Guyana and Tajikistan By Rachel Schwieger and Allie Hansen 1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger • A condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. It depends not only on income but also on access to services. 1. Poverty and Hunger Guyana: “The proportion of the population living in extreme poverty has declined from 28.7 percent in 1993 to 18.6 percent in 2006. In order to meet the MDG target for poverty reduction, the extreme poverty rate must be reduced by a further 4 percentage points by 2015.” Comparing: Both countries struggled with hunger and poverty but they have both made lots of improvements to achieve the goal by 2015. Tajikistan is on track to achieve the goal. Guyana has all the potential to reach the goal but if something were to happen to the country they could not make the goal. Tajikistan: “The annual rate of decline in overall poverty was 3.3% and there is every reason to assert that by 2015 in Tajikistan this level will be below the poverty line specified in the MDG, i.e. 41.5%. 2. Achieve Universal Primary Education • ensure that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. 2. Achieve Universal Primary Education Guyana: “The net primary school enrollment rate has consistently been above 95 percent since 2000 according to survey data and all indications are that access to education is virtually universal.” Comparing: Both countries have been great about achieving the goal of primary education. That is a big step for these countries. However, we did read that Tajikistan did have issues with keeping people in school after primary grades. Tajikistan: “According to the last statistically results, the net primary school enrollment is 97% in Tajikistan (2005)” 3. Promote gender equality and Empower Women • Refers to the view that men and women should receive equal treatment, and should not be discriminated against based on gender, unless there is a sound biological reason for different treatment. 3. Promote gender equality and Empower Woman Guyana: “Guyana has made very good progress towards promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. The country met the target of eliminating gender disparity in primary and secondary education, and strives towards parity at the tertiary level. Employment of women is targeted for improvement and female political representation in Parliament has substantially increased.” Comparing: Guyana has made great progress with this goal and will only get better. In Tajikistan however, they started to take a step forward but then went back again. They are having issues with keeping women in school which creates a big problem because the women are not well educated. Tajikistan: “As for Goal 3, Promote gender equality and empower women, the bulk of the targets to ensure gender equality under the inertial development scenario over the next five years will not be achieved. Unfortunately, some indicators for 2008 compared with 2000 even declined (the ratio of boys and girls in secondary education, the proportion of women in both houses of the national legislature).” 4. Reduce Child Mortality Rate • Also know as under-5 mortality, refers to the death of infants and children under the age of five. 4. Reduce Child Mortality Rate Guyana: “Both infant and child mortality have shown decreasing trends over the years. The under-five mortality rate in Guyana has declined from 120 per 1,000 live births in 1991 to 17 per 1,000 live births in 2008, resulting in early achievement of the MDG target.” Comparing: Guyana has achieve this goal early and shows that it will only decrease more in years to come. Tajikistan has improved but will not reach the goal in time because just don’t have enough educated people to help raise or teach others how to raise the children correctly. Tajikistan: “Preliminary analysis shows that Goal 4 Reduce child mortality by the end of the period is unlikely to reach the planned targets by its two key indicators - the mortality rate of children under 5 and infant mortality rate. For the last 20 years the first indicator has fallen only by half and the second indicator has decreased by 46.3%. In the remaining five years, with no additional measures achievement of the planned targets at 35.0% and 44.2%, respectively, is unlikely to become a reality.” 5. Improve Maternal Health • Which is the health of woman during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It encompasses the health care dimensions of family planning, preconception, prenatal, and postnatal care in order to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. 5. Improve Maternal Health Guyana: “Maternal mortality rate has been on a decreasing trend in recent years. The maternal mortality ratio declined from an adjusted baseline of 320 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1991 to 86 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2008. In general maternal health has improved, bolstered by almost universal antenatal care coverage, increased access to improved facilities and - a key indicator of success - that over 96 percent of births are now attended by skilled health personnel.” Comparison: Guyana has made significant progress in this developmental goal. The fact that maternal health has increased in such a short period of time suggests that they will reach their goal by 2015. Tajikistan: “As far as Goal 5 Improve Maternal Health, it seems more than a dramatic one, requiring immediate interventions. By 2009 maternal mortality rate was 4.1% higher compared to the early 90-ies (if no higher given that in the rural areas the information on the death cases is increasingly getting uncertain). In the coming 5 years the 2.9-fold reduction of maternal mortality is hardly achievable.” Tajikistan however, has had a difficult time finding the resources to gain a decrease in maternal deaths. They will not reach their 2015 goal. 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases • HIV/AIDS- a disease of the human immune system cause by infection with human immunodeficiency virus, HIV is transmitted primarily via unprotected sexual intercourse, contaminated blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding. • Malaria- is a mosquito infectious disease of humans and other animals caused by parasitic protozoans (a type of unicellular microorganism) of the genus Plasmodium. 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases Guyana: “Guyana records overall steady progress towards this sixth MDG Goal of combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. The country shows signs of beginning to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS and is projected to meet the target of achieving universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it. There is positive news for malaria control as well, with prevalence rates confirming that the country has succeeded in meeting the target of reducing the incidence of the disease. The prevalence of tuberculosis shows tentative signs of a decline, with reduced incidence over the 2008-2009 reporting period.” Tajikistan: “Similar trends are in Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other major diseases. Only in the 2000's the number of patients with HIV / AIDS and TB has increased by 149.8 and 2.1 times respectively (per 100,000 population). Rapid reduction of the HIV\AIDS cases can be feasible through introduced innovations. As far TB cases their number can be reduced by implementation of the radical measures aimed at abrupt change of dietary energy consumption structure.” Comparison: Tajikistan will not reach the 2015 goal unless there is an intervention and import of supplies for them to fight this epidemic. Guyana has had a dramatic decrease in HIV positive citizens, suggesting that their goal for 2015 is achievable. 7. To Ensure Environmental Sustainability • How biological systems endure and remain diverse and productive. Healthy ecosystems and environments are necessary to survival of humans and other organisms. 7. To Ensure Environmental Sustainability Guyana: “Guyana has recorded multiple successes in the national quest to ensure environmental sustainability. The country has satisfied the target of integrating the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and is committed to significantly reducing biodiversity loss. The MDG targets of halving the proportion of the population without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation have been met, and there have been notable increases in the population’s access to adequate housing. Government continues to pursue aggressive strategies to ensure that the entire nation benefits from access to safe water, improved sanitation and adequate and affordable housing.” Comparison: Guyana has really made this developmental gal a priority. They are headed towards sustainability, as well as Tajikistan. They both are expected to reach their 2015 goal. Tajikistan: “Definite progress is recorded in meeting the targets towards Goal 7 Land areas covered by forests. Land area covered by forests and nature protection zones are expanding. Emissions of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been sharply declined with increased energy efficiency (kg of oil per $ 1 GDP). However, such indicators as access to clean water sources and improved sanitation have either deteriorated or slightly increased. In 2000 under the first indicator only 3.3% of the population had access to the improved water source, and under the second indicator the proportion of population having access to improved sanitation declined by 36,8%. Improving the situation by 2015 seems hardly possible.” 8. To Develop a Global Partnership for Development • Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, nondiscriminatory trading and financial system, Address the Special Needs of the Least Developed Countries, Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term, develop co-operation with pharmaceutical companies and Private sectors. 8. To Develop a Global Partnership for Development Guyana: “Guyana has moved from being a heavily indebted poor country to one that has achieved debt sustainability. Its debt profile has improved from having a stock of external debt worth approximately US$2.1 billion in 1992 to half that amount, at US$0.9 billion at the end of 2009. Debt service payments as a percentage of Government revenue have also declined from 59 percent (approximately US$130.1 million in 1998) to 3.8 percent (approximately US$17.7 million) in 2009. These improvements have expanded the fiscal space available to the Government to carry out social and other investments towards the MDGs. The country remains at moderate risk of debt distress and is vulnerable to external shocks. In view of this, Government is very proactive in maintaining long-term debt sustainability.” Tajikistan: “In terms of Goal 8 Develop a global partnership for development, multidirectional trends can be observed. The external debt grew by 70% and crossed the threshold of economic security. Government spending on pharmaceutical drugs per capita has decreased by 24.2%. At the same time, the unemployment rate fell to 3.47 times, while the number of fixed and mobile phones per 1,000 people has 12.2 times increased.” Comparison: Guyana is doing really well with stabilizing their country’s economy. They are able to now invest in global expansion. Tajikistan’s debt has grown and the country’s investments in medicine and the creation of jobs has decreased. Tajikistan is not likely to meet their 2015 goal while Guyana is. Sources • • • &view=article&id