File - Zach McGuire

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Zach McGuire
English 101
Professor Reynolds
March 12, 2014
Are you against gay marriage? This has become an interesting debate held throughout
America the past few years. This happened only to become more accepting for the homosexual
community. My opinions on the matter deal completely on the house I was raised. We are a very
republican family; I was raised right, compared to all the people that put their trust in Obama,
who is abating our country into a week defenseless nation, which soon will also accept
homosexuals in a unholy matrimony. We were directed to analyze two essays dealing with this
problem. The first article was “What’s Wrong with Gay Marriage” written by Katha Pollut. Even
though she is wrong she states an interesting point through her writing. The first argument over
this point would be procreation with the homosexuals. This is examined through the argument
that same sex marriage should not take effect, due to the fact that they can’t procreate. She
represents this argument thoroughly with the example of “the law remits marriage to the infertile,
the elderly, the impotent and those with which have no wish to procreate”(Pollut, 571). This truly
is a good argument that she uses through her writing, this argument actually made me ponder on
that idea as well. However, this argument was the only one that pulled weight in the writing, the
rest of the essay was hogwash. The next essay we were asked to analyze, still dealing with gay
marriage was “Gay “Marriage”: Societal Suicide” by Charles Colson. This work was more
reasonable while dealing with these debates. This was written by a Christian man who worked
thirty years in a prison ministry program. Through working this long in a ministry system you
could decipher how the people ended up in prison in the first place. The common link Colson
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pulled out of his experience was that most the people who ended up in prison due to the fact that
they came from broken homes. Eventually he sprouts off statistics over what group of kids gets
into more trouble, the kids from an intact home versus kids from a broken home. This wasn’t
very wise of him to integrate this into his work, due to the fact that it makes him in to a fool, over
the fact that he didn’t actually get those statistics from a poll taking but based off his own ideas.
However, the argument is still exceptional, while the truth was told. The fact that more kids that
grow up with a broken home end up in prison is true. The same being said with a kid that grows
up with a same sex family. Essentially they are the same, a broken family. Both authors, did a
phenomenal job with showing their side of the argument. Though I believe Pollut stated her case
more clearly. The reason for this is because Colson made up a statistic in his work, which made
the whole argument invalid.
This to me is creative writing because this shows how I truly feel about hot topic.
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