Work Environment

Executive summary:
Recent data analysis has revealed that the turnover rate has gone up again this year at XYZ
organization. This trend has been continuing for last couple of years and is proving to be very
expensive for our company. Every year we are hiring new employees, investing money and time
in their training, and by the time they come to speed, we are losing them to our competitors.
Losing employees on a regular basis is also being viewed as a negative thing because it is
portraying a picture that of management that it doesn’t care much about their employees. This
has made us realize that we really need to find out 'what motives our employees’, ‘what are we
doing right as an employer’, and ‘what do we need to improve upon to make our employees stay
longer with the company’? To find out the above mentioned information we plan to create an
employee’s survey regarding ‘Job Satisfaction’.
We will be focusing our survey on following four areas to find out how our employees are
feeling about the company: Career Development, Employee relations & management,
Compensation & benefits and Work environment. Through this survey are hoping to highlight
the strong points of our management and how can we make those areas even stronger. This
survey will also help us find out the reasons that are making our employees to look for
opportunity outside. These findings will help us make strategic plans to meet our employees
needs and hence convince them to make a long term commitment with our organization.
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Problem Statement
Several internal and external factors can influence employee job satisfaction and
engagement, and these factors may change over time. Management at XYZ Company has
brought to the attention of the HR department that there has been a trend to high turnover in the
company for the past five years. Accounting has brought their concerns of the financial obstacles
that have been rising due to retraining and replacing workers on the front line. There has been a
noticeable fluctuation in employees overall satisfaction with their jobs. This fluctuation could be
attributed to changes within the workplace as well as economic, demographic and social trends.
Our company needs to first find out what motivates employees to stay with the company and
how can the firm increase motivation without creating anymore undue financial concerns. By
addressing employee concerns we should be able to curb future turnover for the company.
For the organization to understand where they need to precede in the future we first must
take a current assessment of the feelings and concerns of the employees. HR has designed a
survey that should hit on key topic areas to bring to light what is working for us currently and
what we need to improve on in the future. The survey will be broken into for main topic areas
that include the following:
Work Environment: we understand that our employees spend a large amount of their time at
work, and therefore, we need to take steps to ensure that the work environment is conducive for
our employees to be productive, satisfied and engaged in their workplace.
Employee engagement, which may or may not be aligned with employee job satisfaction,
is about the employee’s connection and commitment to the organization. HR’s goal is to use past
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practice knowledge and to develop new ideas to understand employee engagement at all levels.
HR will address three areas that already exist but need improvement.
Compensation and Benefits: to attract the best employees, companies must research the market
in their areas as well as their industry to ensure that their total rewards package-salaries and
benefits-is in line with their talent strategy. Benefits for employees can include a wide array of
perks that this survey should be able to identify.
Employee Relationship with Management: the relationship an employee has with his or her
supervisor is a central element to the employee’s affiliation to the organization, and it has been
argued that many employee behaviors are largely a function of the way they are managed by
their supervisors.
Career Development: this is an opportunity for employees to continually take part in more
advance or diverse activities such as training, networking, which result in improving and gaining
new skills. Employees can develop their career through i) Self- assessment; ii) Awareness about
opportunities; iii) Developing relevant skills; iv) Marketing self; and v) Goal setting for performance.
Develop existing employees: One of the top contributors to job satisfaction and engagement
among employees is having the opportunity to use their skills and abilities at work. Employees
frequently have skills and abilities beyond their position for which they were hired. HR
professionals can help organizations train and promote their employees to fill positions that
require higher-level skills. This will then open up positions that require lower skill levels, which,
in turn, may be easier to fill.
Communicate about the Total Rewards Package: There are several ways our HR department
can address compensation: share information about the organization’s compensation philosophy,
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help employees understand how their compensation/pay is determined and frequently
communicate to employees what their total rewards package includes.
Build a bridge between employees and senior management: Employee engagement and job
satisfaction should not be something that HR professionals and their organizations measure once
a year. They need to be built into an organization’s day-to-day activities. Employee engagement
and job satisfaction should be the shared responsibility of both employees and the organization.
To achieve this we hope to show a connection between communication with employees and their
immediate supervisors is a high concern for employee engagement.
Clearly, employees value their relationship with management. And they are looking for
ways to make this relationship more effective, which, in turn, will likely increase employment
satisfaction, engagement and productivity. We can hope to understand by this survey how to
create such a bridge between employees and management. Doing so should increase employee
engagement and lower our high turnover rates which can lead to more resources for employee
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Work Environment
Importance of
Job Security
Importance of
Importance of the
work itself
Importance of
feeling safe in the
Importance of
overall Corporate
Importance of
relationships with
Importance of
meaningfulness of
Importance of
contribution of
work to
business goals
Very unimportant
Very Important
Very Important
Very unimportant
Very Important
Very unimportant
Very Important
Very unimportant
Very Important
Very unimportant
Very Important
Very unimportant
Very Important
Very unimportant
Very Important
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1. I am satisfied with my overall level of pay.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
2. The level of pay is fair relative to other comparable employers.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
3. High performers get paid more than low performers.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
4. Comparable jobs get paid comparatively.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
5. I am satisfied with company provided benefits.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
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Employee Relations
Please indicate how well the statement reflects your experience.
1= strongly agree
2= Agree
3= Disagree
4= strongly disagree
5= don’t know
(A). When I do well at work, I receive proper recognition from my coworkers and
supervisors. ___
(B). I receive cooperation and support from my colleagues. ___
(C). I feel comfortable resolving conflict with coworkers. ___
(D) I often have disagreements with colleagues. ___
(E). I have good relationships with my colleagues. ___
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Career Development
Instructions: Choose the answer that best describes your career situation.
Please circle your answer choices.
If a question does not offer answer choices, please provide your best relevant answer to the question
and do not leave it blank.
I. Are you satisfied with your current job?
1. Yes
2. No
If No, what is the job or position that you want to take?
 Please Specify:
II. Do you actively look for opportunities in your areas of interest?
1. Yes
2. No
If yes, what tool do you use for it?
Personal Networking
Company sponsored events
Job boards/Social networks
Company job search system
In person queries to employers
A combination of the above
 Please Specify:
III. Do you have the relevant skills required for your current job or for the job you want?
1. Yes
2. No
If Yes, Do you regularly update your skills?
1. Yes 2. No
If No, what tools do you want to use to develop those skills?
i. Company sponsored workshops
ii. Company sponsored training
iii. Classes at your own expense
iv. Online Classes
a. Company sponsored
b. At your own expense
v. Others
 Please Specify:
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IV. Do you think that you possess the ability to present yourself for your current/ desired
1. Yes
2. No
If no, what can you do in order to market yourself for your current/desired position?
Develop the relevant skills
Gain the required certifications
Develop communication skills
Pursue higher education in your field
 Please specify:
V. Do you understand your company’s goals and that how do they fit with your personal
career goals?
1. Yes
2. No
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