Welcome to Speech “where you’ll wear many hats…” Tuesday, January 14 Welcome Speech class introduction Assign seats Answer student questions Find out who Wyatt Earp is… Mindtrap Game Wednesday, January 15 • Mind Trap/Vocabulary • What is Speech Mantra? “We are All Friends in Speech Class and Kindness is the Norm.” Charlie Mae Earp Name Game • With the first letter of your first name • Provide a one word descriptor of you • Example: Sara – sassy • If you can not think of something, I will ask the class to help • Please do not select anything that is negative Thursday, January 15 Fact: The state of Tennessee was originally named Franklin after Benjamin Franklin. Word of the day quarantine Definition: Quarantine isolation for a amount of time for an animal or person The child was in quarantine from the rest of the family so his cold would not spread. • Review ‘First Letter Name Game’ What to expect • Learn to research properly • Learn to construct a professional-looking PowerPoint presentation • Develop catchy/”zippy” introductions • Develop a well-organized speech What to expect cont’d • End a speech with a bang • Deliver a confident speech without looking nervous • Learn about people and issues • Daily Activities—Front screen • Daily Speech Syllabus — S: Drive, – Daily Syllabus 9 – 20-13 – Daily Activities—Front screen • Baskets located on work table – Absences--check daily syllabus, classmate, then teacher • Wait to be excused at the end of class Supplies • • • • • • PLANNER Binder/ may share with another subject Writing implement Free reading book (every day) Ear buds Flash Drive • Label papers--full name, period • Handing in work--IN box (NOWHERE ELSE) • Late work: 4,3.5,3,… – Wednesday School, Study Hall, Resource • Redo--TBD Grading A B C D F 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 Below 60% 4 3.5 3 2.5 0 Accessing Material • S: Drive — Earp Speech – Handouts available – Daily Speech Syllabus • H: Drive — learn to access from home Writing • • • • • Mechanical error Use MLA format Spell check and Grammar Check Develop paragraphs (not all one) PROOFREAD CAREFULLY! Rounding up the grade • Must be .5% or less away from the next higher grade (89.5, 79.5, 69.5, 59.5) • Did you do everything you could to earn the next higher grade – Turn in ALL assignments – Positive influence in class Speeches • • • • • Introduction Biography Impromptu Oral Interpretation Nomination Current Issue/Debate Interviews Toast/Hat Public Service Announcement Speech Mantra “We are all friends in speech class and kindness is the norm.” • • • • Be ALIVE!!! Be INTERESTING!!! Say something WORTHWHILE!!! Have FUN!!! The LOUDER, the BETTER!!! Friday, January 17 • Game Day – Must play with 3 people that you do not know very well Monday, January 20 Staff Work Day No School Tuesday, January 21 Fact: Until the 19th century solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia. Vocabulary Decorum Decorum: Definition: proper behavior or conduct. Sam demonstrated proper decorum to be respected by his peers. Student Information Sheet Speech Bingo Mantra Wednesday, January 22 Fact: The fastest growing nail is on the middle finger. Vocabulary Chronology Chronology: Definition: The arrangement of events in time. Part of speech– Noun Used in a sentence: The history teacher gave the class a chronology of the Vietnam War. Choices Activity In your row…. come up with the 4 most important decision you will make in your life. Not including your mate or your college. Choices Attitude What determines your attitude at any given moment? Choices cont’d • • • • Mood Who your with What day of the week The weather Choices cont’d If these are all correct…then your attitude can always be determined by something outside yourself. You have no control over it! Your attitude is held captive by other People, places, or conditions Choices cont’d Think of someone that has had a positive attitude under a challenging circumstance… Helen Keller Anne Frank Arthur Ashe My mother Attitude cont’d Life doesn’t always work the way we’d like it to. If we had our way….life’s most important lessons is this: The world will not devote itself to making us happy. Attitude cont’d “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance, to choose one’s own way.” Viktor Frankel Choices Continued • Attitude • How hard you work All the good things in life can be attained without hard work? True or False All good things in life come quickly and easily? True or False Bill Gates Bill Gates Didn't seem like a shoe-in for success after dropping out of Harvard and starting a failed first business with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen called Traf-O-Data. While this early idea didn't work, Gates' later work did, creating the global empire that is Microsoft. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison In his early years, teachers told Edison he was "too stupid to learn anything." Work was no better, as he was fired from his first two jobs for not being productive enough. Even as an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. Of course, all those unsuccessful attempts finally resulted in the design that worked. Oprah Winfrey Oprah Winfrey Most people know Oprah as one of the most iconic faces on TV as well as one of the richest and most successful women in the world. Oprah faced a hard road to get to that position, however, enduring a rough and often abusive childhood as well as numerous career setbacks including being fired from her job as a television reporter because she was "unfit for tv." Elvis Presley Elvis Presley As one of the best-selling artists of all time, Elvis has become a household name even years after his death. But back in 1954, Elvis was still a nobody, and Jimmy Denny, manager of the Grand Ole Opry, fired Elvis Presley after just one performance telling him, "You ain't goin' nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin' a truck." • Assignment: Signed Information Sheet/Permission Slip, Ear Buds, Reading Book Due Friday, January 31 Choices • Attitude • How hard you work • How honest you are Let’s take this questionnaire together. Is honesty the best policy… Choices • Attitude • How hard you work • How honest you are Discuss lunch room scenario Choices • • • • Attitude How hard you work How honest you are How you treat others • Write a goal on the back of your Speech Information sheet based on 1 of these 4 Choices. • Finish your Class Sheet Assignment: Notebook, Reading Book, Ear buds, and signed Information Sheet– Due 1/24 Thursday, January 23 Fact: At birth, a Dalmatian is always pure white. Vocabulary renaissance renaissance Definition: any kind of language from the 14th or 16th century. Part of speech– Noun The Renaissance language used in England demonstrated an emphasis on artisan crafts and music. Introduction Speech View Introduction description. Handouts: Self Introduction Rubric Self Introduction Ideas Introduction Rubric Assignment: Signed Information Sheet/Permission Slip, Ear Buds, Reading Book Due Friday, January 31 Friday, January 24 Fact: All porcupines float in water. Vocabulary Deduction Deduction Part of speech– Noun Definition: The act of subtracting. Used in a sentence: Jose’s mother made a deduction from his allowance to pay for the broken lamp. • Watch Sample Introduction • Notecard – Write in ink only – Bullets only Assignment: Signed Information Sheet/Permission Slip, Ear Buds, Reading Book Due Friday, January 31 Monday, January 27 Fact: The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1. Vocabulary tranquility tranquility adjective Definition peaceful, quiet, rest The tranquility of the park like setting made it a place to just sit and think for hours on end. Benjamin Franklin once said the following: “If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail” • Review parts of Introduction • Time Presentations • Work with partner Begin Speeches Tuesday, January 28 Assignment: Signed Information Sheet/Permission Slip, Ear Buds, Reading Book Due Friday, January 31 Tuesday, January 28 Fact: The only food that does not spoil is honey. Vocabulary aspire aspire Definition: to have a great ambition The high school student aspired to be on the honor roll. Task Students can apply presentation skills necessary for Introduction Speech. • Jobs- Timer, Recorder, Downloader, Magic Bell • Begin Speeches Write name on board Complete Introduction Speech Record Sheet Assignment: Signed Information Sheet/Permission Slip, Ear Buds, Reading Book Due Friday, January 31 Wednesday, January 29 Fact: The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile national monument. Task Students can identify presentation skills necessary for Introduction Speech. Continue Introduction Speeches • Assignment: Signed Information Sheet/Permission Slip, Ear Buds, Reading Book Due Friday, January 31 Thursday, January 30 Fact: The state of Maine has 62 lighthouses. Vocabulary Bamboozle bamboozle Verb: Definition To trick The man bamboozled his friend into giving him his paycheck for his rent this month. Task Students can understand how to construct an outline. • Outline (Harvard style) Speech – 3 parts Introduction Tell them what you are going to talk about (pre-summarize) Body Talk about your ideas Conclusion Tell them again what you said (summarize) • Groups – Web circle – Outline • Movie - TBD Friday, January 31 Fact: A hummingbird weighs less then a penny. Vocabulary bizarre bizarre Adjective Definition: very strange or odd The distracting behavior was very bizarre for someone so confident. Task Students can understand and apply a Harvard Style Outline. • Re-assess Introduction Speeches • Complete Movie Web and Outline • Present Movie Speech (Group) Monday, February 3 Fact: Alaska has the highest percentage of people who walk to work. Vocabulary Maneuver Maneuver Noun Definition: a skilled movement The maneuver that the wrestler used on the mat ranked him one of the top wrestlers to beat. Task Students can reflect on Introduction Speech. • Team 4 Lab • Create Speech Folder • Copy from S: Drive Reflection Folder – Introduction Reflection • Complete and turn in today Tuesday, February 4 Fact: Alaska has the highest percentage of people who walk to work. Vocabulary Laconic Laconic Adjective Definition: using very few words The man was laconic in his writing but still got his meaning across. Task Student can understand Attention Getter, Finality statement, and Fictional Biography Speech. Commercials http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/31/be st-super-bowl-commercialsever_n_4698430.html#slide=2039511 Introduce Attention Getter Handout Attention Getter/Conclusion • Introduce Fictional Biography Speech • Watch sample In your group come up with a caption (attention getter) He'll be back." Submitted by Jeffrey C. Kohl, Bloomington, Ill. "Bad chair day." Submitted by David Lake, Washington, D.C. "That startles me every time it happens." Submitted by Michael Goode, Canton, N.C. Wednesday, February 5 Fact: In a year, the average person walks 4 miles making their bed. Vocabulary Marsupial Marsupial Noun Definition: a mammal with a pouch The kangaroo was known as a marsupial because it had a pouch to carry it’s young. Task • Students can understand Fictional Biography Speech components. • http://mentalfloss.com/article/51729/44fictional-characters-whose-names-you-dontknow • • • • • Introduce Outline Introduce Fictional Biography Speech Sample Speech Fictional Organizer Come up with 2-3 Fictional Characters Assignment: Thursday & Friday will be in lab to start outline. Thursday, February 6 Fact The Hawaiian alphabet only has 12 letters. Vocabulary introspection Introspection Noun Definition: to think deeply, unto themselves. The grandmother was introspect often, and sometimes people thought she had nodded off to sleep. Task Students can apply Harvard style outline with Attention Getter, pre-summary of topics, Conclusion with summary of topics, and Finality statement for Fictional Biography. Go to Team 2 and type outline of Fictional Biography Speech. Assignment: Outline due Monday, Intro or Con presented Tuesday, Speeches begin Wed. 2/13 Friday, February 6 Fact: Almonds are part of the peach family. Task Students can apply Harvard style outline with Attention Getter, pre-summary of topics, Conclusion with summary of topics, and Finality statement for Fictional Biography. Go to Team 2 and type outline of Fictional Biography Speech. Assignment: Outline due Monday, Intro or Con presented Tuesday, Speeches begin Wed. 2/13 Monday, February 10 Fact: You weigh less at the top of a mountain than at sea level. Vocabulary Mosaic Mosaic Noun Definition: a picture made with small colored pieces The tile mosaic at Crestview Elementary is a lasting piece of artwork made by students. Task Students can create an Introduction and Conclusion. Students can apply Harvard Style outline for Fictional Biography Character. Place outline on desk for grading Tuesday, February 11 You blink over 10,000,000 times a year. Vocabulary Labyrinth Labyrinth Noun Definition confusing network a place with a lot of crisscrossing or complicated passages, tunnels, or paths in which it would be easy to become lost The man went into the labyrinth get rid of the people following him. Task Students will understand Introduction and Conclusion components. Task Students will understand Introduction and Conclusion components. Wednesday, February 12 If you keep a goldfish in a dark room it will eventually turn white. Task Students will understand Introduction and Conclusion components. • Complete Introduction and Conclusions. • Students can practice Fictional Biography Speech with a partner. Assignments: Parent Evaluation due 2/13 and Begin Speeches Thursday, February 13 Elephants only sleep 2 hours a day. Vocabulary Maneuver Maneuver Noun Definition: a skilled movement The maneuver that the wrestler used on the mat ranked him one of the top wrestlers to beat. Task Students will apply Fictional Biography elements. Collect Practice sheets Write name on the board Give Mrs. Earp Rubric Begin Fictional Biography Speech Friday, Febraury 14 Fact: A duck's quack doesn't echo. Task Students will apply Fictional Biography elements. Continue Fictional Biography Speech Monday, February 17 Fact: A snail breathes through its foot. Task Students will apply Fictional Biography elements. Tuesday, February 25 Fact: An ant's smell is stronger then a dog's. . Task Students will apply Fictional Biography elements. Continue Fictional Biography Speech Vocabulary heritage Noun Definition something that passes from one generation to the next in a social group, e.g. a way of life or traditional culture The Grandmother Paulina was determined pass her Norwegian heritage to her children through the foods and family traditions she kept. Task Students can understand expressive elements of oral interpretation. Complete Fictional Biography Speeches Introduce Oral Interpretation View Sample speech • Finish Introduction or Conclusion of Fictional Biography Speech. • Understanding Perception Vocabulary impertinent Adjective Definition not appropriate or relevant or showing a bold or rude lack of respect, especially to a superior The student was impertinent to the teacher while the lesson was conducted. Task • Students can understand personal bias, perceptions, and appropriate feedback with “I statements.” • Understanding Perception • View Communication Process Thursday, February 27 Fact: 1/4 of the bones in your body are in your feet. Vocabulary immune immune adjective Definition safe from disease protected from getting a disease because of natural resistance, resistance acquired after catching the disease, or resistance conferred by inoculation The children are immune to the measles due to their early innoculations. Task Students can apply interpretation elements to a children’s story. Complete Fictional Biography Reflection due today! Select stories and apply markings per handout Lab 6 If Internet is down…. Alternate Task – Complete the Listening Packet S: Drive and put in Drop Box – label your name Friday, February 28 Fact: A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations. Vocabulary hologram Noun Definition image, three-dimensional photographic a three-dimensional image of an object that is a photographic record of light interference patterns produced using a photographic plate and light from a laser The hologram used in the movie made it appear as if the building was really there. Task Students can apply interpretation elements to a children’s story. Continue working on stories Apply markings per handout Lab 6 Friday, September 27 Fact: Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza a day. Vocabulary Divulge Verb Definition reveal something to reveal information, especially information that was previously secret The mother-in-law was finally able to divulge the sex of her daughter’s unborn child to the rest of the family. Task Students can apply interpretation elements to a children’s story. Continue working on stories Apply markings per handout Lab 6 Monday, March 3 Fact: Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons. Vocabulary flourish Verb Definition be healthy or grow intransitive verb to be strong and healthy or grow well, especially because conditions are right The plants will flourish finally when the weather is consistently above freezing. Task Students can apply interpretation elements to a children’s story. Complete stories and print copies today Apply markings per handout Lab 6 Tuesday, March 4 Fact: Camels have three eyelids.. Vocabulary formidable formidable Adjective Definition difficult to deal with or overcome The young man was guilty of stealing and so it was formidable when trying to improve his trust with his parents. Task Students can perform Oral Interpretation Speeches with all elements. • Go to lab in Team 6 Wednesday, March 5 Fact: Cats have over 100 vocal chords. Task Students can perform Oral Interpretation Speeches with all elements. Begin Oral Interpretation Speeches 2nd person put speech in notebook Thursday, March 6 Fact: The average speed of a housefly is 4.5 mph. Friday, March 9 Fact: Vocabulary Divulge Verb Definition reveal something to reveal information, especially information that was previously secret The mother-in-law was finally able to divulge the sex of her daughter’s unborn child to the rest of the family. Task Students can understand oral interpretation techniques through vocal and facial inflection. Students can comprehend using markings in a story to achieve this interpretation. Task Students can select and include markings for oral interpretation speech with a children’s story. Tuesday, March 25 Fact: Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza a day. Vocabulary Light year Light year Noun Definition unit of distance in astronomy, equal to the distance that light travels in a vacuum in one mean solar year, approximately 9.46 trillion km/5.88 trillion m The fantasy story claimed that a man could now travel a light year in the time it took to blink an eye . Task Students can understand Nomination Speech and Current Issue/Debate elements. Current Issue/Debate Academic Research Wednesday, March 26 Fact: A duck can't walk without bobbing its head. Vocabulary flourish Verb Definition be healthy or grow intransitive verb to be strong and healthy or grow well, especially because conditions are right The plants will flourish finally when the weather is consistently above freezing. Task Students should have their stories numbered and begin marking for inflection, pausing, and other variations to bring the story to life. Academic Research Sample Speech Thursday, March 27 The tongue is the fastest healing part of the body Task Students should understand credible research for Current Issue and Narrative speeches. Friday, March 28 Task Students should understand credible research for Current Issue and Narrative speeches. Monday, March 31 Fact: Camels have three eyelids.. Task Students should understand electronic notes for Current Issue and Narrative speeches. • Continue research • Begin Electronic notes – Template on S:Drive CI/Debate folder Tuesday, April 1 A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations. Task Students should understand electronic notes for Current Issue and Narrative speeches. • Continue research • Begin Electronic notes – Template on S:Drive CI/Debate folder • Continue research • Begin Electronic notes – Template on S:Drive CI/Debate folder Wednesday, April 2 A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations. Task Students should understand electronic notes for Current Issue and Narrative speeches. • Continue research • Begin Electronic notes – Template on S:Drive CI/Debate folder Thursday, April 3 A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations. Task Students should understand electronic notes for Current Issue and Narrative speeches. • Continue research • Begin Electronic notes – Template on S:Drive CI/Debate folder Friday, April 4 A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations. Task Students should understand electronic notes for Current Issue and Narrative speeches. • Continue research • Begin Electronic notes – Template on S:Drive CI/Debate folder Monday, April 7 A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations. Vocabulary guru Vocabulary guru noun Definition influential expert somebody who has a reputation as an expert leader, teacher, or practitioner in a particular field The guru was really into all kinds of alternative ways of healing and was quite successful. Task Students should understand electronic notes for Current Issue and outline. • Begin Outline Template on S:Drive CI/Debate folder • Lab Team 5 • Watch ppt requirements • Template ppt Assignment: Electronic Notes, Outline due Tues. 4/8 Tuesday, April 8 Fact: The longest one syllable word is "screeched". Task Students should understand electronic notes for Current Issue and outline. • Begin Outline Template on S:Drive CI/Debate folder • Lab Team 5 • Watch ppt requirements • Template ppt Thursday, April 10 Fact: Animals that lay eggs don't have belly buttons Task Students should understand holey notes for Current Issue and outline. Place your Holey Notes in the Drop Box Earp Speech Your Respective Period Last Name First Name HN Before 3:20 p.m. today! Friday, April 11 Fact: Fish cough Task Students should understand organization for Current Issue ppt. Monday, April 14 Fact: A cat's lower jaw cannot move sideways Task Students should understand organization for Current Issue ppt. Lab 2 Complete Self Check off sheet Practice Order for Tuesday Tuesday, April 15 Fact: Frogs cannot swallow with their eyes open. Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Wednesday, April 16 Fact: Elephants are the only mammal that cannot jump Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Thursday, April 17 Fact: About 18% of animal owners share their bed with their pet Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Team 5 computers Finish Holey Notes Save to H Drive then copy and save to Drop Box, Earp Speech, Class Period Save Last Name First Name HN ONLY Due 3:20 today! Check with Mrs. Earp before you start PPT Friday, April 18 Staff Work Day NO SCHOOL Monday, April 21 Fact: The lifespan of a taste bud is 10 days Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Tuesday, April 22 Fact: 11% of people in the world are left-handed. Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Wednesday, April 23 Fact: Alaska has more caribou then people Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Thursday, April 24 Fact: No piece of paper can be folded more then 7 times Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Friday, April 25 Fact: Only male turkeys gobble Task Students should understand interview skills and for Interview Speech. • Students will be interviewing next week • Get out a piece of paper • Write down the 6 questions Review ppt. Interviewing for a Job Complete job application • Write NA for things that do not apply • INK (blue or black) No Errors…NEAT Due: Monday- completed application Monday, April 28 Fact: No piece of paper can be folded more then 7 times Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Tuesday, April 29 Fact: Lizards communicate by doing push-ups Task Students should understand presentation skills and organization for Current Issue Speech. Snapple Facts No piece of paper can be folded more then 7 times Lizards communicate by doing push-ups A turkey can run at 20mph Only male turkeys gobble Wednesday, April 30 Fact: A turkey can run at 20mph