can have a local or a remote control panel with
temperature and pressure indicators. Some control units also have microprocessor controls,
emergency alarms, and an integral pump. HVAC chillers can also be used to cool plastics,
printing equipment, laser cutting machines, and magnetic resonance imaging equipment. The
microcomputer control panel includes all controls necessary for the safe and reliable operation of
the chiller. There are many types of controls available for chillers. Fastforward adaptive control
is a predictive control strategy used to compensate for load changes. Soft loading is a control
used to accommodate load changes or temperature set point by gradually applying these changes,
preventing unnecessary cycling by the chiller. Multi-objective limit arbitration keeps the chiller
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focused on its main priority (evaporator exit temperature) until it can no longer obtain its ideal
temperature, then it switches to the chiller’s second main priority. The adaptive frequency drive
control mathematically figures the best position for the inlet guide which allows the system to
run longer and higher efficiency. The variable primary flow control reduces the energy
consumed by pumps. Variable flow compensation improves the chiller’s ability to accommodate
variable flow. With this information, it will be possible to look into coupling the systems (HVLS
fans and chillers) to find the best method for controlling the systems. [11], [12]
Advantages of Chillers
Air chillers are convenient as they permit components of the system to be sold separately,
allowing the engineer to strategically place different parts of the system to accommodate space
specifications. Chilled water refrigeration systems are preferred because of their contained use
of refrigerant. The refrigerant in these units is centralized minimizing the risk for leaks or
making them easier to contain if one does arise.
Current Setup
HVAC systems are used to make for a more comfortable indoor environment and are employed
by many different sizes of indoor environments ranging from an automobile to a 290,000 square
foot automobile component manufacturing plant such as Aisin Mfg. There are also different
types of HVAC systems. Trane offers a Direct-Expansion Unitary System, where an evaporator
is in direct contact with the air stream, and a Chilled Water Applied System, which is the system
currently in use at Aisin. A chilled-water applied system uses “chilled water to transport heat
energy between the airside, chillers and the outdoors” (Trane). Trane is not the only HVAC
manufacturer on the market; during a period of expansion, Aisin doubled the size of its
manufacturing facility and added an Aaon HVAC system to the addition which is similar to the
existing Trane setup. The chillers at Aisin have a capacity of 400 tons, and are set to cool the
water to 42 oF. They are connected to seventeen roof top units that pump out the cooled air.
Twelve of the roof top units (six on the original side and six on the addition) are responsible for
providing conditioned air to the main manufacturing section of the building that is being studied.
With temperatures topping out around 83 to 85oF inside the manufacturing section, these chillers
run at maximum capacity 24 hours a day. During the summer months, the temperature level in
the plant often reaches unacceptable levels, and since the chillers are running at full capacity
during this time, there is no way for the current system to keep the environment at a comfortable
In such situations, many companies have made the decision to simply add another chiller to the
equation. However, chillers that are the size of those at Aisin are quite expensive, and there are
other ways to deal with these uncomfortable temperatures. In looking for a solution to the
problem at Aisin, the effect of airflow through the plant to make for a more comfortable working
environment will be studied. One way to improve the airflow is the addition of the HVLS fans
in order to circulate the cool air from the AC units to all employees on the plant floor.
Thermal comfort, as stated by ASHRAE Standard 55, is “that condition of mind that expresses
satisfaction with the thermal environment”. In itself, thermal comfort is not quantifiable but is
based on one’s physical, psychological, physiological, as well as other processes. However, it is
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possible from an engineering standpoint to procure quantitative stipulations for an environment
that will provide for thermal comfort for an estimated percentage of satisfied population. These
standards are based on combined calculations of a heat transfer energy balance of the human
body in varying conditions as well as results of surveys taken of people in these environments.
The environmental factors affecting a person’s thermal balance and therefore his or her thermal
comfort include the surrounding air dry bulb temperature, humidity, relative velocity, and
radiation [13]. Besides these, personal variables including the amount of activity and clothing of
a person also affect his or her thermal comfort.
While some aspects of thermal comfort from the biological standpoint are beyond the scope of
this review, providing a comfortable work environment is essential for employee contentment.
Estimating thermal comfort can be simplified by doing an energy balance on the body, as done
by ASHRAE (see Figure 3), taking into consideration the majority of methods of heat transfer to
and from the body.
Figure 3: Thermal Interaction of the Human Body with the Environment [12]
The most applicable portion of thermal comfort for this project deals with the effect of wind
speed and humidity on thermal comfort (in relation to temperatures), both of which could
potentially be affected by the installation of HVLS fans and/or an additional HVAC unit.
Although based on a nearly sedentary level of activity, Figure 4 gives an estimate of acceptable
levels of operative temperature and humidity for environments of little to no air movement for
people wearing clothing appropriate for the season (1.0/0.5 clo winter/summer).
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Figure 4: ASHRAE Summer and Winter Comfort Zones [12]
With the addition of the HVLS fans, the hope is that the HVAC units will run at a lower load and
that a higher temperature will be acceptable with the increased air movement. This would allow
for potential energy saving. Figure 5 displays the air speed required to offset temperatures above
ideal operative temperature [12]. Similarly, Figure 6 shows necessary air velocities for operative
temperatures at 50% relative humidity to maintain comfort for different levels of activity
measured in mets.
Figure 5: Air Speed to Offset Temp above Warm-Temp Boundaries of Figure 2 [12]
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Figure 6: Air Velocities and Operative Temperatures at 50% RH Necessary for Comfort of
Persons in Summer Clothing at Various Levels of Activity [12]
It should also be mentioned that fans potentially could reduce dissatisfaction due to radiant
temperature asymmetry and vertical air temperature difference, as a significant amount of mixing
and more even conditions would occur throughout the plant, discussed earlier.
With an increase in air speed, it is possible to cause discomfort due to drafts, especially during
winter months. Active persons are much less sensitive to these discomforts (McQuiston), and it
can be assumed that the majority of workers on the floor that would be affected by HVLS fans
will be somewhat active. However, in the winter months for workers doing near sedimentary
work, draft could potentially become an issue. For this reason, it is important to examine effects
of air movement on this subject. As stated earlier, in the winter HVLS fan manufacturers
recommend running the fans at lower speeds. This will cause warm air near the ceiling to be
slowly pushed downward. Figure 7 shows the effects of wind speeds and turbulences causing
15% of the population to be dissatisfied. It would be wise to keep this concept in mind in
determining operating conditions of HVLS fans or the HVAC system as a whole. Along these
same lines, Figure 8 shows the percentage of people dissatisfied for different temperatures as air
velocities increase [12].
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Figure 7: Draft Conditions Dissatisfying 15% of Population [12]
Figure 8: Percentage of People Dissatisfied as Function of Mean Air Velocity [12]
Using this gathered information and applying it while making calculations and modeling
installation of the HVLS fans and/or a new HVAC system/chiller, it will be possible to create an
environment that will be comfortable for team members working on the floor at Aisin. Knowing
these requirements will allow modeling to be done in such a manner as to provide a comfortable
work environment while potentially reducing heating and cooling costs.
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While this information is for standard acceptable conditions, it should be noted that Aisin has
their own requirements. The plant area where the study will be done is required to be in the range
of 68 to 82oF. While a specific humidity range is not required, a comfortable working
environment is necessary for team members working on the floor.
From what this information gathered, the thought is to create three possible solutions using a
combination of these systems researched. Using the current chiller setup and knowing current
conditions, it will be possible to find the load of which Aisin is currently capable. Also, it will be
possible to perform load calculations to find the load required of the HVAC system in a worst
case scenario (using data from the hottest days of the year). Knowing the difference between
these two loads, the load required to fulfill the need at Aisin will be known. From this point, it
will be possible to choose an appropriate system or combination of systems to make up this
Three design systems will be investigated and set forth as options to Aisin: an additional chiller
to supplement the current chiller, a setup of HVLS fans, and a combination of these. For
choosing the additional chiller size, the information gathered in the load calculations can be used
directly, choosing a system capable of the load differences. For the HVLS fans option,
conditions for thermal comfort based on wind speeds, humidity, temperature gradient, etc. will
be used to determine the number and placement of fans. For the combined system, the possibility
of using both of the systems on a smaller level will be investigated. Cost analyses can then be
applied to each setup to help determine the best design.
Basis of Design
The documents listed in Table 2 provide the basis for the designs of SEC Team 48. In the event
of a conflict between the Request for Proposal (RFP) and the Client’s design requests stated in
the project definition, the Client’s design requests control. As new data becomes available, Client
may supply additional data and criteria that will be incorporated into the designs. All designs will
comply with the 2011 National Electric Code.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
SEC RFP Project Definition – Attachment 1
SEC RFP Design Report Deliverables Checklist – Attachment 2
2011 National Electric Code (NEC)
Proposal for Project # F10-48-AISINFAN
Table 2: Design Basis
Project Description
The purpose for modifying the current HVAC system is to create a more comfortable work
environment when the current system cannot keep up with the ambient conditions. This
modification must keep the environment at a comfortable temperature while reducing energy
usage to cool the facility. Three designs to fix Aisin’s cooling problem will be submitted to
Aisin for consideration, as described below, along with a brief economic analysis of each. Prior
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to these designs, a look at current load capabilities at Aisin will be investigated, as will a load
size required to maintain acceptable conditions during peak cooling. Also, an energy audit of the
current system will be done as a basis for the economic analysis. The layout of these subsystems
is shown below in a block diagram.
The block diagram is composed of three levels, the design activities of each being able to be
done simultaneously.
Figure 9: Block Diagram
Engineering Specification
The output of this project will be three proposed designs to solve Aisin’s problem of cooling to
comfortable temperatures during peek cooling times. Designs will be done so as to produce yearround comfort, keeping temperatures between 68 and 82oF as required by Aisin, or at equivalent
conditions according to ASHRAE’s definitions of thermal comfort based on incorporated wind
speeds and other conditions (see Literary Review section on Thermal Comfort).
Scope of Work
The following subsystems of this project give in some detail what will be designed and presented
to Aisin. For anything beyond what is stated, Team 48 is not responsible though additional work
may be done as time allows. Team 48 will be working only as a consulting group and will not
make a final decision as to which direction Aisin should go. It will be merely submitting
suggested designs as it finds will be useful. Team 48 is not responsible for the results of any
systems implemented at Aisin.
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1. Current Load Capabilities
In order to determine what will be needed in order to maintain thermal comfort throughout the
year, it will first be important to examine the current system and find what it is capable of
cooling (and heating – to be used to later examine energy savings). To do this, the ratings of the
current chillers will be taken to find cooling ability.
Also, temperatures at which the chiller becomes unable to keep up will be examined, and
conditions at which this occurs will be noted.
Deliverables will include a report of the calculated total load capabilities.
2. Energy Audit
Using past energy bills, an energy audit will be done to find current costs of heating and cooling.
This will be done by plotting average monthly gas and electrical usages from 2005 to 2010. For
heating, the approximated base load will be taken to be the amount of gas used during summer
months, and for cooling, the base load can be approximated by finding the electrical usage
during the winter months. This will allow for calculating the approximate energy used in both
heating and cooling by finding the amount under the curve but above the baseline (see example
Figure 10.)
Electricity Used Monthly
Figure 10: Example for Energy used in Cooling
From the calculations done, all spreadsheets will be submitted to Aisin showing results of the
energy audit.
3. Required Load Calculations
To determine the unit size needed to offset the current chiller system for year-round thermal
comfort at Aisin, an approximation of the actual load required to cool to desired temperatures
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will be calculated. This load calculation will be based off of a time when Aisin is running at full
production and when ambient temperature is at a design temperature of 100°F (99% of the time,
the ambient temperature in Southern Illinois is below this temperature).
Application for Cooling Load
Description of Heat Gain
Heat gain is the rate at which energy is generated or transferred within a space. This energy can
be sensible or latent heat and must be computed separately. This heat gain can be in the form of
heat conduction through boundaries, sensible heat convection and radiation from surfaces within
the space, latent heat generation within the space, solar radiation into the space, and ventilation
and infiltration air.
Description of Cooling Load
Cooling load is the rate at which energy must be removed from a conditioned space in order to
maintain the conditions with the space. It is different from the heat gain because radiation from
inside wall surfaces and objects inside do not heat the air inside the space directly. The
contribution to the cooling load from this radiant energy is delayed because the energy is first
absorbed by floors and interior walls and then later released to the space by convection. This is
displayed in the following schematic.
Figure 11: Schematic Relation of Heat Gain to Cooling Load
Design Conditions
Design conditions are given by ASHRAE, and will be used in load calculations. These
conditions include dry bulb and mean coincident wet bulb temperatures that equaled or exceeded
0.4%, 1%, and 2% of the hours during a year. Also, daily range of dry bulb temperatures is given
for the difference between the average maximum and minimum for the warmest month, which
has an effect on the energy stored by the building structure. Also given are mean wind speed and
wind direction for the 0.4% design condition. However, for summer conditions the local wind
velocity is generally assumed to be about 7.5 mph or 3.4 m/s.
Depending on the time of day, the hourly outdoor temperature is assumed to vary between the
outdoor design temperature and a minimum value of temperature. Thus is given by the following
π‘‡π‘œ = 𝑇𝑑 − 𝑋(𝐷𝑅)
where 𝑇𝑑 is the design dry bulb temperature, 𝑋 is the percentage of daily range, and 𝐷𝑅 is the
daily range. All of these conditions are supplied by ASHRAE as well as McQuiston.
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Outside air leaks into a building no matter how well constructed it may be and an equal amount
of conditioned air leaks out of the building. This leakage of air through cracks and openings
around doors and windows is called infiltration air, which results in heat loss or gain. Because
Aisin has many bay doors which may be opened at different times, this value may be somewhat
difficult to find. Although not part of the project per se, it would be suggested that Aisin that air
curtains be looked into for any bay doors that are often in use. This may help to reduce heat
gain/loss from these points. Also, it may be possible to tie in rooftop units or proposed HVLS
fans to the doors to allow them to be automatically turned off in the vicinity of the door when
Air Change Method
For cooling load calculations, infiltration and required ventilation will be combined and
estimated as close as is possible from further investigation. The air-change method will be used
to calculate what effect this has on heat gain/loss. For this method, the flow rate of outdoor air
that crosses the boundary of the building and requires conditioning is expressed in terms of air
changes per hour (ACH). This relationship is shown in the following equation:
𝑄̇ =
𝐴𝐢𝐻 × π‘‰
where 𝑄̇ is infiltration in cfm or m3/s, 𝑉 is building volume in ft3 or m3 and 𝐢𝑇 is 60 for English
units and 3600 for SI units. ACH depends on construction, building type and use. Newer
buildings, such as Aisin, generally are in a range of 0.3 to 0.7 ACH. However, losses from the
bay doors may need to be added into this, as will any values from ventilation.
Infiltration is usually based on volume flow rate at outdoor conditions. Therefore, the equation
for calculating latent heat transfer due to infiltration is
π‘žΜ‡ π‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ,π‘™π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘›π‘‘ =
where βˆ†π‘Š = (π‘Šπ‘– − π‘Šπ‘œ ) or βˆ†π‘Š = (π‘Šπ‘œ − π‘Šπ‘– ) depending whether the HVAC system is heating
or cooling, π‘£π‘œ is the specific volume of the outdoor air, hfg is latent heat of vaporization at
outdoor conditions and π›₯π‘Š is the difference in design humidity ratio.
Similarly, sensible heat transfer due to infiltration is
π‘žΜ‡ π‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ,𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠 =
𝑄̇ 𝑐𝑝
where βˆ†π‘‡ = (𝑇𝑖 − π‘‡π‘œ ) or βˆ†π‘‡ = (π‘‡π‘œ − 𝑇𝑖 ) depending whether the HVAC system is heating or
cooling, 𝑐𝑝 is the specific heat of the air, and βˆ†π‘‡ is the difference in design temperature.
Auxiliary Heat Sources
Another large source responsible for heat gain is auxiliary heat sources from within the plant.
Being a manufacturing plant with several plastic injection lines and steam ovens, Aisin has
several large sources of heat from equipment as well as from its team members and lighting.
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Having over 700 employees, split up over 3 shifts, Aisin will definitely have a heat gain due to
occupancy. This heat gain is made up of sensible and latent heat, the proportions of which
depend on the level of physical activity. Typical values of these ratios are given by ASHRAE
and will be used in these calculations. Also, for occupancy, it is generally assumed that sensible
heat gain is 70% radiative (which will be slightly delayed) and 30% is convective (instant
cooling load).
Lighting is divided into radiative and convective loads. Lights are often turned off at times to
conserve energy. When lights are turned off, the cooling load will decrease, but it does not
immediately go to zero due to the radiative component.
The instantaneous rate of heat gain is given by the following equations:
π‘žΜ‡ = 3.41(π‘Š 𝐹𝑒 𝐹𝑠 ) (Btu/hr)
π‘žΜ‡ = (π‘Š 𝐹𝑒 𝐹𝑠 ) (SI)
where π‘Š is the total ligt wattage, 𝐹𝑒 is the use factor, and 𝐹𝑠 is the ballast factor. Heat gain to a
conditioned space from fluorescent lighting is assumed to be 59% radiative and 41% convective.
For cooling load calculations, heat gain from miscellaneous equipment is generally assumed to
be 70% radiative and 30% convective.
Likely the largest source of heat gain at Aisin is due to equipment. To find this portion of gain,
the different types of equipment will be researched to find estimated amounts of heat given off.
If this cannot be found, heat gain will be estimated based off of energy used in the process,
assuming that a given percentage is eventually turned to heat, i.e. for a plastic injection machine,
nearly all electricity used to run the machine ends up as heat either given off from the machine
and barrel or by the process. Some energy is used to open and close the mold, and this
percentage would be estimated and subtracted.
There are two basic forms of calculating heat gain from equipment. Evaluation Based on
Operating Schedule will be used if possible, which examines each piece of equipment
individually. Equations can be used for electrical motors and other types of equipment. When not
enough information is given, the maximum hourly heat gain can be estimated using 50% of the
catalog input rating.
Otherwise, a simpler method is the Wattage-Per-Square-Foot Basis which is generally employed
when not enough data is available for the use of the first method. This method uses estimate
factors established by experience for a given type of building and multiplies this by the square
Conduction (Thermal Transmittance)
This portion of the load calculation incorporates the effects of solar radiation, thermal radiation,
and convection. To calculate this heat gain, the hourly outdoor air dry bulb temperature To and
the effective temperature of outdoor air (sol-air temperature) are first calculated as shown:
𝑇𝑒 = π‘‡π‘œ +
− π‘‡π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿ
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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where π‘‡π‘œ is the hourly outdoor air dry bulb temperature, 𝛼 is solar absorptivity, 𝐺𝑑 is total solar
irradiation incident on the surface, ho is the exterior surface heat transfer coefficient/conductance,
and π‘‡π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘Ÿ is thermal radiation correction term (7°F for horizontal surfaces and 0°F for vertical
Because there are basically no windows on the floor at Aisin, conduction heat gains for due to
windows will be negligible. For the walls and the roof, after hourly π‘‡π‘œ and 𝑇𝑒 for a surface have
been determined for all the 24 hours of the design day, the heat conduction at the inside surface
of the walls and roof is obtained from the equation
π‘žΜ‡ = 𝐴 ∑ π‘Œπ‘ƒπ‘› (𝑇𝑒,𝑛𝛿 − π‘‡π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘œπ‘š )
where 𝐴 is surface area, π‘Œπ‘ƒπ‘› is the nth periodic response factor, 𝑇𝑒,𝑛𝛿 is the value of 𝑇𝑒 , n hours
ago and π‘‡π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘œπ‘š is the room temperature. Periodic response factors for multilayer walls will be
found using a computer program (HvacLoadExplorer) which is associated with McQuiston.
Alternatively, a simpler method of finding thermal transmittance may be used, which is not
applicable to the RTSM for cooling but will allow for an easy method of finding heat gain due.
This is the following.
π‘ž = π‘ˆπ΄βˆ†π‘‡
where π‘ˆ is the U-factor equal to the inverse of the resistance and βˆ†π‘‡ is the temperature
difference of the conditioned space and the ambient.
RTSM for Cooling Load Calculations
This method applies a radiant time series to the radiative portion of the heat gain. For this reason,
all gains must be divided into both the radiative and convective parts. The hourly cooling load
due to the radiative portion of each heat gain is obtained using the following equation.
π‘žπΆπΏ,𝑑 = π‘Ÿπ‘› π‘žΜ‡ 𝑑−𝑛𝛿 = π‘Ÿ0 π‘žΜ‡ 𝑑 + π‘Ÿ1 π‘žΜ‡ 𝑑−𝛿 + π‘Ÿ2 π‘žΜ‡ 𝑑−2𝛿 + π‘Ÿ3 π‘žΜ‡ 𝑑−3𝛿 + β‹― + π‘Ÿ23 π‘žΜ‡ 𝑑−23𝛿
where r is the nth radiant time factor, π‘žπΆπΏ,𝑑 is the cooling load at the current hour, and π‘žΜ‡ 𝑑−𝑛𝛿 is
the heat gain, n hours ago.
Design Activities
List of activities for the RTSM calculation for load requirement include:
ο‚· Determination of exterior boundary conditions-incident solar radiation and sol-air
ο‚· Calculation of heat gains
ο‚· Splitting of heat gains into radiative and convective portions
ο‚· Determining of cooling loads due to the radiative portion of heat gains
ο‚· Summation of loads due to convective and radiative portions of heat gains
Load Calculation Based on History of Energy Consumption and Ambient Temps.
This method will be used as a check on the previous approach to load sizing calculations. This
method uses the history of energy usage as well as corresponding average ambient temperatures
along with the SEER rating of the system to calculate expected loads given an ambient
temperature. Using a design temperature, it will then be possible to find the required load.
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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This method will give the expected cooling load at a given temperature. To find the maximum
load, an error analysis will be done, and the maximum load will be estimated based on a chosen
prediction interval, e.g. at 90% confidence, the predicted cooling load at 95/78F (typical design
conditions) is 225 Btu/sf +/-50Btu/sf.
Deliverables for the Load Calculation subsystem will include spreadsheets produced using the
RTSM procedure, listing the load requirement found as well spreadsheets produced for load
calculation requirements based on the history of energy consumption. This information will be
incorporated into the final design report submitted to Aisin.
4. Design 1: Additional Chiller
In order for the HVAC system to keep up with the troubling conditions, the feasibility of an
additional chiller added to the current chiller system will be investigated. The size required will
be determined from the difference in current and required load calculations, described in
subsystems 1 and 3. The current chiller systems’ manufacturers will be kept in mind in looking
at possible units to install. A report will be submitted to Aisin containing the recommendations
for this chiller in the final design report.
5. Design 2: HVLS Fans
This subsystem will be used to supplement the HVAC system to provide more efficient heating,
cooling and ventilation year round. This will lead to increased thermal comfort, better air
circulation, lower humidity, and lower energy costs.
The fans will be integrated into the current HVAC system. When running, they will circulate the
cold air from the A/C system down to the workers on the floor. As the name implies, they will
do this at very low air speeds. An average air speed for a 24ft fan is 600 ft/min where a 30in fan
would produce air speeds near 4800 ft/min. This slower airspeed gives workers the cooling
effect of a light breeze without overly windy conditions. This added cooling effect will make the
workers feel cooler without changing the ambient temperature of the plant. We will consult
ASHRAE standards to determine the optimum air speed and the relative cooling effect it will
Factors to be considered with HVLS fans:
ο‚· Design of fan
o Airfoil blade design and chord length
o Construction of fan
o Estimated life span
o Solidarity
ο‚· Placement of fans
ο‚· Obstructions on floor
ο‚· CFM ratings and how they were obtained
ο‚· RFI and EMI compliancy
Fan specifications
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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Expected energy usage
Fan placement in factory
Suggested operation during heating, cooling and ventilation
Projected energy savings and return on investment
List of activities
Collect data from temporary fan in building
Estimate effective area with current conditions on floor
Build model to estimate fan interaction
Design fan layout in factory
Estimate effect on heating and cooling
Calculate operation cost on annual basis
6. Design 3: Combined System
Combining attributes of designs 1 and 2, design 3 will be a proposal for a system composed of
HVLS fans and smaller chiller to supplement the current HVAC system. A balance will be found
that will create the environment needed for thermal comfort. A cost summary will be compiled to
be used in the economic analysis, and all design information will be submitted in the final design
report to Aisin as an option to correct the current problem.
7. Control System
In the event of the HVLS fans being able to provide for a comfortable environment, a control
system for the fans will need to be put in place. Research will be done to provide a choice of
three different control systems for the HVLS fans. A report of the findings will be submitted to
Aisin in the final design report.
8. Economic Analysis
When designs 1, 2, and 3 have been completed, a cost analysis will be done on each of the
systems. This may include simple payback period calculations, life cycle cost/savings analysis,
and/or benefit to cost ratio. Calculations will be done to find net present values and/or net future
values of cash flows created for each design, and these will be compared to find the most
economical choice. All results will be incorporated into the final design report submitted to
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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[1] DeGaspari. "A fan for all seasons." Mechanical Engineering 121.12 (1999): 58. MasterFILE
Premier. EBSCO. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.
[2] "HVAC manufacturer finds a cool solution with HVLS fans." Plant Engineering 63.9 (2009):
37-39. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 30 Sept. 2010.
[3] "HVLS Fan." Material Handling Management 65.7 (2010): 34. Business Source Complete.
EBSCO. Web. 30 Sept. 2010.
[4] Macro air. (2010). Retrieved from www.macro-air.com, 1 Nov. 2010.
[5] Oleson, Rick. "The top 10 myths about HVLS fans." Plant Engineering 62.7 (2008): 40.
Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 30 Sept. 2010.
[6] "Installation and Warranty." MacroAir Technologies, Inc., 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2010.
[7] "Literature - Rite Hite - Revolution HV/LS Fans." Rite Hite - Revolution HVLS Fans. Rite
Hite HVLS Fans, 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2010. <http://www.ritehitefans.com/pages/literature>.
[8] "Technical Downloads." Big Ass Fan Co. Delta T Corp., 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2010.
HVAC Systems
[9] “Chilled Water Applied Systems - HVAC Systems”. Trane, 2010. Web. 4 Oct. 2010.
[10] “Water Chiller System”. Web. 5 Oct. 2010.
[11] “HVAC Chillers”. Global Spec, 2010. Web. 5 Oct. 2010.
Thermal Comfort
[12] 2009 ASHRAE Handbook - Fundamentals (SI Edition). American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc, 2009.
[13] McQuiston, Faye C, Jerald D Parker and Jeffrey D Spitler. Heating, Ventilating, and Air
Conditioning Analysis and Design. 6th Edition. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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Saluki Engineering Company hereby offers to do the work defined in this proposal for the costplus-award-fee determined by Aisin Mfg. Illinois, equal to zero dollars or greater ($0.00 +). This
project will be conducted as a consulting service offered to Aisin free of charge, with the
understanding that all expenses arising that Aisin deems acceptable for equipment, travel, etc.
will be covered by Aisin.
This proposal is valid for a period of 30 days from the date of the proposal. After this time,
Saluki Engineering Company reserves the right to review it and determine if any modification is
Resources Needed
The following is a table of items to be used in this project. All of the items are either on hand or
will be borrowed.
Infrared Camera
HvacLoadCalc Software
On Hand
Organizational Chart
Below is an organizational chart for Team 48, which includes team members’ names, discipline,
and principle responsibility, as well as the name of the faculty technical advisor.
TEAM 48 - Organizational Chart
Alex Kee
Bill Ennis
Joel Chaplin
Kyle Florian
Micah Buchanan
Ryan Riffel
Current Load Capabilities
Control System
Design 2, Economic Analysis, Design 3
Control System
Current Load Capabilities, Energy Audit,
Load Requirements, Design 3
Design 2, Design 3
Faculty Technical Advisor - Dr. James Mathias
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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The following pages contain two schedules, the first being an overall chronological schedule of
events for the Spring ’11 semester. Following this is a more detailed schedule of these events
with targeted and actual due dates given. Finally, after the schedules is an Action Item List for
the Spring ’11 semester.
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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Draft Schedule
Data Collection - AK, MB, KF
Energy Audit - MB
Estimate Current System Capacity - MB
Unit Sizing/Load Required - MB
Design 1 - MB
Create Controller System - BE, KF
Explore HVLS Fans - JC, RR
Design 2 - JC, RR
Design Reviews - ALL
Progress Reports Posted - ALL
Design 3 - JC, MB
Economic Analysis - JC
Demonstrations - ALL
Design Report - MB
Build Integrated Fan Model - AK, KF
Design Poster Presentation - ALL
Design Oral Presentation - ALL
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
TEAM MEMBERS: Alex Kee (AK), Bill Ennis (BE), Joel
Page 27 of 36
Draft Schedule - Detailed
Aisin Fan Project Schedule - Team 48
Class Deadline
Group Deadline
Estimated W orking Time
As W orked
Team Members
Alex Kee (AK) Bill Ennis (BE)
Joel Chaplin (JC)Kyle Florian (KF)
Ryan Riffel (RR) Micah Buchanan (MB)
Project Deliverables
Design Report
Design Poster Presentation - ALL
Design Oral Presentation - ALL
Demonstrations - ALL
Design Reports - ALL
Progress Reports posted to W eb Space - ALL
Design Reviews - ALL
Design 1 - MB
Design 2 - JC, RR
Design 3 - JC, MB
Energy Audit - MB
Estimate Current System Capacty - MB
Design Tasks
Unit Sizing - Load Required - MB
Data Collection - AK, MB, KF
Create Controller System - BE, KF
Explore HVLS Fans - JC, RR
Economic Analysis - JC
Build Integrated Fan Model - AK, KF
HVLS Fans: Aisin Mfg. Illinois
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W eek of - Starting with Monday
For Spring 2011
Alex Kee, ME
Micah Buchanan, ME
Joel Chaplin, ME
Ryan Riffel, ME
Bill Ennis, EE
Kyle Florian, EE
Current HVAC Load Calculations
Energy Audit
Load Calculation Based on Energy Usage History
Thermal Transmittance Calculations
Infiltration/Ventilation Calculations
Auxiliary Heat Sources Heat Gain
Total Required Load Calculations - From 2,3,4
Additional Load Required Calculations
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
Create Controller System
Set Up Design Review
Find current load capabilities.
Find current energy usage for heating and cooling based off of energy bills.
Investigate procedure. Based on energy usage coorelated with ambient condition
Conduction heat gain through walls, roof, etc.
Use Air-Change method - approximation.
Due to people, lights, equipment. Based on operating schedule.
Use RTSM for cooling load calculations.
Find current and required load differences.
Find appropriate chiller unit to offset load difference.
Progress Report
Economic Analysis
Design Report
Create Model
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William Arthur Ennis
E-mail: ennis747@siu.edu
933 Glenda Lane
Taylorville, IL 62568
Telephone: (217)824-5494
1205 S. Wall St.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Telephone: (217)825-5801
An entry level electrical engineering position with a focus on power systems.
Lincoln Land Community College- Springfield, Illinois
Associates Degree in Business Administration, 2004
Southern Illinois University- Carbondale, Illinois
Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering, expected December 2011
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Experienced with Excel and spreadsheets
Very hard working and excellent with team work
Some experience with computer programming
Quick learner and dedicated employee
May 2006-May 2008
May 2005-May2006
Culligan Water Service- Decatur, Illinois
Route Salesman and Service Technician
Built and repaired electrical components for water softener control units
Serviced and installed water softeners and drinking water systems on both a commercial
and residential level
Organized and managed routes for new and existing customers
Delivered water and water softener salt while maintaining a good relationship with
GSI group- Assumption, Illinois
Machine Operator
Used computer programs to cut metal components for distribution and production
Organized and shipped steel components to other plants for production
MBM- Taylorville, Illinois
Pulled packages from pallets to fill orders for restaurants
Organized and stacked pallets to be pulled or to be shipped
Checked pallets ready for shipment for damage and accuracy
Strategically loaded pallets of product and loose product into semi trailers to be shipped
June 2004-May 2005
Relevant Coursework:
Computer Systems and Business Applications
Introduction to Business Organizations
Problem Solving with Computers
Discrete Logic and Digital Systems
Introduction to Management
Kyle Matthew Florian
E-mail: kylef10@siu.edu
1602 W. Maplewood
12417 N. Hwy 51
Marion, IL 62959
Murphysboro, IL 62966
Telephone: 618-925-3722
Telephone: 618-925-3722
To obtain an entry-level electrical engineering position to focus on power and
energy systems.
Associate Degree in Science, May 2007
John A. Logan College, Carterville, IL 62918
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, December 2011
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901
Relevant Coursework
ο‚· FTP Clients
ο‚· Controls and Systems
ο‚· Java Platform
Food Service Worker, Marion VA Medical Center
September 2005 - present
ο‚· Provide excellent service and support to customers and veterans
ο‚· Am now a Supervisor of Food Service Operations(from September of 2009)
ο‚· Run diet reports on all veterans in the Marion VA Medical Center
ο‚· Once awarded “Best Canteen in the Nation”
ο‚· Gained many friends from different departments at the Marion VA
ο‚· PSpice and MATLAB
ο‚· Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Vista
ο‚· Xilinx and AutoCAD
ο‚· Problem Solving with Computers
ο‚· Electronics
ο‚· Digital Circuit and Design Work
ο‚· Adult League Softball with the Marion VA team
ο‚· Adult League Soccer
Recreational Tennis and Golf
Micah Buchanan
920 Kathryn Lane, Carterville, IL 62918
P: (618) 943-0123 E: micahbuchanan@gmail.com
Proficient team player with a positive and task-oriented attitude, as well as an excellent team leader,
proven through design projects and past work experiences. Highly adaptable and able to learn and
apply engineering concepts quickly and completely. Excellent communication skills (oral and written)
demonstrated through group work, experimental lab work, and course work. Ability to multi-task and
work with diverse people and organizations.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), Carbondale, IL
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Minor in Mathematics
G.P.A.: 3.81/4.0
Aisin Mfg. Illinois, Marion, IL
Manufacturing Engineer Intern
Jan 2003 – Jan 2010
May – Aug 2008, 2009
Gained experience in feeding/care of hogs (managed a set of hog barns - 5,000 head),
feeding/care and milking of cattle, planting/harvesting of corn, soybeans, and wheat
Learned to resolve unexpected conflicts in order to maintain a steady process of production
Gained knowledge of how to accomplished large tasks through organized team work
Branching Out, Inc., Lawrenceville, IL
April 2010-Present
Learning in depth the processes associated with plastic injection molding for automotive
Setting up new robot systems, running mold trials, and preparing line setups for the 2012 Camry
Constructing new regrind systems to recycle scrap and mix with virgin material to reduce waste
Using teamwork to collaborate and solve problems in a manufacturing atmosphere
Buchanan Dairy Farm, St. Francisville, IL
Lazy B Farms, Lawrenceville, IL
May 2011
May 2003 – July 2005
Managed the planting, care, harvesting, and sale of trees and shrubs
Increased profits by 10% through selective hiring and marketing strategies
Hired and oversaw a team of eight during planting and harvesting seasons
Mission Trip to Ecuador
Summer 2007 & 2008
ο‚· Involved in preparations and management of multiple events at a children’s Bible camp
ο‚· Visited several underprivileged communities to hand out evangelistic literature
April 2003 – July 2008
ο‚· Volunteered landscaping services for both a nearby church and an elderly neighbor
ο‚· Consisted of mowing, trimming, landscaping, and painting
ο‚· Dean’s List Fall 2007-Spring 2010
ο‚· Awarded University of Evansville Trustee Scholarship ($18,000)
ο‚· American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, & A/C Engineers (ASHRAE), Vice-President 2010-2011
ο‚· Tau Beta Pi, in the process of being inducted December 2010
ο‚· American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) member since 2007
SolidWorks, Matlab, Simulink, SolidEdge, Maple, Microsoft Office Platform (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Joel M Chaplin
416 s Washington St.
Carbondale, IL. 62901
To pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering that is challenging with opportunity for
professional advancement.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale (fall 2007-spring 2011)
Bachelor of Science
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Elective studies:
Internal Combustion Engines
Hydraulic systems
Penn State University (fall 2006-spring2007)
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Beck Bus transportation, Carbondale IL. (January 2010-present)
Successfully troubleshoot complex electrical and mechanical problems
Gained valuable knowledge of heavy duty equipment reliability issues
Maintained fleet of city and school buses
Outdoor turf professionals, Carterville IL. (March 2009-June 2010)
Maintained and operated turf equipment
Marathon Petroleum LLC, Robinson, IL. (summer 2008)
Updated equipment files and documentation
Made excellent progress on an internal reliability program
Created a training program on this issues that addressed installation, safety and reliability
Assisted engineers in troubleshooting problems
J&N Auto salvage and recovery, Coatesville, PA. (May 2003-June 2007)
Troubleshoot mechanical and electrical failures in automobiles, commercial trucks and
heavy equipment.
Inventoried used parts to ensure efficient and up to date information for customers
Fabricated recovery equipment to ensure safer operation of tow truck
H&H Nursery, Thorndale, PA. (spring-summer 2007)
Maintained and operated agricultural equipment to ensure efficient operation
Demonstrated Abilities:
Analyze research and apply corrective action to mechanical problems.
Highly skilled in the use of AutoCAD 2D&3D Modeling, over 6 years experience with various
versions dating back to AutoCAD 2000
Confident in basic functions in Solid Works and MatLab programs
Skilled in the use of Visio.
Highly Experience with the use of Microsoft office, including Word, Access, PowerPoint, and
advanced knowledge of Excel.
Work well in a team environment
Learn extremely fast and anticipate where help is needed before being asked.
Advanced hands on skill set and knowledge base with vast array of mechanical equipment
Ryan M. Riffel
Permanent Address:
School Address:
485 Shadow Valley Ln.
Buncombe, IL 62912
606 E. Park St, Apt. N
Carbondale, IL 62901
An entry level position in mechanical engineering
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Carbondale, IL
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, May 2011
Minor: Mathematics
GPA: 3.73/4.00
Southeast Missouri State University
Cape Girardeau, MO
Major: Engineering Physics
August 2006-May 2008
GPA: 3.7/4.0
AISIN Mfg. Illinois, LLC (AMI) Scholarship, SIUC, 2010-2011
College of Engineering Dean’s Scholarship, SIUC, 2009-2010
Dean’s List Status, SIUC, 2008-2010
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Student Member, 2010
ο‚· Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
Experience with AutoCAD and MATLAB
Experience with C++ and Python programming
Sales Clerk, Larry’s House of Cakes (July 2010-Present)
Carbondale, IL
Responsible for growth in volume, rate, and quality of sales
Improve customer satisfaction with excellent customer service
Increase bakery production rate and quality of goods with team of bakers
Clerical Work & Laborer, Earthwork (May 2005-June 2010)
Carbondale, IL
Gained a strong work ethic by managing and maintaining customer properties
Worked with a team on major landscaping projects
Responsible for bookkeeping and invoicing
Alex Kee
1408 Newton Ave.
Johnston City, IL 62951
Seeking full time employment as a Mechanical Engineer
Strong people, problem-solving, and group skills
Attention to detail, accuracy, and deadlines
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, expected graduation May 2011
Blackburn College, Carlinville, IL, Aug 2006-May 2008
Transferred to SIUC
Blackburn College, New Construction Crew
Aug 2006-May 2007
ο‚· Building maintenance including: drywall, brickwork, and wood-work
ο‚· Working with hand-tools and power-tools
ο‚· Wiring and reading/working with building plans
Blackburn College, Utilities Crew
Aug 2007-May 2008
ο‚· Building maintenance including: electricity and plumbing
ο‚· Working with hand-tools and power-tools while rebuilding many plumbing and electrical
ο‚· Wiring and reading/working with building/piping plans
Aisin Manufacturing, Manufacturing Engineering Intern
Feb 2010-present
ο‚· Injection molding and specialized maintenance on injection machines
ο‚· Designing machine and mold modifications
ο‚· Hands on modifications to machines and molds using many different tools
ο‚· Some machining work
ο‚· Documentation i.e. capacity studies for new product launches
The Mattress Store, Delivery/Stock
November 2004-May 2006
Marion, IL
Franklin County Country Club, Maintenance
West Frankfort, IL
Summer 2006-Summer 2007
ο‚· General maintenance around the course, clubhouse, and swimming pool
ο‚· Supervise 3-5 employees, making sure they perform daily duties along with special projects
around the course.
Kroger Co. Courtesy Clerk/Produce Clerk
Feb 2009-Feb 2010
Blackburn College Honor Scholarship
Blackburn College Baseball
Carbondale, IL