Unit 6 Women, Half the sky

I. Lead-in Questions
1. If your mother has a full-time job, can she
manage family responsibilities and still find
time for doing other things?
2. Why can’t women be ignored?
3. What happens to women if you try to break
their will?
II. Cultural Notes
2. The Brooklyn Bridge
In the 1960s feminism(=the belief that
women and men are equal in abilities and should
have equal rights and chances) became the
subject of intense debate when the women’s
liberation movement encouraged women to
reject their traditional supporting roles and to
demand equal status and equal rights with men
in areas such as employment and pay.
Since then the gender gap between the sexes
has been reduced. Feminism has brought about
many changes in the English language.Many
words for job titles that included “man” have
been replaced, for example “police officer” is
used instead of “policeman” and “chairperson”
for “chairman”. “He”is now rarely used to refer
to a person when the person could be either a
man or a woman. The title “Ms”is used for
women instead of “Miss” or “Mrs.”,since it
does not show whether a woman is married or
The Brooklyn Bridge
The bridge over the East River in New York
City that connects Manhattan with Brooklyn. It
was opened in 1883 and has a length of 1595
feet(486 meters). The expression selling the
Brooklyn Bridge to somebody means tricking
them in a deal.
III. Language Points
1. undo
vt. remove the effects of
取消, 消除, 把……弄砸
e.g. In ten minute’s he undid my whole day’s work
他在十分钟之内, 把我花了一整天(辛苦)
What’s done cannot be undone (sayings)
undoing n. 解开,取消,破坏,失败的原因
undone a. 未完成的,松开的,揭开的
undoer n 破坏者,勾引者
2. resolve vt. decide, determine 决定,决心
e.g. She resolved that she would leave early tomorrow
Jenny resolved to solve the math problem by
vi. decide ,determine 决定,决议
e.g. She resolved on going on a diet
He resolved against going out.
n. something that has been determined on, resolution, the
quality of being resolute 决心,果断
e.g He made a confirm resolve to avoid doing anything
He is a man of great resolve
resolute a. 坚决地,果断地
irresolute a. 不坚决地,不果断地
resolution n. 决心,决议,解决,果断
3. consume
vt. 1> eat or drink 吃或喝
e.g. He is able to consume vast quantities of food.
We have prepared enough food for our friends to
2> use up; get to the end of 用尽, 耗尽
e.g. He soon consumed his fortune.
Finally Jane consumed all her good luck.
be consumed with 心中充满(嫉妒,好奇,欲
e.g. She was consumed with hatred.
consumer 消费者
5. reproach
v. blame ( someone ) not angrily but sadly, find
fault with ( sb. usu. With a feeling of sorrow) for sth.
e.g. He reproached his wife for being late with the
The naughty boy was reproached by her mother
n. blame
e.g. He gave me a look of reproach
Being late for the class again, he was
ready for the teacher's reproach.
above/ beyond reproach 十全十美, 无可非
议; 无瑕疵
e.g. Her behavior was above reproach
reproach with 责备某一点
e.g. He reproached me with extravagance
reproachable a. 可责备的, 应受斥责的
reproachful a. 责备的, 可耻的
reproachfully ad. 责备地
1. hit/strike home 击中要害处, 正中要点
e.g. His fist hit home.
The explanation struck home
hit at
hit it off
hit below the belt 做事不公道
hit off
hit on upon
hit out at
描绘得很好; 模仿得很像
想到, 发现, 找到
2. set aside 拔出,不理会; 放在一边; 取消,
e.g. I have a little money to set aside for
our holidays
Setting aside my wishes in the matter,
what would you really like to do?
set about 着手, 开始做
set against 使……敌视, 抵消
set apart
set back
使倒退, 阻碍, 使落后
set beside 使…..和…… 相比
set down 放下,记下,写下
set fire
3. have something /little/much to do with; or have
anything/nothing/ a lot to do with
e.g. His job has nothing to do with telephones.
Don’t have anything to do with those people
do away with
do for
代替;适用于, 符合;毁坏
do one’s utmost 竭力, 尽全力
do out
打扫,整理 ;重新装饰
do up
do with
do without
(与what 连用)对待,处理
have/be done with 干完; 已和……无关
do in Rome as the Romans do 入乡随俗
IV. Comprehension
1. Text Organization
Main Ideas
Despite her friend’s advice, the author,
unable to resist the temptation,falls for
superwomen stories again.
Part 2 Paras4-7
Her encounter with a superwoman and
its impact on her.
Part 3 Paras8-11 She tells about what prevents her from
becoming a superwoman herself.
Part 4 Paras12-14 She analyzes why she is still fascinated by
modern superwomen tales.
Part 5 Para 15
She comes to the conclusion that to her,
admiring a heroine is sth worth doing.
Part 1 Paras1-3
2. Main Idea
 Although being laughed at by one of her
friends, the author was fasinated by
superwomen stories. After a face to face
contact with one superwoman, she
further analyzed herself, thus enhanced
her belief that superwomen stories could
encourage average women to achieve
their goals.
3. Paraphase
 1) But like a dieter who devours a whole
box of cookies in a moment of weakness,
 But like a dieter who eats quickly a
whole box of cookies when his
determination to go on a diet was not
firm, i sometimes found my resolve was
not firm either.
 2) Then I'll tell her a story: the tale of a
woman who bought her own version of
that bridge in Brooklyn and found that it
was a wise investment after all.
 Then the author will tell her friend a
story about her choice to follow her
dreams and her discovery that following
her dreams was a good choice.
4. Grammar
 Inversion not only can be used to form
questions and conditional sentences. Also,
we can use inversion for emphasis.
 Little did she know how much work was
 On no accountmust you sleep at school.
 Nevershould you remember who's your
 Only then can you belong to me.
 Herecomes the sun.
 All these structure are rather literary,
which means there are more likely to
appear in books. For example, On a shelf
behind her desk that day were at least a
hundred jars of strawberry jam, gaily tied
with red-checked ribbons.
5. Rhetorical Device
 Simile: an explicit comparison between
two things using 'like' or 'as'.
 eg. 1) But like a dieter who devours a
whole box of cookies in a moment of
weakness, i found my resolves slipping
2) Her life runs as precisely as a Swiss
6. Writing Technique
 Coherence
When you write, be sure to make all
the ideas and sentences in your paper fit
together around its thesis, the central idea,
and the writing flow smoothly from one
sentence to another. This is what we call
coherence, a quality indispensable for
effective writing. If an essay is coherent,
each part will grow naturally and
logically from those parts that come
before it, and the reader is carried along
easily from start top finish.
 The main devices used in achieving
coherence include transitional words or
phrases like however, but, therefore, thus,
first(ly), second(ly), what's more, as to,
and in terms of, repetition of key words
and phrases as superwoman, in one's
spare time, etc. In Text A, and parallel
structure as Kevin 1990, Kevin 2020, etc.
In Unit 8, book 1.
Detailed Analysis
As mentioned in Writing Strategy for this unit,
there are three main ways of achieving coherence:
the use of transitional words and phrases, the
repetition of key words and phrases, and the use of
parallel structure.
First, Text A does employ such transitional words
like but, however, yet. Paras8 to 10 provide a good
example of using transitional phrases and sentences,
so much so that we can consider this section a miniessay.Ss read Paras8,9 and 10 to taste the smooth
transitional skills used by the author.
Second, the most striking feature of Text A is the
repetition of key words and phrases. The occurrences
of the phrase Brooklyn Bridge or the bridge weave the
essay into a coherent piece. Synonyms like
superwoman, superwomen, heroine, supersisters, and
superheroines appear five times to remind readers of
the topic of this essay. The five instances where the
phrase “in her spare time” is used emphasize the
amazing fact that some super-capable women can still
find spare time in their tight schedule. On the other
hand, synonymous phrases like modern fairy tale,
extraordinary deeds point out the fact that many
people do not believe in superwomen stories.
Third, there is no strictly parallel structure in this
essay. However,some may regard the comparison
between “my” daily struggle and the achievements of
Kate L., the daughter of a politician, the woman
executive,etc, as parallel.
Interestingly, the author uses many words and
phrases related to food. For example, a piece of cake,
you can’t eat the cake and have it too, strawberry jam,
a whole box of cookies, soup, juice, tea, a dieter, a
diet without treats, the old low-dream diet, to devour,
to bake cakes. Don’t they reflect the traditional role
of women as food-providers?
V. Post-reading Discussions
1. What do you think are the positive sides of
superwomen stories?
2. What do you do in your spare time?
3. What makes this text a coherent essay?
VI. Supplementary
Reading Tasks
Women in the Workforce
 Throughout the world, in nations rich and poor, more
and more women are taking up work outside the home.
In the developed nations in Europe and North America,
the percentage of women that make up the total
workforce has more than doubled over the past four
decades. This trend towards more and more women
joining the workforce is seen clearly in the recent
experience of Britain, where women now make up
almost half the country's workforce. According to a
recent report from the British research service, Jobs
Research UK, there are two reasons 无忧PPT整理发布
for the great rise
Women in the Workforce
 among women entering the workforce in Britain over the
past decade: The first, and major, reason for this is that
unemployment rose more quickly among men during the
last time the economy was at a low; the second reason is
that the number of number of women working in service
jobs has increased greatly.
According to Incomes Data Services (IDS), Britain
appears to be fast approaching a point when there will be
as many women employees as men, although half the
women are in part-time employment. The IDS predicted
that in the coming months job losses were more likely to
continue to affect more full-time male workers than the
mostly female part-time workers.
Women in the Workforce
" If these trends continue, then economic recovery is
likely to quicken the move toward a much larger part-time
female workforce, employed chiefly in the service sector,"
the report said.
These trends are limited to the UK alone. Throughout
Europe and North America, and increasingly even in
Japan, th percentage of female workers in the workforce is
steadily increasing, while the percentage of male workers
continues to fall. Because the jobs taken up by women are
chiefly service sector jobs and because many are part-time
positions, the results of this trend are无忧PPT整理发布
clear. Family
Women in the Workforce
 incomes will stay frozen and even fall throughout most of
the developed world. As high-paying manufacturing jobs
become more difficult to find and with companies moving
production to cheaper markets in developing nations in
Asia, Latin America and Africa, unemployment among
men in developed nations will rise further, in many
countries to ten per cent or more. How these changes in
the workforce of Britain and other developed nations
affect national policies, social development and family
relations are m,ore important questions that researchers
will be seeking to answer over the coming
Women in the Workforce
Comprehension Exercise
 Select the most appropriate answer for each of the
following questions
 1. The passage implies that ________.
A) fewer men are working now than ever before
B) more women are engaged in part-time rather than
full-time employment
C) more women are working now than ever before
D) more women lost jobs than men in the last
Women in the Workforce
 2. Today women in Britain
 A) make up exactly half the workforce
 B) make up less than half the workforce
 C) prefer part-time to full-time work
 D) are paid less than they were in 1970
Women in the Workforce
 3. According to the passage, half of all women working in
Britain work part-time because
 A) full-time workers are suffering job losses
 B) the country is approaching the time when half of all
workers will be female
 C) so many men have lost their jobs
 D) many of the service jobs they fill are part-time
Women in the Workforce
 4. The passage tells us that if present trends continue
 A) fewer men will find full-time employment
 B) Britain's economy will lose its manufacturing base
 C) there will be more part-time jobs for women
 D) women will demand higher pay and better benefits
Women in the Workforce
 5. The last sentence of the passage implies that changes in
the workforce
 A) are of little importance
 B) will lead to important social changes
 C) are quite easy to predict
 D) should be investigated
Feminine Force
The mere idea of becoming a successful career
woman was once unheard of in Asia. Parents made great
effort to send their sons to university, but considered the
thought of educating their daughters extremely foolish
and a waste of time and money. Like their mothers, girls
were taught to cook and keep house.
Times change. This situation has gone the way of
bound feet, child brides and arranged marriages.
Rising levels of education have given rise to a new
breed of Asia working women-confident, competent and
competitive executives. Regional statistics
show that
Feminine Force
 women now contributes significantly to the workforce
and, while men still have most of the top jobs, many
women sit in such possibilities as presidents or managing
Attitudes towards women have changed as well. Gone
is the fixed image of the Asian woman as quiet, obedient
and willing to do the household tasks. At work, she can
hold her own in the corporate rat race. At home, she no
longer takes a back seat in decision-making.
Advertising agencies and marketers realize this and
aim commercials about fast-moving无忧PPT整理发布
consumer products at
the influential feminine purchaser.
Feminine Force
The social status of women not only reflects their
advancement and development, but also shows the level
of social development of a country, and the progress
achieved in human rights.
If the social status of women, who make up nearly
half of China's 1.1 billion people, is advanced, there must
also be a parallel improvement in human rights.
Until the establishment of the new China fifty years
ago, human rights as well as the social rights of most
women in China had been oppressed in political and
social arenas, and at home by their husbands.
Feminine Force
 establishment of the new China removed the roots of the
oppression of women and put an end to inequality
between men and women. The way was paved for the
liberalization of women.
Today, in most Chinese cities, the employment rate of
women is very high -- only a few percent less than the
employment rate of men.
Women in China are specially protected and insured
at their work places, minimizing their working difficulties.
The economic independence of women in China has
helped their political advancement and involvement in
social activities.
Feminine Force
Most of the women wish to gain the same
qualifications, training and achievements as men. Many
women have confirmed their importance by contributing
to their countries' political and economic development.
The fundamental historical changes in the social status
of women in China have not only improved human rights
worldwide, but have also encouraged women of all less
developed countries to work hard to achieve their rights
and benefits.
Feminine Force
 Comprehension Exercise
 Select the most appropriate answer for each of the
following questions.
 1. According to the passage, modern Asian working
women ________.
 A) occupy most of the top positions
 B) are competing with men in the job market
 C) are mostly presidents and managers
 D) have a higher standard of education
Feminine Force
 2. In Para. 4, Line 2 " she can hold her own " means a
 A) can do as good a job
 B) works on her own
 C) can resist an attack
 D) lives all alone
Feminine Force
 3. In Para. 4, Line 3 " takes a back seat " means "
 A) is just a passenger
 B) makes firm decisions
 C) does not take an active part
 D) does not like to show off
Feminine Force
 4. According to the passage, before the establishment of
the new China, women were
 A) only socially oppressed
 B) only politically oppressed
 C) considered inferior to men
 D) oppressed by their husbands
Feminine Force
 5. The improved social status of women in China tells us
 A) there has been great progress in human rights
 B) the country is developing fast
 C) more women are employed than men
 D) women have gained the same qualifications as men