Science Fair Template - Davis School District

Project Title
Your Name
Ms. Appleby 6th Grade
Mountain View Elementary
Science Fair Category:
Problem Statement
Type your question here. This is the question that
your experiment answers.
Example: Which soil promotes faster plant growth,
organic or regular?
Project Overview
Type a brief summary (short and concise narrative) of
your project. Why did this topic interest you? 4-6
sentences long.
What information did your research provide about your
topic and/or experiment? List several important facts
that you gleaned from the research. Use a bullet list. (3-5
Independent Variables
The one variable that you purposely change and test.
What is it that you changed?
Independent Variable = Type of Soil; Organic vs. Regular
Dependent Variable
Dependent Variable: The measure of change observed
because of the independent variable. It is measurable
and observable.
Dependent Variable= Growth; Plant height
Controlled Variables
These are the things that are kept the same throughout
the experiment. You control them. Bullet them. Use 3-4
words or one sentence per bullet.
 Amount of water
 Temperature
 Type of plant
Based on your research, write an answer to your
question, making your best educated guess…as to the
results of your test. Use an “if….then” statement where
IF I use organic soil, THEN the plants will grow taller.
Make a careful and detailed list of all the items you will
need to complete your experiment. Be specific about:
**This is not the list of procedures***
Make a detailed, numbered list, of every step needed to
complete your experiment. This is like a recipe. Anyone
should be able to read your procedures and replicate
your experiment.
1. Number the list
2. Add photographs
3. You may need 4-5 slides
4. Do not put 1 step on a
slide…font size 20
This slide will be a brief summary/narrative of your
Add photos of your experiment to accompany your
Data Table/Results
It is easier to understand the data if it is put into a table.
You can create the table using Word or Excel and import
it into the presentation.
Graph of Results
You must also create a graph representing the results
you recorded in your data table. The graph needs to be
in color. It can also be created in Word or Excel and
imported into the presentation.
Type a brief summary of what you discovered based on
the results of your experiment, and ACCEPT or REJECT
your hypothesis and explain why.
Who are the “stake holders” in this experiment? Who is
going to benefit by knowing the results of your
experiment? What recommendations would you make to
others based on your results?
What would you do differently, if you were to run this
test again? What other information should you look for
that relates to this topic?
Recognize and thank those who helped you with this
project. Specifically name (by general group, not
individual names) those who served as your test
subjects, people you interviewed, experts in the field
who aided you, family members who took pictures, etc.
(Closing Slide)
Add additional photographs of your project work, a short
(30 sec.) video taken during your project, a motivational
quote, or another significant fact relating to your topic.
Additional Instructions
 Font Choices : Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Calibri
 Font size: Headers 44; Text 28-32; ONLY exception is for Procedures
 Choose one transition and apply to all slides
 DO NOT animate photographs or text
 Choose your own background and theme
 Font colors need to match background and be readable; NO RED,
unless you need to make a specific point
Additional Instructions
 Add photographs of your project every step of the way. You
will need photos on every slide. Ask a family member to
help photograph you as you work. Document all your
observations with photographs.
 A family member will need to photograph any data
collection done at school.
 Use italics, underlining, and bold, for emphasis
 Run Spell check and Grammar check