Foods II Syllabus- Fall 2014 Family and Consumer Sciences Department Jacksonville High School Mr. Herrett Textbook: ServSafe® Coursebook/6thEdition Guide to Good Food 10th/Edition Standard daily homework assignment: Read and write a survey/notes on the chapter before class, complete all vocabulary assignments by the next day. Class work not completed in class or missed due to absence-becomes homework. Study for all tests and quizzes. Pacing Topic Chapters Fall Standard/Objective Days August Unit A Food Safety and Sanitation 1.00 Evaluate causes of foodborne illness Aug. 29 1.01 (1)Outline food safety issues Chap. 1 Aug. 30-31 1.02 (2)Summarize types of food contaminants Chap. 1 Sept. 1-2 Quiz 1 1.03 (2)Explain foodborne contaminants & allergies Chap. 2, 3 Sept. 6-8 Quiz 2 1.04 (3)Review handler’s responsibilities in preventing contamination Chap. 4, 5 Sept. 9-13 Sept. 14-16 Quiz 3 4.5 Week Unit Test Sept. 19-21 Sept. 22-23 Quiz 4 Sept. 26-27 2.00 Analyze factors that influence food safety 2.01 (3)Explain procedures involved in purchasing receiving & inspecting food. Chap. 6 2.02 (3)Examine food storage guidelines. Chap. 7 2.03 (3)Apply safety procedures involved in food preparation. 2.04 (2)Determine rules for holding & serving food safely. 2.05 (2)Interpret the HACCP concept Chap. 8 Chap. 9 Chap.10 3.00 Summarize sanitation, pest management, and principles of the food service inspection process. 3.01 (2)Outline facility, sanitation and pest management 3.02 (3)Discuss the food service inspection process. Chap. 11-13 Chap.14 Unit B Selection, Preparations, and Adaptation 4.00 Demonstrate specialty food preparation skills. 4.01 (3)Demonstrate knife skills commonly used in food prep. 4.02 (5)Use garnishes appropriate for specific service. Chap. 10 Chap. 25 5.00 Analyze preparation and service of yeast bread products. 5.01 (9)Experiment with the preparation of yeast breads. 5.02 (4)Adapt yeast bread recipes and products. Chap. 23 Chap. 23 Nov. 3-9 Nov. 10-16 Nov. 17-18 Unit B Test 6.00 Analyze preparations and service of cakes fillings and frostings. 6.01 (5)Prepare cakes, fillings and frostings. 6.02 (4)Adapt cake, fillings and frostings recipes & products. 6.03 (2)Examine market issues specific to cakes, fillings & frostings. Chap. 24 Chap. 24 Chap. 24 Nov. 20 Nov. 21-28 Nov. 29-30 Dec. 1-2- Quiz 7 Dec. 4-6 Dec- 7-21 Unit C Test Unit C Food Entrepreneurship 12.00 Analyze a product for a live entrepreneurial project. 12.01 (1)Summarize project concerns and options. 12.02 (2)Set goals for entrepreneurial project. 12.03 (2)Plan an entrepreneurial project. 12.04 (2)Evaluate the entrepreneurial project. 12.05(2)Explore educational opportunities and job trends in the food industry. 13.00(16)Live Project. Chap. 7 Assigned Project Class Project Evaluation PDSA Career Assignment Authentic Experience Sept. 28-29 Sept. 29-Oct 3 Unit A Test ServSafe® Exam Oct. 4-6 Oct. 7-13 Quiz 5 Oct. 14-26 Quiz 6 Midterm Unit Test Oct. 27-Nov 2 January Exam Review All Class attendance is critical in this class because much of the content is not in the book and it requires a lot of hands on activities and project work. Missing class means missing skill development. Work must be made up after school no exceptions. If you work or play a sport make sure you are not absent from class. The workplace has a low tolerance for high absenteeism. Establish good habits starting NOW. If you plan to have a career in the foods Industry and you are a junior you should consider taking Advanced Studies. We must have an enrollment of at least 14-17 students for this class to hold. Think about it! Rev3/23/2016 Foods II Syllabus- Spring 2015 Family and Consumer Sciences Department Jacksonville High School Mr. Herrett Textbook: ServSafe® Coursebook/6thEdition Guide to Good Food 10th/Edition Standard daily homework assignment: Read and write a survey/notes on the chapter before class, complete all vocabulary assignments by the next day. Class work not completed in class or missed due to absence-becomes homework. Study for all tests and quizzes. Pacing Topic Chapters Spring Standard/Objective Days August Unit A Food Safety and Sanitation 1.00 Evaluate causes of foodborne illness Jan. 24 1.01 (1)Outline food safety issues Chap. 1 Jan. 25-26 1.02 (2)Summarize types of food contaminants Chap. 1 Jan. 27-30 Quiz 1 1.03 (2)Explain foodborne contaminants & allergies Chap. 2, 3 Jan. 31-Feb.2 Quiz 2 1.04 (3)Review handler’s responsibilities in preventing contamination Chap. 4, 5 Feb.3-7 Feb 8-10 Quiz 3 4.5 Week Unit Test Feb. 13-16 Feb. 17-21 Quiz 4 Feb. 22-23 2.00 Analyze factors that influence food safety 2.01 (3)Explain procedures involved in purchasing receiving & inspecting food. Chap. 6 2.02 (3)Examine food storage guidelines. Chap. 7 2.03 (3)Apply safety procedures involved in food preparation. 2.04 (2)Determine rules for holding & serving food safely. 2.05 (2)Interpret the HACCP concept Chap. 8 Chap. 9 Chap.10 3.00 Summarize sanitation, pest management, and principles of the food service inspection process. 3.01 (2)Outline facility, sanitation and pest management 3.02 (3)Discuss the food service inspection process. Chap. 11-13 Chap.14 Unit B Selection, Preparations, and Adaptation 4.00 Demonstrate specialty food preparation skills. 4.01 (3)Demonstrate knife skills commonly used in food prep. 4.02 (5)Use garnishes appropriate for specific service. Chap. 10 Chap. 25 5.00 Analyze preparation and service of yeast bread products. 5.01 (9)Experiment with the preparation of yeast breads. 5.02 (4)Adapt yeast bread recipes and products. Chap. 23 Chap. 23 April 5-19 April 20-25 April 26-27 Unit B Test 6.00 Analyze preparations and service of cakes fillings and frostings. 6.01 (5)Prepare cakes, fillings and frostings. 6.02 (4)Adapt cake, fillings and frostings recipes & products. 6.03 (2)Examine market issues specific to cakes, fillings & frostings. Chap. 24 Chap. 24 Chap. 24 May 1 May 2-3 May 4-7 May 8-9 Quiz 7 May 10-11 May 14-31 Unit C Test Unit C Food Entrepreneurship 12.00 Analyze a product for a live entrepreneurial project. 12.01 (1)Summarize project concerns and options. 12.02 (2)Set goals for entrepreneurial project. 12.03 (2)Plan an entrepreneurial project. 12.04 (2)Evaluate the entrepreneurial project. 12.05(2)Explore educational opportunities and job trends in the food industry. 13.00(16)Live Project. Chap. 7 Assigned Project Class Project Evaluation PDSA Career Assignment Authentic Experience Feb. 24-28 Feb. 29-Mar.2 Unit A Test ServSafe® Exam Mar.5-7 Mar.8-14 Quiz 5 Mar.15- 28 Quiz 6 Midterm Unit Test Mar.29-April 2-4 January Exam Review All Class attendance is critical in this class because much of the content is not in the book and it requires a lot of hands on activities and project work. Missing class means missing skill development. Work must be made up after school no exceptions. If you work or play a sport make sure you are not absent from class. The workplace has a low tolerance for high absenteeism. Establish good habits starting NOW. If you plan to have a career in the foods Industry you should consider taking Advanced Studies or ProStart. We must have an enrollment of at least 14-17 students for this class to hold. Think about it! Rev3/23/2016