English 1301 (Dual Credit Mrs. Beard/Ms. Pennington Second Nine Weeks Second Nine Weeks’ Objectives: --Discuss writing: purpose, audience, organization, voice, tone, structure --Develop accurate and appropriate thesis and organizational skills for written assignments. --Review grammar and mechanics --Evaluate message and use of rhetoric in print ads/cartoons --construct an argument based on resources provided --Analyze a text by implementing rhetorical and literary strategies --Engage in discussions exploring author’s purpose, message, etc. Textbooks: Death of a Salesman and other teacher-selected pieces October 21-25 Mon : Discuss Death of a Salesman Tues: Discuss Death of a Salesman Wed : Writing Workshop: Peer review/Self edit, Bring 2 typed and properly formatted copies of the revised essay to class. Handwritten work is not acceptable. If you are absent, you must email the work to me in advance of class. Credit will only be given if you attend my next tutorial session. (formative) HW: Continue working on comparative analysis Fri: Unit 5 Vocabulary Quiz (formative); continue discussion of play HW: Read literary criticism of Death of a Salesman. There are 3. October 28-November 1 Mon: Introduce literary analysis; assign prompt for Salesman and discuss the method of synthesizing sources Tues: Comparative Analysis due (summative); Students are required to submit their essays to turnitin.com by 7 am. Hard copies should be submitted during class. Essays not submitted by 7 am will be counted late; continue working on synthesis essay Wed: Writing Workshop (formative); Students will bring introductions for literary analysis (synthesis essay) and samples will be reviewed in class. Students are required to bring TWO copies to class. All essays must be typed and properly formatted. Fri: Library Day: Meet in the library. You will have time to locate another source for your essay. HW: Students will submit their annotated sources (minimum of 3) with notes cards on Monday (formative) Read Chapter 14 of Everything’s an Argument. November 4- November 8 Mon: Source cards due (formative); Visual Literacy: How is the concept of America presented in advertising? Tues: Unit 6 Vocabulary Quiz (formative); Evaluate ads/print sources. What ideas/concepts are presented in advertising? Are these concepts false or duplicitous in some way? Wed: Gallery walk with print ads. Silent conversation over visual arguments. Fri: Writing reflections over comparative analysis (formative); Continue discussing visual literacy November 11-15 Mon: Unit 7 Vocab Quiz (formative); continue discussion of visual literacy HW: select an ad and complete a rhetorical analysis of it using the techniques/strategies we have discussed in class. In order to receive full credit, students must submit a print copy of the ad, a short written analysis of no less than 8 sentences, AND a 2-3 minute presentation to the class. Tues: Review rhetorical devices/strategies in visuals Wed: Writing Workshop: Bring 2 typed, properly formatted copies of the full essay. (formative). Fri: Timed Writing: Visual Rhetorical Analysis (summative) November 18-22 Mon: Students will present an analysis over an ad they have selected. (formative) Visual Rhetoric—analyzing cartoons Tues: Literary Analysis due (summative); all essays must be submitted to turnitin.com by 7 am or they will be counted late continue deconstruction of cartoons Wed: Students will present their findings regarding the cartoons; complete a rhetorical analysis on a film; Assign revisions for the comparative analysis. Fri: Work on comparative analysis: in-class writing time with student-teacher conferences English 1301 (Dual Credit Mrs. Beard/Ms. Pennington Second Nine Weeks December 2-6 Mon: Read “On Seeing England for the First Time” and the autobiographical narrative by Gary Soto Tues: Unit 8 Vocab Quiz (formative grade); continue discussion of Kincaid and Soto Wed: Revised Comparative Analysis Due (summative)—must be submitted to turnitin.com by 7 am; hard copies due in class; continue discussion of Soto and Kincaid, discuss upcoming semester exam Fri: I Am December 9-13 Mon; I Am Tues: I Am Wed: Timed Writing (Semester Exam) Rhetorical Analysis of I Am Fri: Writing reflection over literary analysis (formative); December 16-20 Mon: Tues: Wed-Fri: Semester Exams. Schedule will be posted as soon as it is final. The semester exam for this class will be the essay you write based on the research you have collected. All articles, summaries, research prospectus, etc. should be submitted with the written assignment. Tutoring: 2602, Tues/Thurs 2:50-3:20 (If you need to make-up a quiz or test, please see me to schedule an appointment; make-ups may be written. Remember that you have ONE week to make-up the assignment.) Grades: 75% summative (tests and essays) 25% formative (quizzes, workshops, reflections) If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to make up the work within the allotted time. Failure to make up work within the allotted time (1 WEEK) will result in a zero. Summatives: (4) Comparative Analysis (Process) Comparative Analysis (Revised) Literary (Synthesis) Analysis (process) Timed Writing: Visual Rhetorical Analysis Formatives: (11) Vocabulary quizzes (4) Notecards/annotated sources Writing Workshops (3) Writing reflection (2) Visual rhetorical analysis of print ad (1)