Policy & Guideline Manual - Ector County Independent School District

ECISD Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS) Policy Guideline
Policy & Guideline Manual
Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS) PO Box 3912 * Odessa, Texas 79762
Rose Valderaz, Coordinator Office 432-456-8552 Fax 432-456-7624
Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
Table of Contents
Overview …...…………………………………………………………………………………….2
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) Program ……………………………………………..2
TPRS Mission Statement ……………………………………………………………….2
TPRS Vision Statement ...………………………………………………………………..2
Organizational Chart ……………………………………………………………………..2
Core Values……………………………………………………………………………………...3
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) ……………………………………………………....3
Compensatory Education Homebound…………………………………………………...3
ECISD TPRS Support Services………………………………………………………………...4
Enrollment Procedures……………………………………………………………………….....5
Eligibility for Services …………………………………………………………………………...5
Withdrawal Procedures ……………………………………………………………………….….5
Three Types of Homebound Services (CEHI)…………………………………………….…...6
Student Detail Reports ….………………………………………………………………….…...7
Attendance Coding During Homebound CEHI……………………………….……….…7
Regular Ed Student PRS Confinement Services Requirements……………….……….…7
Attendance Coding During Homebound CEHI for Special Ed Students….…………….…..8
SPED Student PRS Confinement Services Requirements…………………………….….8
TPRS Form Legend………………………………………………………………………8
Campus Flowchart for TPRS Operating Guidelines………...………………………………..9
TPRS Flowchart Operating Guidelines……………………………………………………….10
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) Program
We serve all female students referred needing pregnancy related services once identified. Teen parents are
served throughout completion of graduation with parent related services.
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) are support services, including Compensatory Education Home
Instruction (CEHI),that a student receives during the pregnancy prenatal and postpartum periods to help
her adjust academically, mentally, physically and stay in school.
Students may be referred by contacting Rose Valderaz, Program Coordinator at 432-456-8552.
TPRS Mission Statement
Through individualized education, advocacy, and support services, Teen Parent Related Services
(TPRS) will support and empower teen parents to be confident, academically successful, and responsible
TPRS Vision Statement
“Making a Difference”
Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS) program will provide an exemplary program which supports,
empowers, and prepares teen parents for the 21st century.
The Proven Road to Success!
Organizational Chart
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
Core Values
Climate of Accountability
Holistic Education
We believe that….
To be fully prepared for the 21st century and post-secondary education, teen parents need
individualized education, intense support services, and other academically enriched opportunities.
With caring support and resources, teen parents can be effective and successful adults who
positively contribute to their community.
Accountability begins with strong leadership, continuous professional development, and a climate
for employee excellence.
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS)
All girls start with identification for PRS services.
Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) are support services, including Compensatory Education Home
Instruction (CEHI) that a student receives during the pregnancy prenatal and postpartum periods to help
her adjust academically, mentally, physically and stay in school. These services are delivered to a student
when —
 the student is pregnant and attending classes on a district campus,
 a valid medical necessity for confinement during the pregnancy prenatal period prevents the
student from attending classes on a district campus, or
 a valid medical necessity for confinement during the pregnancy postpartum period prevents the
student from attending classes on a district campus.
A district receives 2.41 PRS weighted funding while Pregnancy Related Services are being provided to
the student. Documentation by campus officials, licensed medical practitioners, and certified teachers is
required to claim PRS eligible days present for funding (SAAH Section 9).
Compensatory Education Homebound
CEHI is the mandatory component districts offer in a PRS program. CEHI provides academic services to
the student at home or hospital bedside when a valid medical necessity for confinement during the
pregnancy prenatal or postpartum periods prevents the student from attending classes on a district
campus. CEHI must consist of face-to-face instruction by a certified teacher of the district. Substitute
teachers can be used to provide CEHI; however, the individual selected as the substitute must be a
certified teacher. The CEHI teacher must maintain a log to document the actual amount of prenatal and
postpartum CEHI each student receives.
When students are provided CEHI, your district will receive the 2.41 PRS weighted funding. Students
who do not come to school and who do not receive CEHI and/or special education homebound services
must be counted absent. (SAAH Section 9)
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
ECISD TPRS Support Services
Support services are optional components of a PRS program that may be provided to the student during
the prenatal period of the pregnancy while the student is attending school. In addition, support services
may be provided during the prenatal or postpartum periods of pregnancy while the student is confined at
home or hospital bedside and receiving CEHI. The following are the support services provided by the
TPRS staff.
Counseling Services
Schedule modifications
EOC/TAKS/Star Monitoring
Graduation Advisement
Homebound Coordination
Attendance Monitoring
Social Emotional
Pregnancy Information
Parenting Information
Child Development Information
Self Esteem Information
College Readiness
Interest Inventory
Community Outreach
Health Services
Instruction in and out of classroom
Case management & Service Coordination
Odyssey Ware, Home access, Computer check out, internet hot spot check out
Tutoring/Professional Tutors of America
Homebound Tutoring
ARDs ---ASAP upon PRS Identification
End of Each Cycle Audit Balancing
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
Weekly meetings-student reviews
Staff Development
Community Partnerships/As well as ECISD Partnerships
Enrollment Procedures
Any school-age student may be enrolled in the PRS program if she is eligible for ADA and in the prenatal
or postpartum period of pregnancy.
The student's eligibility to receive PRS is verified by either of the following:
 a campus official or
 a medical practitioner1 licensed2 to practice in the United States.
The date the student begins receiving PRS is considered the date of enrollment in the PRS program.
It is important to identify pregnant students as soon as possible so that the intake process can begin and
the student can begin receiving the PRS services. Identification at each campus can be made with school
nurse, teacher, counselor, principal, parent, or self-refferal. Once student identified, contact Rose
Valderaz, TPRS Coordinator at 432-456-8552 to begin the process.
Eligibility for Services
Any school-age student who is in the prenatal or postpartum period of pregnancy is eligible for services
under the PRS program. This includes students who are pregnant and/or deliver a live, aborted, or
stillborn baby; suffer a miscarriage or death of a newborn; or place a baby up for adoption.
Withdrawal Procedures
A student is no longer eligible for PRS and must be withdrawn from the program on the date one of the
following occurs:
the student no longer receives services through the PRS program;
the student returns early from postpartum confinement to attend her regular classes on a school
the student reaches the first day of the seventh week after her pregnancy ended and a licensed
medical practitioner has not authorized an extension of postpartum confinement;
if the student's postpartum confinement was extended, the student reaches the first day of the
eleventh week after her pregnancy ended; or
if the student has been allowed to use the break-in-service option, the student reaches the first
day of the school week that follows 10 weeks of postpartum confinement.
The term "medical practitioner" includes a physician, an advanced nurse practitioner, and a midwife licensed
under the Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 203.
Throughout Section 9, "licensed" means licensed to practice in the United States. You can access the Texas
Medical Board's searchable database of licensed physicians at
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
Three Types of Homebound Services (CEHI)
CEHI during Prenatal Confinement
If your district serves students with CEHI during a prenatal confinement, it will receive the 2.41 PRS
weighted funding. Though providing support services to a student who is receiving CEHI during prenatal
confinement is optional, these services may be necessary for the academic, mental, or physical health of
the student to ensure that she does not drop out of school.
Documentation for each event of prenatal confinement must be obtained from a licensed medical
practitioner to verify that a medical necessity for confinement has been determined to exist.
There is no limit to the length of time or number of times CEHI may be provided to a student during the
prenatal period. The length of time and number of times the student is provided CEHI services is
dependent on the licensed medical practitioner’s documentation.
CEHI during Postpartum Confinement
If your district offers a PRS program and an eligible student has not refused program services, your
district must provide the student with postpartum CEHI either until the student chooses to return to school
or until the end of the sixth week from the beginning date, whichever comes first. The student is not
required to provide a medical note indicating a need for confinement to be eligible for or receive
postpartum CEHI through the sixth week from the beginning date. Provision of CEHI during postpartum
confinement may be extended for 4 additional weeks subject to the documentation requirement. However,
under no circumstances will a student remain eligible for PRS funding after the tenth week of postpartum
confinement ends.
CEHI during Extended Confinement
Eligibility for CEHI during postpartum confinement may be extended for an additional 4 consecutive
weeks if there are complications with the student’s or infant’s health. Eligibility for CEHI during
extended postpartum confinement starts on the first day of the seventh week after the beginning date and
ends on the first day of the eleventh week after the beginning date.
CEHI during Break-in-Service Confinement
Your district may allow a student to divide up to 10 weeks of postpartum confinement CEHI into two
periods in instances in which the infant remains hospitalized after delivery. This option is known as
break-in-service CEHI. It allows the student to receive CEHI during an initial period of postpartum
confinement while recovering from delivery (student recovery period), return to school until the baby is
released from the hospital, and then receive CEHI during the remainder of the eligible postpartum
confinement time while caring for the baby (baby recovery period). (If the baby is hospitalized again, the
student may receive an additional period of CEHI when the baby is released if the student has not already
received 10 weeks of postpartum confinement CEHI.)
A student who requires break-in-service confinement remains eligible to receive CEHI until she has been
confined for a total of 10 weeks or the school year ends, whichever comes first. For a baby recovery
period, the student is not required to provide a medical note indicating a need for extended postpartum
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
confinement to be eligible for or receive break-in-service CEHI beyond the sixth week of postpartum
Student Detail Reports
Student Detail Reports must contain a PRS indicator code for all students who are being served in the
PRS program and who are eligible for state funding. (SAAH)
Attendance Balancing - Casework balances each six weeks with the campus attendance clerk at each
During the prenatal period, a student is absent if she does not come to school or, if the student is receiving
CEHI, if CEHI is not provided. During the postpartum period, a student is absent if CEHI is not provided.
A student may be recorded absent on the effective date of a program change (date of enrollment in or
withdrawal from the PRS program). However, as with all other students, PRS students cannot earn
eligible days present on days they are absent.
Attendance Coding During Homebound (CEHI Confinement)
Regular Ed student
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
Attendance Coding During Homebound CEHI for Special Ed Students
SPED Student
PRS Confinement Services Requirements
Eligible days present are determined each week, and a week is from Sunday through Saturday.
Service hours may not be accumulated and carried forward from one week to the next, nor can
service hours be applied to a previous week.
A student who is provided SPED and PRS during confinement retains the same ADA eligibility
code she had before receiving the services, regardless of how many hours the student will be
provided the services.
If a student is not provided special education homebound services during a week, the student
must be counted absent for the entire week even if she was provided PRS during the week. If a
student is provided special education homebound services during a week but not PRS, the
student may be counted present according to the requirements of the chart in Error! Reference
source not found., but the student is not eligible to generate PRS weighted funding for the week.
TPRS Form Legend
TPRS Final Check List Form
Proof of Pregnancy
Attendance Verification of PRS/CEHI
Prenatal/Extended CEHI Request form
New Arrival (POP on file)
New Arrival (No POP on file)
TPRS Conference CEHI Update Before / Back to School Release
Back to School Release
CEHI Reg Ed Visitation Log
CEHI SE Visitation Log
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
TAKS Release Form
TPRS Student Returning from Homebound
Student Information
Student Visitation Calendar & Teacher Log
Campus Flowchart for TPRS Operating Guidelines
of student
is coded
PRS and the
pregnancy (example: doctor’s note
signed by a licensed physician)
Student contacts her campus personnel
that she might be pregnant.
Student returns Form #10 or doctors
note completed & signed by licensed
PRS Student goes to the campus
registrar to withdraw from campus.
(Do Not Withdraw- see next tab)
Parent notifies campus that a
student had her baby and the
student was not receiving PRS
(Do Not Withdraw- see next tab)
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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1A. Campus Personnel
Campus personnel contacts TPRS
Specialist or TPRS TRAC (Counselor) to
begin following the TPRS Procedures
following the TPRS Flowchart. Campus
begins monitoring attendance and grades
2A. Campus Personnel
Campus personnel contacts TPRS
Specialist or TPRS TRAC (Counselor)
to make contact with student for
confirmation of pregnancy.
3A. Caseworker
Student is coded PRS and the TPRS
process begins (PRS funding begins)
Campus begins monitoring
attendance and grades
4A. Campus Personnel
Campus personnel contacts TPRS
Specialist or TPRS TRAC (Counselor)
or TPRS Coordinator Rose Valderaz
before allowing the student to
5A. Campus Personnel
Gets the parent/student information
and contacts TPRS Specialist or TPRS
TRAC (Counselor) or TPRS
Coordinator Rose Valderaz to notify
of new arrival. CEHI and PRS process
Campus begins monitoring
attendance and grades
TPRS Process Begins (refer to TPRS
5B. Case Worker
Notifies Attendance Clerk and turns in
Enters CEHI date in iTCCS and verifies the
information is all correct on the Teacher
Visitation Log.
Reconciles weekly with Attendance Clerk
at the end of each cycle using form #15
5C. Attendance Clerk
Enters appropriate attendance code in
iTCCS as reflected on log.
Reconciles with Case workerMake corrections as needed.
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
TPRS Flowchart Operating
Student contacts TPRS Specialist
or TRAC Counselor sees
pregnant girl
Student returns Form #10
completed & signed by licensed
1A. TPRS Specialist
 Gives/obtains student Proof of
Pregnancy Form (#10), Coordinator
faxes to the student’s doctor
 Logs contact with student on Share
Point Prints WST1218 Student Profile
to review special program
2A. TPRS Specialist
 Reviews Proof of Pregnancy Form
(#10) for completeness,
 Enters receipt of form on Share
Point & Completes Form #1 &
begins yellow folder.
 Notifies Case
 Begin monitoring student
attendance and academics
2C. Case Worker
Enters PRS entry date in iTCCS
screen WST1230 from copy of
form #10 received
Begins monitoring student
attendance weekly
2D. Coordinator
Adds student to the Estimated
Delivery Date (EDD) Calendar
Begins monitoring student
attendance and academics
Begins organizing weekly
student review of CEHI with
2B. TRAC (Counselor)
 Verifies Special Ed Status; if student
is served by SE, notifies Special Ed
Dept. so that ARD is scheduled mandatory,
 Obtain ARD doc & communicate to
staff and distribute to team
 Begins monitoring student
Student notifies TPRS
Specialist or TRAC Counselor
of need for Prenatal CEHI due
to complications
3A. TPRS Specialist
 Gives student Request for (#20),
Prenatal/Extend Postpartum Form
or faxes to the student’s doctor
4C. TPRS Homebound Teachers (& SE
Homebound Teacher if applicable)
Student returns Form #20A
completed & signed by
licensed physician or faxed to
the campus by the licensed
(must have a valid ICD9 code)
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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4A. TPRS Specialist
 Reviews Form (#20) for
 Enters receipt of form on Share
 Notifies TPRS Homebound Teachers
so that CEHI services can be
 Notifies Case Worker,
 Notify teachers to send work
Coordinates plan for home visits
with student,
Sends Back to School Release
form #40 to Dr. with approval
from Rose Valderaz and
completion of form #35 review of
academic information
Make special pop
accommodations and
Completes CEHI Teacher
Visitation Log Form (#50) weekly,
Scans logs
a g eTeam each
Verifies grades in txGradebook
Review grades and missing work
Obtain/give student form #75
Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
4B. TRAC (Counselor)
 If student is served by SE, notifies
Special Ed Dept. so that
SPED Homebound Services can be
coordinated, Note: PRS needs ARD to
4D. Case Worker
serve SE student
Student returns to school with
Completed by the homebound
(Campus must already have
received the Back to School
Release Form (#40) from the
student’s Dr., BEFORE the
student returns to school)
Notifies Attendance Clerk and
turns in logs
Enters CEHI date in iTCCS and
verifies the information is all
correct on the Teacher Visitation
Reconciles weekly with
Attendance Clerk at the end of
each cycle using form #15
4E. Attendance Clerk
Enters appropriate attendance code
in iTCCS as reflected on log
Reconciles with Case workerMake corrections as needed.
5C. Case Worker
5A. TPRS Specialist
 Reviews Form (#40) for completeness,
 Enters receipt of form on Share
 Notifies Case Worker,
 TPRS Homebound Teacher and SE
Homebound Teacher (if applicable)
already informed of the return to
school date
 Reviews all forms for completeness,
 Continue to monitor the students
attendance and grades.
5B. TRAC (Counselor)
 Continue to monitor the students
attendance and grades.
5D. Attendance Clerk
The baby is born
The student notifies the First
Contact the baby has been
The first Contact completes
the New Arrival form #30A or
Postpartum CEHI (weeks 1-6)
Reviews/Completes the New
Arrival Form (#30A ) or (#30B),
Enters date of birth of baby on
Share Point,
Notifies TPRS Homebound Teacher
Notifies Case Worker, Attendance
Clerk & Children’s Center&
Respective Campus Staff.
NOTE: The collection of documentation
for postpartum CEHI is optional (see
section 9.10.4 of SAAH); ECISD has
elected to not collect this
Ensures that homebound
attendance code is no longer used
6C. TPRS Homebound Teacher (& SE
Homebound Teacher if applicable)
6A. TPRS Specialist
Verifies student has back to school
Check in student using form #75
Withdraws student from CEHI
services in iTCCS
Notifies Attendance Clerk
Coordinates plan for home visits
with student,
Completes CEHI Teacher
Visitation Log Form (#50A Reg or
#50B SE) weekly,
Scans logs to TPRS Team each
Make special pop
accommodations and
Review grades and missing work
Verifies grades in txGradebook
Obtain/give student form #75
when ready to return to school
Gives a weekly list to team
NOTE: SE students will have 2 logs in
6D. Case Worker
Enters CEHI date in iTCCS and
ensures completeness of the
Teacher Visitation
11 | P a glogs.
e Verifies the
dates, signatures, and CEHI status
reflected on the Log.
Delivers a copy of the log to the
Attendance Clerk weekly
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
Student returns to school with
form#75 completed by the
Homebound teacher
Note: Form #40 Back to School
Release must be on file.
Begin at SCENARIO 5 above
Repeat SCENARIOS 4 & 5 if Dr.
prescribes Extended Postpartum
CEHI (weeks 7-10)
6B. TRAC (Counselor)
 Reviews/Completes the New
Arrival Form (#30A ) or (#30B),
 If student is served by SE, notifies
Special Ed Dept. ,
 Ensure ARD in documentation
copy is in folder and give a copy
to homebound teacher.
 Continue to monitor the students
attendance and grades.
 Home visit after two week CEHI.
8A. TPRS Specialist
Reviews all forms for
Completes all fields in Share
Point (e. Withdrawal codes)
Notifies Case Worker
Finalizes the last
documentation the close out
of the student yellow folder
8B. TRAC (Counselor)
Note: a student returning to
take the TAKS/STAAR testing
must return to CEHI period and
follow procedures once testing
is complete.
Enters appropriate attendance code
in iTCCS as reflected on Visitation
Reconciles at the end of each cycle
using form #15 with Caseworker
8C. Case Worker
When student returns to
school after the final CEHI
Period Postpartum/Extended
Postpartum, and TAKS/STAAR
6E. Attendance Clerk
Reviews Grades and check
for blanks by running
Discoverer Viewer Queries
Follow up with teacher of
record for missing grades.
Pursue grades until updated
in iTCCS.
Withdraws student from PRS services
in iTCCS as reflected on the last visit
indicated on form 50A or 50B,
Prints out the PRS Screen WST1230
and student attendance.
Reviews all TPRS documents
with the TRAC Counselor against
checklist form #1.
Files the PRS “yellow” folder in the
back of the student’s cumulative
Address the students make up time
for attendance with student
Highlight closed folder in yellow on
PRS Active Share point
Campus PRS audit checks (Biannually).
8D. Attendance Clerk
Ensures that homebound
attendance code is no longer
Reconciles with Attendance
Clerk at the end of each
cycle using form #15
Make corrections as needed
*TPRS Specialist/TRAC (Counselor)/Caseworker-audit individual folders before closing
*For TPRS programmatic concerns contact Ms. Valderaz at 456-8552
*For campus based concerns at PHS contact Mr. Lujan
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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Teen Parent Related Services (TPRS)
Policy Guideline Manual 2014-2015
*For campus based concerns at OHS contact Mr. Mark Crissinger
Teen Reach Advocacy Counselor (TRAC)
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