Tone Formal Paragraph Assignment for Nature unit

Bartleson-English 10
Tone Paragraph Assignment-30 points
Tone Formal Paragraph Assignment
Purpose: To review some of the tools of analysis that we have used so far (Notice and
Focus + Rank as well as Freewrite), to look more closely at texts that we have reviewed in
class, and focus on the term Tone. We reviewed both tone and mood during our
TONE: “How it is said.” A more formal definition is found on page 467 of your Common
Threads textbook: “The attitude toward the subject and sometimes toward the audience
and the writer’s own self, expressed in choice of words and sentence structures as well as
what is said. Tone in writing is similar to tone of voice in speaking, from warm to serious,
amused to angry, joyful to sorrowful, sympathetic to contemptuous” (p.467).
Question: #2 on page 149 with modifications
All of the writers in this chapter demonstrate strong feelings for the
place, thing, or phenomenon they describe, but the writers vary
considerably in the ways they express their feelings. For example, Joan
Didion’s own discomfort in the Santa Ana colors all of her perceptions,
whereas Annie Dillard’s description of a weasel mixes fear and awe.
Write a formal paragraph analyzing the tone of “Living Like Weasels,”
“The Santa Ana,” and “My Landlady’s Yard.” Discuss which piece you
find most effective and why.
*freewrite about on or all of the pieces and their tone
* identify tone words and some possible quotes for each word to support
*decide which piece is most effective
*Begin writing, focusing on a topic sentence (we will review elements of a strong topic
sentence in class).
*Follow format instructions given to you on your “Classroom Guidelines.” If you have lost
this document, it is available on the classroom website under “Guidelines and
*Minimum of 3 quotes, 1 per reference essay. Keep in mind that this also depends on your
discussion of these passages. You absolutely must have at least 3 to receive a passing grade,
any less and you will receive an F.
Texts: from Common Threads
 “My Landlady’s Yard” (discussed in class)
 “The Santa Ana” (discussed in class)
 “Living Like Weasels” (not discuss in class, you are stepping forward on your own
with this one)
Bartleson-English 10
Tone Paragraph Assignment-30 points
Due Dates:
 tentative Rough Draft due on Thursday 10/15 at the end of class- this will depend
on how well you use your class time on Tuesday. You must have a minimum of 3
quotes in your draft to receive credit. I will check for the following: quotes,
explanation, and tone words. I will be looking VERY quickly in order to make it
through everyone’s, so if you need more help you need to come in during Resource.
Final Due Date: Tuesday 10/20
o Rough draft and freewrite(braintstorm) turned in
o Final Draft due on by 7:15am
o Final Draft Hard copy with rubric attached to the front due in class
All of the glitches with the Time Zones have been worked out
on turnitin, so you should not have any trouble. Some of you
experienced issues with because you had not
yet even signed up or you have not signed up for this class.
These issues need to be resolved prior to the due date. I will
NOT accept any papers that have not been submitted online
by the due date and time. If you do run into trouble with, you MUST complete all three steps outlined on
the “Classroom Guidelines” to ensure that you will receive
credit for having turned it in on time.