pivotal response - Teach-Diverse

Pivotal Response
A Brief Overview of an Autism Therapy Approach
By-Catherine Livingston and Earlene Darling
Brandman University EDUU 676, January 22, 2011
A Snapshot of Pivotal Response
Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) is a behavioral intervention
therapy for autism.
A treatment for Autism based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
principles. It is one of four research-based ABA therapies.
was created by Dr Lynn and Robert Koegle
Is also based on Natural Language Training.
Focuses on increasing communication, motivation and
appropriate responses to cues in children diagnosed with Autism.
Targets areas of development rather than specific behaviors (i.e.
motivation, responses to cues)
Main goal is to increase “normal” behaviors
A Description of The Pivotal Response Treatment
 PRT aims to increase a child’s motivation to learn, monitoring of his/her own
behavior, and initiations of communication with others.
 PRT targets PIVOTAL AREAS of a child's development, such as motivation,
responses to multiple cues, self-management, and appropriate self-initiation
These changes are described as pivotal because they are viewed as helping
the child learn a wide range of other skills.
Pivotal Response Treatment™ Description Cont.
Pivotal Response Treatment™ is a highly acclaimed
research-based intervention for individuals with
Autism Spectrum Disorders.
PRT is a naturalistic intervention model derived from
Applied Behavior Analysis Methods.
PRT is different than some other ABA methods
because the focus is on improving developmental
deficits rather than targeting specific behaviors.
Parents are taught to provide the therapy in the
child’s natural environment. Natural and targeted
reward systems are taught to parents so they can
implement them with their child.
Target Population for PRT
Young children with Autism are the most appropriate recipients
of PRT. This therapy is targeted toward children who are
elementary school aged or younger.
Some children with other developmental disabilities can benefit
from PRT methods.
The PRT intervention program is geared specifically to the
individual child so it is appropriate for severe to mildly autistic
Research supports the use of PRT with both very young and
older subjects can yield improved communication and
responses to cues. (Hupp & Reitman, 2000; Koegel & Frea, 1993;
Koegel, Koegel, Harrower et al., 1999; Pierce & Schreibman,
Purpose of PRT
Teach language skills
Decrease disruptive/selfstimulatory behaviors,
Increase social, communication,
and academic skills.”
The focus on reducing
problematic/atypical behaviors
in children with Autism
Key Researchers
Drs. Lynn and Robert Koegel
Drs. Robert and Lynn Koegel from the
University of California, Santa Barbara are the
developers of Pivotal Response Treatment.
Over the past 30 years, the Koegels, their
graduate students, and their colleagues have
published over 200 research articles in peerreviewed journals that support the
effectiveness of PRT, and have written over 30
books and manuals.
PRT is listed by the National Research Council
as one of the ten model programs for autism,
and is one of four scientifically based practices
for autism intervention in the U.S. (Simpson,
Some Research StatesChildren with autism have difficulties making initiations. Previous
research has found that initiations are associated with more
positive long-term outcomes and that children with autism can be
taught initiations using Pivotal Response Treatment.
Initiations tend to be among the first words of typically
developing children. This project aims to teach young children with
autism initiations (What's That?) at a language age approximating
that of typical development. We anticipate that this will positively
affect developmental trajectory and lead to collateral gains in
vocabulary acquisition and generalized initiations.
•From University of Santa Barbara Pivotal Response Treatment Research Center
Some Current Research Supports Pivotal Response Treatment
Nefdt, N., Koegel, R.L., Singer, G., & Gerber, M. (2010).
Journal of Positive Behavior Intervention. Vol. 12, No.1. 23-32.
There is increasing demand for access to effective interventions for
families who have children with autism
The purpose of this study was to evaluate, through a randomized
clinical trial, whether the use of a self-directed learning program
could result in changes in behavior for parents and their children
with autism.
Results indicated significant differences between treatment and
control groups at posttest on all of the dependent measures.
Furthermore, all of the parents who completed the self-directed
learning program reported high ratings of satisfaction.
The data suggest the efficacy and effectiveness of a self-directed
learning program to serve as an initial step toward providing
intervention for parents with children with autism.
The Steps of PRT
Koegel, Koegel, and Suratt (1992) suggested the following steps
to teach self‐management:
Step 1: Identify the desired behavior.
The teacher and the child identify a desired behavior they will
work on. The desired behavior has to be measurable and
Step 2: Identify reinforcers.
The teacher helps the child choose rewards that are
reinforcing to him or her.
In order to improve self‐management capacity, it is
recommended that internal reinforcement be paired with
external rewards.
The Steps of PRT Cont.
Step 3: Select a self‐monitoring device.
The teacher decides on a method of collecting data that is
appropriate for the child.
Step 4: Teach to self‐monitor.
The teacher teaches the child how to monitor the occurrence or
absence of the desired behavior using the selected
self‐monitoring device.
Step 5: Generalize.
The teacher collects data to see whether the child can
generalize the self‐management procedures into real‐life
Some Other Information About
The primary goal of PRT is to instill motivation in the
child with autism to respond to cues and social
interactions that can replace inappropriate or
atypical behaviors.
Parents and Teachers are trained to be the PRT
Parents and teachers are trained to recognize
opportunities where natural reinforcers can be used
to increase the child’s internal motivation to respond
appropriately to multiple cues.
Some Parent Resources
Where to Order Pivotal Response Training Guideshttp://education.ucsb.edu/autism/help.html
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventionshttp://education.ucsb.edu/autism/JPBI.htm
About Pivotal Response Treatmenthttp://www.koegelautism.com/
Johnson, Sandi, 2010, What is Pivotal Response Treatment? http://www.brighthub.com/mental-health/autismpdd/articles/99537.aspx
Key Components of PRIhttp://www.autismnetwork.org/modules/behavior/pri
Koegle PRT Homehttp://www.koegelprt.com/about.html
Nefdt, N., Koegel, R.L., Singer, G., & Gerber, M. (2010).