From Classical to Contemporary

Romanticism and the Sublime
HUM 2052: Civilization II
Spring 2014
Dr. Perdigao
February 12-19, 2014
“Violent Change”
American and French revolutions developed from convictions about the “innate
rights of individual human beings” (485)
French Revolution—ideas about the “sacredness of the individual” (485),
informing William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft, small radical group
“English Jacobins”
Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792): importance of
education for women
Liberty, equality, fraternity, centers of French and American revolutions;
national identities created
Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations (1776), laissez-faire economics, selfregulating system; Darwin, Marx and Engels
Development of a “middle class”; negative consequences—Charles Dickens and
William Thackeray, “moral mediocrity” (489)
The Romantic Experience
Inventions—steam engine, spinning jenny, cotton gin (487)
Urbanization—move to cities
Individualism: Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) questions “power of reason to
provide the most significant forms of knowledge,” emphasizing reason as guide
Self vs. society
Civilization as “agent of corruption” (491)
Social protest extends to writing, to poetry
Emotion and experience (Goethe)
Reason: feeling (485)
American Civil War, rights of African Americans, including reading and
writing: slave narrative
Characteristics of Romanticism
– sacredness of the individual
– suspicion of social institutions
– belief in expressed feeling as the sign of authenticity
– nostalgia for simpler ways of being
– faith in genius
– valuing of originality and imagination
– an ambivalent relation to science
Constructing Romanticism
Three generations:
Blake and lyrical ballads
Wordsworth and Coleridge
Byron, Shelley, and Keats
Where are the women? (Emily Brontë, Christina Rossetti, Rosalía de Castro, Anna
Petrovna Bunina, Emily Dickinson [489])
“transcendent and ideal subjects,” “areas of critical uncertainty,” with the
aim to “rediscover the ground of stability in these situations,” a “secondorder quest for desire itself”
Truth associated with act of creation, not object
Romanticism—dissolution of boundaries between humans and humans and
For classical and modern philosophers—fear of this dissolution—pushing to
limit but not beyond
Imitation: creation
Mary Shelley (1797-1851)
Mary W. Godwin born in 1797 to William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft; mother dies
ten days after her birth
1801: William Godwin marries Mary Jane Clairmont who has children Charles and Jane
(Claire); join Mary and Fanny
1812: Percy Shelley begins correspondence with Godwin; visits Godwin house; eventually
meets Mary
1814: Mary returns home; starts affair with Percy; they elope, bringing Claire; Harriet
Shelley gives birth to second child
1815: Mary gives birth to daughter who dies
1816: Mary gives birth to son William; leave England for Geneva; meet Byron ; Mary
writes Frankenstein; Fanny commits suicide; Harriet Shelley drowns; Mary and Percy
1817: Mary gives birth to daughter Clara
1818: Frankenstein published in January; Clara dies
1819: Return to Rome; William dies; Mary writes Mathilda, not published in lifetime; gives
birth to Percy Florence
Mary Shelley (1797-1851)
1822: Mary almost dies from miscarriage; Percy lost at sea
1823: Valperga published; second edition of Frankenstein published; Mary returns to London
1824: Mary begins work on The Last Man; her edition of Percy’s Posthumous Poems
published but suppressed
1826: The Last Man published; Charles, Percy’s son, dies
1830: Perkin Warbek, fourth novel, published
1835: Mary contributes sections in Cabinet Cyclopaedia
1836: William Godwin dies
1837: Falkner, Mary’s last novel, published
1839: Mary prepares and publishes four-volume edition of Percy’s Poetical Works
1851: Mary dies in London; buried between her parents
Thematic Elements
Question of reason
Creation—scientific and religious discourses
Politics, construction of society
Role of women
Masculinist pursuits
Death, loss, and recovery
On Frankenstein
“What kinds of action can be defended as reasonable? What are we to make of
the discrepancy between the ‘mad’ scientist’s reason, and the ‘Godwinian’
reason exercised by his ‘hideous progeny’?” (Hindle xii).
Rousseau’s “unfallen state of innocence,” connection to Godwin’s Political Justice
Godwin’s “rational philosophy”: new system based on “universal benevolence”
a just and virtuous society, emerging from the “exercise of reason and free will”
developed in an enlightened society that is free from “superstitions of religion,
the despotisms of government and the property fetishes attached to marriage
and inheritance, for all these tended towards the establishment of selfishness,
division and malevolence” (xxxii), contradicts 17 th century Hobbesian view of
“self-interested” man
Godwin’s “Enlightenment insight into the dangers of putting the ‘abstracted’
pursuit of knowledge before collective responsibility and happiness” (xxxiii)
“The Romantic idealism of Shelley and his ‘over-reaching’ heroes was, like all
idealisms, based on a faith in man’s, or more correctly, men’s supposedly ‘divine’
or creative powers. It is Mary Shelley’s critique of where such highly abstracted
creative powers can lead when put in a ‘realizing’ scientific context and then
driven along by ‘lofty ambition’ and ‘high destiny’”(xxiv).
The Monster Metaphor
18th century French philosophes, Diderot and Condillac, following John Locke
(xxxiv); tabula rasa theory
Edmund Burke’s use of the metaphor in Reflections on the Revolution in France
(1790), monster as armed insurrection (xliii)
“During their systematic efforts to understand the Revolution and its outcome in
Napoleonic despotism, Mary and Percy Shelley read not only the works of
radicals like Thomas Paine, Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, but also
conservatives and anti-Jacobins, among them Burke and Abbé Barruel” (xliii)
Marxist interpretation—text born of “the fear of bourgeois civilization” (xliii)
“Monster” metaphor popularized during the 1830s with calls for democratic
reform in England (xliii), but also before as warning for dangers of reform
during the French Revolution and the Terror
Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, setting out for “the land of mist and snow” (xxxvi),
pursuit between Creator and Creature
Contextualizing the Monstrous
Prometheus—two versions
Greek mythology; Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound; Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound
Ovid’s Metamorphoses (she was reading in 1815): plasticator, “figure who creates
and manipulates men into life, rather than ‘saves’ them” (xxviii)
Rousseau’s “unfallen state of innocence” (xxxii), corrupted by society: monster
as “progeny”; connection to Godwin’s philosophy in Political Justice
Don Quixote—shared “single vision” (xxxviii): “Both Don Quixote and
Frankenstein start out with the noble intention of helping their fellow creatures,
but their aspirations are doomed by their pursuit of a ‘single vision’, one that
takes them further and further away from satisfying the moderate needs of the
community, and nearer and nearer to a personally tragic denouement” (xxxviii).
Gothic novel or science fiction?—in the Gothic tale, supernatural intact, violator
punished (xl)
Mary Shelley’s account of its genesis (9-10)
Doppelgänger (xlii)
Weird Science?
“eager desire to learn,” “secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn,” the
“metaphysical,” the “physical secrets of the world” (39)
Cornelius Agrippa: ancient as “chimerical” and “modern science” as “real and
practical” (41), but Victor is unaware
Paracelsus (Swiss alchemist and physician, empirical observation), and Albertus
Magnus (Dominican theologian, magic to pursuit of knowledge, natural
science), reference to Newton
Untaught peasant versus most learned philosopher: “He might dissect,
anatomise, and give names; but, not to speak of a final cause, causes in their
secondary and tertiary grades were utterly unknown to him” (41)
Senior Design Ideas?
Galvanism—Luigi Galvani (1737-98), Italian physiologist and experimenter,
studied “animal electricity” in nerves and muscles of animals, experimenting
with frogs (267)
Humphry Davy, electrochemistry and discoverer of potassium and sodium,
experimental chemist (xxix); Mary was reading Elements of Chemical Philosophy
(1812) and A Discourse, Introductory to a Course of Lectures on Chemistry (1802), in
1816, progressive views
Conversations in 1816 in Geneva between Percy, Dr. Polidori, and Byron on the
“nature of the principle of life” (xl), experimental science in physiology
1803 Giovanni Aldini, nephew of Luigi Galvani, published a book on “galvanic
experiments in public” on the body of a “freshly executed criminal” (xli)
1818, 1823, and 1831
Influence of Percy Shelley, his death in 1831
Changes to original
Revision of Elizabeth
Account of education
Robert Walton
Mrs. Saville, Margaret
Victor’s mother Caroline
Alphonse Frankenstein
Elizabeth Lavenza
Father, a Milanese nobleman, German mother died during childbirth (36-7)
Henry Clerval
Justine Moritz
Confrontation by creature (101)