Monday, March 5, 2012 JOURNAL: Catch up day! TEST POSTPONED UNTIL TOMORROW! You have the following options: A) Complete On-Demand Speech JOURNAL: Write this in your journal Scrimmage for extra credit. (IF it is already anditleave space between each: finished is extra credit or if you finish it in class.) B) Complete your take home test…not Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 due until tomorrow.(Done already? Extra AGENDA Credit) C) If you are finished with those…DROP EVERYTHING AND READ! Journal Activity/Discussion AGENDA iPads 8.RIT.5 –Get Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph, in Pre-Test/Record a speech, including the role of particular Take Scores/Discuss sentences in developing and refining a key concept. 8.RIT.10 – Read and comprehend speeches at the high end of the grade 8 text complexity band independently and proficiently. Complete work and/or study for TOMORROW’S TEST! Wednesday, March 7, 2012 TODAY is a WRITING DAY! GETWITH YOUR PERFORMANCE JOURNAL: Write this in your journal PARTNER TO space PLANbetween OUT…ON and leave each: YOUR SCRIPT YOUR ENTIRE Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 PERFORMANCE: All AGENDA Movement…Costumes…Makeup… Journal Activity/Discussion Gestures…Vocal Inflections, etc. Get iPads IT IS A 10 POINT DAY! Take Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss SPEECHES WILL BE PRESENTED: APRIL 23rd – APRIL 27th! WORK and WRITE WELL! Tuesday, March 6, 2012 PUT YOUR “I HAVE A DREAM” ANALYSIS ON YOUR DESK! JOURNAL: Write this in your journal GET OUT A PENCIL! leave between each: HAVE and YOUR ARspace BOOK! READ Group AND ANNOTATE SPEECH! #1 GroupTHE #2 Group#3 33.3% AGENDA OF YOUR GRADE (100 pts) ANSWER MULTIPLE CHOICE ON SCAN Journal Activity/Discussion TRON! 33.3% Get OFiPads YOUR GRADE (100 pts) ANALYZE TakeSHORT Pre-Test/Record ANSWERScores/Discuss ON LINES PROVIDED! 33.3% OF YOUR GRADE (100 pts) ZERO VOICE LEVEL! Thursday, March 8, 2012 • Homework OR Book Reading Day! • Zero Voice Level • Show me your progress at end of class for a Quiz Grade! Wednesday, March 7, 2012 JOURNAL: Complete EXAM or DROP EVERYTHING READ JOURNAL: Write this in AND your journal DAY! leave ZERO VOICE LEVEL! and space between each: Group #1 AGENDA Group #2 Group#3 AGENDA 8.RIT.10 – Read and comprehend speeches Journal Activity/Discussion at the high end of the grade 8 text Get iPads complexity band independently and Take Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss proficiently. Complete EXAM and/or DROP EVERYTHING AND READ! Thursday, March 8, 2012 JOURNAL: List as many words as you can when you think of the JOURNAL: Write this in your journal terms and LETTER. andEDITORIAL leave space between each: AGENDA Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 AGENDA I CAN test my knowledge on Journal Activity/Discussion Editorials and Letters. 8.RIT.1 Cite the textual evidence Get – iPads that most strongly supports an Take Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Monday, March 12, 2012 JOURNAL: A)Make Vocabulary Notebook pages for the following JOURNAL: Write thisTestimonial, in your journal words: Bandwagon, andOpinion, leave spaceCall between each: Expert to Action, Statistics, Cause & Effect, Emotional Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 Appeal, & Prediction. B) Do your AGENDA definition for each word before you Journal Activity/Discussion getmy definition. AGENDA Get iPads I CAN define words thatScores/Discuss need to be Take Pre-Test/Record used in Editorials and Letters. 8.RIT.4 –Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. 3rd Quarter Final • Sit down. 10% • Zero Voice Level 20% • Get ready to ACT! 20% • Act for one minute on given topic. 30% • Doing good : gestures, vocal inflections, movements on the stage, pantomime, emotions, etc… 20% Tuesday, March 13, 2012 JOURNAL: A)Share the publications with your group. B) Find the JOURNAL: Write this in your journal Editorial, Opinion, Letters, or Inbox and leave space between each: page. C) Read the page and Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 summarize anything you read. AGENDA AGENDA Journal Activity/Discussion I CAN read Editorials and Letters to Get iPads the Vocabulary and how understand it is Take used. Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss 8.RIT.4 –Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. Wednesday, March 14, 2012 JOURNAL: A)It is almost the end of your academic 8th Grade School year. It is time to write an Informational Editorial OR Informational Letter to the Franklin Favorite JOURNAL: Write this in your journal targeting the upcoming 8th grade class. You are resigning and leave between your position as 8thspace Grade student and each: are informing them to be better for what will come in their last Group #1 prepared Group #2 Group#3 year of middle school and beyond. B) Essential Question: AGENDA What should each and every 7th grader need to know before they become a member of Team Respect in the 8th Journal Activity/Discussion Grade? Get iPads AGENDA I CAN read and Letters to TakeEditorials Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss understand the Vocabulary and how it is used, so that I can write a Letter or Editorial to the Franklin Favorite. 8.RIT.4 –Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. Wednesday, March 14, 2012 • Get your Vocabulary. • We are going to watch a live musical production. • You are going to make Framework Notes using your theatre vocabulary. • We will stop after each scene…make notes…discuss the notes and use our vocabulary. • 10 point quiz grade for today! Thursday, March 15, 2012 •Work on homework or Read silently. Thursday, March 15, 2012 JOURNAL: Write the Essential Question: What should each and every 7th grader need JOURNAL: this in your journal to know before Write they become a member of th Grade?each: leavein space Teamand Respect the 8between Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 AGENDA AGENDA Work on Presentations of Editorials and Letters! Journal Activity/Discussion I CAN read and annotate Editorials and Get to iPads Letters understand the Vocabulary and how it is used, so that I can write a Take Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss Letter or Editorial to the Franklin Favorite and teach my classmates. 8.RIT.4 –Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. Friday, March 16, 2012 JOURNAL: Write the Essential Question: What should each and every 7th grader need to know before they become a member Teamjournal Respect in JOURNAL: Write this inofyour the 8thand Grade? leave space between each: Group #1 AGENDA Group #2 Group#3 Present /TEACH your Editorials and AGENDA Letters! Journal Activity/Discussion I CAN make notes in my Vocabulary Notebook of the devices used in Get iPads Editorials and Letters to understand how they Pre-Test/Record are used, so that I can write a Take Scores/Discuss Letter or Editorial to the Franklin Favorite. 8.RIT.4 –Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. To the Apple Board of Directors and the Apple Community: I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director and Apple employee. As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple. I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it. And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role. I have made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you. Steve Monday, March 26, 2012 JOURNAL: A) Get out your AR Book and Start reading! B) Zero Voice Level! JOURNAL: Write this in your C) Drop Everything And Read! D) Ifjournal you need leave space between to goand to the library, please put each: your Agenda Group #1 of your Group #2 Group#3 on the corner desk! AGENDA Journal DEARActivity/Discussion Day! SSSsshhhhh! 8.RL.2 – Determine a theme or central idea of a Get iPadsits development over the course text and analyze of a text, including the characters, setting, and Take Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss plot; provide an objective summary of the text. I CAN read silently Drop Everything And Read! Zero Voice Level! AGENDA Tuesday, March 27, 2012 JOURNAL: A) Get out your Rough Draft of your Letter/Editorial. JOURNAL: Write this in your journal B) Begin to edit it. C) Use and leave space between each: dictionary and thesaurus if Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 needed. AGENDA AGENDA Journal Activity/Discussion Go to my website and decide Get iPads whether to write a Letter or Take Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss Editorial. I CAN EDIT and TYPE my EDITORIAL/LETTER. ENRICHMENT 3/30/12 GET CRASH Get out Your Notes Get ready to get a QUIZ grade for the work you do! Thursday, March 29, 2012 JOURNAL: Write your essential question. JOURNAL: Write this in your journal and leave space between each: AGENDA Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 Complete writing with editing AGENDA and corrections! Journal Activity/Discussion Go to my website and submit Get iPads your writing electronically. Take Pre-Test/Record Scores/Discuss I CAN EDIT , TYPE, and SUBMIT my EDITORIAL/LETTER Electronically. Friday, March 30, 2012 JOURNAL: A) Get out your AR Book and Start reading! B) Zero Voice Level! C) Drop Everything AndRead! D) If you need to go to the library, JOURNAL: Write this in corner your journal please put your Agenda on the of your and leave space between each: desk! E) POINT DAY! Group #1 Group #2 Group#3 AGENDA AGENDA DEAR Day! SSSsshhhhh! Activity/Discussion 8.RL.2–Journal Determine a theme or central idea of a 50 text and analyze its development over the Get iPads course of a text, including the characters, Take setting, andPre-Test/Record plot; provide anScores/Discuss objective summary of the text. I CAN read silently Drop Everything And Read! Zero Voice Level!