Railway ticket generation through ATM Ramachandra GT 1 Umashri

Railway ticket generation through ATM
Ramachandra G T1 Umashri P H2 Ashwini M P3
Professor, CSE Department, KLE College Of Engineering & Technology, Chikodi, Karnataka, India.
of CSE Department, KLE College of Engineering & Technology, Chikodi, Karnataka, India.
2,3 Students
The Indian railways attempt to modernize
its reservation systems. Since the railway is
the best modes of transportation available
in the country for all people. It could be
awkward to just increase the ticket fares to
meet expenditure incurred due to
maintenance, the huge workers and the
expansion activities. The recent moves:
Indian railways have given some contracts
to the IT companies to enhance their
passenger reservation system, software –
aided train scheduling, Wi-Fi services in
selected trains and e-ticketing via smart
phones. The time limit can be fixed from
10 am to 6 pm for the existing ticketing
system but in our proposed system it is
24*7. Here we introduce service oriented
architecture for web based ticketing system
that is using ATM machine which is secure
and user friendly. For implementing this
project we have used java technology. Here
front end is the JSP and back end is the
SQL. We used Dream Viewer for coding.
The scope of this work is particularly for
user accessibility which is of paramount
Keywords: ATM, web based ticketing,
Java technology, SQL
Railways play a very important role in
economic development of our country.
Here the system for railway ticket
reservation and generation the ticket
through “Automated teller machine”
(ATM), thereby increasing the ways for to
book the tickets. In earlier times the people
who want to buy any kind of ticket had to
be present on ticket counter physically and
wait in the long queue to purchase the
ticket which is the hectic for the both
customer and the ticket issuer. So this
problem observed by our team and after
through discussion we have tried to
implement this project called “Railway
ticket generation through ATM”.
Various researches have been done on
Railway ticket reservation. Garima Sinha et
al. [1] conducted research on ticketing
system on “Ticketing system of Indian
Railways through SMS and Swapping
machine”. He seen some problems related
in consumption of time during the ticketing
process in Indian Railways and the mode of
payment other than specified by the Indian
Railways while ticketing from their
ticketing counters. To overcome these
problems he proposed “SMS based
ticketing”. It improves customer’s service
and empowers the common man who does
not have access to internet and cannot offer
to buy smart phones. It is cost effective and
they will not have to travel to booking
counters and forgo the earnings for a day.
And he invented the swapping machine at
the railway ticketing networks for the
payment through the cards at the time of
ticketing. Charged amount can be charged
for the debit card/credit card swapping at
the time of ticketing.
Ramkumar.C [2] conducted a research on
train ticketing system using a smart card.
There is a lots of drawbacks existed, like
“long queue” and a time consuming
problem. The people may travel at the
same time they don’t like to stand in queue
because in every important junction and
platform due to arrival of trains there may a
list of crowd due to this reason he people
are afraid of losing the train. So some
people travel without the ticket. This has
become the most serious issue for our
country development. To overcome these
problems he made some improvements like
placing the more number of vending
machines in every railway station to verify
the codes then prints the tickets for the
Abdul Matun Ansari [3] analyzed the use
of E-ticketing system which improves the
existed system. In that he seen that there is
no security because of this there is a
number of users with multiple/fake IDs
booted and money is deducted from the
users bank account or credit card but the
ticket is not issued and also there is many
number of drawbacks existed. These
drawbacks are overcome by service
oriented architecture for cloud based Eticketing. The system will advance the
fraud and security detection and one can
also begin again where you left off in
complete transaction.
S.Skhumar and B.Sinduja et al. [4] were
done research on an approach of
automation in ticket vending machine using
ARM processor. This system provides all
information related to the passenger. Once
the allotment of seat is done which all
information or details will send to the
passengers’ mobile with the help of GSM.
These details obtain from the automatic
ticket vending machine, so here people
must go for the station to reserve.
Y.Ujjwala et al. [5] conducted research on
ATVM and she seen some drawbacks of
the existing system was not having
capability to deliver more tickets on an
average per day. And it consumes more
space. Sometimes the commuters find that
there is no ticket from the machine, even
though that shows the amount for it has
been deducted. And also it does not
intimate the passenger. For these are all
drawbacks, she made machine compact and
over comes those occurred problems of the
earlier ATVM.
Kamalesh V. N et al. [6] conducted
research on Virtual ticketing system. Which
overcomes the drawbacks of existing
ticketing system such as the entire
responsibility of distributing the tickets and
handling money transactions and paper
used for ticket come from felling of large
number of trees these will overcome by
design of an eco-friendly electronic
Srivatsan Sridharan et al. [7] analyzed the
use of integrated framework for railway
ticket reservation system to solve the
drawback of existing ticket reservation
system by proposed framework for ATR
(Automatic Ticket Reservation) using
After implementation of this proposed
work will provide ticket reservation which
is available for twenty four hours. Now
here we are talking about the project which
can be very useful for common people. We
can use ATM for booking railway tickets
besides withdrawing money. Till now we
can use many applications like paying tax,
online mobile recharge, money transfer etc.
In this process first of all we insert our
ATM card into the machine and enter our
pin code. After entering the ATM pin, we
can perform according to our choice
available on the screen. In this architecture
we have two servers: bank server and
railway reservation server. As shown in
diagram, user/ATM machine. After
inserting the card machine will check the
ATM account.
maintains the well formatted data. JSP used
as a front end. Using this language we write
a code, it is used for creating the server
page and JDBC/ODBC these are the
components which are used to connect the
JSP code and database.
Specification and Requirements
Fig1. Architecture of ATM machine with
online railway reservation module
After completion of this process, machine
screen will shows the two modules. User
has to choose any module as per his
If he need for money
transaction selects the banking module.
Now we are choosing the railway
reservation module. In this module we have
to work on online railway reservation
process. This gives the options like find
train, check ticket etc, for this ticket he has
to enter the details like name of the
originating place and destination place of
travel when user contains ticket, then
process goes to debit/credit module.
In this module, the money will be debited
from ATM account holder and credited to
the railway account. After all these process
user gets a slip. And this slip is the user
railways ticket and allow the user to travel
anywhere in India within Indian railways.
For implementing this project we used SQL
as a back end. It is a standard language
which is used to store and retrieve the data
from the database. It executes the query and
Java2 platform or Java&J2EE: The
benefits of the java platform are being
extended to screen phones, setup boxes
& even deeply embedded devices.
manufacturers building across platform
application for palmtops to desktops.
Java2 Enterprise editions (J2EE) &
Java it is the technology which used to
build this application.
We use JSP language, it is the dynamic
page which is use to create applications
in java.
Software requirements
Dream viewer: It is a tool or technology
by this we create an application and it is
use to design the required websites.
JDK: java development toolkit, it is a
compiler; mainly it is used in java to
run the java code. It will convert the
high level code into low level code.
Apache Tomcat: It is a server which is
helps to run the programs.
SQL server 2008: It is use to create the
As we enter ATM pin there would be
options on screen: i) Banking & ii) ticket
booking. Now we can choose from the two
options aforementioned. If the customer
wants banking, he can click to the Banking
option and proceed further. Now, as the
customer clicks for the “ticket booking”
option then four options will appear on the
ATM screen: a) select train b) find train c)
check ticket d) cancel ticket. If the
customer knows the particular train name
then he can directly select that train name
from the select train option and click on
next button ,after entering source and
The user can also cancel the ticket with the
help of the cancel ticket option, to do this
he has to give the ticket number and click
on cancel button. In this way the user can
book the ticket in the ATM machine.
No. of Tickets
Number of tickets booked
Graph 1: Train number & no. of tickets
booked for each train within 24 hours
Number of tickets cancelled
destination, customer has to fill all user
details for which he want to book the ticket
and click on continue button. Then it will
show the booked ticket detail with price, to
confirm that ticket customer has to pay
money by pressing payment button. Then
the amount of that ticket will be deducted
from customer account and credited to the
railway account.
Finally, customer has to confirm the ticket
by pressing confirm button. With the help
of the find train option, customer can get
the available train list. For this he has to
mention the source and destination places.
In that list only customer can select the
train and then goes for filling passenger
details as well as he has to make the
payment and click on confirm button then
there is an option like check ticket, by this
user can check the ticket that he is booked.
No. of Tickets
Fig2: Flow chart of proposed work
Graph 2: Train number & no. of tickets
cancelled for each train
The Graph 1 shows the number of tickets
booked for a particular train and the Graph
2 shows the number of tickets cancelled for
a particular train.
A model for the integration of ATM
machine and railway ticket booking is
proposed. In this model there is a change in
architecture of ATM machines by adding
an option for railway module to book the
ticket. This model will work on the railway
reservation server and bank server. This
model provides user to book railway tickets
through ATM card. The main motive is to
give the common people a good and easier
way to book the ticket. Also to make
people realize the fact of travelling with
ticket helps in the economy development of
nation. Both passenger and railway
reservation employee can save their time. It
can also reduce the queue in the railway
ticket counter.
In future we can implement airplane ticket
reservation, sport events, theaters etc. and
we can also implement the mobile recharge
system by directly transforming the amount
from our bank balance.
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